>Capcom has new announcements at Gamescom
>Also having an RE engine press conference were they talk about the tech
REmake3 or DMC5 DLC incoming.
>Capcom has new announcements at Gamescom
>Also having an RE engine press conference were they talk about the tech
REmake3 or DMC5 DLC incoming.
Other urls found in this thread:
If REmake 3 is as bad as REmake 2 I don't want it
I'm hoping we get DMC5 DLC and then some use of their other IPs.
Capcom said they had an announcement that would make even their hardcore fans surprised.
I want them to start using all their IPs, they have so many dormant ones that deserve new games
its not even during tgs either. so its something separate?
Will the dmc netflix show be any good?
Dude RE7 just came ou-
>It was actually 2.5 years ago.
Do I need to play RE8-RE2017 to understand RE2019?
RE engine darkstalkers
dmc and resident evil are so fucking trash who fucking cares
get out, zoomer.
Hi Fungo slit your throat.
That would probably look horrifying.
show me your motivation Yea Forums
If your IQ is below 50 sure
Onimusha remake?
Oh shit it's fucking happening.
Hope it is REmake 3 or RE8. They have already said there is no more content for REmake 2.
>Nemesis in the RE engine
I'm probably the only one excited for the DMC5 DLC for more than just itself.
Dino Crisis Remake incoming
Is it time?
They literally said multiple times that DMC5 completely reinvigorated the franchise. And people still try to deny that something is happening soon.
Same. Make a fucking proper remake already, There's nothing wrong with tank controls and never will be.
>RE engine gets updated to support Cel-shading
>Darkstalkers demo is shown using said feature
>Looks better than Xrd, debatable if it's as good if not better than the new GG trailer shown at EVO
>dragon's dogma 2 on RE engine
What we never get:
>We are scrapping REngine
>New Rival Schools
What we are going to get:
>More REngine stuff
>And people still try to deny that something is happening soon.
Why don't you make one those Yea Forums thinks threads made by complete fake facts already?
>MVCInfinite was the sneak peek
>we live in a timeline where pic related could happen a second time
I remember earlier this year Itsuno shared a photo that distinctly said was the DMC team and his "next project" team. So they definitely have a crew doing post-release work; it's quite likely they're finishing up new content under Itsuno's supervision.
This is likely Itsuno's next project, but it's only about half a year along right now. Expect an announcement either next year or the year after, at either E3 or TGS.
>I remember earlier this year Itsuno shared a photo that distinctly said was the DMC team and his "next project" team. So they definitely have a crew doing post-release work; it's quite likely they're finishing up new content under Itsuno's supervision.
I think Capcom reshuffles teams after projects. So Itsuno will most likely move on to a DD2 team while some people stay an continue work on DMC with a new director. The DD2 team will most likely be people from the now cancelled DDO.
I know he moved on to DMC4SE directly after Dragons Dogma and that a different guy directed Dark Arisen at the very least.
What if it turns out to be real?
I really hope it's fake. Everything else sounds nice; Dino Crisis can really benefit from RE engine.
Monster Hunter 5witch is highly likely given World's dismal sales in Japan.
Dino Crisis Remake
>Monster Hunter 5witch is highly likely given World's dismal sales in Japan.
Of course, MH originally got huge thanks to portables, it makes perfect sense that Capcom would keep making seperate portable games since MH is so big. Theres probably tons of japs than they bought World because they dont play console/PC.
The most unlikely thing here I feel is the REmake3 being announced so soon.
It already happened
I'm completely expecting Gamescom from Capcom to just be Icebourne info, but I really do want to be wrong.
That conference is for TGS retard. Capcom has nothing to announce here but ports of some Phoenix Wright games
>New pachinko slots featuring RE engine for the best experience
No. Crossover
Vergil will be announced
they're also announcing a resident evil focused expansion for teppen so i would say everything is coming together for a main series RE announcement in the coming month
I would actually be OK with this
Not even a chance going by the quality of Castlevania and Netflix's track record in general.
Rest in peace DMC thread
Why would the public give a fuck about the engine they use?
This isn't GDC.
But Castlevania was good though, way above the average Netflix original
Going forward what do you think they'll do with Resident Evil other than oviously more RE:makes? For instance do you think they'll continue with the RE7 gameplay or RE2Make style gameplay? Both were pretty well received.
Dante in resident evil
Can they use RE engine for their fighting series?
It's their own engine. They could repurpose it to work for their 2D Mega Man games if they wanted
You'd have to be stupid if you think DMC won't get any DLCs
They once said at a dev conference that photorealism isn't the only thing the engine can do. So considering that dmc works great at 60fps, I'm sure they will try to make a fighter with it
Just announce dragon's dogma it's been a decade AAAAAAAAAA
Gross bitch
Michael, you need to let it go.
>REmake 3
>Nemesis can destroy parts of the environment to attack from unexpected angles
>Nemesis can enter the save room
>Nemesis can pull you out of the save menu
>No New Rival Schools
Actually, that might be a *little* possible, considering that Itsuno is interested in finishing the series.
darkstalkers plz
While I would fucking love that considering I thought Mr. X was way too tame, I doubt they'd go that balls deep.
SFV can't even release a trailer without ruining a character's face, it'd be a a decade before we get a good looking cartoony fighter from them.
Your best bet is RE engine SF6, not sure I really want that.
SFV on other current gen consoles is impossible, sony have console exclusivity this gen and even helped fund it. While it ain't exactly a roaring success they have no reason to let that go.
It was kino.
Gimme DD2 already. It's been 7 years.
Outbreak remake please.
Leon, you dunce
what would you want too see in a new outbreak style game?
As it should
I don't understand why some people expect re3r announcement so soon when RE2 came out only 6 month ago. Give it a year or two at the very least.
SFIV, SFV and Infinite were handled by an outsourced studio.
Top is much better
I want a new IP. Capcom has been relying on old tired IPs for the past 20 years. Their golden era was when they were making new shit like RE and DMC. Back when those were new ideas.
jesus christ please, just give me the Vergil DLC already,its killing me
>were handled by an outsourced studio.
SF4 was worked on by Dimps as a developer, but I haven't seen anything saying they outsourced works. SFV was a mix, some models were outsourced but it doesn't appear the majority were. If they were we haven't found evidence for every character. All the fucked up lighting and stuff was capcom, they even did a presentation on it at GDC. MvCi was a joint project between marvel Games, Capcom Japan and USA. It doesn't appear anything was outsourced, the models even being old MvC3 ones.
So no, overall it is down to the fighting game division being a bunch of hacks.
Nah. It's going to be a Dino Crisis reboot.
Seriously now, I really hope they don't downgrade Jill.
SFV was also dimps as far as gameplay goes. Marvel had good gameplay but shit everything else and that was mostly capcom internal (the last thing they've made since (xtekken).
m8 DMC 5's combat mechanic worked in RE Engine.
Wouldn't be surprised if it was one of those leaks with a few pieces of real information padded out with BS.
Worst thing that could happen is just another Iceborne trailer
>SFV was also dimps as far as gameplay goes
There isn't evidence they had a hand it outside some advisory stuff. There involvement is pretty unclear. But we know the actually battle planner was Woshige, who is employed by Capcom. Plus the point was about graphics, kinda sounds like you are just going off some checklist of excuses.
> Marvel had good gameplay but shit everything else and that was mostly capcom internal
I don't really care enough to argue about that bit, but this makes your original point wrong still.
Dino crisis remake is happening.
DMC5 and REmake 2 crossover dlc?
How can i be an epic Yea Forums contrarian like this user?
>DMC5 has a concept art gallery in-game
>Unlike the art-book only actually final concept art is featured in the game
>With the one fucking exception being a brand new Vergil DT design
>Never appears anywhere in the game because Vergil only uses his Sin DT during the final fight
>make awful engine
>release good games with it
now crapcom will use RE engine for everything
Predictions for re8?
If they're gonna follow on from 7's style give us a new place new characters but bring back an old character to tie it in, or fuck just give us billy cohen already!
I thought this would have been like his final dmc3 fight where he can go into dt normally and dt when he puts up the barrier and says 'you're going down', in 5's case, he can go into a regular dt and charge up into sin dt
No but seriously Dino Crsis is a much better fit for REmake2's engine and gameplay style than RE3. Also RE3 was always kinda the lame one.
>awfull engine
>launches 2 games with the best looking graphics this generation
>both games run flawlessly and on toasters
>best looking graphics this generation
>launches 2 games with the best looking graphics this generation
RE Engine is one of the prettiest pieces of tech this gen. Take your shit taste and leave.
>REengine bad
Literally best engine out there get fucked lmao
If it's more marvel vs capcom it'll be shit as long as the mouse is involved and trying to shill it's upcoming properties
>using a literal meme image as evidence of the entire engine being ugly
neck yourself faggot its better than any engine currently out
Itsuno has only just finished DMC5, maybe not if he is doing the heavily desired DLC. DD2 is too soon for an announcement. I even think DMC5 DLC is too soon to be released but may be announced.
>launches 2 games with the best looking graphics this generation
All black cast and trannies that follow little to no source material...so no
Hol up, lemme get some Trish screenshots. I love shitting on DMCfaggots like you.
It is hard to judge off that stream where FChamp showed off the dev build for MvCI. He mentioned that they could make up, but MvCI development was apparently a nightmare where neither side worked together well. I don't see it happening until well into next gen where both companies get over the whole fiasco. Feels like fchimp showing it off in the first place was a power play, trying to go look guys everyone loves marvel come on. Instead I think he just got himself blacklisted and in a lot of shit.
I just want a mention of jill, chris is super fucking bland and leon's basicaly been turned into yellow fever the character
capcom doesnt have enough money for that many project at once
thats a new render of dante. Maybe its the promotional image for dmc dlc
Yeah, I thought the same. It doesnt look like a in-game screen.
Does Gamescom start today or tomorrow?
You serious nigger
i thought it might be from this but its a ompletely different angle
today 6pm gmt
GMT plus? Minus? 1? 2? 5?
>it's DMC5 dlc
>but only Trish and Lady are playable
at this point I'll take anything honestly
Congrats on the worst post of the month
Also reported for extremely low quality
I'll curse you if this happens.
I mean, it was teased at the end of the game
Still hurts
why are modern Capcom engines so fucking sweet? MTFramework and REEngine are great
Anyone got a link to the stream?
What if AA on RE engine?
Not gonna happen before vergil is playable
no1 cares about Japan sales also
recent shareholder meeting of Capcom said there will be no Nintendo Mon Hun
I will cap this just to laugh at you in the future
thank you
Bros before hoes, user.
There was a time where he made legit and normal videos, but now he has turned his channel into nothing but trolling and click baiting.
Ahem, no
There's an xbox stream just started.
As long as the games' VA cast is in, there is no reason to worry
Dragon's Dogma?
Trish's new VA sucks though.
there have been quite a few leaks, and what ive heard form insiders the basic plot is this:
>continuation of RE7
>Takes place on an island where Eveline was created
>first half of the game you play as a weak (ethan winters esque) test subject who escapes amid a viral outbreak
>re2remake zombies, molded, and hallucinogen "ghosts" are the enemies
>second half of the game you play as Jill Valentine on her first mission back after RE5, you are a powerhouse BSAA agent storming through the same facility you spent the first half of the game terrified of
>enemy is an "a series asset" similar to Eveline but highly experimental and volatile
>secondary enemies in the form of "Connections" soldiers
Hopefully they fix the audio sync issue that happens in cutscenes when the game freezes or FPS drops. Thought they'd fix it between RE7 and RE2/DMC5 but evidently not.
Are you ready for disappointment?
Yes there absolutely is. Fucking faggot I wish I could cave your skull in
>recent shareholder meeting of Capcom said there will be no Nintendo Mon Hun
Citation Needed
How the fuck... Feels like it just came out like a year ago
do people really think re3r will come out before 8?
It's mostly because 3 was essentially just an asset flip of 2, so the logic here is that making 3r out of 2r wouldn't take a lot of time and effort. But yeah, the next RE will definitely be 8, they are not releasing 2 remakes in a row.
He's misquoting. They said World specifically wouldn't come to Switch, but that they're interested in making new games for the system (and multiple people who attended the shareholders meeting claimed that Monster Hunter for Switch was specifically mentioned).
I mean they already have a ton of assets
They should avoid 8, since it will just be 7, that no one likes. They should avoid 3 also, since remakes are for plebs that can't enjoy originals.
i hope they keep ethan winters but put it in third person. Make it like re4 where he's more seasoned
>3million sales in japan is a flop
Nigger most big games there only sell 1million spamming shit all over the board isn't going to make it true
Didn't one leak mention devil may cry 5 being on gamepass? Cause that just happened
>Reuben and Dan teasing something in their meetup, and everyone there had to sign an NDA
I am very much ready. God, I hope it's a DLC and not the DMC west-anime by that Castlevania guy.
I live in a rock, is it that big of a deal
It could be, depending on what else the leak user is referring to said.
Didn't they basically all but confirm REmake3 was gonna be coming? Mr X is basically a proto Nemesis as is anyway.
>All these butthurt replies
Source faggit
So whens the RE announcement?
Some resetera tranny said Capcom had outsourced RE3 and it was coming " sooner rather than later"
Apparently this tranny had been right about other RE stuff so it's possible
shlohmo get oudda here
It's pachinko time
Is this the current RE thread?
Anyway, just finished my Frugalist S rank run. I just had to pick Leon B this time, fuck me, it was not fun, not fun at all. The Super Tyrant is such a dogshit "boss" design. What were they thinking? It's literally impossible to avoid his attacks reliably. And while we're at it, G2 is almost just as shit, had to take a hit there too, so I got to the final boss with Caution health level already.
>I’ll get to play Viewtiful Joe again
Don’t joke like this pls.
Get ready for "la goblina valentine"
Gate it by difficulty levels
easy mode he can't enter save rooms
normal mode he can't stop you saving
hard mode he destroys typewriters
Fuck RE8.
Just retcon everything. Do REmake 3 and don't nuke Raccoon City at the end and do a new branch of storylines.
this, 4-6 can fuck off
Outbreak 3
It's REmake4
yeah, I bet you’re proud of your bait. now quit replying to yourself.
Same. It will be just as bad though, because it's been proven that people will buy anything RE related that capcom shits out.
>vergil knows about the Boss
If only we had an archive. Oh.
>that no one likes
Speak for yourself faggot. 7 was great