I have never played this game and all I really know is people talking about it. Is it worth playing through once...

I have never played this game and all I really know is people talking about it. Is it worth playing through once, even if it's 4 years since release and thus I'm not part of the whole zeitgeist surrounding it?

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fuck has it been for years


It's not the Second Coming of Christ or anything, but it's entertaining, especially if you're big on RPGs and would enjoy some little twists on the formula. If you're going to play it, play it before you get spoiled.

I'd say it's worth about 3 playthroughs.
try it once playing it as normal, then another time killing nothing. then a third killing everything.

It's kinda lame. I quit after 20mins because enemies kept randomly appearing and slowing me down like some fucking pokemon game.

Great game. I think it’s like $10, so you really can’t go wrong with giving it a try

It's pretty good, the less you know about it going in the more you'll get out of it. It's actually better that you're playing it so long after it came out, this game caused a whole shitshow across the Internet, bringing up groups of vehement defenders and detractors who ruined discussion of the game for a long time.

Fuck, this game is like nearly 5 years old already, it didn't make any kind of revolution or meaningful impact with it only being noticed for its popularity and friendly internet humor and most of its fanabase already moved over it but people bring it like it came out yesterday. Sometimes it's fine to let things go, even FNAF got people to give it an end.

FNAF died because the creator kept trying to milk it with sequels.

>old games aren't still worth playing even after people stop talking about them
This post had so much zoom it left tire tracks on the thread.

Fair enough, I have noticed that too, but for such a simple game, the series got a fanbase that insisted in keeping it alive and relevant like it just came last week

> he doesn’t know random encounters are standard in RPGs

Don't bother playing it. It wasn't good then, and it's only worse now.

The less you know what people say about the game, the better the experience will be. It has a nice story, and decent enough gameplay to remain engaging throughout. If you have even a mild interest in RPGs, then you'll probably like it. It's at least worth a try.

Imagine, there's an entire generation reaching adulthood now with zero experience with RPGs outside maybe Pokemon. Sure they've always been a less mainstream genre, but used to be everyone had at least played something, FF7, or some DQ, or etc.

Probably not that bad of a game, but the weird cult that has arisen around it has always tinted it a bit for me. "Oh my god so good, I want to drink futa goat mommy's milk!

I played it recently and dropped it for how barebones it felt. When I played it back then I wasnt impressed but I liked it but playing again was weird because you stop and realize how it feels lacking and very amateurish.

That's like shitty indie games in a nutshell. They're not cheaply made shit designed to exploit nostalgia, they're ART!

Nop him, but my first RPG was Chrono Trigger, and I've never been able to get into Final Fantasy, especially because of random battles. And sure, many battles in CT are unavoidable. But it's just different mentally, between seeing enemies coming, and just having enemies interrupt you at random. Hell, even RPGs where enemies are represented on field as blobs, are better than random encounters. At least you can mentally prepare for the encounter, or avoid some fights if you're not in the mood to take them all.

I with JRPG fans would stop defending the mechanic.

If you don't like RPGs all you gotta do is say so.

>No argument
Well alright.

If you looking for a good gameplay in RPG terms, then don't even bother with UT, It's incredibly boring, pacifist route is about basically guessing and picking the right options in a menu in the right order and you are forced to do it with nearly every enemy in the game (including random battles), in a shin megami tensei style negotiation.

When you aren't going for pacifist, the platform segments are nice but the gimmick appeal can't last forever so it gets repetitive after a while and it also makes the game not so dependant in the actual RPG aspects since you mostly need to depend in your reflexes like a different game genre. It sometimes can be used in a creative way like with mettaton or muffet but again, it's mostly plays as gimmick than anything else.

The guy was bankrupt and contemplating suicide. Why do we give him shit for churning out sequels when every other game studio in the same position has made garbage microtransaction content instead?

it's a walking simulator with an rpg veneer but it doesn't really pretend it's not a walking simulator, worth a run-through for the music alone

I usually go to youtube and listen to the ost instead since it saves my time

smelly dumb newfag scum doesn't the exe is a .rar archive and can be opened up to have its oggs extracted

I like it, but I can see why people don't. The game kind of bogs down in the middle, especially Hotland/CORE area. Waterfall has beautiful music and atmosphere but is kind of tedious to get through. The snow area is pretty fun, nothing special but the constant interactions with characters keep it fresh.
The game really shines at the beginning and end of the game. The entire Ruins area is great, and the ending areas after Mettaton's fight are awesome as well.

Honestly, I don't know if this is mostly a unpopular opinion or anything but ruins really sucked for me, shock fator beginning, boring enemies, boring puzzles, Toriel's character was rushed for it being a short part of the story and had a terrible first impression, even if you know later why she acted the way she did, she is presented for you as someone obssesed with you for no reason and her fight was cheesy which hurt a lot her character for me. I think the game only got better from the CORE to mettaton part, as much as the characters weren't interesting for me and seemed to try to make up for that by being overly cheesy and emotional everytime, mettaton was entertaining and the designs for the later areas felt like an actual adventure rather than a stroll


Do you like internet humor? anime like characters? Don't mind a weak gameplay? if yes then check it. If don't, I can guarantee you that you aren't losing thaaat much honestly.

Its entertaining

It’s a fun little game that will keep you entertained. Tug at your heartstrings a bit and make you smile.

Deltarune is shaping up to be pretty good, so be sure to check out the demo of that if you end up liking UT.

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You would do better by playing mother 3 instead just in case you haven't. It's not like both games have much in common despite following the same style since UT was inspired by mother but m3 actually feels sincere and genuine, with great characters

play it and think for yourself. i think it's an excellent game.

it's pretty good but it's been way overblown and spoiled to hell by the obnoxious fanbase
seriously, those fuckers are on par with /mlp/ with how cancerous they are
if you can, go in as blind as possible, don't look up anything (if that's even possible now), it's not very long

I dont get the blind as possible commentary often done with this game, I wonder if it's because of the several shock factor scenes and twists to add fuel to it (otherwise the game would be just boring since the tale isn't anything epic with a lot going on, it's a very simple game in everything really)

I mean, I went into it blind mainly because I played it in 2015, with all the routes and all and it was ok

People just hype literally anything nowadays since 2010 so it's not surprising that everyone really made it sound that big of a deal back then.

How many times have you made threads like this?

That's why I said people still think that this game came out yesterday, when it's been like 5 years already and there's even better shitposting fuel than it. it's literally the same kind of threads and it's not even being widely discussed in mainstream scenario currently to have threads like this so often that sometimes are just clear bait. It's literally people trying to revive its corpse to keep it relevant, even deltarune doesn't get that much of spotlight anymore with how media consuming is so fast nowadays.

Best enjoyed if you like Earthbound and Paper Mario's kind of humor.

Regardless of what you think of this game, a good amount of people like it a lot, same reason why there's still occasional threads about Nier Automata, Bloodborne, Hotline Miami, Marios and many other "old" games that were well recieved but didn't bring some sort of gaming innovation along with it.

I was specifically talking about threads like this, it's not even the first time and I can say that I rarely see threads like "should I play this" so often for any of the games you metioned. Specially when all of them are way more popular than UT and were for way longer in the current mainstream scenario discussion. It's almost like it's bait.

Undertale was made during a time where homosexuality and freedom of gender were looked down upon. It won;t have the same impact for you that it did on society when it was released.

>Undertale was made during a time where homosexuality and freedom of gender were looked down upon

thats just wrong. the media was supporting gays and other faggots Before the game was made.

We get this kind of threads for UT all the damn time because it has mixed opinions between people that still make of it a big deal and the ones that were badly influenced by the terrible fandom in their experience or just didn't fail for hype bait back then and sincerely thought it was very flawed from the beginning so it's easy to get a lot of shitposting from it. What surprises me the most ist that there are people in the year of 2019 that still finds the same kind of UT shitposting amusing

Undertale was originally released in 1931.

You'll actually enjoy it more now that no one talks about it much anymore. Play LISA too

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