Are you good at any games Yea Forums?

are you good at any games Yea Forums?

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Fuck no, I'm awful, but I enjoy myself anyway.
>playing a shooter on a controller
shiggy diggy etc

how did you know it was a shooter

Probably the right trigger being held down.

Twin sticks plus shoulder buttons.

>right index finger not on face buttons

Something about those hands looks off

sorry I'm not a nigger

pretty much this; I'm shit at vidya but I always beat them with time and also I enjoy brain challenging games such as dungeon crawlers and a handful of JRPG franchises
>brain challenging

his fingers seem to span the length of a football field.

The crystal treatments have been going well.

What is he playing?

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i'd say i'm above average at 2d action platformers and some third person action adventure/rpg (i used to be pretty good at dark souls 1, though that was a long time ago now).
i wouldn't boast about my "skill" in them though.

This, it's the fingers for sure

webm related

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is that on controller or PC? that's really good aim and control for controller.

see the button prompts on the bottom left

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stop making fun of my hands

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I'm good at a lot of games, especially one, but I'm not the type to brag about it.

Titanfall 2 has extremely heavy aim assist on console

there's still aim assist on PC if you plug a controller in

EDF. I carry constantly. I'm also decent at call of duty.
I'm also good at brainy games like the witness.

Why yes i'm a top player in Sports video games

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>shooter on a controller
Kill your parents and then yourself you fairy faggot.

I'm god tier at most games with planes and dogfights.
Really fucking good with games based of physics like 'tribes'; aside from that I'm just above average at everything else.
Always wanted to be really good at RTS like my friends but I'm too much of a brainlet.

Also wear gloves bro your hands look like naked mole rats glued together in groups of five.

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buy me a pc and I'll play on that
post your hands right now

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Get a Job, loser.

I don't see a problem with OP's hands, what are you guys on about?

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The chinder chagger nigger dagger, yes! we got it!

I have platinums in fifa, madden, 2k

It really does suck realizing that there hasn't been a video game I've ever been good at not even just competitively, but there hasn't been a game where I felt good about my understand and ability to play well.

Literally my crowning achievement is getting Platinum in League of Legends in season 7.

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Not really, I'd like to think I'm okay at some arcade racing games but I'm mediocre at best, but I'm worse at shooters.
Never tried to make a speedrun nor set a world record of some sort, or have 100% achievements, nothing remarkable, I feel like shit playing anything right now.

>are you good at vidya
>all gold medals in mega man legacy collection
>all survival stages on crushing latest patch that nerfed everything to shit and w/out DLC purchases
I'm going to have to drop my humble act and say yes.

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BT3, so no.

In general, no. In terms of ranked games I reached mid Plat in Rocket League. In any other ranked queue I'm usually silver-gold

have sex

>Uses a controller
>Thinks he's good

I can semi reliably dodge offset in bayonetta.

im grand champ in rocket league

I'm 99.68% better than everyone in Smash Ultimate elite mode.

>not being a wizard

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if its a game I wanted or like I autistically play it and master it within a couple of weeks usually being first page on leaderboards if it has one then quit and play nothing for a while
then the cycle repeats
sometimes I return to the game and can play just below where the top guys are

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