How do I enjoy video games again, anons?

How do I enjoy video games again, anons?

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take a shower become a wagecuck get a gf start eating healthy and exercise

Play good games or play anime games, these aren't mutually exclusive either.

You don’t, as every game released on or after 2007 has been 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters who don’t know any better. Vidya is dead.

Play persona 5

Stop cumming.

>play a menu simulator

stop believing on everything people says about vidya, trust on your guts more user try new things even silly things

More Hinata please!

Separate sex from video games. They're not supposed to be the same pastime and you combining them has fucked your fun-receptors up.

by posting more anime tiddies

Stop visiting this place.
Also EDF5.

Kill yourself

Unironically break your porn addiction, you've fucked up your brain chemistry and it needs more and more stimulation to get any positive feeling

Fuck off jizzbrain

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Criss cross

I don't know anything about Naruto but thanks for the pic.

Stop being a cum'brain

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Stop fapping and exercise.You'll enjoy games way more.

Take a break and don't want to play them for a while, then come back and play a game you think you'll probably like. It's like discovering video games as a kid all over again.

try playing with both hands instead of with one on your dick

C is for cunny that we post together
U is for soft yuri
M is for masturbating at anytime at all
Because jannies do it for free

B is Boobs, the bigger the better
R is for reposting
A is all the the anons asking for a sauce
Because jannies do it for free

I is got the IQ I lose every day
N is for the nigger's C.
S is for the shitposting that we all adore
Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep.

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I wonder if Boruto ever fucked his mom. You know, just as a prank haha.

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Play less but play good games.

If a game isn't sparking joy then it goes in the trash