I want to be a professional Dota 2 player. Roast me so I get the fantasies out of my mind...

I want to be a professional Dota 2 player. Roast me so I get the fantasies out of my mind, or encourage me and I'll go through with it.

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What's your MMR and for how long have you played Dota for?

Dumb ogre poster

>playing team game coin flip bullshit in 2019
you need to end yourself, user

You are 8 years too late.

The only coin flip is whether you take it in the mouth or ass.

Make a name for yourself with local tournaments first while also looking for decent teammates.
Now go away, and stay go until you're a professional.

>forced to play 10-12 hours a day in a stale meta
>playing video games becomes a chore instead of relaxation
>start to hate video games
>realize how annoying and childish pro gamers are
>commit suicide

every time

I haven't played in years, I used to be a 5.2k MMR player though when it actually mattered, (around 4 years ago). But I was never the most amazing player or anything. I only have 2.6k hours in the game, but in reality even less of that was spent on solo queue. Probably around 500~ of that was actually spent trying to get better. Most of it was fun and games with friends.

Thanks for the support user.

>stale meta
>chore instead of relaxation
That's on you, wrong.
>start to hate
Stop projecting.
>realize how
>Commit suicide
Still projecting

>being this indecisive
just give up this silly dream now

5k in 2.6k hours? I think that's pretty good. Go for it.
Play a lot everyday and keep getting higher MMR, also look for teams of around your level (5k, 6k) to play with

Naw, the last time dota was good was when it was still on Warcraft 3. Once a game gets discovered by the greater audience you get these faggots designing metas and not allowing you to play like you want.

There are people that are top 100/50 and they still can't make it onto a decent team.

>Once a game gets discovered by the greater audience you get these faggots designing metas and not allowing you to play like you want.
Dota 2 is not like at all honestly, especially recently the meta is very undefined you can play 90% of heroes and many in multiple roles.

wait for the current major tournament to pass as that's probably affecting your judgement.
also i hope you enjoy dedicating ALL your mental energy to a fuckin videjo game.

I don't know anything about Dota, I was basing what the pro scene might be like based on how it is with League of Legends, where they do scrim 10-12 hours a day. In League the Meta is stale. And anything done non-stop 24-7 will begin to feel like a chore if you don't get time away from it... streamers have talked about how now they hate playing games because they do it for a living, several streamers and pro players have talked about being burnt out from this, I'm not projecting lol. And they are childish and annoying. Any pro player who streams just wines and bitches the whole game about how annoying a champ is or how unblanaced a champ is. That's childish bro. focusing on other peoples business besides your own is the definition of childish...and the commit suicide bit was obviously a joke.

desu ur the one projecting. Grow up...

Thanks user. I'm mapping it all out in my head. I'll do my best.

are you kidding me dude? you'll never make it, do you know how many hours the champs put into this game? DO YOU!? literally fucking thousands, they train 8 hours a day every day all year
can you even play this game for 8 hours in a single day? then wake up and do it the next day?
do you have any idea how hard it is to beat the best or even the second best? these guys eat sleep and breathe dota
they make MILLIONS winning these tournaments while i doubt you could win a high ranked normal match consistently enough to even be considered "good"
fuck you, show me your youtube, show me you winning with an unorthodox build, show me your builds that outplay others, you don't have shit and fucking newsflash: you never will

If you didn't rise to the very top percemt six months into starting quit now. Hard work can get you farther than talent but not farther than people who have both.

I used to be in a similar mindset and position few years back, hovered around 6k mmr after 3k+ hours. Be deadset sure this is what you want. Playing a game you like and playing a game you like as a job are extremely different. I suffered from burnout, a year in, attempting this and forever killed my enjoyment of the game. Do you have the dedication/talent for such a thing?

big bait

>I was basing what the pro scene might be like based on how it is with League of Legends
You're LITERALLY projecting. You grow up you inbred retard.

Dude Dota players make fun of LoL for exactly those reasons (among others).

he's 5k so it's not a stretch to get "pro"
my friends are in rank 300-1000 na

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Just go and learn how to play invoker like a pro.

Literally if you learn how to squeeze everything from invoker, you will be one with invoker and invoker will be like your third hand, you will be god of Dota 2.

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I totally understand the commitment it is, and the difficulty. I appreciate you trying to splay reality for me and not giving it to me sweetly.

When I was previously climbing I was honestly getting a lot of burn out, but it was years ago and I was younger. It's going to take a lot of thought and effort especially emotionally and mentally. I was a lot more immature at the time though, I've spent a lot of time experimenting with other games over the years, trying new things, it's been a while though and I've started to realize the reason why nothing ever clicked with me is because they weren't right for me, Dota was. I understand what it feels like to have something you love turn into a job. I'm committed. Thanks for any input.

>nu-invoker with only 10 spells
remember when the order of his essence mattered when invoker and he had like 30 spells? good shit


I remember.

Despite of that invoker is still the most versatile heroes in Dota 2.

Any invoker tips? I always lose mid with him and have to play catchup which puts a lot of pressure on sunstrike kills and dependence on teammates

Be the first professional player to only play Techies.

Being a pro Dota 2 player is unrealistic unless you're a T1 player, T2 and T3 tournaments are poorly funded and aren't viable ways to make a living. Not only this but after your 4 or so years of DotA 2 fame you're going to need to find another job, where will that come from? Being a good pro doesn't make you a good streamer.

how does ranking even work
I won a game as crusader V and it moved me to archon V

If you are good enough for Dota 2, then you are good enough for LoL, LoL provides a much more stable income for professional players as well as far less drama. Dota 2 is plagued by "kicks" and "swaps". In LoL everyone knows each other. Also if you are anywhere but Korea you will have a very easy time becoming professional.

Idk about versatile as you can really only bring him as a P2 (mid). But he's got answers for a lot of stuff. Just hope you aren't fighting juan.rodriguez1998 who is a god tier tinker.

Support Invoker can be fun as fuck.

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not really
LoL requires you to sell your soul and make no profit off anything else
also if you're not a chink or gook you don't go anywhere

Invoker is not only good for mid. Of course if you want to make invoker as carry or nuker then yes. But invoker also has abilities what bring utility to his team what makes him viable as support(ice wall, ghost walk, tornado, ice snap Alacrity), alacrity makes him viable as carry, tornado, Deafening blast and EMP give invoker way to be initiator. Forge spirits maki him good as pusher. Actually even if invoker is best as midlane nuker, we cannot deny fact that invoker can handle any other role (not better than hero dedicated for that role but better for example support invoker than support Zeus) what makes him most versatile hero in Dota 2.

meant for also ranking is nothing, just care for the numbers and the status of your medal