I really look back fondly on old flash animations and videos made about games during the 2000s...

I really look back fondly on old flash animations and videos made about games during the 2000s. They weren't always perfect but they were made with passion and charm.

The internet changed a lot and taught people that you can get more followers and ad revenue with less effort, so the medium is hurting compared to yesteryear.

What are some of your favorite gaming animations and videos either from that era or now that keep in this spirit of creativity and celebrating games?

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Other urls found in this thread:


That's nice of you to say. It definitely was a great time for creativity before the tryhards came and ruined everything.


Well, no one gave a crap back then because it was all about creation for it's own sake.

Does anyone remember the flash animation that was a kid fantasizing about his school work being a JRPG? It used the basic Final Fantasy 5 battle theme a lot and I'm 90% sure it was voiced in Japanese.

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>Kirbofag and Rinachunk tricked millions of kids into thinking they had talent

I liked her in Nier Automata

You gotta play Peasant's Quest.

>The internet changed a lot and taught people that you can get more followers and ad revenue with less effort, so the medium is hurting compared to yesteryear.
Capitalism is poison but what can you do

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What was the name of that one animator who killed a cop and then himself?

I loved how Decline of Video Gaming predicted everything post 2007.



Yeah, if I remember right it was a legit school project he did for his japanese class.

>tfw "content creation" these days is all about "muh career" and "muh ad revenue"

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The origin of REEEEEEEEEE:


So much of it was influenced by either final fantasy, the matrix, and nu-metal

Also lots of flash movies mocking president Bush. Remember when he was our dictator in chief?


That's not how you spell Cheney.

But now everyone loves him because he can't be as bad as le DRUMPF!, right?

This one parodies all of the terrible flash movies that existed at the time, such as lazy sprite rip-offs and things made by 14 year-olds


There was more than just Flash and such. There was plenty of text-based content, too. I have a ton of nostalgia for sites like Salamando's Stove, Disaster Labs' Hall of Cheese, NES Horsemen and Enyclopedia Obscura. Syd Lexia is still around, but even he hasn't updated his Crystalis article in almost two years now.

Came here to post this

No, Bush was objectively worse. At least Trump is too incompetent to ram a legislative agenda through, while Bush launched multiple wars

stop posting youtube videos, cuck

I was being sarcastic, but there are people who genuinely think like that.

>DL hall of cheese
Fuck me that was priceless reading. God, Disaster Labs were such units

FF A+ on Newgrounds. It was great.

Pretty weeb though.

It was fucking awesome. Sadly, despite almost all of it being accessible via the Wayback Machine, the Paladin's Quest review appears lost forever. RIP in Peace.

Yesssss this is it. Thank you very much.

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That was one of Dan Paladin's circle, right?

I know it's from 2011, but I really liked Egoraptor's animations, particularly PokeAwesome. I can't help but smile every time Pikachu says "'Cause you want me to LOSE!"

I also really like Obstinatemelon's FFVII: The Sevening comic. Not only because it's genuinely humorous and showcases a deep love and familiarity with classic FFVII, but it feels like a webcomic made in the 00's with a degree of passion that's rare these days.

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Didn't the guy who made this go on to make Epic Battle Fantasy?

I remember so vividly how hard I laughed my ass as a kid when the enemy is waiting for the protagonist and him being like: "Hold on
I'm sharpening my pencil".

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Top 10 anime betrayals

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he was defnitely one of the more beloved on the forums. Not sure if he was close to Dan or not though.

Think you're talking about this.


I regarded this as the best thing ever on Newgrounds.

Final Fantasy Mixed in Balamb was an absolute masterpiece.

You white kids don't remember rap battles.


not really flash animation but remember this? this was the shit


it was a time when they did not get into with the mindset too make as much money as possible.

Still perfect even after all these years

Found it, made in 2004:


Drumpf is the clown president that this clown world deserves. Literally a hollywood/Internet troll that got elected president. He would be based if he wasn't also a corporate whore selling out long before he got the business opportunities that the office gives him.

Still not as evil as Cheney though


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Google Videos was filled with this stuff when youtube was still stuck with like maximum 360p

Literally everyone who thinks Trump is worse was below the age of 14 as of 2008. The press just feeds into people's need for validation because the shit happening on a weekly basis in 2004 was way more terrifying

i wish /f/ wasn't so fucking shit nowadays

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How did flash game devs get images from VNs in the late 90s to early 00s? Maybe I didn't look hard enough but I don't remember CG sets being as easily accessible back then as they are now.

While we're busy nostalgia'ing over things from that era, anyone else remember Portal of Evil? Was I alone in wasting so much of my life there? Chatting with Mobile Suit Goddamn, talking shit about JDR's polyamorous sex-change clusterfuck (not to mention the comics themselves) and all the batshit insane furries?

Seeing the "HQ" Scrooge during the body swap part made me feel weird as a kid.

lower-resolution images could still be found and downloaded on dial-up. There were plenty of fansites posting assets from untranslated VNs

Also I didn't know egoraptor did the audio for this, I thought it was hilarious in 2003

>80% of this boomer and otherwise gaming-related shit from the time was about final fantasy, and mostly 7
>these same boomers will now pretend they never liked final fantasy just to blend in on Yea Forums with the zoomers

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Reminder that nothing will ever be good ever again and we are eternally stuck in a world where everything will be shit for all eternity. We have literally nothing left to live for and all the good blood in the world is gone forever.

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>Capitalism is poison but what can you do
Maybe the Chinese government had the right idea...siiiiigh

Not really a parody but still pure kino to this day

Maybe the redditers, but the boomers that have actually been on the internet that long don't care enough to pretend to agree with zoomers, don't flatter yourself. I'd bet most of us don't even care enough to agrue half the time.

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Even on newgrounds, the FF shit was always low to medium quality filler.

Us boomers are the last free-thinking people on the internet.

Yet another reason to kill myself. THANKS, FUCKING CLOWN WORLD!

Final Fantasy A+ is still one of my favorites.

no that was the guy who made attack of the black mages, not this

It was literally most people's introduction to RPGs at the time. FF7 was so huge at launch that my normie friends were into it, and they only played sports games.

If you were 14 in the 2000s and liked anime then Final Fantasy was in the profile of your livejournal/xanga/neopets/myspace page

For me, its all the dbz amv set to linkin park.

I found it, I thought this flash was the coolest shit when I was 13.

It's got everything you want from the era. Lazy anime inspiration, a katana-weilding edgelord, villains from the Matrix, etc. But the animation is also decent:


Kid Radd is unironically the greatest video game related comic/animation ever produced by an amateur.

Seriously, go "read" it. The humor is really in line with pre-revival Futurama and the plot predicted Wreck-It Ralph in a way, but takes it in a darker and more mature direction.

It's a disgrace this post didint get any (You)s

>all these old sad grandpas

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I loved that game. I just didn't have anything to add other than I played it a ton

Unironically based frogposter zoomer

I don't get it.

Decline (of videogames) will forever remain as my holy grail
yeah, i know it wasn't that funny to begin with

guess it's something us and us alone will understand


>It was never finished
Fuck Alvin

I remember when they posted on Yea Forums and thanks everyone here for remembering them. Cool guys.

It's weird how this stuff was the norm back in the day when you could be 8 and watching this stuff and thinking it was cool.

Then you look back at it and realized why nobody wanted to be your friend in elementary and middle school.

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It was shit you fucking faggot.