Are they the good guys?

Are they the good guys?

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They've declined since the Wii. The Switch era has been flagrantly anti-consumer for the sake of profit.

There are no good guys.


Nintendo is Chaotic Good.

Until Iwata's death at least.

Yeah, but they're went nosedive after Iwata's death. It's over for videogames, for real this time. Also this

lawful evil

Stubborn and very conservative, but still not fully sold to the jewry.
Extremely retarded legal department constantly taking dumb decisions (copyright strikes to youtube videos for example, instead of accepting such things as free marketing to their products).

I suppose they're better than most, but liable to very dumb decisions


Kek fuck off you dumb child. If Nintendo gave blowjob vouchers away with every Switch you'd find something else to complaim about.

There are faggots who go around making false copyright claims to earn money. There's no way to prove if the copyright strikes are legit or not.


>Yamauchi era
Chaotic Evil
>Iwata era
Neutral Good
Lawful Evil

used to make some good games but over the years have just gotten more and more pathetically casual to a point where it's insultingly easy since they're basically the equivalent of glorified Leapfrog games now. their entire business model is literally just finding new ways to re-sell people the shit they've already made in the past over and over again on different platforms instead of actually making good content. they actively go out of their way to sue or threaten legal action against ROM sites solely for the reason they want the money themselves through the e-shop or to take down people sharing their music. They actively push the barrier and boundaries of just how fucking atrocious their games can be before the fans stop buying it- they have been able to get away with deplorable lazy garbage for years now but the brainless retards eating it up only defend them further. it's infuriating and pathetic and it makes me upset knowing that these people exist and that we have to share this board.

maybe,Because its Belong only to jap
and weebs.

are you literally retarded
we got nintendo's first and only region-locked handheld under iwata
we got nintendo's first region-free home console years after iwata's death
the switch is the most pro-consumer product they've released EVER

yes faceless multi-billion dollar corporation!! yes yes yes!!

>we got nintendo's first region-free home console years after iwata's death
Wrong. Switch was already done while Iwata was still around.

>paid online
>yet no proper communications platform
>no VC
>switch library is still suck in the NES era even though nintendo shut down all those emulator websites (not allowing you to play certain games in any way is very anti consumer)
>servers are peer to peer
>no way to back up saves for free, need to use nintendo's cloud and god knows how long they're going to keep it afloat considering their track record of shutting down services
>e-shop still doesn't have proper sales
>new model downgrades performance for an extra 30 minutes of battery life
>pro controllers (aka the only way to properly play games) are getting more and more expensive with each console, even though they should've been sold with the console in the first place

>paid online
They had not-paid online and people did nothing but complain about server ping. Now they have cheap online to pay for better servers and people do nothing but complain about lack of features.

No. They do some good decisions, some bad decisions

All companies are pure evil. It's the capalist curse.

Shit like this makes look Sony not as bad; and Sony has commited sudoku against videogames

>Implying because it's behind a paywall they're going to improve their onlice service

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Are you?

Why does it matter?

They have plenty of fucking problems, but they're the closest example in the industry, yeah


>you cant like the products a company releases
Okay commie

If you're not a friendless neet then yes. If you are there's nothing wrong with that but PC is probably better for you

If I was a mod I'll ban all nintendo discussion and I wouldn't even allow them to have a boars on Yea Forums. R*ddit scum


>eshop doesn't have proper sales
There are sales literally every day

They're on their way to transforming into ANOTHER Disney Corporation. That is NOT a compliment. Seeing that Nintendo Theme Park does not fill me with joy. Neither does their Family Friendly obsession image.

>family friendly image
I think you should worry more about Sony in that case, they already are a worse cancer than Disney in the movie industry, and it seems they will expand the cancerous parts into gaming aswell with their cuckifornia politics.

It's for this reason that I'm simply skipping Next-Gen. Sony is bound to sabotage the PS5 with their Commiefornia Censorship Political Correctness BS and I don't care about a weak console like the Switch. Ugh next-gen sounds like a huge disappointment. And Xbox? They got nothing.

So sad, but yeah Nintendo isn't really delivering anything. They're just making more and more problems for their customer like with the awful online. Also a separate complaint? How they handle their properties. They give them to people who are a gamble whether or not they do a good job handling their properties, most notably Star Fox because at the end of the day the only series Nintendo gives a damn about are Mario, Zelda, and most recently until the novelty dies down? Splatoon.

By proper sales he means he wants Breath of the Wild to drop its price to $5

The best I've seen is like 50% sales on first party titles, but no platform can rival Steam and GOG when it comes to sale percentages.

>Be Nintendo
>Have literal GOTYs on your catalog that are still bought at full price and are among the top sellers of your system every month even when they're already 2 years old
>Nah, we'll drop the price a 75% just because we feel it, we don't like money

what is nintendo doing at the moment? are they holding stuff back or are they just jerking each other off in the office?

>still releasing 2 (Two) pokemon games with only 5 or 6 differences at Full price despite online capabilities being a thing

Literally just EA Japan

publisher =/= developer

except cdpr

What the fuck is this revisionism? Nintendo with censorship and region locking are the good guys but Nintendo without it isn't?

I like Pokemon well enough but don't get hyped for the new games anymore. Played Sun and had some fun, but last time I was actively looking forward to a game was the first DS one, I think. I've always wondered why on earth they still do virtually identical two games released at the same time with minor differences. The number of people that buy both CAN'T be more than, what, 0.5% of sales for any given game, right?


They're a company looking to make profit.
Their main draw is their software which they make for their consoles.
There isn't an excuse for their paid online though. It's not a large sum, but it's not worth that sum either.

What I'm about to say applies to Sony and Microsoft as well. When they're on top for too long, they're the bad guys because they know they can get away with it. When they're the underdog, they're the good guys because they need to win back consumer confidence and good will.

I have no idea what you mean by this

Neither EA or Nintendo are solely a publisher or developer, but both do both.

Or do you mean its not nintendos fault when their 1st party studio Game Freak that they fully fund releases 90% of a game on 2 separate discs just for the sake of gauging a little more money on "muh nostalgia" feelings

So just buy one and trade for what you need, faggot. That's literally what you're supposed to do.

You don't even have the "people don't have friends outside of Japan" excuse anymore now that online is indeed a thing.

Making dumb decision as usual.

>>servers are peer to peer
>implying this is a bad thing
"servers' are only useful for shitty team games like fortnite or League of Legends. p2p is ideal for any game actually worth playing.

No because they've done nothing for PC gaming. Sony has through PS Now streaming, and Microsoft has by bringing all Xbox exclusives to Windows. Nintendo has done jack.


Hell Yes They Are. They Support Trans Rights.

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selling overpriced and low quality hardware, software and peripherals. Dont think they are good in any way. BING BING WAHOO!!!!!


They are one of the very few video game companies worth supporting.

they also support free healthcare

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thanks doc

>>paid online
20$ compared to 60$, but without some shit I don't need? Better of the two evils.
>>yet no proper communications platform
Who would even use that?
>>no VC
Like what Wii did? You have NES, you'll probably get some of other titles in the future, and either way very few people give a shit
>>switch library is still suck in the NES era even though nintendo shut down all those emulator websites (not allowing you to play certain games in any way is very anti consumer)
Yeah, weird how you're mad only about Nintendo doing that, as if only Nintendo made games people want to pirate
>>servers are peer to peer
Jesus fucking shit, suck a cock, you have no idea how P2P works and why it's better in most cases, you just parrot shit Yea Forums told you
>>no way to back up saves for free, need to use nintendo's cloud and god knows how long they're going to keep it afloat considering their track record of shutting down services
I agree with this, the way their cloud saves work is really weird
>>e-shop still doesn't have proper sales
But it does, it has a shit ton of sales all the time, first or third party, on top of vouchers and other stuff
>>new model downgrades performance for an extra 30 minutes of battery life
New model didn't downgrade anything for close to twice the battery life, you absolute idiot
>>pro controllers (aka the only way to properly play games) are getting more and more expensive with each console, even though they should've been sold with the console in the first place
Why should they be sold with the console? You have a controller build in for portability and TV play, stop bitching like what they gave us wasn't amazing, no other system gives you the ability to play in so many ways

>lobbied the Japanese government to make renting software illegal
>lobbied the Japanese government to make console modifications illegal
>threw Sega under the bus when the whole Night trap fiasco was happening in the 90's
>sell roms originally ripped by pirates for a premium
>refuse to localize Mother 3 despite lucas being in smash
>get pissy about people uploading their soundtracks to Youtube despite having plagiarized a large amount of musical material themselves. See:
If you think any of the major gaming companies are "the good guys" it's already too late for you

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They're not necessarily bad, there are a lot worse companies out there. I agree that they're quality has declined since the wii, but I'd never consider them below good in standards.

metokur Nintendo coverage starting soon

>threw SEGA under the bus (lol)
>localizing mother 3 meme
Jesus christ

They are company, so no.

Bend over a bit more and you might touch your toes before you get your ass fucked.


Better than any other gaming company.

Fuck no

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stay strong trains is hard job

Western developers - Chaotic Evil
Eastern developers - Lawful Good

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