What color is your controller?

What color is your controller?

I recently broke my Spiderman PS4 edition's controller and got a gold one.

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crystal blue

Titanium blue looks amazing.

I got mine in magma red

>recently broke my Spiderman PS4 edition's controller

Same here. Might get crystal red or just wait until rose gold comes out.


the best ps4 controller of all time

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oh just relapsing taking it out on the controller when losing in SFV, went a whole year without damaging controllers
don't know what made it feel it was ok all of a sudden; maybe working a lot of overtime recently and knowing a new controller would be nothing

probably the same reason I'd regularly break $15 dollar knock-off 360 controllers from gamestop.....

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Got one of the crystal clear white ones during that Days of Play sale.

>Want purple one
>Not available where I live


Whatever is cheapest and on sale. I got a silver for 25 bucks on black friday

standard v2 nigga black cuz im not a feggit like u ;)

it's amazing until you realize it emphasizes all the sweat smudges and gunk that collects on your controller.

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2 black ones and a blue one, that purple one looks really good

trannies can buy the first two colors

>electric purple

what the fuck

who fucking pairs "electric" and "purple" together, and why would you do it in a fairly standard, slightly pale purple color? shouldn't it be bright and vibrant as fuck at least?

they aren't region locked

I've seen electric purple plenty of times before, but I agree that's not a good descriptor of the color there.

>Yea Forums really will complain about absolutely anything
the controller looks great

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sony wishes they were apple. blue one looks good tho

I have 2 default blacks and a blue with a broken (loose) right shoulder button.
From those, go with the purple.

>emphasizes all the sweat smudges and gunk that collects on your controller
Do you not bathe?

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They’ve been releasing a lot of nice colours lately

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Replying to myself. Get instead. Goddamn that is nice.

are you some non-humanoid reptilian? your fingers leave smudges on shit and your hands will sweat. it isn't rocket science.

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>tfw warm hands that sweat easily

that's the one i have, classic psx gray

lmao the first 3 are nintendo colors
pink and blue are from switch and pokemon sword and shield
purple is from game cube
camo is gay unless you're 12yo

>Nintendo invented colours

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I've had one friend say "nice Goku controller" and my dad asked if it were a Detroit Tigers themed controller.

>vitiligo ds4

oh c'mon, you know sony is doing on purpose like everytime they copy nintendo and try to sell their crap as innovation

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You’re obsessed.

Stop falseflagging, that may be true for other shit of theirs, but colors are colors. Pretty sure these came out before the Switch ones


You're absolutely right.
"Atomic Purple" always sounded better.

where exactly is that camo useful, in a volcano?

I had that one. I was a retard and broke it, though. It's so expensive now. I dislike the new models because of how bright the light bar is, but I have to use it.

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Mine is black

I'm glad they stopped having 2 colors, like, orange/blue. Wasn't a fan. That purple looks amazing. No updates to the controller through, right?

it's BLACK, motherfucker
why the fuck would you need something else

phantom white

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