what are some cool places i can visit and walk through.

can be creepy/interesting/scary (bad neighborhoods), etc

Attached: google vr.jpg (1378x776, 223K)

did you know you can walk outside of your house and see this in 32k high definition xP

Only if you can go underwater, go visit the deep sea.

Attached: sea.jpg (1920x1080, 257K)

>footage from satellite imagery and street view cars
>deep sea


Not many people are as privileged as you, Jake.

not with this astigmatism.
check your prive-lage

27° 14 49 N, 140° 52 28 E
Go through the timeline and you can see the island increasing in size

Look around for women to jack off to.

>Playing the game where you start at a completely random location and need to progress around purely with street view until you figure out where you are
>But in VR
Holy shit, this could be lit. I haven't played that game in like 6 years either, I bet the street coverage and map detail is way better now.

This seems best.

Attached: spit on him.jpg (259x194, 9K)

>you were born too late for exploring the world
>you were born too early for exploring space
>you were born just in time for deep sea exploration!
Why aren't you waking the hidden monsters of the deep RIGHT NOW?

There's still a shitton of unexplored places in the world. Go to Alaska or Siberia, literally entire countries worth of uninhabited land crawling with wildlife and undiscovered caves/evil government bunkers.

Singapore is pretty cool, lot of photos from the markets and side streets

Yeah but if you stumble upon the evil government bunkers you get disappeared.

>Only around 15% of the ocean has been mapped
>Google Sea
Fuck off retard

Wait so how does this work? Isn't it just regular Street view but with VR? Isn't that extremely clunky because there is only one picture every 5 meters or so?

Nah you can fly around (as well as being in street view)

Maybe if you live across the street from the Empire State Building or the capitol building or some other famous monument in a large city. The Google Streets photos for my neighborhood look like they're fucking 240p.

He's talking about literally going outside you dumpass

Sure, I can, in the same way I can go drive my car instead of playing Forza. Except my car's a mediocre hatchback and I can drive it around normal city streets, while in Forza I'll be blasting in a Lambo down a beautiful Australian coast.

Go to area 51 and gather Intel for the raid.

did you know you can suck my dick in 32k high definition xP

Except you wont actually be doing shit in Forza, you'll be twitching your thumbs on a controller
With your car you'll actually be driving

No, I'll be spinning a wheel, pressing pedals, and shifting a gearstick, same as I'd be doing while driving my real car.

Deep sea threads are made by vorefags