Makoto Niijima is not as conventionally attractive as Ann nor does she have the same amount of awkward/"quirky" cute of...

Makoto Niijima is not as conventionally attractive as Ann nor does she have the same amount of awkward/"quirky" cute of Futaba and certainly not any of the unique qualities each of the games myriad cakes have.
So why is it that she regularly is ranked as the #1 girl in polls and fan content of Persona 5? Why do most people love her?

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Because she is plain enough to convince people that they're not shallow, while also carrying a shitload of mary sue qualities.

Because she is the hottest out of every girl in the game, has a fat ass, nice legs and is both a leader and able to acknowledge her flaws and grow.

And she fights with her goddamn fists.

Her voice

all P5 characters have no personalities

>not as conventionally attractive

What a meme. Attractiveness is anything but objective like that implies.

Sir this is a Mcdonalds drive thru.

At the risk of sounding like a fedora makoto felt like a girl you could have conversations with, a person you want to hang out with.

Also punchgirls.

In every JRPG, the girl who fights with her fist is the best girl by default. I cannot think of a single exception. Like Suikoden has 108 but the fist fighter is consistently the best girl.

FF7 kinda proves you wrong there

Because she's shilled throughout the game as a smart, stronk badass with a fat ass and rides a motorcycle, despite actually being incredibly dull in both look and personality.

Tbh im just into femdom and her costume and attitude really does it for me

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Too lazy to post a pic but she has the best ass and is intelligent and articulate

>tfw you'll never fuck Cherami Leigh

What did Sae mean by her cognitive inner-self dressing like a 1920s hooker, surrounded by Playboy bunny shadows and with chests containing
>seedy gear: exudes an air of smut

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I remember reading threads about her before I got the game hyping her up, and I expected to be blown away by this amazing personality. Instead

>She's just a cold autistic nerd who tries to throw her weight around, no real personality to speak of (just "muh grades!") and constantly shown up by everyone around her
>Ann and Futaba have both better visuals and personality's
>Her older sister mogs her in every way

What was the point of this character again?

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She has the cutest design. Nobody really looked great in the anime.

>makoto felt like a girl you could have conversations with, a person you want to hang out with.
She's a boring busybody. Other characters are more pleasant or fun to be with.

To be the most popular.

Literal shit taste. She's a poorly written Mary Sue that appeals to young, stupid players.

Funny, because she seems like she'd be pretty submissive in bed, at least during the first few times.

Futaba > Makoto > Shogi Girl > The rest
I'm right, my opinion is right, and I will always be right face it.

No way, every party member you can hang out with acts like a loud retard except Makoto and Haru

she would, femdom fags are just closet homos and don't understand female behaviour

Ann and Sae are best waifus by a long shot. They don't resort to cliché moe gimmicks to shine.

She is a female me

Yusuke has the best confidant scenes by far.

Because the game shills her abilities every chance it gets. She's basically the stealth-protag from the moment she joins, she's super smart and gets a cool awakening scene and punches enemies, and oh look she's turbo-autistic for (You).

Atlus pushed her as the prime waifubait character and the fanbase bit it, hook line and sinker.

so julia chang is the best girl from tekken?

God I hate persona so fucking much
A shitty series that gets mainstream love while SMT becomes vaporware with the announcement of its newest installment. Yeah, I'm fucking tilted.

>Makoto Niijima is not as conventionally attractive as Ann
Ann is conventionally attractive to the west
Makoto is about as conventionally attractive as you can get for the east
I'm pretty sure they even explicitly say this at some point in the game

Atlus shilled Ann way harder especially in the promotional material.

Well, girls that are dominant in bed do exist, but she doesn't seem like one.

Well its a good thing this is a western website isnt it?

Based. Me too
This is also kinda true. But even if this game is full of femdom undertones, all the girls act shy in the end so it's not like there's any other option. Makoto is the cutest when you tease her, so hopefully she's a switch and would peg you as a punishment afterwards.

Because if Akira wasn't the main character, she would be.

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>Well its a good thing this is a western website isnt it?
OP wasn't talking about this site only though, were they? They were asking about polls and fan content, and the overwhelming majority of fan content is made by the nips.

Never played any SMT game, and didn't know Persona until 5. Care to go into it a little?

Maybe her sis can teach her.

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It's more or less the same series except there's no/very little "FRIENDS ARE MY POWER" stuff, whereas it's a pretty major theme in most of the persona games.

nana wills it


The better question is why are people so butthurt when their waifu isn't the most popular character?

Evryone gets a cool awakening scene tho

Even if it meant no romance I think I'd prefer Makoto over self-insert silent protagonist.

Why hate Persona so much then if it's more or less the same thing?

She's cute! I just finished P5 for the first time. Does anyone actually like Ann?

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Ryuji's was the best.

>Makoto Yuki
Those are awful

Because they really hate "FRIENDS ARE MY POWER" stuff, presumably.
She's not actually that bad if you go solely by the character in the game and nothing else, just a rather stupid girl but nothing offensive. It's just all the people who get upset she isn't more popular.

She is only above Ryuji in the polls, losing to even Haru.

I like Ann in the sense that I like Ryuiji and think they'd make a great couple until their mid-life crisis fueled, slightly bitter but ultimately amicable divorce after 3 kids and 15 years of marriage.

I just assumed it was the dub because she sounds cuter than everyone else there. Meanwhile her jap voice is pretty boring, more so compared to Futaba's

You give Marilyn the cover of the magazine and Jackie the keys to the nukes.

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Well that's kind of a petty thing to get upset about.

Yeah because she's an actual person instead of "Arnold-kun"

Ryuji and Ann are the best P5 couple.

>Learnt her braid is a hairband and not real
>Not attracted to her anymore

Not gonna lie, I was very disappointed too.

Makoto is my favorite but I like Ann. I mean, she doesn't act like a bitch and is even a bit shy. It's a pretty pleasant Lovers character compared to Yukari imo

Fuck man I think you dont even need to change much of the actual story to make it work just have Makoto also be a Leblanc regular.
Hell early in development they had already planned to have the protag stay at Sae's apartment

couple of besties haha


>Hell early in development they had already planned to have the protag stay at Sae's apartment

This would have been pure kino.

Makoto is autistic, that's why.

>strong intelligent type
>is actually submissive and a scaredy cat
>but tomboyish and likes action movies
>but still embraces her femininity
It's like the combined all the aspects of Yukari's girliness, Mitsuru's class, and Chie into one character and also gave her a fat ass

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How can this be when Ann is my wife?

This user gets it. She also has a hot cake sister.

obviously you must be ryuiji and not know it

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She cute and hot and has a nice fashion sense.

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But she hates that suit and mask.

>But she hates that suit and mask.
>a suit and mask she made with her mind

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In mementos drive conversations she complains about it. Maybe its too tight. Maybe its just inconsistent shitty writing.

Because most of Yea Forums is a bunch of faggots that prefers short hairs.

What if Joker took all the girls to his curry and coffee place just so he could make them have really loose bowel movements so he could smell their curry coffee farts and shits haha

Best grill.

What if you werent a faggot haha

She hates how it shows off her entire body, especially her ass. It's still stylish.

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>wanting to sniff female ass makes you gay


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she is supposed to come across as the "smart" one of the group, which people shallowly lap up like retards
the actual fact is that she's the factual dumbest character of the group and the most socially inept, even moreso than Yusuke, who is the most darling character in the game
she is a useless and gutless coward and completely unnecessary to move the plot forward apart from being the "tactical mastermind" of the group despite being the dumbest one (Haru could do her job but better considering she's actually smart and fucking rich)

Counterpoint: She will go to the arcade and play games with you and she won't stink up the place like the smelly shut-in.

>comes up with the plan to punk Akechi

This Annfag cope.

It's a centered girl with goals in life and doesn't really put much effort into getting beautiful. The simple clothes and generic haircut while still retaining beautiful aspects, plus tomboyish shit makes for a stable woman that you want at your side
People want women for different reasons. Some people want fun bimbos and some others a cute tiny girl that they want to protect. I find both makoto and haru a middle ground where you'd actually want women like those as partners in life

>she's the factual dumbest character of the group and the most socially inept
This is exactly why I love her. I also agree with everything you just said, but I can't help but love this retard. For me, its that she is so dumb and socially inept, not that she is "smart"

>saefag is dead

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not even an Ann fag, I don't even particularly like any of the girls in this game, but Makoto drives me up the fucking wall being the most retarded character I have ever seen in the series

This user knows what's up.

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>>saefag is dead
Sometimes I wonder if people mean me when they say saefag
Surly I am not the only one

He fulfilled his purpose and goes now into the mists.

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The anime staff already did his job for him with the Valentine's Day OVA, so he returned home to his people.

Is that button really a prosecutor's badge in Japan, or does Sae work for the Umbrella Corporation?

Well based on your reply style you arent the one I'm looking for

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>makoto is supposed to be the smart one
>she never actually does anything smart

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She's relatable and realistic, cute in a social awkward way (but not overdone), know-it-all but not annoying, has a few baddass moments which are reasonable and doesn't overshadow the other characters in the cast

Instead of having one thing that makes her popular, I'd believe she's more like a sum of features that are done in the right measure

she's literally the Lightning of Persona 5
and a poorly written one too

>not changing your writing style on an user board
what a dweeb

>why is it that she regularly is ranked as the #1 girl in polls and fan content of Persona 5? Why do most people love her?
Because she's the leader of the Phantom Thieves.
You might think the leader is Joker, but no, Makoto is the factual leader of the PT. Ryuji doesn't do shit, Ann doesn't do shit, Yusuke doesn't do shit, Futaba contributes a bit with her ultra-convenient and flexible "hacking" skills and Haru, guess what, doesn't do shit. Meanwhile Makoto is the ultra-determined and intelligent future-policewoman who makes all of the discoveries necessary to progress the plot and issues all of the executive orders that drive the party's actions. Even Joker doesn't contribute much besides pure firepower thanks to the Wild Card.

So it's no wonder that so many people grow attached to her when she's effectively the protagonist of the game and the only character that the script will have you believe has an IQ above room temperature.

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Sae needs to call Makoto a piece of shit and ascend to the no. 1 ranking.

What happened to him? Like he doesn't frequent threads anymore or what?

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She's cute, the downside is that she's a fucking annoying retard.

>he downside is that she's a fucking annoying retard.
That's the best side

This. Fuck Makoto.
When she's introduced the rest of the party gets a fucking lobotomy, she's a shit character.

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Yeah, he died. Never to be seen again. Idk if he even saw the valentine day special

Probably didnt get asked about much and is resuming with life and shit. Last thing I remember is him saying he'd take a break for a while and maybe start on something new, involving makoto and ryuji iirc. Not sure, maybe well hear from him one day, seemed to like having fans of his work.

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You were yelling way before that Ryuji.

Girls are the cutest when they're retarded but she is an annoying fuck.

Fucking when did he say this?

Obligatory shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

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Why the seethe. It's only natural the know-it-all smart character will come up with plans more often than the dumb muscle or the rich girl with connections. But in the end they would all discuss the current topic together

I would guess partly because she's not as much of an autismo as Futaba but has just enough to have a "cute quirk" to make her not as basic as Ann. Plus she's framed as the "smart one", even though to make her seem smart they just made the other characters dumber.
A real normalfag choice to be honest.
Little clarification is Futaba's spaghetti dropping is to the point that it might get in the way of her life which can be baggage and awkward to handle, but Makoto is simply uptight and can have some trouble with connecting with more emotional people or being casual.