Attached: AB24E593-D241-4C37-B21E-C6EE76DE637C.jpg (1897x1302, 269K)
You will come to rue this day Respawn Entertainment
Jaxon Hall
Other urls found in this thread:
Cooper Turner
Why is this being pushed so hard? It's a typical quote from leddit. Why add a wojack?
Anthony Murphy
>It's a typical quote from leddit.
Yeah, I don't see why people are pointing this out as being particularly egregious when it's the level of cringe and lack of self-awareness that I would expect from the average faggot redditard.
Jason Sanchez
Fuck respawn and fuck game devs.
Julian Brooks
OP is a literal asshat!
Luke Roberts
I love how the back-lash has just validated what the Respawn guy has said even more.
You are such a bunch of fucking faggots.
Ethan Walker
Sleep tight, pilots
Caleb Bell
What happened? I don't play Apex
Owen Flores
There's literally no game dev team that isn't like that. I don't really get supporting a developer / publisher.
Hunter Brown
>Yea Forums now defends microtransactions
Jeremiah Hughes
New limited event cosmetics are a huge grind, and you're limited in what you can grind. You'll have to spend close to $200 to get everything, and it's all RNG so it's not like you can simply grind for the cosmetic you want and be done with it.
Connor Martinez
>Asshats and freeloaders
Isn't this that what this entire board is what with it's pro piracy narrative shit that gets pushed every 5 minutes tho?
Kevin Hernandez
How is Yea Forums Stevens these days? You talk to him much?
Colton Gonzalez
>dead game only gain some notoriety because the devs are retards and so desperate that they try to create buzz with controversy.
Kinda sad actually.
Kevin Thompson
I hope to change that perception some day soon
Joshua Sanchez
Also is Yea Forums really trying to defend micro transactions just to spite Reddit of all websites now?
Liam Parker
Yea Forums has been overtaken by zoomers who only know a world of vidya with DLC and microtransactions.
Caleb Butler
Based /tfg/chads
Cooper Williams
you know what they say, if reddit hates it, Yea Forums must love it or else be associated with reddit
Carson Morales
It's a post just making fun of redditors and how they think and speak. It made no comment on their actual opinion
Leo Mitchell
TF3 fucking never
Alexander Smith
>paying real money for cosmetics regarding the price
Hunter Collins
This, come the fuck on.
Leo Foster
Jeremiah Thomas
I think he should have written "got personal" a few more times to really hammer his point home
Josiah Hill
Like fucking poetry.
EA buys out Respawn, and look what happens. Another one for the list
Leo Cox
they targeted gamers...
Mason Cox
Lost all my wojack and pepe filters that I've been amassing over the years. 3000+ filters gone.
Thanks thread, I'll rebuild using your faggotry as a foundation.
Cameron Ortiz
I guess that makes sense to some degree. Man I'm thinking Yea Forums really doesn't like Reddit and likes to push the whole "Reddit Bad" shit. Whatever makes people feel better about themselves I guess.
Owen Sanders
>3000+ filters
Just leave at that point.
Jace Ortiz
Sounds par for the course for a f2p game.
Why are people upset again? f2p games have cancer like that all the time.
Leo Ward
Why do these people act like other companies are any different? They might dress it up with nice words and empty gestures, but every single company is in it for the money and would fuck you over and call you much worse if it was proven that it would make them more money.
Charles Rivera
can you please fuck off back to tumblr
Ryan Smith
Yes reddit bad
Now fuck off
Jose Gutierrez
Yea Forums is mostly just laughing at people being surprised that game makers regard them as walking wallets to extract money from.
Jason Phillips
And go where? Reddit? Where most of these frog and wojack posts come from? Miss me with that gay shit negro.
James Cox
God I fucking hate gamers
Jose Johnson
>Implying I use Tumblr.
Also fuck you I'm here to stay.
Andrew Foster
>Isn't this that what this entire board is...
I guess every single user fits the category of tumblr and furry, then right?
David Perry
>reeeee why are they trying to make money with this game they let people play for free aaaa
Hunter Cooper
He's not wrong. Well, that's how you should be treating everyone who is selling products. They fucking hate you and you should hate them. You aren't friends because they made something you like.
Lincoln Morris
Redditors migrating here in 2011-2012 ruined this site. Anyone claiming 2014 with Gamergate or 2016 with the election ruined it is one of the redditors who ruined this site.
David Sanchez
feelsguy and pepe only got popular because of Yea Forums though?
Jonathan Williams
Reddit would be far easier to filter though.
Xavier Smith
reminder that the gooberglopers lost their shit board that's why you see so many imbeciles siding with the redditors in these threads.
Tyler Clark
Kayden Russell
>he really thinks this
Adrian Gomez
based reddit bro
John Johnson
Fuck Apex, Titanfall 3 died for that shit.
Alexander Wright
That quote is kinda retarded because 70% of infinity is also infinity, so...
Evan Green
then you should read the fucking rules you faggot. Avatarfagging is prohibited.
Kevin Parker
Titanfall 3 never
star wars whatever jedi game they're making will be shit
Respawn is dead like every EA studio
Josiah Harris
Nothing gets past you, eagle-eye.
Isaac King
> Why is a leddit quote associated with söybôí wojak?
Noah Carter
Every salesman is a Jew and every Jew is bad
Adam Davis
Where's the frog in tux?
Charles Hill
>Give people something for free
>Complain when they accept your offer
This is some native American tier complaining.
Eli Russell
Reminder that Titanfall 3 wouldn't have been that good.
Julian White
>Hey guys, we decided to let you all play our game for free!
>H-H-H-HEY! W-why aren't you guys giving us your money???
The fucking state of modern free-to-play game developers
Noah Butler
Why do need T3 for? Isn't most of the staff went back to IW right after T2 release? Do you want yet another dead game that'll get little to no post launch support?
Isaac James
Who gives a shit? It's a f2p first person shooter. If your enjoyment of the game revolves around the cosmetics you need to re-evaluate your life.
Jordan Morris
holy fucking shills, batman
try harder you chinese cocksuckers
Jace Parker
Fuck off CIA shizo.
Bentley Howard
kill yourself you tinydick commie gook
Luke Gutierrez
never miss an opportunity to cost ea money
Caleb Butler
You will never get a job there, Rami.
No one else does either.
Hunter Robinson
Fuck off, you gook-loving janny
Chinese insects aren't welcome here
Jaxson Hill
it's automatic user-kun
that's what spamming earns you
Ethan Martinez
I hate /pol/ you should go back there
James Reyes
t. bucktooth chinaman
Lucas Perry
kill yourself, china is literally everything wrong with the gaming industry
these bug people and their enablers have no place here
Christian Murphy
prc shills are all trash yuropoors. they are motivated primarily by hatred of the u.s.
Lincoln Jackson
Uhh what? And the F2P players are used as NPCs so the whales can feel superior, that's how this entire model is built from the ground up
The poorfag lucklet NPCs are crying because they're not getting shit for free in a free game, honestly they deserve it for jumping into that shit market in the first place but the lack of self awareness from the redditors is astounding
Ian Barnes
your mom
Asher Hernandez
>animator behind the weapons, titans, and the OK hand animations left for Call of Duty
Let the dead have their rest, Titanfall 2 was too much for a world too stupid
Nathaniel Torres
I don't know how long you've been here, but even that short time is significantly longer than the majority of this website these days. Most people here are probably born after fucking 2000
Ryan Johnson
with most of TF's dev team out and Respawn acting the way it is as well as EAs tighter grip, would you even want it?
Jonathan Howard
play titanfall
Parker Price
Not thanks I don't want any seizures
David Adams
But it's a lesser infinity
Gabriel Thompson
>IT'S A PILOT!!!!!