What's her endgame?

What's her endgame?

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She sells hats

Crashing the unusual economy


jumping her mind to the loli

Is that a video game character?

Hollywood loves to portray the rich capitalist as villains when the RICH are the reason we have a functional society, the RICH are responsible you have a job, the RICH are responsible for your country being able to hand out NEET bucks, the RICH are responsible for private subsidiaries which work on the infrastructure of your city, the RICH are responsible for funding your medicine, for importing/exporting your food and clothes.

Think about that next time you filthy working class Marxist scrum you decide to pick on the rich just because they've achieved something you can't ever dream of doing.

Not finishing the comic.

Are we never getting the final chapter?



how old are you?

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You shouldn't be happy with scraps, user.

>they've achieved something you can't ever dream of doing
Looks like inheriting something is "achieveing".

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What video game(s) have they appeared in?

Is she the final boss of TF2?

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We'll never know


She's the final boss of MUH DICK

Actually neck yourself you fucking degenerate.

an hour wasn't enough time
she died and that was the last comic, they had the title drop and everything.

calm down there lefty, didn't mean to trigger you

>tfw this will actually never be finished
>tfw something made by ValvE was completely dropped right before the end

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Don't lewd daughterfu's.

never, the guy doing them for valve left

>>tfw something made by ValvE was completely dropped right before the end
Wow jeez, who would have thought...

I don't. Roll's my daughterfu, Olivia is cute and funny to me.

I'm happy for all they've given to us
I just wish they'd stop also giving it to niggers

>There are people that genuinely believe this

They really wrote themselves into a corner with this
I bet that's why the final issue will never exist

how long ago was the last comic again

hey look at this, it's my cock, dangling in front of your face. will you suck it? yes you will, you little fucking baby bitch. suck bountiful amounts of jizz from my cock while you poop your baby diaper, you moron

her end game is to use australium to grow a penis and violate saxton hale

and hat accessories

Beat the crap out of Olivia for hoarding the motherlode of Australium she used to make herself look like a kid when in fact she's the sole daughter and heir of Zepheniah Mann and is the mystery person in the ripped photograph easter egg

how does she expect to get anything done in an hour?

that reminds how kinda dull saxton's plotline was in these comics

>bought one crate during the unusual depression
>sold it today for 40 keys
>made $130 profit from spending $20 on one of the first cases
>set the description tag to say "press S to spit on tradefags"
feels fucking great man

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Being born into a wealthy family isn't an achievement. There are no self made millionaires or billionaires anymore all are rich from old momey. But keep sucking that corporate willy

Olivia quietly vanished from canon because the TF writing team realized you can't kill or injure a child character and remain sympathetic.

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She's probably going to turn out being an australiumed old lady, and the fight will involve taking it out of her system and her aging rapidly