Main character dies at the end

>main character dies at the end

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Other urls found in this thread:

>protagonist is the antagonist
used to be kino but now its just unoriginal

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>Protagonist is the antagonist is the ally

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>name one game where this happens and the mc doesn't come back

Persona 3

>main character was dead all along

Red Dead 2. This is fairly recent too

>finish game
>protagonist is dead
>game has a season pass with tons of upcoming dlc

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>party member insults your romance option

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also red dead 1 dumbass

>game's doujin doesn't follow source material

Hate this shit

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Resistance 2

>party member could've prevented the protagonist death with pretty much no effort
>does nothing

Kinda looks like a stand battle

name game

radiant historia

>Now you can continue to build that legend through further gameplay and downloadable content.

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uh, you didn't play radiant historia did you?

that makes no sense

a protagonist can be a villain too, and the antagonist the good guy. But the protag can't be the antagonist at same time unless it's some split personality nonsense

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Fuck, that ending was so good

Fate Stay series, one of the antagonist is the protagonist. Time loops and alternate timelines folks.

What would their stands be?

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at that point it's pretty much a different character

So I remember hearing that El Chavo was supposed to die to show that everything good and pure in the barrios dies young anyways, and how his daughter who was a child psychologist told him that he needed to change the ending or else suicide rates among kids would increase dramatically. How true was that because I've only really heard that from here.

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P3 did it, and it did it well.

what game?

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h-he's gonna come back someday

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>player 2 can betray you by siding with the final boss.

Asura's Wrath
You can essentially get the whole experience on youtube since it's practically a movie.

Asuras Wrath

>name game

I was just reading a thread about Planescape Torment and it definitely applies to that.

name two games that do this, you can't

FO3 was such garbage.

Thanks for the spoiler, cunt.

That was obviously BAIT, because nobody is actually that DUMB alright, damn you're such a loser get a life

he was supposed to die, but it was to keep the message of "gone but not forgotten"
something more wholesome than sad

Persona 3 ending was great but then they ruined it with anwser.

pretty sure it's possible in the streets of rage games for a start

not if I can help it

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>main character dies at the end
>not even a good in-game reason, just "it's your destiny to die in this radioactive chamber even though you have at least three teammates who are immune to radiation"

They "fixed" it with a patch, but it's still beyond retarded. Even the narrator is extremely sassy if you send in Fawkes.

"A true hero entered the chamber"

>at the end
not exactly but the protag dying does.

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It works for P3 because the whole game has an "accepting and dealing death" undertone. Infact it would be shitty and weird if the MC didn't die there was an asspull happy ending.

>spin off game gives everyone the good ending they wanted

So like Fernando's death in Fat Albert? Skip to 2:07 if I fucked up the time link.

Mass effect, MGSV, Dragon age origins, red dead redemption, oblivion

Alys no!

>MC dies at the end
>Unless you did a seemingly pointless minigame at the very start of the game
Chrono Trigger was something else.

>game with multiple routes let's you be the villain
>you're legitimately the villain, not "hurr I kick puppies so evil!!"
What a ride Soul Nomad was.

it was more "heroic" in a way, sides, the series was full of death and real life troubles
there was this book Called "el diario del chavo" the diary of el chavo, in wich he tells about his whole life before reaching the "vecindad" and settling in, as well as filling some details that no one knew, this includes NArc violence, child exploitation and how homeless kids straight up fucking die all the time and no one cares

>being afraid of spoilers for a nearly 1 year old game
The spoiler window is long gone for RDR2

VLR did this

>love interest ruins the part

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Damn. I never really saw much of El Chavo as a kid, probably because I was too autistic to appreciate the comedy of old men dressing as kids. Now I've started to watch some of the episodes again and I can't believe that I missed out on it. Do you have a pdf of the book? I'd love to check it out.

>Games doujin follows the plot pretty well

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i'll spoon feed you this one, but try and watch the show before reading it, or else you'll miss some relly messed up stuff


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Thanks man, any must see episodes/seasons before I can check out the book?

Gaylo: Reacharound

just go with your gut on when to read it, once you know the show well enough
and unless you are mexican some stuff like Narcs using poor people as mules Don Ramon or kids that have amputated arms El mochilas wont make sense

Streets of Rage and Double Dragon. Fuck you.

I'm PeruANO so I know about the first one, but not about the second one. Sad shit right there. Much appreciated user, I'll go and check out some more episodes before I read the book.

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man you are such a fucking queer

>tfw I intentionally avoided trying to revive Crono because I liked having Frog leading the party more and was afraid he'd take over again if I did

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Valiant Hearts :(

>Protagonist gets revived through bullshit
>Post-game actually addresses this
>Forces you to fix the problem you made by coming back
>Post-game is basically just another Main Story with the same length
It's a shame that there'll never be another PMD, but this game truly perfected the formula.

how so user? i just suck dick on the weekends

no need to be mad pcfriend