What was the last game that made you cry?

What was the last game that made you cry?

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Men don't cry unless they're transexual

youtube reaction videos aren't vidya

metal gear solid 4

If you're male and crying you should go to a doctor and check your test levels



His name was Ardbert... And he was my friend

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Twd season 4

The last time I cried over a video game was probably when I was about 5 years old.
Good anime can make me cry but not vidya.

>why does society not care about men's problems
>haha if you express emotions you're a fag

How do incels live with the cognitive dissonance?

I unironically cried at the end of TWD season 1, The weird part is I've watched tons of great movies and I've never cried to those, almost during boromir's death once.

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Metro Exodus ending was pretty sad.

mother 3

>he didnt tear up when he saw his dad cry when his mom died
end your self

>crying is the only way to express emotion
söy overload

>I unironically cried at the end of TWD season 1
Same. I couldn't force myself to get through the other seasons after that.

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Imagine crying over fictional characters.

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Metro Last Light

gmod. some guy trapped me and kept saying hello.

Quit playing on the last mission when they completely lost the orginal feeling and lore

Which ending?


I genuinely didn't cry when my mother died. It's not that I wasn't extremely upset, it's just that never manifested in tears. I never saw my father cry either but he may have in private.

At least I don't roleplay a sociopath on Yea Forums

Grown men who cry at video games are pussies

It was Daniel

I can't imagine myself crying at all. I'm a bonafide sociopath. I opened up my dog Max when I was twelve to see what his organs looked like because my father refused to buy me an encyclopedia set. I was eventually kicked out of my home at twenty seven years old when I refused to attend my mother's funeral over a scheduled haircut appointment I had made previously. To be fair the appointment was made before she died.

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The final mission was the best part of the game, it was closer to the original games than the rest of it

But what if your pet died, user?

Three houses unironically almost made me shed a tear when i married my gurl because it reminded me that im a gross mollusk that'll die alone unwanted and unloved by everyone.

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What's it like being insectoids?

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Low IQ. Smart sociopaths know they have to fake it up for the normies

Please tell me you're just baiting

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i was 6 when i played the opening of kingdom hearts II, i had a fucking surge of sadness and rage and almost made me tear up. almost

The stupid paranormal teasing pissed me off big time (haha it's not real lol just more giant mole rats lol) then it started bugging out really bad and I turned it off.

gears 3 when dom died

Fucking this, I remembering when hearing my mother died I just laughed.

Sexual degenerates are fascinating but unsightly. I'd never associate myself with them personally.

Edgy implies I'm trying to be dark, I'm just recounting events that would have affected normal people. I can understand that I'm not like other people and I'm fine with that.

I got that feel from VA11 Hall-A. No specific scene, just that Jill appeals to me so fucking hard but then when it gets to that point it reminds me I'm alone.

This. It is only acceptable for a man to cry if his father passed away, or if his dog died.

I never said I was intelligent. Was it the encyclopedia thing that triggered you? I forget that most people tend to pick apart everything and try to find things to upset themselves with.

You're the one that seems upset, I don't even believe you

So alpha


SHB was full of moments that had me on the verge, but it wasnt until Tis good to be awake that I shed some tears

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I don't see a reason to convince you otherwise. Enjoy your life.

Thanks, you too

kiss already faggots lol

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You should be put down T4 euthanasia style, you're a fucking menace and will more than likely harm another human being before your wretched life expires.

Halo Reach, I have a real soft spot for stories in which the protagonist sacrifices himself.

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>I forget that most people tend to pick apart everything and try to find things to upset themselves with.
It's funny the way sociopaths always think they've got everyone figured out. As if they are above everyone else and look down in judgement. They're always armchair psychologists but because their mind doesn't work right and it distorts their perceptions they are almost always wrong about people and yet utterly incapable of understanding why.


I already stated that I'm not a sexual deviant.

I haven't threatened anyone. You sound terribly violent.

I was 17

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I dont see the point of acting like the tough guy. Esp on Yea Forums. Its not like ur going to be drowning in pussy cuz of ur actions. But okay. You be you, patrick bateman

>or if his dog died.
Only numales care about mutts this much.

You torture animals and lack empathy, again, you're a menace, and are basically not even human. You should be launched into the sun.

Not him, but if you feel no remorse over torturing your family dog to death for shits and giggles, who's to say killing a human is beneath you

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Cried at the end of Asura's Wrath. Haven't cried for a game since.

This. Every single mental case I've had to hold down while the medical staff dosed them seemed to be on another planet even when they were lucid. Like the entire world was wrong and they were right regardless of whatever psychoshit they were shouting. God I miss working for the center, I loved putting wacko shitters in their place but I don't miss the bites and scratches though. All the goddamn paperwork too.

Wow someone else played mw4?

I haven't seen that game in a decade

Women are repulsive and I wouldn't say I'm tough exactly. It was heavily implied that much of that films events occured in Patrick Bateman's head. I'm not delusional or a danger to anyone.

How quickly did you lose sympathy for these parasites once you began working around them?

Did you at least eat the dog? Not much of a point cutting it up if you're not gonna eat it, user. Too wasteful.

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>I'm not delusional or a danger to anyone.
And I'm the fucking Queen of England

cool story bro
what a Chadley
so strong
so mature

spiderman ps4

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Taiwanese point and click horror game. Has a very harrowing and gnarly story. Has very heartbreaking moments

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Majority of games have subpar stories. I’ve never come close to crying playing a game

Like six days. Some of the medical staff seemed sympathetic but just about 9/10 of the orderly staff hated their stinking crazy guts.

>omg how dare you harm a poor puppy you're sick in the head!!

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>jiggy flies by
Is it Dixie Kong?
>duck hunt fakeout
>banjo-kazooie are raring to go
>1 week later...
>kills self before they release
>that much hype and you decide you'd rather become an hero than wait

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video games have not made me cry since I was in first grade and I cried from scraping my knees when I fell over

I can only hope some banjo faggot took his life imagining that Steve winning was a possibility.

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Truly, makes you wonder why we even bother, huh?

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no vidya is so well written as to invoke crying, aside from planescape which did elicit some emotion from me but certainly not tears.

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I'll never understand why guys think the only "acceptable" emotions are anger, hatred, and arrogance.

Toxic masculinity. It's literally killing men.

The only acceptable emotion is very mild/no emotion.

Because for every violent, arrogant man that wields his power with an unjust, heavy hand, there are women that will enable and support him, whole societies that will excuse such behavior because of wealth, influence, good looks, charm, etc. It takes all of us to create the calamity that is human existence.

they're just fags projecting how masculine and stoic they wish they were on an anonymous imageboard.

>torturing animals for no reason is ok and anyone who disagrees is a sóyboy
Isn't it prayer time, Ahmed?

Brothers, A Tale of Two Sons did its job well. Kind of conflicted though, to think that a son should sacrifice his life to save his father, a father that would, without hesitation, have sacrificed his own life to save his son. What's it all for? WHY DO WE SUFFER!?

Every emotion except hysteria, i.e. the woman's emotion, is acceptable. Crying is being hysterical.


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>Isn't it prayer time, Ahmed?

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Fire Emblem Three Houses
On the Blue Lions route and meeting with Dimitri after the time skip and seeing how far gone he's become and how numb he became really drove me to tears for some reason

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I'm sorry you're all unfullfilled alcoholic parasites and all you can do is cry about it, but... gatekeeping because of emotions?
Are you retarded as well?

Imagine crying at all.
After puberty is over you literally can suppress all tears and scream instead or whatever if you're not a huge baby.

It's amazing how every post like this is so worthless, you can tell it's made by a teenager.

That's their fault for not considering your personal life

I've cried with movies, but not with games.

What is a game that will make ke cry?

the witcher when geralt firsts finds ciri. im glad she isnt dead but i felt gutshot when you see her dead eyes.


Go play Kenzan you faggots.

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i cried during MGS5, because i knew it was the last MGS and it was nothing like the games before.

Uh oh, watch out, Internet tough guy coming through

I cried like this when I found out my uncle had a brain tumor and I stopped at a gas station and bought cigarettes because I was too emotional to drive

How boring does your life have to be for a fucking movie trailer to make you cry like this

Stop shitting on other peoples' emotions. Let him have those tears, stop judging

Yeah I felt like I was being judged hard by the cashier because my face was wet and my nose was probably running too

unironically Tetris Effect

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Why does other people having emotions anger you so much?
Do you want a cookie?

It angers me because y'all won't stop posting PICTURES OF THIS VIDEO you're EMBARRASSING HIM AND YOU'RE EMBARRASSING ME TOO

You need to get in touch with your emotions and start practicing now before it's really too late for you

I'm in my mid twenties.
Rime is the only game that's ever made me cry. Never cried at a game before or since. I don't think I even got close. Not sure if Rime was just that emotional or it was just that I was in a bad place when I played it. Ending hit me like a ton of bricks. 0 to tears almost immediately.

I guess Jesus was a trany

Yeah I will never understand him. Its not like he didn't know the movie was being made or which characters are in it. The last one was pretty recent too. I wonder what other seemingly mundane situations make him lose it?

>can't feel anything towards others
>can't get attached to a character beyond "oh that's nice" and "oh, that's sad"
>feel like a soulless piece of shit whenever someone tries to express their feelings, more so when they are looking for a pity comfort
>don't feel a thing when member of a family died
>best friend from the army killed himself, felt nothing
>just emulate what I think is needed during social interactions
>only feel emotions when my past is in the question, but not my future or present
>any psychologist that I've been to just tells me "dude, just be happy lol, yer fine lmao", on my question "what is wrong with me?" the answer goes "what do YOU think? well, since you know yourself so well, maybe you know how to fix it"
I fucking wish I could find some media that would make me so sad/happy that I'd cry, I haven't cried since I was 4 and I remember doing so for the attention.

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Emotions are for attention seeking social pack animals or those who are incapable of communicating their discomfort, i.e. women and children. There isn't a single reason why you should openly cry or fly into a rage when you could just sit down and reflect on whatever is making you feel that way, or just deal with it directly.

Based psychoposter

The Beginner's Guide

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t. Incel with a Twitter avatar of Gosling in BR2049

>I have watched american psycho the post

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soibois physically disgust me

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Idk if I'm super wierd but sad stuff doesn't really get me, the only thing that brings a tear to my eye is anything that has to do with friendship between two men. Something about an unbreakable bond between to bros being tested gets me. I think I just need a friend

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At least the coming climate apocalypse will give this disgusting species the long, torturous extinction it deserves. The only drawbacks are that it doesn’t prevent another sapient species from forming, and that it doesn’t kill that evil fuck God.

>or a danger to anyone.
>I'm a bonafide sociopath. I opened up my dog Max when I was twelve to see what his organs looked like


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Based. Blue Lions was Kino as fuck.

kys lol

But user, you are one

t. incel
Have sex loser

That song at the end or Delta Rune

>That moment when Bernie came out of her room to give her condolences about my father's death
>She wasn't even in my house, but she still came out to give her well wishes

And then Edelgard set her on fire to create a distraction. Fuck Edelgard

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ITT: internet toughguys
you guys are so cool, we all wish we were as mighty as thee

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First and last to make me cry: To the Moon.

Crying is perfectly fine, as long as its not done out in the open.
Its fine if you have to cry in private, maybe with your significant other around, but other than that its not ok.

Well yeah, why do you think a lot of people do the "I need to step out for a moment" gesture.

I do it because they seem more human than real people I find. Stupid as it is.

People think the generic Hollywood movie style masculinity is what real masculinity is.

>emotions are just chemicals in your brain bro
I can smell the euphoria coming off of this post.

>I was eventually kicked out of my home at twenty seven years old
The only thing that actually happened

Cope harder

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Back in my day, we didn't overuse that word in arguments.

>t. chink

I cried two times in my life, once due to an ear infection when i was a kid, and once when my mother died.

You're absolutely right. But zoomers were taught crying is ok so they'll disagree.

There's something deeply wicked about "significant other".
Let's see.
>Harry Stack Sullivan
Yep, kike.

>Toxic masculinity. It's literally killing men.
I'll continue practicing 'toxic masculinity'and you continue dilating, and we'll see who dies first.

We don't. We just don't show weak emotions, as they obviously signal to others that you're weak and vulnerable, which society deems unacceptable for men, regardless of what feminists and basedboys are preaching. Once men do show those emotions, they are ridiculed for them.

Can't wait to replay it on the Genesis-Mini.

>"a smile better suits a hero"
I don't know why it got me so hard but it did. Everyone's reactions afterwards probably.

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>you did good son, you did good; I'm proud of you.

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t. psychopath

The Last Guardian is the only game that's made me cry

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I don't think I've really cried at a video game. Maybe when Zelda is real pathetic in BotW, although I think the end would have been much more touching and sad if Zelda was a 100 year old granny once she was finally rescued.

>emotions and empathy good
>mental illness bad
empathy is a Jewish construct

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It's been a while, so I don't quite remember the last one, but Nier Automata definitely had an impact. That final credit scroll is something special, but I also felt like how it wouldn't have worked out of context. It was because of the hardships you had endured that it worked. That is classic storytelling as it should be.

I've been reading Komi-san recently and every other chapter is making me cry, but not as much as I'm crying over that fucking copyright notice on your picture. Cut that shit out!

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