Be good MMO

>be good MMO
>die anyways

No wonder game devs avoid the MMORPG genre like the plague.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Looter shooters are superior anyway.

>released missing four whole fucking classes
>didn't even have a tutorial to speak of for over a fucking year, you just logged in and had to figure out what was going on
>got two thirds of its capital system cut out because population was already skewed towards the edgefags, having them split between two other pairings would have just made it worse
I will always mourn age of reckoning, like a premature baby that died after a month of torturous NICU care. Here too early, gone too soon.

Also Magus class being so bad that guilds refused to even waste a single guild slot on one and even had active rules that no one could invite even an alt or a friend it was that bad

>Flashback over a decade ago
>Playing magus in battleground
>Long range single target spec
>Know if I get into midrange spell/ability range I'll get fucked up
>Nuking bright wizard for 20 seconds
>Doing fuck all
>He looks at me annoyed,runs up to closer range and slaps me with a DOT
>It crits me for 80% of my health twice

Yeah no. I loved warhammer fantasy and still do, but this mmo was crap.

One of the most roflworthy unbalanced, not in a charming asymmetrical way but a "nope" way

>good MMO

Yeah no. This was a shit game. I was hyped as fuck, and they released an unfinished shitmess with the balance of a one-legged vertigo sufferer after a round of absinthe and purple kush. Fuck bright wizards, and fuck this game.

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>Looter shooters

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I played it for about a solid 2 months after Launch, the only things i remember were the massive amount of bugs, especially related to Public Quests, and that the classes were MASSIVELY unbalanced, and not in a tolerable way.

as you said Bright Mages just did 3x the damage of everyone else for no reason, so PvP was a joke.


The game needed another good 6 months of polish and it would've stood the test of time. Had the best PvP of any MMO in that generation, except for maybe DAoC.

Shit's depressing to think about.

it did the setting justice (apart from destro faction choices), but as a game it was shit

>be good idea for MMO
>badly executed

what is
>Return of Reckoning

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Who /engineer/ here?
Though to be honest I felt about as useful as that Magus poster above. I jumped from Marauder to Engineer to Squig Herder before finally realizing I should just play Rune Priest because I picked the 3 coolest yet worst classes in the game.
I'm not playing Return of Reckoning because I don't want to play WAR I want to play a better version of WAR with a committed team behind it.
Also its fucking depressing that a lot of the Mythic team went to ESO and it fucking sucks dick.

OK Yea Forums, which studio handles the WH IP the best? Who would you like to see pick up the franchise?

For me, has to be Creative Assembly.

The game world also sucked balls. The tier system completely, utterly fucked it - it was painfully linear.

Seriously, what was even going on with the leveling zones? I never saw anyone and all the bases were ringed with cannon/war machines that went unused because there were high level guards anyways.

T1 and T4 were the only ones that mattered.

>Be Mythic
>People unsub
>Quietly resub them
>Be Mythic
>Don't fix any exploits
>World first leader kills achieved via exploits
>Issue no punishment

warhammer sucks, especially fantasy warhammer

The reason WAR died was because they released it in an alpha stage and even then half the shit that was in didn't work.
The big selling point was the RvR but the servers couldn't even handle 200 or 300 people at the same location so all you really did was run in circles to flag domination points and grind your PvP rank.

I'm actually legit mad because I did like the stuff that was functional but there was just too much shit that absolutely wasn't.

Its kind of crappy desu

>bright wizard could dominate whole teams without a problem if they ever had to pass a chokepoint
>was never fixed to my knowledge

One thing I remember well was that when you were queuing for a BG, when you got an invite you just magically transported into it. This is one of those little"QOL" thins people talk about. This is directly the sort of thing that kills immersion.

People need to understand all the things that are wrong here. First, separate BG's. Pretty garbage in and of themselves. and secondly just being ripped from where you are and dumped somewhere else.

Don't do stuff like that in persistent world mmo's.

Everyone had one magus/engineer though, if they ran warbands in rvr. For the pull.

Other than that they sucked ass.

Oh man, something I completely forgot until you mentioned the BG queuing - fuck their system of filling up battlegrounds with a rusty pipe. I spent so much fucking time in the queue only to get thrown into a match that was 95% over, with an assured loss for my own side.

I was hyped for this game but lets not pretend it's flawless. Stop releasing games with buggy quests and clunky animations, and yes it's Warhammer but everything just looked like shit. Also don't underestimate people's desire for gear aesthetic diversity, you can make a lot of different models without it being clown tier.

Also, what really killed this game was their mistake in launching with too many servers and then refusing to merge servers that objectively were turning into ghost towns. They outright said "Merging servers is the sign of a dying game", so what were people on these ghost towns supposed to do except quit? After the population continued to shrink drastically Mythic finally decided to merge but by then people who might have stayed already quit.

Also, dwarf runepriest here. So much fun.

>can't even play as a glorious Brettonian
Do you take me for a churl?

how come they dont make many warham fantasy games compared to 40k? is 40k just much more popular?

Imagine this game was a hit and was successful enough for them to ambitiously expand content. Destruction gets vampires and Order gets brettonians.

> is 40k just much more popular?
IIRC yes, the fantasy tabletop is very niche and hard to find groups for but 40k tabletop is an easy thing to find a community for.

Also we got vermantide and warhammer total war, so the interest is growing now at least. I think a gotrek and felix game could be good.

im just asking because i don't really know jackshit about warhammer period, a friend got me vermintide 2 the other day and thats pretty fun

i think im more interested in fantasy than 40k to be honest

40K is way more well known, yeah.

The problem with Warhammer videogames is that there's infinite potential and a huge amount of content that you can just attach your game to, but somehow the developers always manage to fuck up.

The only genuinely successful Warhammer fantasy game that keeps on delivering is Total War.

Vermintide 2 was a very solid game on launch but then they kept fumbling around with console releases and what not, which led us to this sorry state in which we've gotten 6 new maps, half of which are ports from Vt1, a new faction (definitely cool but boils down to like 4 enemy types and a boss) and a couple of weapons. Vermintide's stagnant state makes me really sad, they should at least be putting up a map a month on average in like packs of three or four and open the doors for real modding.

And then there is WH: Chaosbane which I was slightly hyped for even though I'm not a huge fan of Diablo-likes. But I've almost exclusively heard bad things about it.

it died because of the poor optimization

the big fights were one of the big selling points but it was so laggy even on high end pc`s

>Chaos Sorcerer stuck on a stupid cuckwheel
Game was and is trash, I played the shitty private server not too long ago as well.

It was an okay MMO for it's time but not better not developing faster than WoW at the time .

If you liked the PVP then I suggest looking at the in dev MMO Crowfall. It has a unique take on PVP and us inspired by many good titles including Warhammer Online, Ultima, m DAOC and most of all shadowbane.

Fantasy doesn't have funny jokes like Magnus the Red. Closest it has is Ravandil.

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I played that game for a short period of time with my friends but I dont remember too much about it. Werent there castles and other points that could be fought over in every zone? I remember doing world pvp fighting for some sort of building and I remember thinking how cool that concept was.

>exclusively heard bad things about it.
like what?

It's very improbable that we'll ever get a Warhammer game where some kind of humans aren't the main faction and center of the story. For some reason it's considered hard to sell games like that, just look at how many play as humans in every RPG in which you can choose something else.

I know that there is a Tau game, but I think that's a real outlier.

>>The problem with Warhammer videogames is that there's infinite potential and a huge amount of content that you can just attach your game to, but somehow the developers always manage to fuck up.

>tfw that massive fuckup that was supposed to be a 40K MMO and then got downgraded again and again till it was a barely functioning online shooter

the servers also couldn't handle it. it was impossible to conquer a city without exploits because the manpower that was required to kill the faction leader was too much to handle for the servers, they just went down.

That it's very short, has the same couple of backgrounds over and over again, that it has essentially been abandoned by the developers after being released in bad state and that it's obviously expensive for what you get. The release price of the game was twice that of Vt2, which doesn't look right.

a lot of it is just people mashing through the default options to get to the game quicker
like if you had a game where you could play as a lion person, a human, or a dinosaur person, and the dinosaur was the default option, you'd see more dinosaur players than anything else

Don't mention that again, please. It was supposed to be the perfect marriage of 40K and Planetside until it just kept diminishing in scope until there wasn't anything left.

>pvp in mmos good
>mmo based on pvp any good
>mmo post wow apocalypse of the genre
The only thing it had going for it is setting because warhammer is cooler then warcraft.

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I don't know if I'm expecting too much of the average person, but I at least have to take a closer look at every race and gender before deciding.

I still seriously doubt that a majority would play as Argonians in the next Elder Scroll, even if it had been the default race.

Mythic got a bit too ambitious with trying to implement ideas they had for DAoC but couldn't do, ended up gutting content to try to make launch date because and EA are money-sucking vampires who I think truly do not understood how MMOs worked considering how many MMOs EA killed. Pretty sure EA was the first to shut down an MMO in the west (Earth & Beyond) and have the biggest graveyard of ded MMOs for a company that isn't Korean.

Planetside 40k is still the dream that won't come true.

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They gave out free keys to all owners twice or thrice IIRC and I couldn't even find anyone who wanted to have the game for free.
What a fucking clusterfuck. Though I guess at least they tried, they did still have regular updates when it was already obvious the game was dead and would never make more money and some decent interaction with the community, they just didn't have the skills to pull it off.

I loved WAR despite it's many MANY flaws.

The low tiers were so much better than the higher ones it's ridiculous.
Some of my favorite times were making new characters to run some gimmick pair in the first pvp instance. Like two marauders sprinting up and blocking the enemy bridge leading to the second point and flailing our tentacles to great success.

oh fuck, I completely forgot that they got bought by EA somewhere along the way and it all went downhill from there on.
didn't they change it back from EA Mythic to just Mythic too to try and control the damage a bit?

>pic unrelated

>to great success.

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What's the best looter shooter right now? Destiny 2? Anthem? Division 2?

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>copy World of Warcraft
>die because you're not World of Warcraft and do everything worse with 1/20th of the playerbase

The issue was just that the developers were a bunch of incompetent leafs. If they had put a half decent studio behind it, it would've been great, even if it just turned out to be a lobby shooter.

I got Destiny 2 for free and its bretty gud. Never did much endgame stuff because none of my friends wanted to play it.

>the biggest selling point turned out to be a lie

Are you retarded OP? This shit had no endgame.

yep. The player base was pure cancer. I mean, so was wow, but with 10+ million subs, you could find a cool group to chat with. WHOnline was just games workshop nerds. The kind of guys who tuck polo shirts into jeans and wear sneakers with it.


i played it until the level where people got their knockback skills and the bgs had lava and other terrain hazards and i spent all game every game getting knocked into them
then all i did was make new characters over and over to enjoy the low level bgs

>tfw on the receiving end of slayer+BW paintrain

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Hey, it worked. I don't remember why, but marauders could get there before the enemy team and block them long enough to secure the point every time. It was always successful.

>Forced to play sorc+choppa to combat cancer with cancer
Why is it so hard to balance rvr?
>What do you mean AoE shouldn't be just as powerful or better than single target?

>good mmo

I fucking love warhammer online, but it died for a reason. The "good" part was the first half, with the later areas and endgame being terribly unfinished.

Balance was an absolute mess and the devs were horrid at adressing those issues, the bigger issues were the good side obliterating the evil side in world pvp thanks for bright wizard aoe nukes hitting everything. And fuck, i played the order side 90% of the time.

Also their fucking blunders with patches, and billing where they accidentally billed people several times what they should have.

The game was great, but was rushed out too fast, and the devs did not have the team they needed to support it after release. So in the end all this mmo really had was a really solid base to build upon, but then they built a shack on top of that foundation.


the pc specs were too high for its time among other problems
Paul barnett was really selling me before the game came out but then it looked like it was just going to play like wow.

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>>What do you mean AoE shouldn't be just as powerful or better than single target?
Made even worse by the fact that they had their fucking implosion skill which dragged everyone on top of each other. You had to stand stupidly far away from each other to avoid having your whole party nuked.

>play choppa
>engi pulls me to their backline
I'm sure their team thanked him.

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>Balance was an absolute mess and the devs were horrid at adressing those issues
they kept insisting that bright wizards were glass cannons so it's fine without ever realizing that it doesn't matter if you're theoretically squishy if nothing can get close to you.
the fucking only thing you could do against them was have your marauder (was it the marauder?) use the grab skill on them and then hope your party managed to chain stuns well enough that the BW didn't just nuke the group he got pulled into

how the fuck can you let a single class dominate PvP for that long without doing anything about it?

It wasn't a good MMO it was an ok/good base for an MMO, all the classes were fun to play, they rewarded exploration with bosses hidden away in areas you could've thought where out of bounds, the maps themselves were cool, the frontlines idea was cool even if it needed tuning and playing Swordmaster in Tor Anroc was the most fun I ever had in a MMO
But despite that, they took almost years to release content, it was released with 4 classes missing (at least they were added later), 4 cities missing that were never added and which completely fucked up the frontlines system since you mostly only needed to gather the whole faction in one single place to completely stop any advance from the opposing faction making the cities attacks an extreme rarity that only happens in very late hours for the first year or two (on Brionne, the first or second city attack happened in march or may at 2AM, more than 6 months after the release).
On top of that, the class balance was completely screwed towards Destruction to the point that the only two classes that were better in Order, the bright wizard and ironbreaker, had billions of threads complaining about them because Destruction players weren't used to not be overtuned. The only other class that sometimes was better than its Destruction counter was the White Lion when his pet was bugged and you could pull enemies from the other side of the map.

They are fucking retarded then, Magus is one of the reasons why Order had to build resistances against all 3 elements while Destruction could completely ignore Spiritual resistance since only Archmage and Swordmasters were really using it, classes who don't do much damage in the first place.

It didn't even matter when they went into melee and blasted everyone in their vicinity to death in a second if they had guard and good healers.
BW/Sorc were absolute cancer. They could deal insane damage from any range depending on the spec.

It really was a horribly flawed MMO.
But looking back all I can remember is having fun running WB vs WB in Praag.

lets not pretend the bright wizard wasn't absolutely broken though.
>black hole skill
>aoe stun
>aoe nuke skills that were enough to drop even tanks

the early and mid game was fun, probably because that's what they did early in the development cycle.
the late game was absolutely not done but EA insisted on them sticking to the schedule anyway so we got a fucking broken mess at a time where WoW dominated the market and you only got one single chance to leave a good first impression and convince people to check out this other MMO instead.
if they had given them ~6 more months to work on it it could have probably been pretty good

>capital city sieges
Holy shit that was awful. Do that fucking garbage for couple hours then hope just hope that you get loot. You won't.


>bright wizard wasn't absolutely broken though.
>black hole skill
It won't help if you're remembering shit wrong, he never had that, that was an engineer pulling you towards a bright wizard, magus could do the same while the other two things you described could be done with sorcerers. The one thing that made bright wizard busted in melee range was Crown of Fire, a stun that wasn't triggering any immunity when hitting them, making them stupid resilient for their damage.

Bugs, lack of content, devs went silent and seemingly abandoned it.

Not even that helped. It was the critical mass of bright wizards that ruined world pvp. Having just one was fine in pvp. They got murdered plenty by with elves and anyone who focused on them in normal pvp.

But having 10+ bright wizards roasting the fuck out of anything that moved was fucking retarded.

That and absurdly high damage output. The only thing that could compete with their damage in pvp was fucking knight of the blazing sun with the retal aura, which was the most hillarious shit ever.

Oh the bright wizard did 100k dmg in pvp, i did 150k just by existing. Fuck i loved the game, but fuck was it also broken.

Do you mean fire rain (or w/e spell was called) stacking? They nerfed that eventually.

Slayer/Choppa were unironically more glasscannon and they had to be in melee.


I think they were just unironically more glasscannon because they had to be in melee.

Don't remember the name but might be yea. I was doing my own thing with engineer anyway. That and witch hunter. Did not care much about other classes besides low lvl pvp.

>Have Cyrodiil PvP
>Be amazing
OP is wrong, and a faggot

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They got -50% armor and res if they were full rage. Of course you can get rid of it easily but still.

>It won't help if you're remembering shit wrong, he never had that, that was an engineer pulling you towards a bright wizard
Oh shit right, it was the combination of them. My bad, guess my BW PTSD exaggerated how bad it was.

Thinking of trying out those two private servers, just to play druchii waifus and husbandos.

>Good mmo
>Tab Bar based pvp mmo

This. EA rushed it, game was half-baked and untested

There was also the subscription fee overcharge which made tons of people give up on the game

>Expand enough to get ratniggers as a non event and Nazi lizards
I am thankful it never got lizardmemes

That's why

Wasn't there some dude that got charged somewhere in the six figures?

This was a huge fuck up, Knight being missing at launch basically meant that the only "human warrior" class was on destro side, adding to the bias. And of course the Empire and Dark Elf starting zones were a pain because the only tanks for PQs were hipsters that came from other zones.
At least the missing classes were added fairly quickly but nothing ever became of the 4 cities. That basically meant that there was no distinction of separate armies anymore, everyone just blobs together in one zone. To be honest the idea was overly ambitious and unfeasible. Healthy playerbases across four tiers with three fronts each just wouldn't have worked, at least with the traditional server system.
All in all, a blatantly, ridiculously unfinished game with some very questionable design choices. When it was good, it was really good, but the bad times were really bad.

Vampires are an order faction though. Should have been poopoo peepees for destruction vs order brettonians.

>warhammer online
It was one of the worst themepark MMOs of all time you fucking revisionist history asshole

The Division is unironically good, its problem is that by being set in the modern world with a serious down to earth story with no supernatural shit it conflicts HEAVILY when you shoot a random bitch thug in his unprotected face five times and he's still coming at you. I think this right here turned off a lot more people than its given credit for.

>i think im more interested in fantasy than 40k to be honest
Fantasy has much, MUCH more to offer than 40k does. That's not to say 40k is bad, just that you're much more likely to find an aspect of Fantasy you REALLY like compared to 40k. Why its not more popular compared to 40k honestly confuses me.

>crying about bright wizard
Its a fucking bright wizard. They're supposed to be dangerous as fuck. Blame the lore if you have a school of magic being so much better at direct combat than others.

Vampires are not order.
Vampires and Arkhan who isn’t a vampire
Greenskins and ogres
Dark elves sometimes
Rats, peepee poopoo, chaos marauders, warriors and demons.
Morathi, sometimes. It’s weird.
Empire, dwarf, wood and high elves, bretonnia, assorted other irrelevant humans.
Dark elves sometimes (it’s very complicated, editions are funny).
Lizardnazis (no shit).
Tomb kings (albeit they do neutral quite a bit)

Note TK and lizards are in a weird GW limbo.

I actually did enjoy this game. It's classes were really unique and the game was focused on fun over anything else.
>play Squig Herder
>climb into colossal squigs mouth and ride around
>negates the need for a mount, too

Destruction vs order is a bad meme, one one more RvB shit that ruined WoW. In WH you can have most factions fighting other factions, like empire vs high elves and shit like that. The point is "your dudes" and stories you make.

Maybe in aos, but Nagash was Order aligned he just happened to believe order only existed in skeletons

Greenskins are the best race in both fantasy and especially in 40k. In worlds almost exclusively about death and misery, they're the only ones that manage to have some fucking fun, and I'll always love them for that.

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We've finally reached it bros, when the contrarian will LITERALLY make shit up to try and and justify hating the mainstream games (WoW:C and FFXIV)
Warhammer was NEVER good, it was incomplete at launch and poorly optimized at all stages of its existence

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>Maybe in AoS!!
Lel, it was always like this.
Nagash didn’t like chaos but he also wanted to commit mass genocide which did leave him as his own thing.
Note this also sorta applies to lizardmemes and it’s never expanded on because GW hates them and tomb Kings just wanna be alone but don’t like Nagash or chaos it’s just that they don’t really like everyone else either just “tolerate” them.
They do like skaven iirc.

It didn’t have alliances but those where more loosely based around giving you a narrative start and difficulty, as such a skaven and Lizardmen (iirc their alliance list was “we hate everyone. Fuck yu all. High elves can stay in the donut tho”) wouldn’t ally and share stuff, and high elves wouldn’t ally with chaos.
It’s say balance but in all honesty GW related 7th edition daemons, high and dark elves, greenskins in general being shit and Grey Knights so lmao/10 balancelol.

Fantasy died and was replaced by AoS

My druchii are their own thing, even in old 4th edition lore they were apart from other chaos stuff, and 6th edition and onward they got less and less chaosy. Basically, destruction vs order is gamey shit.

I remember them wanting to implement a feature that made higher level characters look different, like Orcs would get bigger the higher level they are, Dwarves get longer beards, etc., but I can't actually remember if it was ever implemented? I always found it to be a neat little thing when hearing about it.

>fantasy died
On table top (besides RPG), not vidya and seeing what they do with age of smegma it's for the best that WHFB is dead, though too bad my favorite characters are involved in that shit.

All druchi where their own thing really.
Except maybe morathi it if you defend morathi, you are mentally ill and want to fuck your mother.

LotD was maximum kino but holy shit those raids were bugged as fuck even for WAR.

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And the only people seething are secondaries who never touched tabletop in their lives.
>b-b-but I played da vidya and read da wiki!

The developers seemed to have loads of "ideas" for the game that just never got implemented. I remember them talking about having that big Lorebook ingame that would track how many of every enemy you killed, and if you for instance killed like 1000 goblins/wolves whatever you would earn a title and unlock a trait like +10% damage to that group of enemies etc. They had lots of IDEA guys but no one to actually develop the game into a acceptable state.

>not vidya
And the best part: GW gets fucking bullied for handing out the Fantasy genre.

>GW suggests them to make an AoS game
>Chaosbane devs threatens them to not make a video game for them

Roleplay-wise I agree.

Should've made every class OP in some regard.

Kek, absolutely. I was still a gullible kid back then, so the CGI trailers and 'this is what will be in the game' blogposts were enough to hook me in. Even if the game sucked, I had a fun time and it made me learn that you should always check gameplay before buying something.

Incest is wincest. As for Morathi, it depends on what lore material you read, in 8e she is way less involved with chaos as opposed to 6e and older. But anyway, druchii thing is that they fight and enslave pretty much everyone but they are not above making allies when it suits them. Either chaos allies or others, like that one time when they burned Sartosa together with Settra.

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>Depends on the looooreeee!!!
>Muh headcanon!!!!
Even if we discount the long ongoing chaos boner Morathi (and it’s more of a general power Boner than a particular chaos boner) had 90% of the bad things in the setting are directly worsened or happened because of morathi being a literal thot.
Don’t let your boner control you.

Literally every faction in wh is ready to commit genocide.

Nah, I don't really have huge boner for Morathi My husbando is Malekith., and you're right about Power boner, but I'm just pointing out that there are difference between editions.I don't care what bad things happened to other races besides elves, Tbh. In fact, I would blame Assuryan for being shit.

It needed more time before release, but what was there was truly great. By far the most enjoyable MMO for me in the last decade.

Not really.
Only Lizardmen (and even then it’s more of a concentration camp/border autism) chaos (mass genocide of all creation into utter entropy and move to Repeat this in another universe) and Nagash (subjugate all existence into his undead minions), the rest aren’t beyond cleansing other races but they won’t literally go to the ends of the earth to do this.

>Good MMO
I played it day 1 and it was broken trash. You could barely play it because it was so laggy. Nice ideas though.

Another problem with the RvR shit was that there was almost no incentive to defend shit, you got loot for taking keeps but not defending. Since the loot was distributed randomly it was also a super inconsistent way to get gear.

They did exactly that.
No bonuses though.

Assuryan autism didn’t help, specially if you consider end times where he goes
>Huumm you see I choose malekith
>That’s why I made all of your kings cursed
>Yes even after all the bad things he did
>And also no, I didn’t feel like telling ANYONE this because I am right you are wrong :)

But yeah, never said they are 100% chaos they just are opportunistic and do whatever they want to do. Even morathi would probably try to stop chaos ending the world because that’s no fun.

Nagash might, but plenty of the other vampire lords are pretty chill and just wanna keep their lands under proper rule. And in many cases the humans prefer the vampire rule over the empire.

True. Hell even in ET which I don't care about her old patron slaanesh was kind of against ending the world, and chaos or no chaos Morathi would probably think the same.

it's still a game that needs balancing. you wouldn't have a SM vs Orks game and then make SM players strong enough to slaughter dozens of enemies without breaking a sweat

Other vampires might want a or b or even chivalrically fight chads or maybe just chill and read books but daddy Nagash comes and he spanks them into shape and might apply liberal uses of mind rape to do so.

It was not a "good MMO" - it focused way too much on pvp and rvr. Needed more pve content. Just like Guild Wars is not "good" for having a lvl 20 cap and terrible combat.
And yet they were unique, did their own thing and thus can be considered good.

Pick one.

>riding in circles around domination points with my guild
>run across the order group by chance
>guild leader tells us to keep our distance because it's more profitable to let them grab the point and then retake it than to fight them to stop them from taking it

>They do like skaven iirc.
They don't have any feelings about them unless they try to invade their shit, as far as I remember their only interaction was the skavens giving the TKs a blade to fuck up Nagash.

No, it wasn't good. Clunkier than WoW by a million, boring graphics, pvp systems that weren't much better than WoW.

>that one poor third worlder begging EA for help because their outsourced Indian finance team was charging people dozens of times for a single month all of a sudden
Still makes me sad. I never did get past the 'free' time the physical copy gave me because the game was nearly stillborn. I was so hyped for it too, to me this was the final true attempt at dethroning WoW when it was relevant and it failed hard. MMOs died to me then.
I just wish that I had experienced Dark Age of Camelot for the real RvR experience.

It makes sense since pre-AoS lore and setting was more interesting than the new one no matter how they play.

So after Nagash had made everyone into skellingtons then what? Just fuck around in his autism pyramid and do magic tricks?

>I remember them talking about having that big Lorebook ingame that would track how many of every enemy you killed, and if you for instance killed like 1000 goblins/wolves whatever you would earn a title and unlock a trait like +10% damage to that group of enemies etc.
That was one of the few things they talked about that was actually in the game, user, even the damage bonus unlike what said, it was bonus tactics to unlock that gave you small bonuses against the enemies you slaughtered.

pretty sure he was trying to become a god.
turning nehekhara into skelingtons was also just a fuck you to them in particular because they opposed his rulership and drove him out back during his almost-human years, I don't think that was actually his plan for the whole world.

Yes, and? People not allowed to dislike aos lore now?

40k mmo when

I read the first and the second Nagash book. He was full blown skeleton man snorting moonstone inside a mountain killing ratbois. Nehekharans were still humans but Arkhan had created the first vampires.

Yeah, but before he was duking it out with the rats while being high on moonstone he was the spiritual (and after killing his brother) political ruler of Nehekhara's biggest kingdom. And he was still somewhat human at that point, just also fairly immortal. And I think it was Neferata creating the vampires by trying to copy Nagash's immortality elixir.

It was Arkhan who created the potion from Nagash's memos. Neferata was dying from something and he "saved" her with the potion. Something like that.

Hm, okay. I thought it was Neferata who made the potions and kept force feeding them to her court to see if it worked out or something like that, but it's been a long time since I read the books.

Maybe in America.

Collect tax from the living

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Fantasy is an excellent take on traditional fantasy. It's like if 2000AD did a parody of Forgotten Realms.
40K is a schizophrenic gonzo wetdream filled combining Mad Max, Dune, 2000AD, Alien, the First World War, and literally Warhammer Fantasy.

Oh, yeah afterwards she made vampires from the nobles and got them addicted to the stuff.

kill self