Most popular FPS right now is a casual RNG-fest

>most popular FPS right now is a casual RNG-fest

What happened? What went wrong bros? Remember Quake?

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It's not even an FPS, it's a TPS

yeah, feel like i was born in a wrong generation, you know?

a shooter is a shooter

Some of us were born in the right generation and don't need to LARP.

I actually wouldn't mind Fortnite if they made a new gamemode where you play in a pre-constructed city and can't build (but can still destroy stuff)

The building is what makes it cancerous. There's no point to shooting at people from afar, they can just INSTANTLY spam a hundred walls around themselves. If you shoot non-stop at someone who is building walls in one space, you will run out of ammo LONG before they run out of materials

>Remember Quake?

Attached: 1562041237069.png (407x345, 135K)

without building the game is just a mediocre low skill shooter with RNG bullet spray

Right now it's a mediocre low skill shooter with RNG bullet spray an awful "shit out cover and abuse it in third person" mechanic that makes it even lower skill.

building is a skill though

The letters F and P do stand for something.

It is not even remotely close to the skill depth involved with aim/movement in classical FPS. You can learn how to be great at building in Fortnite in ten hours - it's mostly all in the binds. It takes tens of thousands of hours to become a god at FPS.

nobody thinks Fortnite takes as much skill as Quake

I hope Arena FPS stay dead forever just so people like you keep being mad.

The actual reason you hope that is because skill-based games, and skilled gamers, highlight your own inferiority and make you feel bad about yourself.

Take Quake's name out of your semen smelling mouth.

That's an awful lot of projection.

It is literally impossible for me to be projecting there, because I am probably the best FPS player on Yea Forums. Certainly one of the best in the world. I could use you as an onahole in any FPS game, including ones I've never played.

I don't mind Fortnite very much, it's mechanically unique and the content updates keep it fresh and original
Everyone is just sick of this game because the battle royale meme has been dragged on way too long

It'll spin back around arena shooters will be popular in like 10 years along with bell bottom jeans and monagomy

Okay buddy.

lynx best skin

Attached: lynx.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

lol rekt

Oh Quake?

The arena shooter?

The one where you start with half health, no armor, and a shitty weapon that does Jack shit?

The game that has powerups scattered throughout the map?

So if your opponent gets one of the overpowered ones like lightning gun or rockets he can kill you instantly?

And he has full health and armor, all the weapons and is hogging the weapon spawns so you have no chance in hell to fight back with your measly shit starter weapon, and half health and no armor?

Was all about skill and definitely not unbalanced?

Oh yeah

I remember that.

Good times right boomer? Arena fps the best?

Attached: 500.jpg (435x435, 34K)

I have no skill: the post


Fortnite would improve in its gameplay quality a hundred fold if it was in first-person and had manageable spread and recoil

Prove me wrong

Absolute jizzhead

Git gud.

Is this what the old ones call bait?

its free and appeals to 12 year olds.

How is fortnite RNG?

This doesn't sound much better then fortnite if im gonna be quite honest desu
>land in place
>loot you find is shit
>meanwhile streamerfaggots 9001 just found a golden scar and a shotgun in a random chest
>doubletaps you before you have the chance to build a retarded wood tower

Don't fall for the bait, anyone who hates fortnite is just someone who could never hang with all the 12 year olds.

Why would anyone want to be someone's daycare for free?

that's the bait

Admit it, Yea Forums. If we were like 10 or 15 years younger we'd play the shit out Fortnite and loved it. Honestly I'd play it if it didn't make me feel so old being around so many kids.

It's easier to pray for rng than to actually be good my dude.

Your supposed to push with a shotgun. It's way more fun than spamming someone with ar when they can't see you.

The game isn't RNG unless you're too shit to win a fight. Go where no one goes and find guns first if you can't win fights in normal places.

I'd happily play it if it as playable without an epic account or any account for that matter.

I think the building is fun actually. It's somewhat original and while it might protect you from one shooter, it marks you as a target.