ITT: fuck you I like it

ITT: fuck you I like it

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The gameplay could have been fine if it wasn't for using a fucking sideway Wiimote as the controller and having to simplify dodging to accommodate that.

It's a tight game. Looks great on the wii too.
But it's just not metroid, it goes against everything the series built up. I really did enjoy it when I played it, but not as much as other metroids.
People are too hard on it.

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It's good. I liked the feeling of being stressed over a mini-boss jumping out and trying to end me every 10 minutes.

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ACfag was right

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I think it's better than Color Splash because the cards take forever to pull out and use.

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Mass Effect 3, it's better than 1 and 2.

Zero Time Dilemma

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I 100% this and it made me realize there is actually a metroid in there somewhere.
If you complete the story up to the ending you unlock all areas with you full abilities to get anything you missed.

If there was a way to make a mod so you had the map open from the start it could be decent.
Also the secret boss was KINO

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Skyward Sword

It obviously didn't resolve all of VLR's lingering plot points but it was an entertaining game in its own right and had some cool ideas. I think the biggest issues that the cinematic presentation was too much for the developer (given their inexperience and limited resources) and there were zero puzzle rooms in the last third of the game. Also C Team only had one ending for some reason, which is really conspicuous and begs the question of what would have happened during that second ending.

>final Bowser fight
>one hit from delivering the final blow
>run out of stickers
>have to wait for a random to hopefully drop
>get a worn-out shoe
>Bowser does spike damage
>have to start over

sure its a great game if you ignore the retarded character assassination of a story, the stupid control scheme, the lack of exploration, the fact that the combat is broken right out of the gate since you can just mash any direction and tap 1 until everything is dead, and of course the find the pixel bullshit. Its a great game.

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>The find the pixel bullshit
oh god I forgot about that, fuck this game

>he couldn't get past the intro hangar

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Fuck you it's the best zelda game

I'd kill for PH and ST to get remakes but they're enjoyable as is.

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Normally I don't shit talk people over taste in vidya, but everything about this game is horrid.
>press a button to autokill this enemy
>press a button to jump 20 feet away from this melee only enemy
>press a button to refill all your health and ammo
>first person "hunt the pixel" (lol find the green blood on this green grass)
>can't move in first person mode
>most braindead linear entry in the series, even more linear than Fusion, which was disliked by some for being so linear
>looks like dogshit, literally worse than a GC title

Shadow the hedgehog Is an ok game. Like 6/10