What are some video games where the multiplayer is better than the singleplayer?

What are some video games where the multiplayer is better than the singleplayer?

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Pic unrelated

call of duty
gears of war

cod and battlefield games. then left for dead technically if you play with pc bots it is boring and then every fighting game ever mk, street fighter, takken, dbfighterz etc

You didn't post a pic user.

Alongside Quake, UT had a far superior multiplayer too.

Smash Bros

versus is much better than co-op

Mass Effect 3.

If it wasn't for playing with the buds and then getting the krogan sentinel I would've traded that shit back in day 1. Even before reaching the ending I was really disappointed with it.

Every PC game pre-2007.
All downhill from there.

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Unironically mgs4

Duke's weapon arsenal was made with multiplayer in mind first and foremost

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It’s niche but third person pvp are criminally underrated. Mgs4 is so good and although I didn’t play As much mgsv was good too

A huge amount of the highest scoring pc single player games are all before 2007. Games that have both sp and mp included.

Quake 3 doesn't even have sp of course the mp is better

This is the problem with 'competitive' gaming today.

Campaigns serve as a sort of tutorial thats engaging, its why pure PVP games like quake champions fucking die, because without a campaign new blood can't get a feel for the game, instead they get fragged 200 times by xXxSmokew33dxXx and quit because the skill ceiling is so high, but there isn't a campaign to get people to master the basics of the game before they jump into the trial by fire that is multiplayer.


Ratchet deadlocked . It’s co op experience was a dream too. Nothing else really before and after it like it. It was like contra mixed gauntlet


why is the q2 mission pack included as if it was a numbered entry and q3 is shows with team arena, never mind having both those after 4? very confused with this graphic, please help!

>gears of war

they are shit mp games but the sp is even worse!


zoom zoom zoom

Call of duty and tony hawk series


Virtually every beat em up ever made

E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy
Make sure you go through the SP at least once to know what you're doing though

If we are talking recent installments (which we should be) then yes the story for halo 5 was fucking trash tier and gears of war story is heading down the drain since they want to shift focus off of the characters everyone loves. Call of duty has some ok stories depending on which one you are playing (I like modern warfare's story line more than black ops) but the game is played largely for multiplayer not the story.

Single player is always better than multiplayer.