He doesn't play City of Heroes in 2019

>he doesn't play City of Heroes in 2019

Why not? The Chan server literally just released water control today. Been playing as a literal pissbaby super hero all night.

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Other urls found in this thread:


But I do play on the coxg server user.

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I fell off a bit during the big mp nuke, but I plan to get back on this week now that things are super settled

What's funny is the Reddit server has the biggest population but literally ran by discord tranny's with no content updates while the Chan server has been updating with new powersets and content monthly. It's kind of crazy.

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I don't even know where to start, as soon as they opened one for everyone, some discord controversy started.

never forget his crimes.

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what's the quick rundown on everything that happened after the coxg server went up, did it gain a decent population? what happened to the other servers?

>run by the slimy scumfucks that hid the game from the public for 7 years
>first one out of the gate with a stable private server after the aforementioned slimy scumfucks begged everyone else to wait 48 hours "because we're in talks with ncsoft about getting the license and having private servers up could torpedo that," then setting their server up 24 hours later
>currently set up as an LLC that is EXPLICITLY NOT non-profit, and bilking its player base for anywhere between 6000 - 13,000 a month for very nebulous reasons
>98% of the population plays here because the majority are fucking cuck faggot NPCs and "that's where everyone plays,"
>all of the prior misdeeds of the server staff are being memoryholed because people would rather not admit to themselves they were being played for seven years and are being played again.
>is the de facto reddit server because leodrones will hop onto ANY thread asking about how to play and point people to homecoming

>Ostensibly the reddit server, focused on RP
>literally, unironically run by discord trannies
>funded by "don't worry about it ;)"
>had a population in the mid-twenties
>the "don't worry about it" was actually a single guy that was a super hardcore SJW
>rumors are that they got into a fight with the lead discord tranny about banning people who even mentioned that they were from Yea Forums (seriously)
>guy funding the server pulled the plug
>they found a new host but the population never recovered, they closed a few weeks ago, transferring their character DB over to rebirth
>literally the first of the private servers to permanently die
>41% joke goes here


Because I realized that 8 man CoX content is fucking garbage and that the game plays thousands of times better with just 4 people in a party. Also, that in general the gameplay is extremely dated.

Then I realized that I mostly remembered CoX as a game my ex girlfriend and I played, and that I'll never have a time like that in my life again.

Now I'm just sad.

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I was wondering what ever happened to the private server files getting released. I was trying to ignore it because it would probably just disappoint/never ever. Glad that it's happening. Maybe I'll try it sometime in the not-so-near future.

I fucking do, asshole.

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>Discord server
>run by Retched, who may be a black tranny? Not 100% on that one
>basically as vanilla a server as you can get, issue 24, 1x XP rate, basically everything as it was when the game closed plus the stuff on the test server
>population in the ~100s or so
>host got doxxed and he balked so they had to find another host, but otherwise pretty quiet drama-wise as far as I know

>self moderated
>a handful of people came in at launch and started to cause trouble, guys larping as KKK members broascasting le 13% meme, spamming "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" in chat, etc
>that's ALL they seemed to do, too, suspiciously so in fact, to the point where it's thought that some if not all of them came in specifically to sabotage the server, and if they didn't they were just edgy retards trying to chase away normies
>the switch from leo's shit to i24 hurt us pop-wise, we dropped a bit because it was basically a reset, currently sitting at around 30ish peak.
>usually ded as fuck in the morning but that's because we're mostly boomers with jobs.
>really chill though, everyone's pretty fucking cool, events get run all the time
>honestly pretty comfy. feels a bit like if you had an SG that had run of an entire server, everybody knows everybody sorta thing.

If you want to join and play.

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Man, this game is fun but it really seems like the kind of game you just "know about". All the information I look up is old as fuck/outdated and everyone in the game seems to be as clueless as me, or just knows everything but doesn't bother talking about it or explaining anything.

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most of the information is old as fuck because the game is old as fuck.

Still waiting for erp mods.

coxg has a modeler who does lewd shit. It'll happen, but i'd prefer it if we weren't the first. Any server that adds them would just immediately fill up with degens just looking to jerk off and you wouldn't be able to get anything done. better to have that on its own server made specifically for it. Call is Eros or something.

People do still use the nude mod, but it's only works client side.

This is how I feel. I am perpetually lost and constantly feel out of place despite trying me best to learn and adapt. It's just so much.

Doesn't help that you need to use the wayback machine to find game info

the wikis are out there, and I can't really speak for servers I don't play on, but if you have a question on coxg I'm sure you'll get answer, and probably only be laughed at and called a retard a little bit.

If you come on and ask then more often than not we'll fill you in.

I do but not on the retarded /vg/ server.

The information is all old and seems out of date because the game was closed for 7 years. Even the newest shit on wiki pages is still almost 10 years old. The private servers that are running have some different stuff from what any googling might produce for you but not by much. Any information from around 2012 is probably still good.

All it took was a couple of based favela niggers to bring CoH back. Bless those unknown heroes.

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hi leo, don't you have some butthurt cream to take?

>no new powersets
>no new fx
>no npc costume pieces

>instead, MUH FAST SNIPE


Turns out that is probably a lie. Leo doxed himself recently he actually lives in the states. He pulled a brianna wu on everyone.

So basically, unless you play with meme spouting retarded fucks from Yea Forums, you're reddit or a discord tranny, thanks you made it clear which server not to go to at least.

I don't know when it's going to happen, but EVENTUALLY leo is going to try to take the money and run, and when he does he's going to find himself on the wrong side of a machete. Fuck, that was a possibility already just given the fact that he's in south america.

the info on that is pretty specious. he asked for shipping charges to a city in missouri for a game or something, and that's pretty much it. Could be sending a gift to someone, could live there and have family in buenos aires that he stays with over vacation, the whole buenos aires thing could be made up, who knows.
doesn't look like missouri, though.

>meme spouting retarded fucks from Yea Forums

where does this even come from? I've played games populated by Yea Forums people and Yea Forums specific servers and its never been bad.

you want to stretch first before you reach that far next time. you'll pull something.

hc shills please go

Pretty much. CoH is forever destined to a future of retarded discord drama.

Is there somewhere I can download this? I always thought this looked interesting and I'm surprised to hear there's still servers about

There is no drama on coxg, because we actually have our shit together.

Please do everyone a favor and go back to fellating leo

I wish COXG had a bigger population.

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In COXG at least it got it all out of its system. They even banned a guy who was trying to actively "sabotage" the other servers.

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Right here boyo

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thunderspygaming.net has links to the launcher and account creation.
>I'm surprised to hear there's still servers about
man that's a rabbit hole you don't want to go into. The tl;DR of it is that the pozzed argie fuck in had everything needed to bring the game back from the dead pretty much as soon as it closed, but kept it for himsefl and ran a secret private server for 6.5 years (nearly as long as the game was alive), while ALSO pretending private servers were basically impossible. we only got shit up and running in may.

That begins with you, user. Spread the word of coxg and don't listen to the leo cockgobblers who think HC has a future.

Company of Heroes discussion? I could go for some of that in this dead game thread.

zoom zoom

Imagine living in a clown world where people think coxg is dead.

Imagine living in a clown world where you play on a dead server full of retarded children who communicate by saying nigger, instead of Homecoming.

coxg patchnotes COMIN' THRU


Highlights: Telekinetic Assault, Water Control, Kinetic Assault (some fx aren't done but it works and is fun), buffs around the board to things

Manifest: thunderspygaming.net/manifest.xml

i like how you capitalize homecoming like it's some sort of place worth respect. christ what a faggot.

is leo paying you for this? how much an hour to gaslight and sabotage our community?

or are you just doing it in hopes of being able to suck his latino dick

Isn't that a bit of exaggeration, calling a couple of circlejerkers a community?

a server of 30-ish during peak hours and lots on the discord

and we live rent-free in your head, leo. R E N T F R E E.

while homecoming keeps hemorrhaging players as zoomers get bored.

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Wait a minute that guy is still in charge of something?

he's always been in charge, user. raging narcissism like that won't settle for taking a backseat.

he claimed to step back, then merely consult, now he's part of the "team". he's a worm and will die a worm's death, but, until then, is just another latino faggot

glownigger just means someone working for intelligence agencies

>tons of fixes
>new powersets
>not homecoming
what more could you want?

Loli and pony body type

Dont forget the Yea Forums server was set up originally because a namefag, dr brain, got offended by trannies and made a safe space discord. That's how you know this place is just edgy Reddit now that they will follow namefags around jerking them off.

there's even new archetypes brewing on the horizon

feels good man

>this level of historical revisionism

nigger you're retarded

lol it was set up because HC were fucking shady. Yea Forums server has tranny event organizers you dumb fuck

just one

the dominator sets guy is an events organizer too, along with others.


Incredible. When this shit went down last spring i got very invovled in it and i was constently wondering if Leandro was a dumb retard or a genius. Now i have my answer.
He's very smart, a powerful conman and a manipulator. You're telling me through all of this he managed to retain status and influence? I was there i saw it all, you don't come back from that if you're an idiot.
Motherfucker. He's a worm of caliber, in this case be actually careful about Leandro. Find his dog or convince him to swing over to Paris and i'll meet him.

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Nigga I was literally there telling everyone how retarded they were for following a nametag. He got upset about trannies banning people then made a discord and tried to get people to join in the /vg/ thread.

An attention seeking namefag created a place that he would have control over, discord, and people actually went. That is what happened. I know sucking off namefags is kind of a /vg/ tradition but literally joining a namefags personal discord just reeks of lacking of personal identity. Just like the people who dick ride twitch streamers

he's a legendary worm, to be sure. the sheer amount of manipulation, i have to admit, is astounding. he's still a colossal giganigger faggot, but somehow hc got mollified and forgives him

its a running joke now in the coxg discord that IT'S LEO'S GAME, HIS CODE, HE MADE IT YOU GUYS because of the sheer audacity of his lies and how readily hc eats it up

>a /vg/ tradition

but we're not on /vg/ user.

drbrain is the only server owner right now with integrity, transparency, an actual non-profit llc, and active coders producing content. he also isn't riding leo's cock.

the fuck you want here?


Yeah its pretty ridiculous. He wasn't always in charge and you can see how the community has splintered. I remember just the one City of Heroes discord with Innoc, Big Boss and Killmepls being sort of at the top and Innoc was having daily meltdowns and handed off the server to the guy who now runs Rebirth and the server that has the most people on it is Leandro again. He successfully wormed his way in and drove out everyone else despite not being in charge when the server was built on getting the game running and cutting Leo out since he kept everyone in the dark for years. Somehow he took the groundwork that everyone else set up and made it his own. He is not to be underestimated.

>sets up a seperate discord because the main one was getting torn to shit by SJW discord trannies
>sets up the coxg server because everyone in the thread wanted one but no one else had the initiative to actually nut up and do it.
I fail to see the issue here.

he's not leoandro.

>pony body type

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that's a pro, not a con

If that motherfucker isn't called "The Wizzard", he's a goddamn idiot.

It started on /vg/ threads. I'm not disputing that the server is ran to your standards it's not like Dr. Brain does all the work. I'm just trying to shed light on how all the servers have drama filled beginnings.

People clinging to a namefag and his attention seeking is how the Yea Forums server started.

I stopped following this affair once it seemed like the codebase was out in the open to be worked on. Seems like i should have stayed, stay strong CoH bros. Don't let e-warfare take you down from the inside since you've aparently got dangerous dicks after your ass.

why not come play with us, user? it'll be fun

I think the implication here is that the guy hemorrhoidally butthurt about "namefag safespace seethe seethe seeeethe" is an HC shill.

Please show me the thread where anyone asked for a discord? People were talking about wanting a Yea Forums server sure but definitely not a namefags personal discord.

Dont forget he namefagged before he even started all this shit once some people like his character's look.

I don't play city of heroes at all anymore. Just people trying to act like the Yea Forums server dindo nuffin.

Imagine playing on a soon to be dead HC because they develope anything significant because i25+ is so cucked and the dev team is still run by a favela narcissist incapable of sharing the load with anyone.

makes sense

sure, leo, sure you don't. eat a dick

Water/TK dom is fucking based, btw. Highly recommend it.

Quick reminder that Cr1tikal was playing in the private Leo server for years and actively letting Leo blackmail and extort others while making videos about how much he misses City of Heroes. Cr1tikal should suicide.

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>playing on the coxg server with 5 other people
>when you could play on Homecoming: Everlasting 's unofficial roleplay server with hundreds of other people at any hour of the day
>not having your own personal harem of super-powered bitches

the coxg server will forever be a containment server for gay little babies

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Isn't calling a for profit LLC running stolen property a bit of a stretch?

>downloading a keylogger


what's it like taking leo's dick in your ass? or are you paid hc paypiggy money to post this shit here?

nevermind your player base is dropping like flies, there's no active development worth a damn, and everyone is getting bored

Calling it what?

Yep, was originally said to not be onvovled by the HC GMs, then he was tangentially involved, now he has an official title and is listed under HC's staff. Also, he claims he's heading talks with NCSoft.

Will everlasting last a day once the channers get erp emotes ?

It blows my mind how much he's allowed to get away with and the far reaches his community will go to deify him so as to not believe their precious server isn't tainted.

I was in the private sever very early on. You guys didn't miss much to be so salty. Leo is a good guy and was worried about lawyers as any of us would be.

>playerbase dropping like flies
>everyone is getting bored

that's a syndrome of city of heroes in general, it's always been a 'tourist' MMO - there's legitimately nothing to stay around for long-term, and never has been - it's one of the larger reasons the game never had 'real' mainstream success.
the grind was always shallow, the content equally so. even on live servers, you'd see constant rising and lowering tides in the playerbase with people coming and going every few weeks or months

that said the coxg server is still a big dildo retention center and u like men if you play there

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Not only that, but the faggot literally denied it all the way up until Leandro himself was in his stream - nigger was so deep in the hole that he was willing to keep up the charade until his master blew his own cover. That's how much of a pathetic piece of shit Cr1tikal is.

And coxg even maintained some contact with Pleiades and played nice with the Roundtable

>Everlasting only became a RP server because Yuvi's server was sabotaged, if not was planned to fail from the start
>Everlasting only became a RP server because that's where muh pop went and refuses to migrate

This sounds like way too much drama and whining about sjws and trannies which makes me think the whiners are often far worse.

That aside, it's good to hear there are multiple servers. Do they all at least run complete Issue 24 with all assets etc? Some sound to have extra stuff or develop new assets in addition but it would be nice to know everything has at least a quality baseline with all the latest official stuff

Fuck off shill. I've played multiple private servers for several different games and not a single one gets sued until they start begging for money and pushing profit. Which Leo wanted by the way so fuck Leo and fuck shills.

Any of the severs give us our old characters back?

>which makes me think the whiners are often far worse.

Truly spoken like someone entirely uninformed - successfully by Leandro and his cronies - of why people are angry in the first place. It's because of Leandro and his vice that directly is keeping everyone else as down as they are, as we'd be lightyears ahead if the little faggot would stop making excuses to hold everything close to his chest so he could be the only one with power.

To answer your question, most of the alternate servers run with I24 and improvements with some having additional assets and improved quality of life, yes.

>admits to being one of the gaslighting niggerfaggots

unironically and literally kill yourself

you dumb nigger, coh never saw big success because the superhero boom didn't happen yet and NCSoft was too busy drooling over korean grindfest trash. even without that, it pulled reliable and consistent profit in the west.,

coxg has remained stable, homecoming is dying.

all of them do except hc and victory. as for "drama", nigger this is some literal illuminati conspiracy shit. pay attention, don't fucking dismiss it.

or at least join us on coxg for some fun, but fuck

only leo would have the original character db, supposedly it's locked away somewhere.

Considering the only person who has the power to do that would be Leandro, the answer is a big, erect phallus of a middle finger to the no. Sorry, user, but they deserve their retirement. It's time for new heroes.

>and pushing profit.
Leo never once did that. He was very open about the severs and the upkeep on the cost, as well as how much was being donated. He never forced anyone to donate and never gave the donators anything special. He was willing to do what it needed to keep the sever alive and simply let others help if they wanted to.

And HC will be down within the year because it's code is a dead end it's dev is a narcissist spiraling out of control.

Less of a problem with City of Heroes and more of a problem with both MMOs and old games. People say they miss something until they don't, and MMOs have a falloff rate around two plus months. People are clammoring for WoW Classic, they'll play it for a few months, and quit. The same thing will happen to Halo 3.

he's a lying giganigger. drbrain's financial records of the coxg server prove beyond a doubt the numbers hc puts out, and therefore what leo put out, are inflated beyond belief. that nigger was talking about dodging IRS taxes for fuck's sake.

fuck off, shill.

>Shills think people will believe any of that.

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I do like men.

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Coincidentally, the colors of the Brazilian flag.

So you are just a mouth piece of Coxg then? Took their cock out your ass yet at all?

Nope. Leo still has that db, supposedly. Although I've heard from people who've played on SCORE that the devs on the secret server would pull up random accounts and characters, mock their costumes, and delete shit from that person's account.

>Being this hostile to anyone perceived to be associated with a server that isn't Homecoming

Hello there, Jimmy.

I'M gonna shove my cock into your

>Shills attacking a Yea Forums server on Yea Forums.
>For all we know Shariablue was hired to shill for Homecoming.

Leo gave put ONLY the necessary shit for getting a server up and running. Nothing like MTX to unlock the Paragon Store stuff or the turnstile files.

>shills talking about others taking cock up the ass
project harder

or one of the score old guard. they've had 7 years of practice, you'd think they'd be better at manipulating people by now

What about deleting shit off of our accounts?

Yeah, and for that (and more), he's slime. Took an Anonymous German SCORE member to leak it on twiceChan, to boot.

It's frightening to think about how naturally gaslighting and sabetoge come to these people. It's not too farfetched to imagine they probably lie to their friends and family about the most innocuous of things.

isn't it? how readily they beg to be bootlickers. sickening.

Do all of these servers use the same client / patcher? Or do you need a whole new manifest or even client entirely for some of them. It isn't like you download a single client , make a single account, and can log into all of the servers discussed in this thread, right?

>Although I've heard from people who've played on SCORE that the devs on the secret server would pull up random accounts and characters, mock their costumes, and delete shit from that person's account.
That is false, or at least it never happened in the private forums. I don't know what they did on their own time but they never talked about doing that. I doubt they would delete anyone because there is no point.

you need a manifest depending on what servers to access. to log in, you need to register on the one you want to play separately. you can find creamsoda, the launcher, here: and manifest here:

What shit?

There's only one server that uses a manifest for its own server, while all the other servers use manifests that include necessary files for all other servers (although there are variants for just the server you want for some). You can use Cream Soda, as it does what the other does as well - it'll fetch all the files you need.

Care to prove otherwise, then? Or to share these illustriously secret forums? No, alright, then.

People that want to group.
Good luck starting a task force on Coxg.

>TFs scheduled on the discord channel fairly regularly.
calm down there shill.

I've had no problems lmao

It has literally been proven time and time again that, if you want to do something, simply say so and people will gather to do it. It was this dumb fucking argument people kept trying to beat over people's head that was so easily disproven when a Mothership raid happened literally on the fly. Good try, though.

You mean I get to wait for scheduled TFs when I could just ask in chat and get one in 2 minutes? Sign me up!

poor mans Champions Online.

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You want me to show someone not making fun of people? How do I show the lack of something to you?

>CoX Leandro Boogaloo Part II - This Nigger is Still Around Edition

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>Wanting to do a TF on an inferior server with unbalanced powers.
>Not just asking in the discord.
I know it's difficult to speak to people without shilling but it's possible to team up with normal people.

Funny, because I misread "Champions" as "Chinamans", which is extremely accurate considering everything being locked behind paywalls and the fact the creator of City of Heroes abandoned everyone to go work on his pet project. It would literally be nothing without City of Heroes. Good job expressing your shit taste, at least, bugman.

>That file name


>creator of City of Heroes abandoned everyone to go work on his pet project.
Jack hired a bunch of new people to help make CoV. Once CoV was finished NCSoft wanted Jack to fire the whole new team they brought him to make CoV. Instead of firing everyone Jack sold CoH to NCSoft, took the new team and and used the money to make a deal with Marvel to make an MMO with them. It was going to release on XBox, corporate bickering with Marvel and Microsoft got out of hand and Jack was able to slide out of the deal and keep the coding. Instead of releasing an original IP he got a hold of Champions what was understandably cheap.

Then no one cared about the game and it did not contunine to be funded so it became the hollow shell that it is today being only played by a couple furrys that want to use to cool create a character. Cryptic Studios is still doing well I believe but they have been bought and sold multiple times.

I can make a character but it just crashes while loading in, what have I done wrong boys

>Tiny secrer private server for a dead MMO
What's the point? Surely more people is funner

I played on the server with more than four people and that has had Water Control for months, no thanks.

Everyone is going home

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The point is to laugh at other people's expense, which Leo has done openly jn his intervieas with MassivelyOP.

There's already fedicated iTrials and TFs going on, and have been going on for a while now on coxg and Rebirth.

Any new powers made that aren't broken as fuck like Leo's shit? I've been thinking about CoH every now and then but didn't know if it was still drama central or not.

CoX was always a game where hard info was pretty spotty. It really only had one player who seemed to really enjoy getting into nitty-gritty parsing and shit like that, Arcana, and he was able to actually use numbers to back up assertions he made while bantering about shit with the powers guy, Castle.
There were some powers that straight-up sucked dick, or some whole powersets that sucked dick. The goal of CoX was just to have fun, though, not so much to be Efficiency Expert Pithers. For most of the game's life there wasn't anything to min/max your character FOR once you hit 50, aside for making a peak farmer fir/kin controller so you could grind x8/+4 for the hell of it.

Is coxg still just spending all day shitposting while maybe 2 digits worth of people actually play on the server? Have you chucklefucks actually accomplished anything?

I assumed they would be Urine Trouble

>Although I've heard from people who've played on SCORE that the devs on the secret server would pull up random accounts and characters, mock their costumes, and delete shit from that person's account.
kek i've seen this posted so many times back when /coxg/ was just forced over to /vg/ and it's almost embarrasing how things like this still get posted.

""""you"""" didn't hear it from anything. it was a single fucking post on a youtube video where a player said they THINK they may have seen one of his dead friends characters.

does the argie megamind not do/have done enough bad shit stories need to be made up?

This game was so monotonous and boring, it hurt.
I remember getting a temp ban for spamming F12 i believe it was, which made your character whistle for help.

>posting pony image outside of /mlp/
GR15 reeeeeeeeeeeeee-

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Leo literally pays Bree to write about them. You know that right?

Nah leo posted about his cult system awhile ago user. The screengrabs and archives exist.

I remember I made a Duke Nukem for this and shitposted in the Villians hubworld

Killmepls was right...none of this shit was worth it...

it literally was a comment on one of the first stroyer videos, you fucking muppet

Although they call themselves "Dr. Brain" there's absolutely nothing 'brainy' about this person. They encourage, nay, empower hooligans to not only harass other players but completely put a stop to legitimate, well-meaning play. By following this person and their group (some would say a cult, mind you.) you're essentially agreeing to their "terms of service" which always include waving the flag for racism. It's only by supporting Homecoming and their esteemed team of veterans that the community can truly stay neutral.

>Another game ruined by the rampant trannies of Yea Forums and /vg/
>Now they set their sites on classic
Plz no user

Nah we got water control in the game now

how to update your client

1. Open CreamSoda.exe

2. go to options

3. at the bottom will be your manifest list, above it is an address bar with an "add" button

4. type in thunderspygaming.net/manifest.xml

5. press Add and highlight the new manifest

6. press okay and click Re-Validate

7. Highlight /coxg/ and press Play once done updating

8. Make sure to delete your old coxg folder out of CreamSoda before doing all this

But homecoming has the terms of service...

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Dude Homecoming is shit the Reddit server is shit Rebirth and COXG are empty as fuck.

Then help grow the population user. Coxg guys are putting alot of work into the game and it's fresh n fun. Try it out

>Play with meme spammers

Hard pass.

Champions was a lifeless man's City of Heroes from shortly atter the beta.

Attached: GET 'EM WET SHAGGY.jpg (1200x900, 80K)

You couldn't possibly even be on the server if you think all everyone does is Spam memes or the n word. I'm on there every single evening and most of the time people are just chatting about power sets and running trials or grouping up.

My account on coxg just plain stopped working when the switch was made to i24, so I just fell off the train.

The water control, and controller changes in general are super neat. Getting the pet early definitely helps with leveling.

Go back to your board games Leo.

The "but meme/nigger spammers" posts are normally how you can tell a homecoming shill from a real person.

I have ignore more nigger and tranny spammers on homecoming than I have ever seen on coxg, and homecoming apparently has moderation.

I tried it out for the first time when the drama was going on. I did like it, but I was expecting to experience all the storylines people were talking about all the time, but no one actually bothered with those and just did random missions to get levels and playing solo in an MMO is boring. I wish something like this game, but better would come out.

Long ago got the server files (when the drama was high with homecoming), can use these to update and play in coxg?

Everyone got cucked by a argentinian for 7 years.
The discord drama was the only good thing about this game, was so fucking funny to watch.
CoX should stay dead.

>playing on a server with 5 people

Attached: 67F83DA2-580E-4E67-BB67-F6014CF14AAC.gif (320x180, 1.49M)

>wasting a whole container of brown milk
what the fuck is wrong with you

Because that game sucked ass. I'm playing classic FFXI.

I find it very confusing people who are so violently anti-Yea Forums freedom of expression willingly come to Yea Forums to find people who would most likely violate their precious thoughtbubbles by saying penis in the LFG chat.

Live damn you


>whining about sjws and trannies
The ostensible reddit server died because the rabid SJW that was funding it got into a fight with the actual, unironically transexual discord user that was serving as their community relations person/de facto voice of the server about the direction of how the server was supposed to be moderated. It's not whining in this case, its a literal retelling of what happend.

But to answer your question, yes. Both Coxg and Rebirth are running the full and complete version of issue 24, which was the update we were GOING to get before NCsoft pulled the plug. Coxg has a few more additional powersets developed, along with some QOL changes for doms/controllers, with more coming down the pipeline.

any power yet that lets you alter your character's size

Technically you dont even need a power. There's plenty of costume slots, and you can bind a macro that lets you change your costume to that of one with a larger/smaller body size.
If you're looking for like giant, 20 foot tall shit youre out of luck though, since that would never work inside the indoor/underground instances.