I want to hear your stupid headcanons. Give them to me.
I want to hear your stupid headcanons. Give them to me
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Gordon and co disappear after HL2 but their actions set off a chain reaction and lead to the eventual collapse of the Combine, Earthwide.
In the US, the resistance is especially strong with paramilitry groups forming and raiding Combine bases in the years to come. And a great xenophobia spreads throughout the country and its liberated territories, a fervor of anti-xeno sentiment and beliefs, the belief that the Earth is tarnished by all things Xen and it must be purified.
Radical members of anti-xeno groups called "purgers" take on the dangerous and heroic task of entering xeno, zombie and antlion infested lands and cities and purging them of all things alien. While resistance military forces hammer down on Combine remnant.
Also this could be HL3 if we let go of Gordon and the Borealis, otherwise, HL2 spin-off.
Majora's Mask is Link coming to terms with his death in purgatory after losing to Ganon in OoT
Holy shit
Ganondorf has a vagina. Her body looks like that because of a hormonal disorder, there are no male Gerudos.
Remy is totally the bastard of Guile or Charlie.
You break Reaver's neck at the end of fable 2 then toss his ass down the shaft.
Ryu is fucking Kasumi and they're ninjas so obviously they can keep a secret so nobody knows. Ryu is still spiritual, though. He is being "true to his true feelings."
Irene is gay
Guile can be seen in France in Final Fight 2, so you may well be on to something there.
All video game characters and events in video games are actually just part of a film or television production.
Wolf is a botched clone of James McCloud.
The Wither is the avatar of the god of death and destruction, he is the source of all the undead creatures in minecraft, and he was sealed in the nether by the god of life and creation.
Warframe shares a universe with Lilo & Stitch. Jumba's genetic experiments operate on the same scientific principles as warframes. The experiments simply have their own consciousness instead of an operator.
This one is so stupid and fun. I love it.
steve minecraft is sans
That would explain why some e-actors are so recurrent.
Delita Heiral is distantly descended from the royal family of Hyrule (his surname is identical to "Hyrule" in katakana - ハイラル). Whether this makes his rise from a commoner to a king better or worse is up to you.
I sometimes imagine Steve Blum playing any stock characters that I come across with his voice.
The reason Sonic doesn't ever use his special forms (Secret rings/Black knight) in his normal universe is because he's scared of what might happen if he uses those forms from another universe, resulting in the universes merging and possibly causing more devastation than what Eggman's original plan was.
And he fears his own power, in those games he had enough room to do whatever chaoticness he needed to since it was 1 on 1. Bring it to his universe where his friends/civilians are possibly close by, he fears what'll happen with all that power.
Summary because I suck at explaining: He fears his own power
I like to believe Mario and Peach have sex regularly.
I like having my heroes have sex.
Jensen impregnated a reformed Delara after MD
It is no way Linked just like that.
>guile tells his opponents to go home and be family men
>rawdogs french whores behinds his wife's back
can't tell if chad or just a hypocrite
In KoF Takuma Sakazaki is hiding his power-level that makes him Akuma-like, we see a glimpse of this in several games and story lines, also notable of mention is how he developed Kyokugen on his own from scratch.
-KoF 2000: He fucks up a beam from a satellite that could obliterate (and does in other endings) half of an entire city with a hao-sho-ko ken, everyone is blatantly impressed by that display of strength
-KoF 2003: Gets "injured" by the final boss of that game, someone who the hero team can only win on a 1v3 against, and that leaves them weakened, but as he basically takes a beating from said boss in his backstory in order to leave everything up to the younger generation (his students), while he fakes injuries in the hospital (as evidenced by an SNK published backstory), since he leaps from a multi story hospital building and the hospital gates in order to buy stuff from the nearby convenience store every night
-SvC Chaos/KoF XIII: There's a Mr.Karate playable/boss character which is supposed to be him at full strength who rivals Akuma not at normal strength, but on Shin Akuma levels, someone who even boss enemies say that is a monster in his own might with limitless power
Also, there's a prequel from SNK long before Art of Fighting existed where you see a young man named Karate man (Takuma's alter ego is Mr.Karate) fighting on the streets (game called Street Smart) who looks identical to young Takuma and goes around the world beating strong enemies
Her dad is Chocolate the rabbit
Void is reincarnated as a Kirby who now lives in a very simple parallel Popstar that only has to worry about Dedede shenanigans and not all the crazy stuff he was involved with in his past life
The original Super Mario Bros actually happens in a mad max-like post apocalyptic Earth
iirc the ground is depicted as arid in the first game artworks for All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros, on top of being drawn in mad max styled cars
The Kid Rucks Zulf and Zia and all their animal friends eventually found survivors and started up a small town with the bastions power rucks dies soon after zulf and zia have children
The air purifier in physics lab in Danganronpa is the one-minute time machine Monokuma joked about it being (Mostly because the mosquito from Chihiro invalidates it). It was built in first years of HPA existing by a particle scientist (when they weren't scraping the bottom) as a proof of concept. The machine had a remote with a light and a button (shaped like a red bolt because something faster than light). The light always went on a minute before the button was pushed, in essence proving deterministic nature of the universe with a simple, easily understood proof. The creator offs himself because he understood the implications, the machine is mothballed, the bolt gets added to school crest, years later Junko finds it and, being the Analyst some canonized fanfic made her has a wonderful idea to turn it on again and show it to the world. It leads to the riots in school and then everywhere else.
I thought a conceptual fear of the lack of free will like that was both big enough to cause riots and was clean enough of a method to be despair-inducing (since a person who sees it does this by and to himself).
Then came the 3nime and it was a LMAOkaleidoscopePMV
I believe Ryu and Chun Li has passionate sex from time to time.
The Arks or whatever they're called in Mass Effect Andromeda ran out of funding late in production and had to be supported by crowdfunding, and 90% of the population of those ships were just people who donated the required amount to get iced and shipped along to "paradise". Additionally all the military personnel were people with dredges that either had no family or wound up being problems and almost got kicked out.
Geese Howard is the real father of Terry and Andy Bogard, or at least Andy.
Jeff knew that and that's why he took the boys in, so he would put them on the right path, away from the evil of Geese's bloodline, much like years later Terry will do with Rock.
Ryu is a virgin/not interested in sex at all
In one CFJ ending, Ingrid, a time traveler hints how Ryu becomes a monk in the future
Earthbound leads to mother 3. After pulling the needlesthe earth gets reset which leads to Mother, which itself is a parallel world to Earthbound
That would be plausible, but remember how Rock has his "evil" energy cursing through, and can do his movements without being taught how (unless somehow Terry actually taught him how to do deathly rave and his energy cage DM for some sick reason)
Then again, Kain, his uncle from his mother's side is seem using said energy which could mean he got the "evil" energy from that side of the family and somehow inherited the techniques
Not from all the porn I've seen and read.
Ken Masters is a distant relative of the Kusanagi clan, hence his more limited ability to control fire.
Dan Hibiki and Kim Kaphwan are buddies and go out for drinks and karaoke together (they both list it as a hobby).
>Dan Hibiki being poor as fuck and being homeless for most of the SF series
>Going for drinks
Then again he actually tried selling Saikyo martial arts VHS tapes once with poor success
spyro enjoys humiliation and cuckoldry. it is why he watches his friend claim the bunny and pushes away elora.
He's clearly saying faithful husbands are fucking losers
MM is canonically not in the downfall timeline though.
The Lunar series is set in the far future of the Golden Sun series, and the Blue Star is a destroyed Weyard.
Juri is just an edgy immature virgin
It’s Yea Forums but... this was Kira.
We’re going off delirious Josuke’s interpretation of events, and no one else’s. What was actually happening was this was before Kira had gotten his stand pre-DIO’s defeat, so Kira was hiding the bodies the old fashioned way. Remember all those suitcases and preserved hands? Kira didn’t have Killer Queen back then.
Anyway it’s cold out, Kira got the itch and he’s hiding another body, her blood still on his body. So he slips on some old winter clothes he doesn’t mind getting ruined, like his old school uniform and a shitty cap. Then in drives Yosuke’s mom. Kira almost goes for her too but sees the kid. He realizes that’s going to cause a bigger stink if he’s missing, so he quickly gets them away from the crime scene pretending to be a good samaritan. Josuke just remembers his hat as a pompadour because that’s the sort of 80s hero he was into as a kid and just filled in the blanks while sick.
Ironically Kira attempting to cover his tracks set into motion the events that saved the people that would bring him to justice. Morioh herself setting fate against Kira, even if it took many years for the hammer to fall.
Terry probably taught him some basic stuff and the rest was instinct.
And when you think about it, there wasn't much time for Jeff to teach the boys Hakkyokuseiken in depth, yet they both use it in their respective fighting styles, meaning it comes natural, much like with Rock.
There is definitely something strange planned with the Heinleins, there was even a hint Marie might still be alive, but until they continue that story it's all up in the air.
How would Josuke feel about that?
She actually is though, iirc she lost her family in a terrorist incident and has been experimented since then
Well he’d probably have a youtu.be
Tung Fu Rue was their teacher though, just like he was with their foster father and Geese, they COULD be stronger but only studied so far under him
Regarding Garou 2, that's never going to happen sadly, yeah I believe they wanted to hint something supernatural about his mother, but iirc two years ago an SNK rep leaked the full roster in image form (it's still missing Mr Karate Ryo though and returning Andy) since the game wasn't going to be finished at all
Everything after 1 is a dream sora is having on the fated night.
adam jensens dna was used as basis for all denton clones with j.c being the closest to a genetically "pure" clone of adam
huntress is providence daughter from risky rain
after rock was eventually decomisioned light took his brain/memory banks/sourcecode and began upgrading it into x giving rock the free will light wanted for his son but knew he never really had
Batriders bat ate something it reaaaally shouldnt have, became incredibly sick.
Not too many vets around, but windranger saw them. She administered a natural emetic to induce rapid vomiting.
After 2 days recovery the bat was in good health and batrider has never forgotten this
Metroid, F-Zero and Starfox all take place in the same universe and galaxy and they all know about eachother in some way.
>Captain Falcon supports space Marines for keeping the space safe and he salutes and thanks the Starfox crew for their work.
>Fox Mccloud admires Samus' work and strives to be as good as her. Falco is an ex F-zero pilot but he never made it big.
>Samus binge watches F-Zero tournaments and races and Captain Falcon is her favorite racer. She doesn't take bounties from Corneria because they usually are for their own furry denizens and she can't find it within herself to shoot them when she needs to because she thinks they're all too cute.
Nice :D
>XX years before the events of Star Fox 64
>Andross and Beltino Toad are partners in scientific progress
>work on multiple projects together for the Cornerian government, Smart Bombs, drone space fighters, terraforming, etc..
>Andross makes strides in the field of harnessing psychokinentic energies
>Cornerian military takes an interest in the possibility in creating fleets of starships piloted by a single psychic commander
>Viable candidates are recruited, work begins
>Elsewhere, Belinto's terraforming project is making strides
>through a targeted web of capsules shot into it's crust, a planet's chemical and organic structure can be altered
>in theory, inside of 20 years, an inhabitable planet can be colonizable
>Meanwhile, in Andross's labs, the psychic commander project is stagnant, and overbudget, forcing the military to drop the project.
>In frustration, Andross begins to sell his tech on the black market. This includes Smart Bombs, among other things.
>His underworld connections are established, and he uses the profits to continue his research
>Secretly conscripts youths with psionic aptitude to continue testing
>One of these conscripts is a young girl named Krystal
>Publically, Andross is reassigned to the Terraforming project.
>With Beltino, they perfect the design of their world creating device (a GECK, for lack of a better term)
>Beltino is cautious, and mindful of the ethical implications of permanently altering a planet's ecology.
>Andross is eager to launch a test on any number of lifeless planets in or around the Lylat system, because a successful test would mean an exponential increase in funding.
>Each proposal to test the device are held up indefinitely in legal and moral redtape.
>In frustration, Andross launches an unauthorized test on a derelict planet on the outer rim of the Lylat System.
>Venom is created
Damn son