Game has no invert axis

>game has no invert axis

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I've dropped games just for that.

I'll be sure to add it in "Disability" menu of my game

so I assume you invert your x axis as well based on that logic

ive never ran into that problem. what games are you guys talking about. invert axis chads unite

That was legit the only way I could play console FPS back in the day and I have no clue why, I tried a while ago trying to play timesplitters and it felt so clunky and strange playing with a game pad after using keyboard mouse for 10 years.
I think playing red faction 1 is what set me to play with controls like that.

I invert both

Early Xbox days fucked me up and I will forever be the weird guy that inverts his stick

>halo 1
>9 years old
>was just left on invert by default
>beat the whole game with it like that
>beat halo 2 with invert
>beat halo 3 with invert

now its stuck with me forever

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whoever came up with inverted controls should be shot dead. every game should just be normal. fuck having to relearn and adjust.

played mechwarrior and apache havoc with a stick before i played console fps games, so inverted stick was far more natural

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inverted stick users are subhumans



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stick users are subhuman

Fuck off Examined Life, no one has this opinion except you

Mortal Kombat 11 Krypt does not allow inversion.

I'm beyond fucked up with inversions.
>never invert X in any circumstance
>third person camera, always invert Y
>first person camera, always normal Y
>aiming with a crosshair always normal Y whether first person or not
Very few games separate camera control and weapon aiming control.

shooters are made for pointing devices i.e. a mouse

why do people insist on using controllers? controllers were built for bing bing wahoo kids platformers, not for aiming

why is he putting his hand in the tv

>any game that isn't a shooter is for kids and i'm too insecure to enjoy video games
what a sad life you must have


Look down > Push Stick DOWN
Look up > Push stick UP


>RDR2 only allowed one axis (x, I think. I forget) to be inverted
I'm still mad. I invert both, so having only one choice was worse than having nothing. If you include one, why not both? Played through the whole game uncomfortably.

>all games are either kids or shooters

>play through the entirety of dmc1
>horrible shmup section
>inverted controls
I wanted to blow my brains out.
I had to fucking rebind the controls to be normal.
Fuck the Japanese.

It was Y, I remember because I always invert Y. I always invert Y because when I was a tiny boy I saw a documentary on piloting planes and I thought pulling back on the thingy to make the plane go up was the dopest shit in the world, so I started doing it and it just cemented in my brain.

>fps on consoles

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inverted axis setting is better be named "becoming a disabled", would be actually true.

ok buddy

The future is now.

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>fps on a console with autoaim

can consolekiddies fock off?

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Damn you burned him alright

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I only invert when it comes to 3d movement like flying or in water

>shooters are made for pointing devices i.e. a mouse
Shooters were made before mouse you asshole.

Based on that pic, x wouldn't be inverted. If you push your head to the left, you turn left.

In FPS games you move your head which lets you look up, down etc, not just your arm/gun.

invert axis people are so strange to me

how in the fuck is it more comfortable to think backwards I don't fucking understand

now do left and right

Holy shit are you actually retarded?

What kind of autism makes people have to play inverted?

Because you don't think "backwards", you literally picture the thing in OP's pic. So pushing up really feels like im imagining my head because pushed against from behind so it is forced to look down and pushing down feels like pulling from behind. It's not a two-process where I first imagine up = up being correct and have to think the reverse is what I want to do.

That said, either way can probably be re-learned in a couple of hours.

sinking hundreds of hours into X-Wing vs TIE Fighter as a wee cunt

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You should only use an inverted Y axis in games with flying. Also,
>fps on a console


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I can play inverted and uninverted just fine, why do people fight over this shit?

It does make sense for air- and spacecraft, the horizontal axis being roll but it really doesn't for a character with the horizontal axis being yaw.

>normal controls on foot
>invert Y when flying
This is the best layout

a fucktonne of f22 raptor and super strike eagle


kid shooters

>Game inverts controls
>Doesn't give you an option to make it normal
This seems to happen a lot with Japanese games.

It doesn't make sense because FPS games should be played with a mouse and only faggots play them on console.

Imagine being this much of a degenerate

inverted is the common way

>he thinks it's just fps