On sale for $5.
Is it still alive online? I don't care about single player
On sale for $5.
Is it still alive online? I don't care about single player
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>zero responses
I guess you have your answer
Depends on platform. I hear PS4 people complain. No issues on xbone for me, can always get a game.
alive on ps4
Just finished a match
Currently 1500 players on PC
When not on sale usually numbers stay a 600~800
I can find games on PC as well.
the SP is quite good desu.
Do care about the story though. It feels less cawadooty and more like a classic shooter with how fast you can run through levels.
On PC you can play Attrition every moment of the day but the other modes are pretty much dead. Not that I mind since Attrition is the best mode but some might disagree.
Thanks but no thanks. I'm multiplayer kinda guy. Always skip single player in multiplayer games.
Your loss man, the level design is fucking godlike on this one, not CoD or Battlefield tier shit.
Bounty Hunt and PvP are still pretty much alive, I even find LTS and Titan Brawl frequently. Live Fire and Amped Hardpoint are straight up dead though.
Do I need to play the SP or can I just jump into MP?
Single player literally is the tutorial for the game.
you'll eat shit if you go into mp head first
I queue for a lot, although not PvP, of stuff but I can't remember the last time something that wasn't attrition procced. BH was the last to go but it's been a while for it too. EU by the way, but I haven't played that much this year and I've heard Apex revitalised it for a while.
One should play the campaign because it's fun and cute not because it will make you good at the real game because it really won't. You don't learn anything about shooting players or how to effectively duel the various titans. It might introduce a few concepts but it's still too different.
And a fuckin great like 5 hours of content to boot. That's like saying you don't care about Doom 2016's single-player, just the multiplayer albeit the Titanfall 2 multiplayer is great too
it gives you a sense of how guns feel, how movement works, how game mechanics work. the campaign is fun but it's practically a tutorial.
It's literally not that at all. Doom 2016 is a single player mode with a tacked on MP mode while Tf2 is a multplayer game with a tacked on SP mode. Even if the latter's appendage is surprisingly good and might even be worth it now that the game is cheap, it's still the sideshow.
You're comparing a primary single player game to a primary multiplayer game.
where is the ps4 lobby
I'm playing right now
Even outside of sales it can reach 2000 during prime euro hours.
>barely 2000
That's not a good sign anons.
are you retarded
It's been stable for years if not actually growing so it seems pretty healthy actually.
The single-player campaign is worth $5
>Installing Origin on your computer
What the fuck are you doing
Titanfall 2's worth it honestly. Origin is basically a dedicated launcher for it on my PC.
>when the cringy gamer activists arrive
Thanks for the thread gang. Hope to see you in Angel City.
Anyone want to add me so we can play some matches and hopefully get a Yea Forums lobby going?
what platform
>no response
If you're on pc, sure
>Is it still alive online?
Can only speak for PC, but yes. The player count listed in-game is surprisingly low generally, about 1000, yet I find games with great connections almost always within 2 minutes. No idea how, but that's just the facts. Sometimes I'll queue up matchmaking and step away to use the restroom or get something to drink and have to rush back because it got one in 30 seconds or so.
>I don't care about single player
You should for this one. It's short, excellent, wastes zero of your time, and is a great tutorial for all of the basic mechanics of MP except the grappling hook.
This. I love Attrition and would play it anyway even if the others were active. You can also get Frontier Defense (4-player Titan Co-Op Horde Mode) pretty easily.
You'd think so, yet somehow it works really well. It's been that way since I started in 2018 and yet never feels even slightly dead to me. I don't notice the same player names and feels exactly the same as if I was playing it at peak to me.
>Titanfall 2's worth it honestly
Even after the dev's behavior on Ribbit about Apex Legends?
No idea what you're talking about, honestly. I don't follow social media drama. Especially not on reddit of all places. But that has nothing to do with a game that came out years before whatever happened.
Is that $5 for the deluxe version with all the expansion DLC and full content? Or just the basic one?
There is no paid DLC outside some skins. Whatever version you buy will get you all actual gameplay content.
The basic edition is $5.00, the one with the DLC is $7.50. The paid DLC is all cosmetic and prestige stuff, so it's not essential to play the game.
All of Titanfall 2's non-cosmetic DLC has always been free whenever it comes out. $5 gets you all the campaign/maps/titans/pilots/weapons etc.
The DLC are just skins and I think a booster that lets you skip the MP leveling cycle so you have all of it unlocked instantly.
>No idea what you're talking about, honestly.
Enticing whales with $170 cosmetics and calling people who get upset about it "freeloaders."
The best part is none of the people involved are directly EA, it's the developers attacking their fanbase for getting rightfully upset at the company squeezing the worst aspects of modern gaming development into their game.
Oh my god can you, like, not? There's probably like fifty threads about this up and you have to bring it here too? Nobody who actually play video games cares about this forced (literal) reddit drama.
Okay. So even assuming everything you said is true, this is a reason not to play Titanfall 2 because...?
If Quentin Tarantino did something you found despicable, would you tell people not to watch Pulp Fiction?
Zoomer trash, gtfo ADHD retard.
>pay 5 smackaroos for an actually good game that still has a reasonably-sized active playerbase despite the devs abandoning the game due to being a financial failure and other projects.
>pay nothing to get harangued by the devs while playing an inferior version of the former option
Seems like a pretty clear-cut decision to me.
>and you have to bring it here too?
You're encouraging people to buy Titanfall 2 and thus contribute to one of the most disgusting companies in the industry. Respawn Entertainment should be ashamed of themselves and the sooner EA inevitably pulls their plug, the better.
>If Quentin Tarantino did something you found despicable, would you tell people not to watch Pulp Fiction?
I'd tell them they should watch Pulp Fiction on cable or, ideally, stream it online. If you like the product but hate the producer, then acquire the product in such a way that the producer doesn't see a penny. Paying for Titanfall 2 like it's going to make EA or Respawn think that IP is worth something is bonkers.
You people are like Jehovah's Witnesses except worse. If you need a cause to fight for the world is full of true injustices that could need the attention of brave activists. This isn't one.
does anyone want to fucking play on ps4
Despite the low player count, it's still alive online, but it was pretty ass last time I tried it. Contrary to popular belief, the online isn't really full of "master pilots w/ 5,000hrs on record" as the only people left. You might have couple of good players in each match and the rest are ground walkers. If you get good at slide hopping and general traversal, multiplayer now boils down to having to search every nook and cranny for kills as everyone else is hunkering down and trying to play it like CoD.
How do I get good at Legion? I feel like I never win matches where I don't use Tone but I don't want to be a single titan shitter.
on ps4 its ok but you can only play attrition (TDM)
Yea, campaign is fun.
Sure post your PSN.
its kinda amazing how tf2 looks 10 times better than apex, also mechas
>Tfw somehow lost my ps4 copy when my brother moved all my shit from our old place to me after bootcamp.
RIP. Was great fun. Hopefully Apex Legends being profitable will lead to a TF3.
Tone is the smg of titans. Remember that close range power shot can be used to completely flatten pilots (and other titans, obviously) and that 2 power shots is probably going to be your best kit option.
it may be best to sit at longer ranges in long range mode to snipe pilots and plink at other titans. Be careful trying to powershot ions as they can just throw it back at you. If you see them raise their shield as you charge it up just quickly look to your left or right and shoot it off somewhere else, it's better than just eating it.
>Doom 2016 is a single player mode with a tacked on MP mode while Tf2 is a multplayer game with a tacked on SP mode.
I wish people stopped making shitpostes like this. If a feature exists in a game, it is as valid as any other feature in that game. There is no such thing as a primarily single or multiplayer game if a game has both modes. Just because YOU play one more than the other doesn't mean other people don't play do it the other way around.
Besides, both Doom and Titanfall both have fantastic single player and multiplayer modes. Discouraging people from playing either is stupid.
As much as I love Titanfall 2 it's a fact that it simply isn't balanced how they left it. I'm no Legion pro but what I think people who shit on me with him do is to leverage the fact that you have so much HP. Don't be afraid of taking damage and trust that you with your shield and extra HP bar will prevail if you just keep calm and hit your shit. Titans are expendable after all.
get a copy off amazon or something for less than 10 dollars, also TF3 was already confirmed cancelled because they wanted to focus on apex more.
My ass, I need to make sure to set the game mode filter up right so that don't get put into those stupid Titan only modes.
I got into a full capture the flag game just now
The Titanfall devs left Respawn and are back at Activision, yes it is very ironic how that played out.
Ps4 version hovers around 2.5k on the weekdays. Takes around 1 or 2 minutes to que up a quick match for me. It's fairly active but everybodies good, titans get shredded and you can't go on long streaks like at launch and pubstomp.
No, that's just Jason West.
Man, I remember when multiplayer games had background music.
>still no one wanting to play
Nah man
Lot of the Senior or Lead staff are fucking off back to Infinity. Probably because Respawn made a deal with the devil itself.
buy it , do it
Shit and after even further search theres an update from Feburary that's showing even more senior staff are bugging out.
Wish i had a copy of it desu, i played it last year with the origin access one week keys they gave on twitter last year, it was really fun it kinda reminded me of a cod+arena shooter hybrid but in the good kind, the single player was also surprisingly well, i wish they would make titanfall 3 with source and not with UE4
No, he went to Epic.
That's not really the important people, the ones with vision and talent. Those are still at Respawn, the way they have perfected the battle Royale genre with the ping system and unique characters is proof of that. Infinity Ward isn't going to make any games of value ever again.
>ape sex
Holy shit
All monarch niggers must hang
i think it always hovers around 1000-1500 on pc, dunno about consoles but its usually got more than that
i stopped playing because it was filled with meta autists who would suck all the fun out of the game whenever they could plus its like 80 gigs or something absurd
you should still give the multiplayer a shot though
also you should absolutely try the pve frontier defense mode at least once, its fun, and most randoms arent 100% teribad from my experience
also give the singleplayer a go too, its not very long and well worth your time
>5 bucks is not that bad
>it's actually $3 on my end
That was a nice suprise, installed and playing it soon.
$3 how?
Not sure, but see for yourself, I wanted to gift it to a friend in the process but there was an error each time so that's the downside.
remember to hard carry every game
How are the numbers for this game in EU? If it actually has something I might get it.
Playercount is what I mean
>not on steam
yeah good bye to my money EA
Do reconsider.
Titanfall 2's campaign is one the few worth playing FPS campaigns I've played in recent years.
Post your preferred build for each titan.
What's faction mean? Is it just who you get grouped with? Same factions get matchmade together?
You can pick any faction you want, it has no bearing on actual gameplay. It's really just for the bit of flavour you get from your announcer and before you jump into battle. I think different factions have some cosmetic related stuff you can unlock too specific to each of them
Best boy = Scorch
Best girl = Northstar
I wish the the first game wasn't dead