play eve online please
Play eve online please
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No, I didn't like it.
Why? It's one of my favorite games. I've had so many interesting interactions with MANY interesting people.
It's not fun.
I don't like the combat.
I don't even know what the fuck I'm supposed to do.
i used to, loved it, made some good friends in it
but one day they all decided to split and go their separate ways.
been like 5 or 6 years since I played though so been thinking of trying again.
NPC Sov and wormholes had the best content by far, followed closely by FW/Lowsec. Sovnull is a fucking afk snoozefest where everyone is allied to everyone and people dock up when an enemy is detected 50 systems away.
It's a sandbox so you're not one for choosing your own career path then it isn't for you. First and foremost you join a community. There are plenty of corporations that understand how hard it is to attract new members so they WILL welcome you with open arms and help you.
When I first played in 2014 I got exactly that. A welcoming with open arms.
>people dock up when an enemy is detected 50 systems away.
you know they got rid of local in nullsec right? it happened about 2 weeks ago
I got death and no way to fight back because of the the dumb skill things taking hours to "train" with no way to influence them.
Why even bother starting when people have years and years more skill trainings than you?
>It's not fun
Eve is in the same category as FFXI, games that are boring 90% of the time but that last 9% is interesting and full of excitement/suspense and the 1% of your playtime where your HEART IS BEATING 180 BPM AND YOU"RE SHITTING IT OUT AND FORGOT TO BREATHE HOLY FUCK THAT ADRENALINE RUSH and then you cant sleep for 2 days.
>I don't even know what the fuck I'm supposed to do.
prepare for Korean Starcraft player levels of APM.
The game is PVP. EVERYTHING is pvp. Selling stuff on the market is PVP. Making friends is PVP. EVERYTHING is pvp.
You want to:
>jump in a ship
>go find a fight
Everything else is just you acquiring resources for those fights. Collect some resources from Planetary Interaction, kill some rats, run a mission or two, sell the rare drop. Bam, got a few 100 million ISK to PVP for the rest of the month.
Just think of it like War Thunder, World of Tanks or Star Conflict except you have to manually organize a team of players to fight with you, manually bulk purchase the items/ships/ammo you need and manually haul it to a place to base your PVP out of.
Probably the worst part of the game is honestly FINDING a fight. For every 30sec of gudfite you'll spend average 10min~3h flying around, and even then like 3/4 of your fights will be you getting ganked in a 1v100.
Where Eve excels though is the sense of community. You play the game, spend time in a corp, socializing with your corpmates, you FEEL like a pilot in a large corporation flying and fighting for freedom. You spend all day at work thinking about what you'll do when you log in, on your breaks and your commute home you're playing with ship fittings on your phone app and adjusting your skill queue for max efficiency. You're even listening to the 100's of hours of Eve podcasts, classes and lectures about aspects of the game.
yeah, it got me excited but I heard it's only temporary because nullbabbies are cryfaggot carebears.
Because you're dumb and don't know how to optimize your skills in 1 week you can fly a frigate as well as anybody else in the game if you use that frigate to target somebody with bad skills in a cruiser you'll shit all over them
>Why even bother starting when people have years and years more skill trainings than you?
I still don't understand this retarded argument.
Why play CS:GO/Team Fortress 2/Overwatch/literally any game when people playing those games, who you will face, have been playing and have been 'skilling' (gaining experience in the game) for many many years?
Why play multiplayer games at all when there is someone out there who has more experience than me?
Why even go outside when there are people who are older than me who have had more experience doing stuff outside than me?
>b-b-but if someone has more skillpoints than me then that means they have a HUGE advantage over me!!!
No. Yes a character who has been skilling for 1 year can fly more ships than someone with 1 month of playing, but skill points =/= skill. I'm so sick of this retarded meme.
>yeah, it got me excited but I heard it's only temporary because nullbabbies are cryfaggot carebears.
na the CCP devs have gone full retard. they are also removing cynos for all ships except blackops and force recons
Not until they fix or remove fucking citadels
Game is 16 years old, everyone can fly tech 2 anything by now, the chances of a newbro meeting another newbro in PVP is pretty much nul
Who's your shipfu?
post more of these NOW
>Not until they fix or remove fucking citadels
Unironically this. I love everything else they've done with the game since I quit in 2014 but fucking hate Citadels. They look cool and they're a cool idea but shit is gay.
But this is what everyone wanted. When I played in 2014 people were yearning for real POS's and not the retarded outposts
not gunna post all of them, reverse image search for that guy on DA, he's done an anime girl version of every ship in the game.
Doesn't matter, citadels make nulsec too fucking safe and ezmode.
Outposts were already becoming obnoxious, I moved into nulsec back in 2008 to get away from fucking station games, but everyone kept building fucking outposts everywhere, and now with citadels you can drop down 20 of them and play station games all fucking day,
yeah i mean i agree. problem with their implementation is something along the lines of they never die and everyone's too much of a faggot carebear to kill them because they'd rather print 100's of Supercaps a week instead.
Okay? And POS were better than outposts how?
POS games were a thing right? I was in a WH corp before citadels and POS games were a thing too.
Nobody flies t2 frigs and if you can't kill something in your t1 frig don't take the fight and even then a t1 frig can still kill plenty of t2 cruisers the game has true balance not that wow shit were "balance" means every class is the same
How many things on this list did they actually fix or take care of?
>Everything else is just you acquiring resources for those fights. Collect some resources from Planetary Interaction, kill some rats, run a mission or two, sell the rare drop. Bam, got a few 100 million ISK to PVP for the rest of the month.
My main is an solo industrialist tycoon who manufactures obscure contract items in jita and I made a pvp alt just to fuck around with the toys in my supply chain while I'm transporting stuff on my main.
Citadels are a direct upgrade in POS in terms of usability but a direct downgrade in terms of logistical balance
1: you can play fucking station games with them
2: Unlike a POS, you can store an infinite amount of assets in them, meaning a 500m astrahus is as good as an outpost when it comes to living in space
3: You can drop them fucking anywhere, meaning you can have 50 of the fuckers in a single system, not having the anchoring limit to moons and maybe planets really fucked the system hard
nulsec was already becoming babby mode safespace due to everyone building outposts whenever a carebear renter alliance took space, but now NPC nul, lowsec, wormhole, ect, has become carebear land, and now there is so much fucking market competition for what used to be rare resources that everyone can only subsist on either renting, or VNI botting.
maybe if the null blackout was permanent I'd come back
why the fuck would I bother with a game where I can't do anything for a week?
Just because there's a "2" after Tech 2 doesn't mean it's better.
Usually Tech 2 just means it's a ship that fills a very specific role and costs 30x the price because of Nulljews.
You fly a tech 1 ship you could be fucking anything. My first solo pvp kill I was in a Tech 1 logistics frigate with tackle, autocannons and a drone.
a friend almost convinced me then all the people I talked to about it said you need at least 3 or 4 accounts to stay relevant. So I decided not to become a basement dwelling piece of shit.
Nobody has the time for that garbage
briefly skimming it, nothing
When I used to play PI used to earn me enough money to either buy a Plex for the month or I'd pay the subscription with cash and use the money to PVP all month. When you fly cheap shit like frigates, destroyers and the occasional cruiser you can just throw 100's of ships away and not give a shit, it's great.
Thats not the point, expecting a new bro to run into another newbro who rushed a battleship is pretty much non-existant.
I know those retards exist, but thats super fucking rare and luck based and a newbro won't know the difference
Almost did when they hyped up the Dust 514 shit mattering in universe. Turns out they never had any intention of integrating it in the way they suggested.
Remove local in null and make it delayed in lowsec then maybe I'll come back
Because the project got backed by sony who just wanted to have a monopoly on MMOshooters at the time, the choice to put the game on PS3 as an exclusive was pretty much dooming the project to fail, now they're trying to create dust 2.0 for PC, hopefully it'll be closer to planetside 1 and not another battlefield knockoff.
how long does it take to get to max level in wow?
>you need at least 3 or 4 accounts to stay relevant
lmao no you dont, that's just the min-max autists that say that shit.
if anything the game would benefit greatly from restricting 1 logged in account per IP address. Multiboxxers need to be removed. Especially that faggot that mines with 92 accounts or the Chinese/Russian bots that frequently go out in multibox fleets of 200+.
The problem with Dust514 was it was a console exclusive for a game that has a PC fanbase. Also they released it for PS3 just as the PS4 was announced. Dust was dead on arrival.
Oh and also remove asset safety otherwise no point
>hmm cant fly my ship at 100% maximum skill efficiency
The only people who suggest playing this game are fucking losers who have dedicated thousand of hours and can't let it go
a day or two last time I checked?
Then he will die and he will learn and he will be stronger for it
you can pay $5 to start with a max lvl character
I'm on a break right now. Got a long skill queue training though
Boost is 60 bucks and thats 10 levels under cap
No. It's a shitty game full of retards who pretend they are in spaceships with making to their existence. It's says 'pathetic' all over the game: mechanics, activities, interactions.
Eve is just like every other mmo of its time and you have to have real strong assburgers to say otherwise. You grind, always grind for something valuable. You always waste your time on bigger numbers only to meet someone with even bigger number. You know, I wanted to write more but I just don't care. Fuck this game and fuck everyone who portends to like 'playing' it.
still, it's a pity how far MMOs have fallen as a genre.
in early WoW and FFXI it'd take 6-12 months to get to max lvl. I still remember the viral video being passed around at LAN Parties in the mid 00's of the teenager flipping out when he hit lv60 in WoW, running around with his shirt off screaming and celebrating.
Now you just buy max lvl as a DLC or failing that you can just go afk in a high lvl dungeon and leech xp for 30min while 2 high lvls pull/kill everything for you.
No thanks, CCP fucking ruined EVE with citadels, wormholes have become infested with blob bears now that you can store 500 ships in a single fucking astrahus
you tried mining, didn't you?
you mined fucking high sec ores for like 20 hours of gameplay, saved up for a poorly-fit battleship and got wrecked in the first lvl 4 mission you tried, then quit the game.
didn't you?
it's written all over your face.
that sucks. I agree on the Citadels thing. I'm just glad I got to experience wormhole life before Citadels were added.
Eve is irredeemably fucked at this point. CCP catered way too hard to Nullbears and Wh crabs and basically fucked the game.
Give me 2005-2006 Eve with the V3 graphics and I'll play that, but fuck current eve.
fixed that for you
fucking CHINESE is my only thought
everything started going to shit when ccp made unlimited manufacturing lines in stations with the crius update.
Goonswarm should have been allowed to retake the north so delve could be a clusterfuck again.
CCP intervening will probably bite them in the ass harder then any other intervention they've done in the past decade
>Eve Online is so carebear and faggy now that we all actually miss the days of Hurricane and Drake spam
I literally never touch a multiplayer game if it has an established playerbase for more than a year.
The best experiences you can get on a mp title is first few months where no one knows gameplay and everyone just have fun.
Then inevitably the loosers come in, those fags who just have to pay "competitively". These assholes ruin all the fun. Check any game out there. It was ruined by clanfags and people don't want that so games die. Then these spergs find new title to ruin and it goes on and on.
Also your comparisons suck and your mother is a whore
I'd prefer drakes blobs to fucking machaerial blobs and super blobs that are common place now.
what did I miss? I haven't followed EVE politics in years. Last time I was caught up goonswarm was fucking dead
At least then there were actual fights. Now the nullblob corps have to organize fights in advance just to keep their drones interested because otherwise nothing ever happens. Wormholes died in a fucking fire because mass limits made it impossible to evict the big corps so now you either join them and crab in absolute safety or you don't go in wormholes. Jump Freighters were a fucking disaster that should have never been added too.
>It was ruined by clanfags
'clans' literally ceased to exist around 2008 or 2009
Why go to work when there are people more experienced than you?
Why have sex when your partner may be more experienced than you?
Why breathe air if there are more people who have taken more breaths than you?
My comparisons don't suck and BOTH OF YOUR DADS ARE BLACK TRANNY FAGGOTS
I tried lots of jobs there. It's all grind. You waste hours and even days doing boring repetative activities for one reason: isk. Don't fool yourself with 'eve is a sandbox with no goal", there is a goal and its to just hoard stuff. Mostly isk. Now that ccp allows you to just buy isk via irl dosh the game ultimately fucked coproration retards and sold out to whales.
Goonswarm pretty much declared war on the north to take it back after they were kicked out by RMT funded pirates about 3 years ago about a month ago
2 weeks ago CCP started an event where they spawned a bunch of overpowered NPCs that will attack player owned structures in, reinforcing and destroying them, forcing all affected regions to have to retreat and play fucking world of warcraft in space for 2 weeks.
Back in the Drake/'Cane days, if you undocked a Machariel for pvp you'd get either
>laughed at
>suicide ganked for undocking an expensive ship
>called a madman for trying to pvp in an expensive ship
>get kicked from your corp because they dont want a 1.5 billion isk loss on the killboards
Fucking sad to hear that they're the mainstay of pvp now, along with fucking Supers.
All Supercaps and Titans should be just deleted from the game along with their BPOs.
Make them only manufacturable from an incredibly rare 1-run BPC that can only be obtained in lowsec or something.
Then either remove cynos and jumping ships altogether or give that shit a 1 week cooldown.
You jump your supers and titans into a fight? You better fucking hope you win and can fly and protect them 30 jumps home.
the problem is that CCP never thinks far enough ahead when planning changes
unlimited manufacturing lines? wow say hello to massive capital build up
they listen to reddit too much for everything. this happens to every game I play where the devs end up listening to reddit, half-baked, low effort, low inspiration, garbage ideas.
>You waste hours and even days doing boring repetative activities for one reason: isk.
>one reason: isk
lmao based newfag who burns himself making money and doesn't actually play the game
Misinformed good detected
where's that "welcomed with open arms" shit now?
You're a cunt nigger and your game is dying because of cunt niggers like you
I have no one to play with. None of my friends will even give the game a shot. :(
I've been drinking so I have an excuse for talking shit to people with you with your retarded HURR PEOPLE HAVE BEEN PLAYING LONGER argument for not trying a game.
Not even a goon, current nulsec is trash and goons are the most boring faction to fuck with, and delve/period basis is my favorite place to roam, but goons are just fucking boring.
Cynos are generally fucking cancer, the only Cynos that should even exist are BLOPs cynos usable only by BLOPs ships. Capital Bridging should never have been in the game, it's so fucking retarded. Jump Freighters though are the worst offender because they completely trivialized the logistical issues of living in Null. Being in bumfuck nowhere should mean you need to be self sufficient. But instead it's just "oh have a cyno alt and a freighter alt in the corp and buy all your shit in high sec so you can instantly teleport back into your crabspace." I haven't even played since like 2011 and from what I hear shit has just constantly been getting worse.
yeah right with the price of plex idk if you can do it anymore but you could once plex your account using only passive income from pi and you can still use passive income from pi to pvp
I'll play it when they make EVE 2. There's no way I'm playing a game where one of the primary features is player economy when people have had 16 fucking years to accumulate absurd amounts of wealth.
>hes never been on a caish fleet
EVE's community is very newbro friendly, problem is every newbro gets sucked up by the big blob organizations where they either learn to hate the game and quit, or become a blob bear, there is no space in EVE for small elite groups anymore, you either get assimilated by the blob, or play welfare EVE.
Is that thing shield boosting? What a madman
The economy is driven by industry, not fiat currency.
Only problem with the economy right now is the logistics is way too safe, citadels made it so bears can live anywhere and 'profit' from activities that used to be reserved for high end PVPers who owned the space.
>the only Cynos that should even exist are BLOPs cynos usable only by BLOPs ships.
I agree.
>Jump freighters are aids
I agree again. At least if you had BLOPs cynos only you could still move like 10k or so worth of precious, important shit with a Blockade runner.
Freighting huge huge amounts of shit to Nullsec should be "paying local pirates not to attack you and your fleet of 1000 ships as you protect a slow, massive hauler from gate to gate".
plex prices are fucked from nullbabby industrialists who've caused massive high inflation.
just pay the $15/month sub so you can spend the isk you earn from PI, skill farming, missions, ratting or whatever on PVP instead.
i'd play again like fucking right now if they fixed the citadel shit and made it easier to get a good fight.
flying around for 3 hours only to play Eve Solo PVP bingo like in pic related, getting blobbed or baited by a multiboxxer again is the shit that's been slowly killing the game for years.
Yes you spew the narrative only goons claim to believe that they lost the war due to rmt and not that they pissed off everybody in the game and were losing to the coalition forces even before outside money was injected into the attackers and that goons never even formed a defense
except I did try the game, and I found it not fun and then die to people in fancy pants expensive "pirate ships" or some shit
Why bother with this when I can play something else that's more fun?
i mean at least in Eve you lose money when you die.
it's not like most other MMOs which are incredibly bugged because there's nothing to spend your gold/gil/zeny/coins on.
Except "I Want ISK" was actually banned for RMT, and they were the guys bankrolling WWB
lowsec is better than it has been in years for solo/small gang roaming
No one gives a fuck about the FW meme except for reddit farming blackrise for FW LP after they lose sov.
good to hear. might give it another go.
i used to play around 2011~2015 and lived in Syndicate when it was the hot place for small gangs, solo/duo/trio pvp, 2-man gatecamps and corps of only like 15 people. Lots of good times there.
actually they changed the tos but before that all casinos like eve bet and blink were operating within the rules of the game and even the shitty goon casino was within tos just nobody used it because goons don't even trust goons
did i say fw? because im pretty sure i didnt
>EvE now has solo instanced PvE dungeons
>it's so lucrative from an isk/hr standpoint that it killed incursion groups
The fact that something could have an even more skewed risk reward ratio than HQ Incursions is fucking mind boggling
Then you're bullshitting, lowsec is dead now that there is no more moon goo POS's to fight over, its nothing but clone tag farmers and cloaky campers.
I wish FW was implemented better, like
>you're restricted to playing FW for the race your character started as
>you're restricted to ships of that race (fighting for the Amarr in Gallente space while flying a Caldari ship? fucking what?)
>you cop a 1 day ban, 3 day ban, 1 week ban etc for killing someone on your team (the number of fucking times I've been fucking teamkilled I swear
>non-FW players can't enter the FW beacons/acceleration gates
Make the "faction" and the "warfare" parts of Faction Warfare actually mean something.
Cuz for years now FW has just been "everyone joins the team that's winning and team kills each other, no-one makes any fleets, no solidarity and lowsec pirates just camping everything for easy kills.
except if you look at the killboards youll find out that people have died to t1 frigates (worth pennies) in their expensive ass ships because they're bad at the game or made a mistake/caught offguard
there's just so much variance in this game that its just not as simple as the argument you're making
And of course by all means enjoy whatever it is you enjoy
reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?
>lowsec ≠fw
>small gang/solo roaming ≠fighting over resources
Has CCP run out of directions to take the game? It feels like all they do is change some values and see what happens.
If there is no one in the space, except for cloaky campers, then there is no fight.
God I hope so, everything they do is so poorly thought out that its making the game worse
Did they fix the cost for high sec suicide griefers? The punishment for attacking in high sec was so low back in the day.
I tried to play EVE twice.
The first time I tried to join EVE university. After like a week of filling out forms and doing interviews with them I just said fudge it and gave up.
The second time I spent a month grinding PVE missions in high security while I afk'd waiting for my skills to train. Once I finally had the entry level stuff I wanted to use learned, I spent all the ISK I had acquired on a ship and outfitting it. I then jumped into low security space and instantly got one shotted by another player right as the jump ended.
Gave up at that point.
they're too afraid to anger or upset the hardcore sovnull carebears that are only like 20% of the playerbase but are the loudest. the vocal minority that'll bitch on the Eve forums and on the official Reddit until they make the game an easier carebear haven for them and their Goon buddies.
that's why there's still a handful of BPOs out there for shit that doesn't have BPOs anymore (kind of like how there are still some capital ships that have Large Rigs fitted to them) and they wont do anything drastic like just removing Jump Freighters.
The amount of salt, tears and butthurt when they added the cooldown timer to cynos/jumping was fucking hilarious. CCP obviously want to do more shit like that but have to be careful because a lot of these fags either have 50+ accounts they're paying for, or they're in charge of a couple of thousand players in a corp/alliance that they can rally for a cause.
If they did something like say straight up remove Jump Freighters or Supers from the game you'd have Burn Jita levels of butthurt.
Which, to remind everyone, Burn Jita started because a famous guy (who doesn't even actually play Eve) told someone at Eve Fanfest to kill himself and got banned for a month (usually it's a permaban but being an "influencer" in the Eve community he got off lightly).
Shit's fucked and I kind of hope they would do something drastic like an expansion that straight up explodes the whole universe and starts everything fucking fresh.
Same mechanics n everything, just new map seed, new random connections, everyone on new characters. The works.
It'd never happen though because "muh internet pixels!"
Rule 1. don't fly what you can't afford to lose
sucks but it's part of the game's learning process.
like other guy said, dont fly what you cant afford to lose.
the second you undock a ship consider it dead. even highsec space isnt safe, if your ship is shiny enough or if there's expensive cargo inside someone'll gladly suicide themselves to get it.
The game isn't good at telling this to new players but the best pvp ships are unironically the starting classes of ships (frigates, destroyers, cruisers) and are cheap as chips.
You end up buying frigates and their fittings like 20 or 30 at a time, stockpiling them somewhere and fitting them for pvp. Lose one? no big deal, got like 10 more ready to fly in the station.
This is heaps easier nowadays that there's "Buy fitting" and "Automatically fit this ship" buttons. Back in the day you just had to do head math to figure out how many of a certain module you needed to fit 100 ships and then had to manually fit them yourself, one by one, one module at a time.
Like another guy in this thread said, just basically treat the game like War Thunder or an Arena Shooter except with a bit more work required to respawn every time you die in a battle.
I would, but my account is old enough now that people are starting to deny me entry into corps due to joining questionable groups in the past. I'm currently training into a Rorq and going to plex into buying one when the time comes, but I heard they were nerfed somehow and the current chaos system doesn't seem too good from an outsider's standpoint.
I also recall joining groups in EVE is like taking on a second job, since the alliance and all will pretty much demand you and your pals show up to bomb or defend structures and fight enemy gangs, which doesn't meld too well with my ideals of just making stuff and having a consistent structure in space that I can claim "I made that" and others would believe it.
it's not your character's age.
it's just your corp history.
this is why people tell you when you start the game to not just join any old fucking corp.
if you have Goons or anyone affiliated with Goons in your corp history you're basically blacklisted.
I agree with you on your second part. I wish more Eve alliances had more chill. Everyone over complicates the "make friends, find bad guys, blow them up" aspect of the game that's actually super easy and casual.
>wants to be a rorq pilot
I'll play EVE if, and only if, jump freighters (and ideally cynos in general) are removed from the game
I've always wanted to, have tried multiple times but the actual pvp is too boring and confusing for me as a lone wolf kinda faggot
solo pvp is the hardest, highest lvl of pvp in Eve. shit's hard.
eve's not a game you can be a lone wolf in. as a lone wolf, at best you can be a highsec carebear, do some FW, some exploration or solo pvp but that's about it.
Pvp gets a lot easier in larger and larger groups, until eventually it's so easy it's "press F1 on what the guy tells you to" like some sort of WoW raid.
The last time I tried to join a group, it seemed to raise suspicion with them that I was mostly in NPC corps or spent a bit of time off and on in a Yea Forums group known as All-Out, which I thought was harmless enough until the last group I tried to join pointed out how often they were at war with the allies of the alliance I was trying to weasel into. They ultimately decided to take me in, but I backed out after doing more research on said group and not wanting to bother jumping from Discord into someone's private TS3 the moment something serious started. I've been thinking of making a HS corp to grab new players and get them interested in anything but mining, but I want to do something like that with friends and see where it goes. Too bad my pals rather play XIV for instant gratification instead of the long game these days.
I fell for the mining meme in a Yea Forums thread all the way back in 2010, so I may as well see it to its logical end and at least enjoy flying a ship bigger than an Orca while being a mess of SP allocation.
Solo frigate PvP used to be very viable before they added half a dozen ships that are EXTREMELY good at killing frigates. This is one of the major factors that killed EVE's playerbase.
worst thing about eve is the skillpoint system
they made this huge giant world of possibilities and you're like "wow, what will i do first?"
then you select one and the game says "you may do that after paying 2 years of sub fees"
no thanks.
skill injectors
Power lvling hasn't been a thing for a long time now
I literally bought all the expansions and shit on sale for 75% off and still managed to never touch the game after a few months. Fuck this sinkhole. It's only worth it if you've been playing for a decade, minimum.
Just buy a boat if you want to throw money away. At least you'll get pussy out of it.
>I literally bought all the expansions and shit on sale for 75% off
Eve expansions are free you retard, and the base game is only $5+$15 for the sub.
IDK what they were then, plat or some shit. Faggot bait and I bit. I could activate for like 6 more months. Guess I should and load the queue and sell that shit.
I dont get how people like the combat in this game. I eventually did frigate lowsec solo pvp and shit was so boring. There's barely any actual combat gameplay and it's impossible to catch anyone as they just warp out. You only get to fight if both of you actually want to fight.
At this point i would say people find the game fun for finding ways to make isk.
You're a Brazilian aren't you? This is exactly the type of single digit IQ shit I'd expect to hear from a Brazilian.
No one actually likes the combat in the game, its clunky, slow, and laggy as shit.
Its the metagame that PVP offers that is more interesting then any other MMO out there, and full loot PVP kills
It's literally whales jerking each other off: the game.
I have a feeling it's full of people with imposter syndrome.
>didnt want to use Discord or Teamspeak
yeah those are red flags.
good luck on the HS corp though.
if in doubt you can always roll a new character. I've started playing recently on one of my old week-old PI alts and it's been fun being essentially "new" again. Looking forward to skills and being able to use certain modules n shit. Maybe try that?
based retard
the best ships for pvp are the ones you can fly in your first day/week anyway. not to mention now you can buy skill injectors if you really REALLY need +5% boost to shield HP RIGHT NOW instead of waiting 3 days.
General still can't survive post pearl, eh?
>buy the game
>bought all expansions
dude the game is free and CCP have never charged for an expansion in the 17 something years the game's been out.
you won't make enough money for skill injectors as a newbie without selling PLEX, and i don't do pay-2-win games. sorry.
I dropped like $60 on whatever they sell then that would normally be $200. Ships, skins, whatever. Got baited. Game isn't even good pvp or pve. It's a pyramid scheme.
Honestly what makes Eve fun, suspenseful and unique.
There are no friends in Eve Online. Only mutually beneficial contracts.
/eog/ died a year or two ago along with dozens of other generals when anime waifu .jpg collecting gambling gatcha phone games invaded /vg/.
It's the 2nd or 3rd fastest board now. Back in the glory days of >amarr, >gallente and Will Smith posting /vg/ took 2 hours to get to page 10.
Now /vg/ gets to page 10 in under 10 minutes because supposedly there needs to be 6 Fate:GO threads up at a time so they can spam waifu .jpgs until bumplimit.
Probably for the best then. If you arent willing to take your time to research, look at your options and use your brain then you were never going to cut it in Eve. You would've been either ganked or scammed in your first 2 or 3 days and you'd be writing an angry blogpost about how much the game hurt your feelings and that everyone is a spreadsheet-humping autist scammer.
See what says. The best part of Eve is the metagaming, scamming and fact you cant trust anyone.
Even if you have a ship that counters theirs you cant even catch people unless they were not paying attention.
Last time I played me and a bud made a corp and some korean fag would war dec us and demand isk to drop it
So we just droped the corp and reformed under a new name, about 1 mil or so isk but for him to war dec us it was what 50mil? isk
Did this a few times with various corp names mocking his IGN.
But my friend dropped it because its not that suited to 'co-op' as he put it. Felt like playing a single player game separately to him.
Totally not because he got wreckt trying the level 4 frig missions and ragequit.
>if you didn't join over a decade ago and aren't clinging tenaciously to faux power don't bother
It's only alive because of dumb basement dwelling faggots of the BDO kind. They made a good sale.
Thats the strength of frigates, the ability to run when you want, its why they have very little logistical power and there are dedicated ships designed to catch them.
solo PVP requires way more investment then just flying a t1 frig into lowsec and hoping to catch people into a fight, frigate fights happen when both sides want the fight, not because one person can force a fight.
When Eve players talk about "metagaming" they're usually referring to the actual definition. ie: spies, playing 4d chess, pretending to be retarded, scams, using outside-of-game knowledge to get an advantage n so on.
not "the meta" which is LoL/Dota speak for "current thing which is overpowered".
You're right though, CCP is fucking slow to balance shit that's overpowered.
>4D chess
Even then there is nothing wrong with frigates right now, they project no power, but they're good at engaging and disengaging at will.
Hunting in eve is tedious, borderline boring, but when you get a good fucking kill its worth
I don't have a problem using discord, but I just find it overly tedious and the downfall of EVE's needless security checks to mandate that corp operations jump over to a private TS3 and requiring members to utilize both, when it should be one or the other these days. Just like in the past I joined a null group that had Russian overlords and had us join a site to verify our characters on top of granting us TS3 access to their channels, while installing something like a pager program to send us fleet comms in real time to our desktops years ago if stuff went down. Shit is just too much for a game I wanna sit back and chill in, but you probably get what I'm saying. I'm willing to join a comms channel while I'm playing and share info or do corp / alliance things, but just keep it organized and not spread thinner than a balding person's hairline.
I might do the alt thing and see how that goes, since at least then I could utilize Alpha status and not feel gimped by it. The base game has its charm.
>skillpoint fag upset that he doesnt understand the game so he's samefagging
>but when you get a good fucking kill its worth
Fucking barely, and I only got half of them because I was joining friends that played for ages.
Just join le derpswarm or don't bother, honestly. I say that as someone who has played both sides of the field.
Eve is more fun to read about than play, even when it comes to massive battles.
Oh that's totally all me, I'm just lucky enough to only have joined recently and realized the game survives on the whales from a decade ago.
This is why a reset will never happen.
Its literally humans in space. Its exactly how it would be irl
Which is to say, pretty shit. Don't let the first few hours fool you. Space engine is far more engaging.
Wouldn't be a problem if a random faggot couldn't blow my shit up permanently with zero repercussions.
>Eve is more fun to read about than play, even when it comes to massive battles.
Imagine how fun it is to be the people in those stories, never been in a big event myself but my time in wormholes was spent mowing down POSs and getting billions of ISK in ships and assets.
Both are a problem. It's literally a pyramid scheme. They're begging for newbies at this point.
It will only take you give years to still be worse!
The complexity of this game never bothered me but what pissed me off when I tried it was how much of a raging asshole everyone was. I put 20 hours or so into it learning the ropes and what not and not once did I hear anyone say anything good at all. Just fussing and BS and chat even got a nice "go killer yourself" which as someone who plays Yea Forums didnt bother me. But honestly I couldnt see myself putting thousands of hours into a game were everyone is just an asshole. Why do I go on Yea Forums again? I had a somewhat similar experience when I played WoW. Instead of everyone being a dick NO ONE TALKED TO EACH OTHER. No matter what I tried or did the best I could get was someone communicating to do something with me. No one ever wanted to talk or BS or just have fun. Why is having social experiences in MMOs so wrong man. If im gonna play an MMO I wanna make "friends" that I can log in and talk to and play with. Seems hard these days.
i feel you, ultimately why I quit Eve was I hated always having to be on fucking voice comms too. Having to listen to a couple of germans and an American talk utter uninteresting bullshit for hours on end every night gets really annoying, specially when I just wanted to netflix, sip beers and press F1 on red crosses.
Discord/Slack/Jabber/PingMe all really useful though for people to message out of game, outline policies, organize people etc though so I'll give them that.
The endless security check thing needs some sort of limit to it though, I can understand why and how it's a thing but fuck overall I think one of the biggest problems with the game is just most players giving way too much of a shit.
>Hunting in eve is tedious, borderline boring, but when you get a good fucking kill its worth
This. Usually when I pvp I just gatecamp with some mates.
We sip beers
We hope something nice jumps into our trap
We talk shit for an hour or two, listen to music or link funny youtube videos to each other
Occasionally we'll kill something but more often than not we die or catch nothing.
It's basically just like real life fishing. You dont go specifically to catch hundreds of fish. You go to drink beer, hang with friends and to get comfy.
guess what? you can do the same to him!
stop buying your ships one at a time.
make a fitting you like and use all the time and fucking buy 10 or 20 of that ship/fitting.
dying in Eve shouldn't affect you emotionally any more than dying in a first person shooter does. just stop giving a shit and prepare better.
he thinks that 16 years of character skill training means there's no point to playing the game because he'll always lose. he's just being a fag so stop giving him replies.
Imagine if I just VNId like all the other players and pretended I was having fun. Just like the other players!
Started playing this summer cuz i was bored
Made an Omega clone through exploration
Made another 1,5 bil through exploration
To bored to get the next 300 for another omega month
code. is a big fucking problem and they really do need to address the suicide ganking in highsec problem
I don't think highsec should be safe, but I don't think an injected legion of bots should be able to suicide gank without any reprocussions or intervention.
Your general is dead, mates. Let it rest in peace. Dead game, for real this time.
To be fair, real life space in the far future would have ways to alter and purge records, instead of leaving a paper trail for people to follow in order to root out potential corp enemies, despite alts being a thing.
People that are dropping big bucks into the game for PLEX to finance corps and other things. There's legends of people spending 10k+ of real money in the game in order to establish their corp in null for the long term.
At least, that's what a regular definition whale would be in a game with buyable currency and the like.
Go to bed hilmar
honestly I always thought suicide ganking in highsec was fair.
i never liked the faggots that would bump people indefinitely though. shit should be a bannable offense to bump someone for more than 1 minute.
mods deleted the safe for work picture of the Typhoon with tits posted earlier in this thread.
Yea Forums's dead baby, same with /eog/.
Don't know who hilmar is, but that general is deader than /dog/shit. Dead game.
Enjoy your spinning, though.
Hilmar is the CEO of CCP
Maybe the reason people dont join and play EVE is because it isnt fun? If people want to play a fun space sand box game they can just play starsector.
I tried. I played solo for a bit, got a destroyer, I think, wasn't too bad.
But when I joined that corp for new people and I had to go through a screening process and be interviewed like for a job, I knew this game wasn't for me. Uninstalled the same day.
Suicide ganking was fair if you ignore the problems with the crime system in EVE
1: You can freely fly around with -10 status and gank people freely
2: You can buy clone tags to buy back your standing if you ever decided to stop being a faggot
3: You can blow up any ship in the game with 10 or so catalyst alpha clones, and yes you can get around the alpha clone login limit with proxies.
Hilmar is the CCP dev who's the Second Coming of the legendary CCP Greyscale.
Good fights and mad isk will come to you but only if you post >amarr in this thread!
main thing is it's daunting really. puts a lot of people off. a few that join start mining space rocks for money and then realize they've spent 30 hours in their first week making shit money and training skills to mine space rocks slightly faster to make slightly less shitty money.
they die once from something stupid like spending all of their savings on a ship and going into Lowsec and quit because "everyone else has 16 years more skilltraining than me! This game is pay2win!".
TL Note: 'you can fly a frigate as well as anybody else in the game if you use that frigate to target somebody with bad skills in a cruiser you'll shit all over them' is EVEfag for 'you won't be flying anything else for a month.'
Let's not forget that any fag still that invested in Eve has a gorillion spinoff accounts. They're just relying on the credit card babbies now.
Do not join as a new player. Totally unworth it.
>mods deleted the safe for work picture of the Typhoon with tits posted earlier in this thread.
it was too lewd
Do you have any suggestions for alternatives besides Crowfall to people interested in EVE?
why would I play spreadsheet simulator when I can boot up elite dangerous and listen to cowboy bebop OST while bounty hunting niggers
Haven and Hearth
Full loot PVP, territory control, robust crafting system, russian bots
As flawed as it is, star sector manages to be better a million times in every category.
Here, you can just feel the desperation for new meat. It's like jail. These people are institutionalized.
I just lost one a cargo I had to deliver due to some triglavian faggots.
What do I do now?
It was the SoE epic arc....
>main thing is it's daunting really. puts a lot of people off. a few that join start mining space rocks for money and then realize they've spent 30 hours in their first week making shit money and training skills to mine space rocks slightly faster to make slightly less shitty money.
>they die once from something stupid like spending all of their savings on a ship and going into Lowsec and quit because "everyone else has 16 years more skilltraining than me! This game is pay2win!".
It's the fact that the actual gameplay is boring, that is the combat in PVE and PVP. Games like WoW require more APM than EVE.
Not him but the unchareted waters mmo was basically EVE but age of sail. And people had way less incentive to fuck you over. Oh but its dead now. God I fuckin miss it so fuckin much. One time I broke the encomoy by blocking the trade lanes from India to africa and sinking countless ships. I was then chased by pirate hunters through the spice islands they finally caught me of the coast of Madagascar like 2 IRL days later. God that was so fuckin fun. But again the game is dead now so rip.
>start free trial
>look at skill screen
>click to level up skill
>watch timer
>close game and uninstall
Game is for autists
I actually appreciate that EVE ships engage at further than visual range like an actual spaceship would instead of zooming around each other like floaties in a bathtub. Not that I'm playing either right now, mind you.
Isn't that notorious for being pay to win or something?
Sounds fun, but I guess it couldn't find its niche like EVE could with spaceships and stuff.
Play a better game. You're just a feeder to these 40 year old losers and their "empire."
Thats the problem with themepark vs sandbox games though
Sandbox games have shit ton more things to do, but have to spread development and system development thin in order to have a living world for players to play in, while themepark MMOs can be more action packed, they're also really fucking boring because you can only do 2 things, maybe 3 if they have some sort of 'we're not wow, look at this other thing you can do' gimmick.
>guess what? you can do the same to him!
I don't give a shit, i want boldly go where no man has gone before, not play asshat simulator. Risk reward in high sec killing is scewed so hard in favor of unlawful attacker it is is not fucking funny. Call me when there is real time jail for negative security rating characters blown up by concord.
>Haven and Hearth
>Pay 2 Win
The game is f2p with a nerfed skill point gains to limit botting
You can upgrade your account to have unnerfed skill point generation, or subscribe to get hat skins.
It kind of just died of age. But you are right in was never as popular as the big MMOs. It was asian and the translation was kind of bad but it wasnt grindy really. Absolute top tier stuff did take awile to grind out but really thats most MMOs. I do know it changed company hands like 5 times in its life which could not have helped.
I played for years and only ever had 2 accounts. I only even made the 2nd account so I could skilltrain him for Caldari/Shields/Missiles and kept him in high-sec. My main had armor skills into guns.
Was basically necessary to be able to play the game without waiting 20 hours for Jump Clone timer to reset. Having a high-sec alt that no-one knew about meant I could do all my shopping without having to jump clone away from the fun, but also so I could run missions or play in comfy highsec and netflix mission-running when I didn't feel like being on voice comms all night.
I'd say the average player has 1~2 accounts with a good portion having 3 and a rare couple of people having dozens. I personally only knew one guy who had more than 3 accounts (he multiboxxed 15 Tornados) and only heard rumors about some American miner/twitch streamer who had 92 accounts.
You probably get confused because everyone has 3 characters per account, making it easy to log in/out of different alts for shit like cynos (not anymore lol), PI, hauling or other quick-n-easy roles like that.
It's boring to the average person because they press orbit @ 500m from target and press F1 until the enemy dies, but there's no-one out there or nothing in the game that shows new players that the gameplay is actually like in this video , Korean Starcraft player levels of mouse-clicks and micro-managing your ship's direction to get the most out of dodging and gun accuracy.
>Sandbox games have shit ton more things to do
this, pic related (and it's pretty out of date too)
ah so you flew around with Plex in your cargo or a bling-fit ship or something? noice. post your lossmail.
>Older player have an inherent advantage over you. Skill and tactics mean jack shit.
>You need to pay and play YEARS of subscription time to fly the ships you like
>It is like a second job. Have fun mining shit and staring at a laser.
>Griefing is rampant. Even if you manage to find something good you will get suicide bombed and looted.
>Past the first impressions, the game is fucking dull. Lots of waiting for shit to happen or camping gates.
If you are considering playing it, I urge you to STAY THE FUCK AWAY. Don't do this to yourself. Go play Rebel Galaxy or Privateer, they are similar but actually fun.
i bet you're playing classic wow arent you you filthy casual
Oh I think I know another issue it had coming west. The marketing was so fuckin weird. It made it look like a quasi time traveling story based game? It was so weird and people got pissed when it wasnt that. It had a story but it was a really small part of the game basically to gain access to larger parts of the world till you could go anywere. I knew of the series from the SNES game so I knew what it could be and I was right and it was fun. Play uncharted waters new horizons if your curious. Its like the SNES game. But you know with multiplayer and not pixel graphics. Otto is my main man but he is NOT a goo choice for a first play. Play the dutch guy first I forget his name though. Or the turk. Oh and another thing that was fun of the game was your character needed to know multiple languages. And there were alot. So if you wanted to trade in India you would need to know like 6 languages it was a cool system.
>I'd say the average player has 1~2 accounts
I'd say it's more like three, and it's a hard pass that it's not one to begin with. It's like joining a poker table where you can't draw any face cards and other people have multiple hands. Fuck that. Let the whales blow each other's blow holes apart for eternity for all I care.
Eve has its place, but without a reset, it's dead to the youth forever. Probably too late regardless.
>It's boring to the average person because they press orbit @ 500m from target and press F1 until the enemy dies, but there's no-one out there or nothing in the game that shows new players that the gameplay is actually like in this video
He's only clicking a spot in space to tell his ship whre to go and pulses warp destabilizer..
>it's dead to the youth
ONLY because the YOUTH (zoomers) didn't grow up during the age of MMOs. They grew up during the period where LoL and fortnite were the only popular games.
Honestly the multiple account problem for 90% of cases would be fixed if multiple character training became default
Most alt accounts are just industrial/hauling/station trading alts
>nothing to do with his point
>hurr fortnite durr
I played WoW vanilla 10 years ago. Those players I was with are not the same that I see today. I will not ruin my good memories by playing with exactly the kind of people that ruined the game.
>was a dustard
I guess dust 514 being my first foray into the eve universe I preferred that more than anything.
I tried joining a corp for a week, even the ones listed on here but they were all so dead that i had no success so i uninstalled because the game is boring alone.
Hey me to. It was a fun little game. Didnt they originally say that battles played in that would affect the MMO? I dont recall if that ever happened.
I've never touched LoL or fortnite, and I can say your grognard ass is just as bad for the industry is sjw poofters.
>age of MMOs
Oh, blow me, that was EQ followed by WoW. Not your autism simulator. And I don't consider it a good thing.
Yeah, originally they said the battles made a difference. The only real time thing I remember was one match many years ago apart of a corp. I actually called an orbital strike as a heavy gunner running mid-tier shit.
Nope, i was just sitting there looking at perfectly skilled and decently fitted astero i had and realized that i have no desire to take it out even though i could afford to get 10 more of those easily even if it gets blown up. Ultimately eve doesn't try to be a world you can immerse and escape into, it is a one giant pvp lobby with some shitty side activities and rmt.
I feel you on that one, since EVE lives or dies by the content generators within it. A corp that doesn't actively engage with its member base is probably the worst thing that can happen in EVE, short of being unlucky and losing stuff you can't really replace.
It was supposed to affect the planets being fought on and I think was intended to influence Planetary Interaction stuff, which was new at the time, but it was just another system that was quickly abandoned by CCP and swept under the rug. I heard they were going to reboot it for PC, which would be awesome due to the core audience having access to it, and that could at least serve as a nice distraction for smaller corps that are wardec status for a week or so, compared to the current system where they're overly protective and telling people to not even play the game they sub to.
>"Go through a billion loops and study for 3 months to have fun until some faggot that played for years blows your ship up"
>"B-but its fun!"
Fuck you, that's not fun.
They're literally Squidward. They just want to shit on your parade for their enjoyment. Join today!
Dust 514 was originally going to be an overhaul of planetside gameplay in EVE, right now EVE planetary gameplay is aranging a series of dots to make shit on the planet completely passively, the original idea was that dust 514 would seperate barren and temporate planets (The only planets you can put Advanced factories on right now) into districts and those districts would act as zones on the planet, players would own said districts (Or in npc space, rent those spaces) and would be able to build factories in said districts, which would change the layout of the map depending on the facilities deployed, and Dustbunnies were supposed to be the people you would play as or recruit to attack, defend, or disrupt planetary territory.
They were also supposed to be the new way to capture sov via boarding parties, but because the game was never developed properly, they replaced that with entosis.
I'm not going back to EVE until the devs roll back their shitty exploration interface UI update.
you playing with friends and a corp or are you playing alone, friendo?
Post your favourite eve videos GO
I'll start with a classic
I really keep holding hope dust makes a return...But with CCP being so ingrained in their old ways I doubt it'll happen. This is similar to the customization thing saying how'd it expand outwards. They're like an adhd child moving onto the next thing rather than putting more time into the first project
I played for a bit in Signal Cartel, that was the only fun i really had in eve, and even then i couldn't get rid of the feeling that game doesn't want me to play it that way, and neither did ccp or community at large.
Hardknocks Vs No Holes Barred
It's not a sandbox problem. It's a shitty engine and game design problem. I'm not talking about quests here. I am talking about the core of the game, combat, is not fun or engaging in PVE or PVP. Some EVE player itt even said he just gate camps with his friends for hours and just chill by sharing internet links. How is that even a game? Cooking mama is a more fun game than EVE.
Maybe you should just stick to WOW and its clones.
I honestly don't think it would. You have option traders that come home and unwind by unleashing on newbs and their markets that have empires. Eve is just hostile to new players, it's always been their biggest flaw, and I actually don't think that's so bad. It's just gotten out of control.
I guess that was the point. But what's the fun when you stand no chance? Better off playing the numbers irl. Less repercussions of anything.
Both EVE and WoW are shit. I did lowsec and nullsec PVP, it's really asinine and not worth wasting your life over.
>shoot painted targets
>look for fights for hours that are boring
Well of course that is a big problem.
But what I am saying is 90% of use cases for multple accounts are market and hauling alts, which you don't need a second account for
Of course you're going to get faggots like code. and goons multiboxing 50 accounts to gank/mine all day long, but 90% of players would probably just use their spare character slots on their main account for hauling/marketing alts
F1 monkey opinions don't matter
Ironic that f1 faggots are the backbone of gay ass blob warfare, and bitch the the game is gay ass blob warfare.
China and RU monkeys are only leaking in faster and faster. You made your bed, lay in it.
I played for a month in 2010 and dropped it. Someone baited me by leaving a crate outside the starter station. I did what they expected a noob such as myself would do, and took something from it. Of course this gave them a free pass to blow me up. What kind of person does something like that? I didn't even have anything of significant value for them. It's amusing thinking back to it, but it's an asshole thing to do to people brand new to the game.
it's fucking boring and takes fucking ages and a million people corp to fly what i want
>F1 monkey opinions don't matter
>please play eve
Are you just trying to sucker in newbies to fuel your "fun"? EVE is a pyramid scheme, just like that other user itt said.
Im not OP, OP is a faggot and EVE isn't worth playing right now because of citadel cancer.
Sandbox MMOs aren't made for people like you who want to do quests and watch cutscenes.
>pyramid scheme online
no thx
Or have fun, apparently. Fun requires 50 mil SP. Evefags dug their own grave. They forgot what fun is.
I said combat EVE fag, not quests.
Actually they were made for anyone. Original concept of mmos was exactly that. It was community itself that ruined it by being extreme fucking faggots about it that you can see and feel in eve to this day. You don't want sandbox world, you want a hunting and fucking around play pen.
take note people, this is what makes EVE great, this faggot lost a ship YEARS ago and he's still crying about it
Not him but:
Take note people. This is what you become when you join the pyramid scheme and have to resort to depravity for "fun".
The fact that you still care about it is what makes it sad, to be honest.
You didn't kill him in some fresh field only recently trodden. You blew up his pixels and he got butthirt. Is that honestly the only joy you can find in life? A literal million games can do the same thing, faster with more skill and openings for retribution.
This game is for spazoid sperglords, methinks.
stop crying and buy a mining permit, faggot, you deserve to be the victim, space is for the strong
Nigger, I haven't mined once and did your ebin PVP. EVE is a boring game.
>play eve online please
>buying a permit
Oh, you're one of THOSE fags. Even worse than the rest and where I got most of my kills in HS.
You suck, dog, truly. A source of amusement in the otherwise barren space of HS and LS.
Imagine black abyss's face when they realized they were holding the $400 million bag.
Yeah, I'll pass. I tried the free trial and I had no clue what I was doing. And maybe it was just me, but the text in the chat box was tiny as FUCK. I could barely make anything out.
Everyone loves to shit on WoW, but I had no problems during Vanilla figuring out what to do. Keep in mind, this was before I even knew a party was supposed to be made up of tank, dps and heals.
First and foremost, a great game does a good job of telling you how the game works. What are the rules, how does things work, how to know you're doing good or bad (this is where Guild Wars 2 fucks up bad).
I'm not even kidding when I say I would have an easier time learning to fly a REAL plane than I would figuring out Eve. At least the rules of avionics are clear and concise. They even have video tutorials to train you if you know where to look.
>play eve online please
>half the thread is people complaining that every single system in the game is poorly thought out and disfunctional
>the other half is basement dwellers bragging about grieding people in olnine games
the MANVEXOR vid
the guy killing people in solo PVP with an Iteron V
the 1 hour long solo frigate pvp guide
Any of the Eve song parodies.
yeah i hope so too.
i think with their moving from project to project it's a case of
>release unusual MMO in 2002/2003
>MMOs take off for a few years
>have mega-popular game
>fast forward 15 years
>still riding on Eve's money
>know they need to come up with something new
>everything else they do flops for some reason
>their face when they realize that no-one that made/designed Eve in 2002-2005 even works at CCP anymore.
ah i'm in the same position. had great times with an Aussie corp in Syndicate back in the day. Corp had a titan loss when some guy in our corp stole 200bil from them with a spy account.
after we lost our titan we realized that our player numbers had dwindled to the point where we couldn't defend our shit anymore, and that with a couple of people quitting we had to abandon Syndicate.
haven't had a good, fun group of people to play with since. everyone's such a carebear faggot, boring or over-complicates things.
might play again in the future but iunno, we'll see.
You've solved the equation, esl friend. Unless you started in 2005 or prior, or bot with 50 accounts, the game is hot stinking diarrhea shit.
I will play it when my favorite youtuber "PewDiePie" plays the game
i'll give you one thing, the mining permit faggotry encourages people to move to low-sec, or at the very least find a corp to run with.
Still wait for the day CODE self-detonates with baited breath
They are very different styles of MMOs. WoW, even Vanilla, had some direction or end-goals to pursue. In EVE you kinda just get dropped in and let loose to do whatever, which makes for a rather steep barrier to entry on its own.
>please psuh them into my content CODE
You faggots are beyond redemption. Let your shit game die with dignity.
Was playing since 2011, lowsec veteran, did a great pvp stuff, not playing anymore, dropped in 2017 because greedy devs was sucking null-sec dicks too much cuz null-sec players brings to CCP most of their money.
Several major updates since 2013 with intention to reduce empire space PvE income was dictated by null-sec players who was bored in their null space and wanted pvp and fun, but never wanted to go anywhere far. Devs thought they're smarter than stupid high/low-sec retards and few tricks will make them do as devs want. First we will reduce empire space pve income and the second we will change claim system mechanics. Goal was to push imperial dwellers out of imperial space into nulls, where armed to teeth and heavily entrenched nullsec monkeys was ready to repel countless zerg waves of dog-poor imperial dwellers.
What could possibly go wrong?
Tranquility; ok (16,565 players)
Stop sperging over deadgame, for starters. Perhaps those skills translate elsewhere.
I rarely play anymore, don't have the money to spare on a sub and have other games I play currently, but when I do play I (mostly) stay out of low-sec and null unless looking for a fight, and tend towards playing with friends.
I hate both the carebears in hisec, the mega-alliances in null and the elitist 'pvp is the only content' in low and null.
That's all that's left, brother. We missed the train on that one.
I've started playing this game like 1 month ago, and I see what people are complaining about.
I've looked in the net, for the required skills to be able to fly certain ships and fit them (with low tier shit mind you), for different situations.
All these skills will take over 8 months to train.
Like, wtf????
The fuck am I supposed to do during these 8 months?
All the mission I can acces right now pays like 100k isk, and I can't do the harder ones because I require a good ship, WHICH REQUIRES THE FUCKING SKILLLSS
Bro. Literally dead game. These people saying otherwise are the agonal gasps. And I wanted so badly to join in, but it's far too late.
it honestly is and has been on a decline for a while. I started fairly late, and its why I don't play that much. If I had moved to EVE instead of WoW back in early 2007 I probably would be way more invested in EVE than I currently am. Hopefully this new 'chaos-era' will turn things around, but I doubt it
are you making a point? because you did, but not in the way you think you did
buy more skill injectors goy
I will play once they allow alphas to use at least t1 cloaks
The moment you remove all the P2W features, ban anyone who hotboxes and delete all AFK players.
Also refresh the entire server to start again because its nothing but utter stagnation.
wanting literally EVERYONE to have multiple t1 cloaked week-old accounts made with fake email addresses parked on literally every gate in the game
yeah nah
Not in my lifetime
Payed lot of months got a lot of things.
Now because haven't bought a fucking Clone can't use nothing of what already payed.
That is the respect that CCP have for the costumer.
Should I buy the Elite Memerous expansion or should I just play Eve?
I'm only interested in an FPS Project Nova game, what happened to that?
join a null sec corporation that gives you free pvp ships, do pvp with them, leave when you're ready
i'll play if they let alphas actually training to their 20sp cap without being forced to use injectors