>character is heavily influenced by random starting stats
Do you like this or should you always be able to grind it out?
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Vidya should reflect life so people dont get wrong expectations. I wasted a decade gymcoping until I realized no woman would love me because I'm 5'6" and bald
> He dumbed down his SAN stat.
Depends on the game. If I want to heavy rp, yes. If I want to become op as hell, let me grind to get that.
Eww one on the left looks creepy
Just find a short girl that’s what all the shirt guys I know did
>The Chad looks creepy not the goblin to his right.
Wear boots to get some extra height.
Ditch the sneakers.
me on the right
The one on the right actually has better muscle mass compared to the left mate
can anyone explain to me why there's this push to meme us into feeling doomed by our genetics
He'd look a ton better if he just got a decent haircut
Short and ugly men should just kill themselves.
Because the truth is that women really only like Chad
Short girls will still trade up for taller men
That's just another cope, which sucks because I think boots are comfy but e everyone judges you for the extra inch rather than practicality
Cause it's true.
>Newborn infants prefer attractive faces
>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces
>Your face heavily affects your entire life
>Love at first sight is real
>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality
>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide
>Height is extremely important
>Halo effect
>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)
>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men
>Women care about face much more than body
>when surveys are done. Men place attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.
Social media makes eugenics incredibly easy. Before, women had to settle on their looks match, but now they can take a string of Chads with ease.
I hope they're fucking, manlets exist to be used by superior Men.
No idea, it's not worth getting mad over. I'm bum ugly btw.
It's not a meme.
We had enough observation time of modern society to know for certain that hard work means shit and you need to get lucky to get ahead.
Why dont manlets kill themselves more often? I dont get why you'd want to exist in a world that hates you and takes pleasure in your misfortune. Death is a much better alternative to suffering.
All women are whores.
>Thought for years that I'd mastered social interactions despite being a prime autist
>Never had problems getting women
>Turns out I'm just good looking and well built, if I looked worse I'd be found out for the autist I am
It's a complicated feel
Or just go gay.
It's no meme user, it's natural selection amplified to the nth degree by social media.
>all those instant replies missing the point that even if genetics exist there's no need to feel doomed over them
Reminder for each one of you, the market plays in my favor a bit more.
I've seem some 10/10 looking girls with some average ass or busted dudes.
Its all about being yourself (assuming you're not some idiot degenerate) and being confident. Good hygiene and health doesn't hurt either. I didn't start going to the gym until after I got my asian gf. And now that I'm making progress, she likes me even more. So just be confident and put yourself out there.
just like white genocide is natural selection
Absolutely MOGGED. You just know his girlfriend dumped him on the spot.
did you make that copypasta?
>tfw I've made a sport of joining video game/anime groups just to brutally mog all the fat arbiters there and fuck whatever sweaty NEET princess they're worshipping
God I love it
>asian gf
You're coping for your small penis.
>I've seem some 10/10 looking girls with some average ass or busted dudes.
and you know they dont cheat on them? lmao retard
> Yea Forums is full of incels who've deepthroated the black pill
who knew
I'm not ruggarell.
Your unironically based. I hope you drop hints their oneitis is getting creamed by you or sending them pictures as the ultimate flex.
Cope, your life is dictated by a few millimeters of bone, if it wasnt, plastic surgeons would have no reason to exist. You can get a chadface for a few thousand, hope you're saving up
RPG's should start like Dark Souls when it comes to character creation. There are various pre-made starting classes with appropriate stats, or the deprived/waste of skin build with 10 in every stat. Then the stats should be auto-leveled by your playstyle. I.e. blocking and medium to heavy armor results in high endurance. Swinging large weapons and reloading crossbows builds strength. Pinpoint weapons and bows builds dex. etc.
If you are ugly as fuck you are pretty much starting out with negative stats across the board. Your only redeeming quality could be intelligence and using THAT to become rich.
manlet height (5’8”) is literally the average height in most places. Cope, chad.
Somebody post the dick chart so this incel can just kill himself already.
I actually do know a bald manlet that got recently married. So it is possible. His wife is no stacy but neither a goblina and the same height as he is.
A world in which power is merely given, not earned - would you accept knees bent to a throne built upon such falsities?
A universe where the sinless have-nots are oppressed and downtrodden - would you allow such a world to exist?
Never, I say. Never.
Those in possession of such knowledge who can still laugh joyfully, oblivious of what it means to be truly alive, are but slaves, the lowest of the low, hardly deserving to be called human beings.
Nothing dampens the spirit like the stale wine of an unearned victory.
Nothing is more unbearable than bitter defeat against the chains of destiny.
Its average because of mutt or chink genes, retard.
that's a retarded response; plastic surgeons exist because people have money to spend on dumb shit or it's necessary cause your face is fucked up in a large deviant way.
that's like asking why payday loans exist. same reason, people are dumb.
Epic fantasy "bro"
Please come up with more
I already have about 20 thousand freedom bucks saved in the bank specifically for plastic surgery and a hair transplant. I just need to figure out whether I should go to Turkey or South Korea.
because some cum guzzling brains honestly believe that the sum of your life should be sexual realization, as in they literally can't find any other meaning or objective in life that isn't reproduction/sex/dating, millions of years of evolution breaking one paradigm after another and taming our very natures just to for some to let nature control them still
One of the most brutal moggings ever recorded. Shit like this should be forbidden by law, Jesus Christ
Thr worst part about inequality is that nobody cares.
short girls are the biggest height queens
Shes cheating on him so who cares LMAO, manlets never have stable relationships because every chad can simply say hi and steal their girl on the spot. It's why they're so mad and frequent school shooters. All males who fail to reach a height of 6'0" by the age of 18 need to be executed