What games let you be the most merciless?

What games let you be the most merciless?

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God of war

nothing too crazy but mgsv let's you bully the hell out of the diamond dogs

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That kid plays to win

Why do so many games not allow you to kill kids?

did he die?

>Parent recording immediately overreacts

I believe it gets some censorship boards up in arms

Yup. She didn't even hit him on the head, so no risk of brain damage or neck injury, and she use the minimal force to knock him off the structure.

Massive censorship, also game rating

To be fair it would be pretty easy for him to sink into the sea of foam cubes and suffocate or some shit

That's something only rich people are allowed to do. The plebs must pop them out yearly without thinking.

>girl on left allows her opponent to pick up lost weapon before vanquishing the her.
Extreme Class

I was worried the kid would fall over on the baby and accidentally kill it somehow.

Sounds to me like a learning opportunity for the little sprog. He ought to climb out of there and show her what for.

>Lego star wars:the complete saga
Slaughtered everyone,not just the men but the women and children too

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This is so cute to me for some reason. Having kids looks fun, if only you didnt have to deal with all the bullshit.

I think you need to think about it rationally

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It might have been less the baby being in any danger and more how babies will cry over just about anything. It probably threw a fit after this.

Be an elementary school teacher. It's fun as hell and you only get to deal with them a few hours per day and not at home. These kids have me cracking up on the regular.

They can and will still piss you off though.

Based GG poster

We have all forgotten Merry, remind us once more.

Well then why did the parent let his obviously too young child get on it anyway? The damn boy isn't even walking he's fucking crawling. The play area is obviously for older kids.

Why'd they let the toddler crawl there? Fucker can't even walk.

Incompetence. Just like the woman who let her little kid drown in a grease trap outside of Tim Hortons

Not all people who have children are good parents who make smart decisions

You don't raise a daughter to fuck them, Merry. At least, I hope you don't.

You would if you were based and considered it in a logical fashion.

Kids aren't made of glass, look up articles about roasties trying to get rid of their mixed raced kids, they usually only manage to cripple them or cause brain damage, not death.
Kids mostly react to their parents' reaction. If your kid falls over and you act like it's the end of the world the kid will see it as the end of the world and this is the exact way to raise a little bitchboy.

Is it logical to raise a daughter to fuck, knowing that she's going to cuck you if you do? Doesn't sound logical to me.

>only manage to cripple them or cause brain damage
Please never go anywhere near children.

>Incompetence. Just like the woman who let her little kid drown in a grease trap outside of Tim Hortons
>google it
>this cop reaction
Poor dude probably took it harder than the parent

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>tfw having a daughter in february
I ain't ready for this shit







Shoulda rubba dubba dubba'd your flippy floppy fluppa you asshole

please tell me it's white, and that you're getting a paternity test ASAP, regardless of the state of your relationship with the mother

This. Just look at the average user. His parents truly wasn't suited to raise the little troll

Fuck I haven't heard that song in a decade.

Cops are pussies. The three of them can beat up a single stoner no problem but if they get called out to something remotely real they cry and puke like bitches during prom.

>this user has a literal clock hanging over his head telling everyone, including himself, when his life is completely over

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Pigs don't have feelings. If anything he's just sad he didn't get to shoot anyone.

I'm historically English, she's historically German. it's white time
I'm going to make her play all my old video games until she's 30


Amazing how the zoom instantly goes for cuckoldry just so he has some more fap fuel to sate his mushy brains addiction

unironically based

Imagine being a bootlicker and proud of it on Yea Forums. Let me guess, you pretend moderate for free as well in a desperate hope the mods will praise you on irc?


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You're confused. Cops are supposed to protect you, not the other way around. Defending cops online just outs you as a submissive little cunt.

So a mutt creating more mutts. And a deluded one that thinks the gremlins known as anglos is white as well

Well yeah there's nothing sympathetic about a stoner

>I'm going to make her play all my old video games until she's 30
>implying girls would be interested in videogames
>implying that making her play your old obsolete games wouldn't make her a weirdo outcast fat tumblrina
Did your parents make you exclusively watch whatever old TV shows they watched as kids?

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god this is so fucking cute that it's making me want to be a dad

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>Just because someone empathizes with a police officer who saw some fucked up shit that means he is a cuck
Get bent druggie scum

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Yeah it's real cute until she's 18 and brings home her black boyfriend

I can't possibly fuck up the next generation more than the current one already is, don't worry about it

You raise a daughter so she can get fucked.

Do you think you can "beat the odds" and get a daughter that isn't like "those women" you see nowadays?

>grown men armed with weapons stomping on confused teenagers is a-OK in my book
You really do have the moral high ground here, bubs I'll tell you that


Man, you /r9k/ incels really can't stop fantasizing about getting cucked, can you? It's not healthy mate

I just think that limiting your kids to out of date cultural artifacts is extremely dumb. Its the millennial version of the over zealous parents that didn't let little Timmy see anything violent or drink soda


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Girl on the left is waifu material

18? come on get real.
She's getting blacked by age 14 bare minimum. She'll have lost count of how many black dicks she's taken by 18

Automatic ban in European countries and Australia, the beta fag countries.

No, it's better to only expose the kid to contemporary government sanctioned brainwashing, that sticks much quicker/better and does significantly more damage. Riveting stuff.

>top ten arguments that have never been refuted

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Im sure your bleep bloops bing bing wahoos from the 90s are the pinnacle of Aryan culture but disregarding that do you really want to expose your child to the curse of knowledge in whatever nightmare future they will have to live in?

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>after asserting her dominance, the female alpha must cleanse her tribe from all the ex leader offsprings


>tfw finnish rating boards don't give a single shit about banning anything, worst that can happen but rarely does is a +18 rating which isn't even legally enforced

>starting newgame+ right after beating the final boss

I'm cursed with knowledge and I'm doing fine. You don't see me posting wojak edits, do you?

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fair point but the future will be much more pozzed and horrible

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said the bitch ass soiboy who "protests" hatespeech on twitter

What if it wasn't her kid?

first of all I am not an incel. I literally went on a date a week ago, so I’m not incel. Second, you don’t even know that there are different extremities of incels. I want an egalitarian world, not a gynocentric world. Third, there is a common misconception that all incels want is sex. Yet I am not even ready for sex. Fourth, don’t assume someone’s ideologies based on one thing they said. Just because you can’t handle the truth doesn’t mean you should go out and say “I’m wrong” without validly proving your point. I was mainly going off of science, and apparently most people in the world don’t agree with science if it doesn’t fit their ideologies, even if science is true. That is like even if Trump appeals to you and you agree with his viewpoints on issues, you still vote Clinton because you call yourself a Democrat. So if you could kindly educate yourself a lot more about Incels, TRP, and other related topics before you say stuff, I would appreciate it. But as I know of how stubborn you are, you won’t even consider looking deeply into topics and act like you know so much about them. This is what separates people like you and people like me. I look at both sides of every argument, and choose the one that is most rational, not go off of what other people say is “cool”. I rationally choose what I think is best for myself, my family, my community and my country. If you would like to know more about what I believe in, ask me (I know you won’t and you would still make stupid assumptions about me that aren’t true) in what I believe is right or wrong and not just say random shit that doesn’t align with my ideologies. Ya so please stop saying shit about me that isn’t true.

Finally. It will ensure only the strong survive.

Reminder that anyone who has children is an instant monster. Imagine forcing a new person to be alive in this hellscape world, tearing a soul from the peaceful viod without their consent. Disgusting. The entire human race should cease to exist

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>Cop mentioned
>Spazzes out and talks about how much he hates cops out of nowhere
Are you, by any chance, black?

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it was of course the first thing I thought of when I heard the gender

>Please never go anywhere near children.
Who gives a fuck about them you normalfag

Found the triggered high-school dropout meathead. Your IQ seems low enough to eventually net you a promotion, you'll be top dog of the pig pile soon enough, officer.

That's pretty melodramatic considering you just end up back in the void after an extremely brief period of time. Sounds to me like people who say this are pussy ass snowflakes.

Either that or he just lives in Portland.

Deus ex

You can even kill children in this game 9/10 players turn into school shooters

And both involve killing pretty much every NPC that populates the map.

Lead by example and stream it.

Kill yourself even if it's a pasta

Blacks are obedient to authority due low IQ. Only whites will resist some power hungry faggot with huge insecurities.
I'm guessing you fellate mall security as well?

You can only redeem yourself by fucking your daugther when the time is right.

Here's a ration: Do you want to be elderly and utterly alone, knowing that your bloodline ends with you?

It's the ultimate form of cuckery, so of course I'd love that. Fap material all my life

with a daughter there's a chance that she'll also eat pussy or something.
your son could be smoking cock. that's far worse
i'm deathly afraid of my kid turning out gay or something, my wife would be fine with it...although she draws the line at trans at least

credit to this guy, he knows what he likes
having a kid go trans on you would make you feel like a failure of a parent

Should I raise my daughter as a neet?

not him and i wouldn't mind having kids at all they're the most innocent thing in the world but idgaf if my bloodline ends with me the world is going to be fucking tras for years to come i don't want my kid to suffer through that shit

>he doesn't know

Guys 80% of this thread isn't vidya. Yea Forums is for video games. C'mon guys... ugh...

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>muh bloodline
who the fuck actually cares about this shit other than incels with """"nordic"""" blood who see themselves as modern day vikings
the world is going to shit at an incredible speed, if anything it'd be cruel to continue your bloodline at this rate

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this. the animals vehicles and houses. you can destroy everything in that game. better than san andreas and modern open world games

It won't be that. It will just be more blacks/muslims, lower general IQ and more welfare addictions

Kids don't turn gay on you randomly. If you make sure no funny uncle or gay teacher force their dick up your kids bum they'll be alright.
Gays procreate through molestation.


Yes, the world is going to shit. But I'm sure the same has happened before in history and my line obviously powered through it, and will again.

Does this include the lesbians.

The Giga Chad Path.


I don't want my kids to have to power through it though sounds like a massive pain in the ass

just put your dick in your baby girl before anyone else does bro cmon

I would rape that cunny HARD just to punish her

>all this talk about the species going extinct because of current political climate
That's not Chad at all. Chad is changing the world for the better for his descendents to live a good life and continue on indefinitely maybe even colonizing other planets to keep existing billions of years from now after our planet can no longer support life.
Beta Virgins just give up and want everyone to go extinct over something so insignificant and puny, like their dick.

If your "line" came to you posting in off-topic threads at 1:30 AM on a taiwanese fly fishing forum that can't be saying a whole lot

Please go back to

Yeah nah get fucked the sooner humans go extinct the fucking better for the world

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Female sexuality is totally different, they're animals.

>who the fuck actually cares about this shit


Rent free and seething that your incel sim was forgotten MONTS after release.

This post reminded me of my Chinese gf's parents when they first saw me. They were shocked at first then grew to like me a lot.

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I have never been molested and I'm sucking my boyfriend's dick every weekend.

dont be mean, he is also a father

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>implying Chad isn't just a hedonistic drone like all other barely even sentient and much less aware of his situation
You definitely dont know what "Chad" means you piece of shit redditor

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That sounds kinda gay.

Spotted the niggers. Don't even feel bad, NIGGER.

I hope your kid ends up trans and leaves you both forever and lives happily far away from you while you ask yourself everyday why didn't you just accept him so you could still talk to him
Yeah I'm salty

>not having Onsokumaru filtered from like 10 years ago

hey reddit

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Based. I love cops because they also kill unarmed white people like that guy in las Vegas, after they ordered him to crawl towards them. I hope they'll step on my neck one day

Soul nomad

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Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR VIDYA Yea Forums IS FOR

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Yeah those protests for the last five years by BLM are just a bunch of white people in black face.

You fucking dick-sneeze.

>mixed raced kids
>only manage to cause brain damage
The damage was already done at birth.

I'd be more afraid of my kid being a tranny. At least if they are gay they can still procreate and pass your DNA.

Based and Outrage culture pilled.

>Don't let me leave, Murph!

An honorable victory. Qapla!

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trannies also can if they like girls and they sperm bank before a few years on hormones
>caring about muh genes

LMAO kids are sturdier than you'd think. Look at Yea Forums, dropped on it's head several times a day as a toddler and we turned out just fine

Inbreds kill the population. That is why no one is actually pure blood unless you're a sister fucking Swede.

>not caring about muh genes
You do you, but thank god I'm not suicidal cuck.


Based Hobbit of rational thinking

Gimme your Discord

I'm most likely happier than you, probably because I don't worry about stupid shit

>if you don't racemix you're inbred
Don't worry. It's not your fault you were born mentally deficient. It's a shame you'll never know your dad though.

Even if you realise it the sub human trash won't.

>never saw the Samwise counter copypasta

Worse yet, they are not legally obligated to protect or save your life.