T- 14 hours until the ruse reveal at gamescom with Geoff and Kojima.

>Kojima confirmed to be there
>Gamescom has already confirmed “Death Stranding” will be shown

This is finally it. Death Stranding is Silent Hills. We have waited for years for this moment. The game will release in 3 months so it’s pretty much a done deal that it will be revealed.

COUNTDOWN Reveal: Death Stranding is SILENT HILLS&font=hand

Attached: 582FA3F0-7278-42A0-988F-797B33302F61.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How the fuck does Kojima being there for Death Stranding = Silent Hills? Fucking retard. Konami just put a new trademark on Silent Hills so no.

>he thinks Kojima was fired
Get a load of this bluepilled homodemon. Try to keep up kid

Take your pills

Does changing the name from Death Stranding to Silent Hill really mean anything? Honestly, it does nothing for the game.


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The fucking madman strikes again.

>I’ll show you the real thing soon.....I promise
Kojima was literally speaking through Mads in the last trailer

Is that your big piece of evidence really


I feel like anyone desperately wanting to connect this to Silent Hills is just finding a way to cope with the fact that game actually looks like shit and that their must be some big secret yet revealed to justify it.

Come correct in these threads or don’t come at all lorelet

Honestly, I just want this game to be something different rather than a ruse. We are possibly watching a madman do his work without a time or budget restraint.

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He’s pretty fast

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>not He’s pretty good

if death stranding has some sort of direct PT reference its going to be fucking kino

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they wouldn't just market a game just to suddenly change it into something different

PT is just filled with the ideas that kojima wanted to use for silent hills
there is no ruse

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What if DS isn’t actually SH but just takes ideas and themes Kojima had from it?

You mean like Kojima did with Phantom Pain? Does nobody remember Moby Dick Studios?

This. The man literally made up a fake studio twice and created a demo to look like an indie game under a different name

its not silent hills
he was fired from konami

>first humans in Sh were death stranded
>the woman in the red dress from the photo in sh3
>woman in red dress in death Stranding trailer
Holy fucking shit nigger

Then why is he still on payroll?

show me proof

>dude ruses
give it a fucking break

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nothing in phantom pain would make it outside the realm of possibility that it wasn't a MGS game. Death Stranding already has a defined world and lore with future technology and weird alien shit so it's just impossible for it to be otherwise

>Silent Hill is alive
We're going home guys.

Bingo my man

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Where's your trip, Caramel? Too ashamed to use it again??

HOL UP is that Sam porter bridges in the top middle photo?

because they are two different games

Are you saying you actually expect that the game we have been seeing advertised is a Silent Hill game with drastically different gameplay?

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Just stop.

Assuming Caramel is alive and not institutionalized, how will he try to play off Death Stranding being unrelated to Silent Hills?

I thought it was common knowledge that PT was never actually meant to be a Silent Hill teaser.

Remember OP is a tranny and some user found him on tinder going by the fake girl name "Alice"

>caramel & fib can be the only rusebros
Why are you so obsessed with them anyway?

Who was that crazy tripfag who used to post this stuff? Is he died?

Kojima has never actually ruse cruised anything except raiden being the mc of 2, and there was no buildup for that. it's always just hype

Kill yourself rusetranny.

>Kojima has never actually ruse cruised anything

>Moby dick
>Phantom Pain reveal
>7780s studio
>PT demo

You’re dumb

Half the posts in this thread reference this tranny who I never would've heard of if not for you guys, so frankly kys desu

Remember when a pattern image from a bot is somehow a "ruse cruise DS" leak that Yea Forums tried to decipher, only to be found out its just a random image and nothing related to DS or Silent Hills?

Remember when everyone expected Konami to reveal something MGS related back in E3, only to be blasted by just a mini console reveal

Remember Caramel being wrong 5 fucking times?

This will be just another thing to chalk on why this fanbase is shit. I'm glad I've let go after MGSV, but some of you haven't. The phantom pain left me, but it hasn't for you all

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So wheres the livestream suicide Caramel?

Antiruseniggers are subhumans that cannot stop visiting these threads. They cannot allow under discussion about this no matter how off base it is because it hurts their feelings. When backed into a corner they cry about tripfag trannies and medication. Rusethreads are fun, these particular death stranding threads have been going on for at least 3 years now and usually end up with some decent discussion after all of the whining.

The pattern bot turned out to be intentional by the site owner having fun with people but he had no relation to the game at all and people fell for it.

>Remember when a pattern image from a bot is somehow a "ruse cruise DS" leak that Yea Forums tried to decipher, only to be found out its just a random image and nothing related to DS or Silent Hills?
To be fair the owner of the bot was manipulating images to draw attention to his page. Kojima gave him a slap on the wrist and pretty much called him out.

Implying I read threads and not only focus on what's important which are my questions and opinions.

that just makes things even worse. How do you fall for this shit?

Geoff Keighley just posted this...

Attached: The Real Thing.jpg (1200x1200, 136K)


>Sources: Dude, trust me


>website gets some acknowledgement or bump from kojima saying he liked it
>website then purposefully teases it will have some kind of death stranding reveal
>people think it might have some kind of death stranding reveal
Pretty easy to follow what happened.

Based Doritopope about to drop the news

I hope the whole demon edition thing being fake and the DS=Silent Hill is the final killing blow of this fanbase. I've never seen one that cling to literal ghosts in all 12 years of my time on this board

If this is some kind of fetish, you are all sick in the head

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Lol Just stay out of the threads then faggot

Reminder that PT was first revealed at gamescom. We have come full circle

They're mentally ill faggots who exist for no purpose except to get dabbed on.

I can't. There's no genuine MGS thread anymore. It's just either this shit, fake leaks, or wanking over a no-name writer because he made Ghost Babel. Even that demon edition leak had this faggot in there and was removed because people knew it was bullshit

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This isn’t a mgs thread

Was Metal Gear ever really that good?

I’ll be dabbing on this post when the opening of Silent Hills: death stranding has Sam Porter Bridges opening the door to the PT hallway in the intro

Don't know about how good it was, but i love it

What would you do if those guys are correct?

It was cancelled 4 and a half years ago, just let it go already.


The absolut level of COPE going thru these threads, this is what y'all get for doubting FIB-Futa Snake/Caramel, she's always been right.

>watch the Part 3 video
>all it does is make me hate Kojima more because not only is he shitting up Silent Hill still, he is also shitting up ALL the previous games and characters
Holy shit it's like you guys want me to hate Kojima more.
I am glad you're all fucking retards and this will never happen, as a Kojima SH game would be the biggest poison on all SH discussion.

Will the retards who were mindbroken by MGSV finally give up when Death Stranding comes out? Or will they continue to spew their idiocy for years to come?

13 hours until I laugh in your face bitch

so what happens when it doesnt happen

The fact that we've seen Death Stranding now and they're still at it, they'll probably keep crying there will be a surprise patch or dlc that'll make it reveal it was SH/MGS all along.

SH discussion is already just endless whining anyway, it couldn't really get any worse.

the silent hill fanbase attracts a weird type of autist
its like the sonic of horror fans
>that one autist that changed all parts of the wiki to state that everything symbolizes circumcision

No, there has been genuinely good SH discussion, more often than not. Whining only comes when make an HD Collection bait thread.
If this ruse is real though, fucking SH would be STUCK with Kojima autists. For good.

>implying he had time or budget restraints at Konami
The guy literally had 5 years, made several different ruses, was cited as being the reason why some games had basically no budget at Konami and still put out a barely put together mess.

>has been
This is the key phrase. There USED to be good discussion. But there hasn't been in a long time because there's nothing new to talk about except complain about how shitty Konami handled the series post-PS2.

OP is a retard but come on now

Even worse, stuck with anti-Kojima haters.

Kojimadrones need to be fucking gassed

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How many more years will we have to put up with rusecruise bullshit? Will this be the last? Will Death Standing having nothing to do with MGS or Sillent Hills finally make thes fags fuck off?

its not kojima drones
just idiots

What is PT?

playable teaser

You don’t have to put up with anything you fat retard. Leave the fucking thread and filter them if you like

can someone with a functioning brain tell me if there's even a 1% chance of this shit being real or is it all just delusional Kojimafags

games with this level of tension?

its two guys making threads
there is literally zero chance

That sounds hilarious though


I have been in threads that discussed SH1's masterful level design, how 1-4 (including 2) all manage to be interconnected and MULTIPLE threads that have attempted to salvage games like Origins and Downpour with minimal whining.
The Kojima autists always come first.

There’s clearly connections between PT and Death Stranding if you bother looking. We’re at the stage where people are saying he’s just reusing ideas from silent hills, they can’t even deny this

So, where's your trip, Caramel?

You all realize this is just some clever advertising and theres no schizo behind these posts right. Sure, there used to be one, but not anymore. Come along, nothing to see here.

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I always found it funny myself
till you realize hes actually serious about seeing circumcision in his torture symbolism

Rusecruise fags infest every MGS, Sillent Hill and Death Stranding thread. Im not filtering out threads for actual games I enjoy because some idiots cant cope with reality.

>We are possibly watching a madman do his work without a time or budget restraint.

Asked what he believes is the biggest misconception about him, Kojima took the opportunity to shoot down this line of thinking.

"A lot of people say that I spent too much money or take too much time, but that's a misconception," he said. "My last project (Metal Gear Solid 5) was late about five or six months, but I’ve always kept my word on timelines and budget. For example, I do take three to four years to make games, but that's the plan from the start.

Kojima explained that his personal involvement in various aspects of the game's development and marketing is what is responsible for the time his games take to develop and launch.

"I take a lot of time because I create my own teasers, posters, and I work on how to create the box for sales," he said. "Japanese creators are famous for being loose with schedules, and I think people put me in that category, but it's not reality. In my case, I'm a director and a producer, so I have to stay aware of production and the budget."

Remember when they were saying that Metal Gear Survive wasn't a real game? All the way up til it came out.


Yea Forums has been flooded with Kojimafag copeposters nonstop the past week

zero chance. It would mean that they lied and orchestrated the exodus of kojima from konami, and sony for some reason played along and gave kojima a fuckton of money, dev space, and one of their newer proprietary engines just for a part in the scam and maybe exclusivity rights I guess.

It's so astronomically unlikely that it's not even .0000000001%. To put it in other terms, it's more likely they announce MGS5 chapter 3 at gamescom than silent hills being death stranding.

And yet here you are in this very thread clearly labeled ruse and posting. Your crying doesn’t change anything

>he actually thinks people arent capable of this level of delusion
You poor naive child.

Yes, 1-3 were phenomenal, and 4 and PW were still solid 8/10s

Remember when it did come out and they switched to "this was clearly Kojima's idea all along!"

Rusefags are nothing if not amusing, occasionally

Hi Caramel

Even after its release, its still not a real game.
>he actually thinks people arent capable of this level of delusion
>Sure, there used to be one, but not anymore.
Reading is hard.

And your insanity doesn't change anything either. Death Stranding isnt Sillent Hills and it isnt MGS. There is no ruse. There is no new MGS. Kojima doesnt work for Konami any more.
Cope, dilate, seethe.

>Was Metal Gear ever really that good?

Yes, that incredibly famous and successful long franchise, one which literally drove console sales nearly every generation it was released is, in fact, good

Seems to me it’s you that is seething about something he doesn’t like all while participating in a thread dedicated to it.

>implying theres only one rusecruise fag in existance and he is merely pretending
Wew lad. I bet you still think Santa Claus exists too.

>Kojima doesnt work for Konami any more.
>He actually believes that

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oh fuck
it's happening for real

This is the life of all schizos.

Is Geoff a cuck?

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It's more of a real game than V ended up being

Is this Loss?

You never get tired of being wrong. Like all schizos and all conspiracy theorists.

Reminder that Refn's only good movie is Drive.

These threads are just satire, right? I mean people arent actually this stupid, right?

That ruse lasted for a few days, they've been advertising DS as it is for well over a year now

I'm the President of Konami, I can confirm Kojima does not work for us any more. I fired him myself.

I can't believe it's real either. How stupid do you have to be to not see the obvious? I'm gonna laugh so hard tonight when SH:DS will be announced.

Actually, Survive was a very solid (hur hur) game and definitely still Metal Gear.

Had it's flaws, like narrative presentation being significantly more simplistic than your average Metal Gear game, but as a game it was good and actually improved upon MGS5's base game in numerous ways.

I hope we finally get some real idea of what the game is gonna play like. It's coming out in what, 2 or 3 months? And I still have no idea what the core gameplay is. I was hoping for a stealth game but kojima implied that's not going to be the case.

it's just a meme lmao

It very clearly has stealth elements shown in the last trailer that came out

Anyone remember the Peace Walker/Rising reveal countdown thing? Where people fucking insisted that the image of Raiden wasnt actually Raiden, but instead future Sunny all because his eye was a different color?
What is it about Kojimafags that make them so fucking crazy?

It's real. No one goes to the lengths caramel has as a goof.

Only with the horror enemies, which for all we know could just be scripted encounters.

it's cutscenes, nothing else

>tomorrow I’ll show you the real thing
>death stranding on the background image in the tweet by Geoff
>A reference to what mads (Kojima) said in the last trailer
>hurrrr you’re wrong

Regardless of how you want to interpret the meaning of what was said it’s 100% real and connected.

>Anyone remember the Peace Walker/Rising reveal countdown thing?
I remember, good times

It quite literally shows the player stealthing around enemies in the open world

We've been here before. Guess we'll just wait until "tomorrow" for you to be wrong again.

Attached: Ruse Cruise.webm (480x480, 157K)

Game looks exactly like MGSV but with more gimmicks and less millitary stuff. Open world TPS with stealth elements. And instead of D-Horse we get a motorcycle. And instead of Skull Units we get Homo Demons.

Yeah, Hideo got fired but Kojima is still working hard with Konami.

>no one goes to the lengths caramel has as a goof
This your first time dealing with Caramel? Dude hypes up shit before every gaming expo and has been wrong each time.

What was this fag teasing? The latest trailer with a bit of gameplay? I cant keep Up with the order of the timeline anymore.

>and sony for some reason played along and gave kojima a fuckton of money, dev space, and one of their newer proprietary engines just for a part in the scam and maybe exclusivity rights I guess

The funniest thing is those sony cucks are truly gonna let Kojima port it pc

but it's not a goof. He actually believes the shit he says with all his heart. The dude is totally pinecones.

It was something unknown that was """amazing""" and you could hear MGVS music playing in the clip so caramel used it as PROOF that MGSV content was being announced. Forgot what it turned out to be but I remember it was gay and nothing to do with metal gear.

PC doesn't compete with Playstation, they never care about that. There's multiple Sony backed games that are PS4-PC

It's just never ever going to be on an MS or Nintendo machine

Nope, he's a shill of the jews

>PC doesn't compete with Playstation


what would it take for Caramel to admit defeat (or just fuck off)? DS’s release, or will he find a way to keep his little ruse cruise going?

It's objective fact.

Also win-win for them because people will buy the game on PS4 because they need it immediately then rebuy in 6-12 months whenever the PC version drops.

Carmel, weren't you supposed to ding dong diddley kill yourself years ago after getting blown the fuck out at e3 and or the game awards?

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Kojima-verse, confirmed?

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Imagine if the OP was right. They'd have to just kill themselves because they'd have nothing more to live for.

Imagine living with that over your head.

>It's objective fact.

You are fucking wrong. Inferior and locked platform with paid online means nothing without exclusives. Especially with companies like Sony and Microsoft who mostly profit from the 30% cut of third party sales and therefore need exclusives to promote their own hardware DRM, because on pc they couldn't force third parties to pay them the cut. Xbone sold less than fucking Switch in just 2 years because of porting exclusives to pc - this is a fact and not your fucking opinion. Millions of steàmcucks won't buy DS on ps4 and will just wait just because they CAN. Sony could have push it to promote PS5, which won't have any games for years to come, but they are fucking clueless idiots and deserve to be taught a harsh lesson.

caramel u cunt stop this shit
silent hill is dead

The PS4 Pro was literally made to compete with PC.
>There's multiple Sony backed games that are PS4-PC
Multiplats are multiplats, but what "Sony? backed games" are you talking about

i cant wait when nothing happens


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That's just as retarded as OP. It literally ended with a trailer for Silent Hills, and PT stands for Playable Teaser.

reminder that Silent Hill is a specifc town and not some random name. Death Stranding cannot be silent hill because of this simple fact.

4 wasn't set in Silent Hill

You're giving these fucknuts too much credit. They've never actually played Silent Hill, they were only interested in Hills because Hideous Yojimbo was involved.

>yfw people didn't care about silent hill until PT
>also kojimbo thinks he can compete with team silent

kojimbo is a jerk

Attached: Team-Silent-Konami.jpg (610x328, 49K)

You can have a good game in a series not be made by the original creators. Silent Hill fans were excited for Hills too because it was first time a Silent Hill game was getting a talented team and a reasonable budget SINCE Team Silent disbanded.

Attached: hide-pain-harold-title-red -web.jpg (920x517, 73K)

Now it's looking increasingly likely that we'll get another outsourced Western Silent Hill. Fuck, i'm not looking forward to what little future this franchise has.

>look! Here's a WW2 tank!
>There are tentacles coming out of it!
>It has bones on it!
>There are skeleton soldiers behind it!
>this goes on for 2 hours
>This proves that DS is SH!

It's wasn't a competition. If Kojima had he's way, then at the very least Ito and Yamaoka most likely would work on silent hills too.

I know this is most likely all bullshit, but good god if this all turns out to be real I'm gonna ejaculate gallons

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I hope they'll bring Tomm back, I loved hating him.

>japanese dev team
>outsourced Western Silent Hill
Are you retarded by any chance?

I wouldn't count on that.

You honestly believe Konami are going to put a team together in Japan to make another SH game instead of just cheaply outsourcing it again, or are you thinking Death Stranding is Silent Hills? Either way, you're the one who's a retard.

How much do you think Konami would sell SH rights for?

I misread your post, sorry my man.

Every gambling machine in Las vegas is made by Konami, they don't need money.

>man i can't believe they're finally annoucing metal gear solid 6: silent hills standing!

Attached: 1524953046425.png (842x792, 82K)

yeah, Death Stranding is a spiritual successor to P.T. and therefor Silent Hills without being named Silent Hills. the box art is out there without the name Silent Hills cause Konami owns the trademark. i know your miserable life is joyless so you need to deep dive into a topic to keep you off an hero. enjoy it and stream your attempt at l*fele*k when the time comes.

at least you aren't spout muh 'DS=MGS' bullshit

They're not going to sell the rights because Konami are making a new (outsourced, of course) Silent Hill game right now. This is why they filed a new trademark.

So, no way to get it even if you have money?

Attached: 0jiGnhx.gif (500x333, 1005K)

>tfw it's probably going to be a micro transaction filled mobile game

Konami are fairly conservative when it comes to microtransactions in their singleplayer titles. Also, what's with this Konami mobile obsession? They've always made mobile stuff. They made a Game Boy Silent Hill game back in the day. They made Metal Gear games for mobile. With Silent Hill, they've been repeatedly attempting to make a new PC/console Silent Hill game since at least 2013. They didn't suddenly give up on this ambition.

Mobile shit and low effort trash are all they've released since MGSV. Pretending that making a game for the Game Boy and making a mobile game are somehow related in disingenuous. The term mobile has a very specific meaning, and it is not synonymous with "handheld"

>Mobile shit and low effort trash are all they've released since MGSV.
They release an extremely good Pro Evolution Soccer game every year. They have had a new Silent Hill and a new Metal Gear in development since about 2016. What do you expect them to do? Announce the games early so you can feel secure? Modern Konami doesn't roll that way.

Also, I love how people claim that Konami's lower budget games are "low effort trash", yet these people also also want Konami to make a shitty 2D Castlevania instead of a Legacy of Darkness remake.

>Pretending that making a game for the Game Boy and making a mobile game are somehow related in disingenuous.
Not at all. Mobile phones and portable consoles are not different in any way whatsoever. The Vita was a terrible mobile phone, in case you've forgotten.


How is the Nintendo DS any different to a mobile phone?

>generic landscapes
>details don’t even match

Oh mein got...

Sports games are the definition of low effort trash. The new Bomberman and MG Survive were just as bad.

Buttons, operating system, and the general style of games released on it are totally unlike the games released on phones. Namely: there are actually good games on the DS, the only good games on phones are ports of games that played better on other platforms.

Oh my god, DS was DOOM all along!

Attached: 01.jpg (1280x720, 591K)

>Sports games are the definition of low effort trash.
Yea, you're a fuckwit.
>The new Bomberman and MG Survive were just as bad.
The new Bomberman was fun. MG Survive was kino. Looking forward to the next Metal Gear and the new Silent Hill they're announcing soon-ish.

It already has. The acronyms of the two games make PTSD.

"I'll show you the real thing soon"

Please stop posting.

Mobile games have featured controller support since forever. Also, many of the DS's most iconic games are touchscreen-driven.
>operating system
The Switch runs Linux. Android is a form of Linux.
>the general style of games released on it are totally unlike the games released on phones.
True. Good luck finding GTA or a real RPG like KOTOR on your DS.

You stop posting.

>Good luck finding GTA or a real RPG like KOTOR on your DS.

Attached: file.png (400x400, 370K)

>oh boy, I sure do love paying 60 dollars for a roster update, please shit in my mouth Konami, I love it so much

Chinatown wars was a so-so GTA that played better on the PSP.

Anyone not ironically thinking Death Stranding is Silent Hill is an actual brain dead retard. Screencap this motherfuckers, let your shame last forever.

Still played better on DS than any GTA on any Phone.

It was a better GTA than V.

PES improves quite significantly in terms of graphics and general gameplay polish with each new entry. I kinda feel like sports games would be better to adopt a GaaS model where they just iteratively upgrade the same game over the course of years, though.


You definitely didn't play the two versions.
DS version ran faster, controlled better and its touchscreen gimmicks actually had a point, and were ruined on the PSP

Reminder that playing mobile games with a controller is going to become the norm once Microsoft roll out XCloud and such. They're even working on their own proprietary controller mount that you slot your phone into.

>the only way to make death stranding interesting is to pretend its an entirely different game
the absolute state of kojima fags

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>no konami

Attached: schedule.jpg (1080x1080, 160K)

LMAO demon edition dead in the water

I have an even more crazy theory: it will be a game and not a movie!

Now this is just crazy talk

>MGS5: Everything you could possibly want, basically perfect edition
Shit was stillborn my guy. I don't think anybody really believed it was real.

rinse and repeat

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>I don't think anybody really believed it was real
it was pretty funny to watch all those fags who suffered from The Phantom Pain™ are suddenly all over the ruse cruise again.
i read it as a fanfic, as everyone should have.

>I don't think anybody really believed it was real
There are some seriously delusional people out there. Just take a look at this thread.

You really underestimate the retard on here. Both with that and Chapter 3, there's no way these retards were just pretending

They intentionally hid Konami in the "and more" section.

Kojima's ruse cruise will be so great it'll still be doubted even up to the minute it's announced.

post broofs, i'm too lazy for this non-existing ruse

There's nothing retarded or stupid about it.

You guys simply don't realize that you are trying to argue with legit metally ill people who genuinely live in a different reality than you.

It's much worse if you can't see or understand that.

What's the fucking point? The game's not even horror.
>winding refn and Mads in Silent Hill
Who could take that shit serious?

>That ruse lasted for a few days
You don't remember things very well. Phantom Pain was revealed months before it was announced as a Metal Gear game.

Look at the dates.

if i remember correctly it took people like an hour to figure the blanks

Attached: 187oq9cgkc5fa.gif (640x381, 858K)

is there a tldr of all this shit im a bit late to this theory as i have still be recovering from mgs5

They were still trying to play it off like it wasn't a Metal Gear game until latee March 2013. Not only that, they had a trailer for what they were claiming, at the time, was a completely different Metal Gear game called "Ground Zeroes", which they were saying was open world. That was late August in 2012. They were fucking with people for about 9...months.

THEN, after both games were officially Metal Gear, what people were saying it was were two separate games, one open world and the other one would be a classic style Metal Gear Solid. And they were being developed at the same time. They only revealed what Ground Zeroes was gonna be pretty close to the release date.

>My last project (Metal Gear Solid 5) was late about five or six months
But even when he was late it was unfinished.

I'm happy you didn't kill yourself my schizo friend.

Attached: 1515549433565.jpg (400x400, 26K)

It's not
It's not
It's not
It's not
It's not
It's not
It's not
Anons... it's not

MGS5 was not unfinished in any meaningful way.

Kojimbo its fucking with us so fucking hard

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If it wasn't unfinished, then that makes it being shit even worse. Was the open world intentionally barren, and were all the missions intentionally repetitive garbage?

>Was the open world intentionally barren

Yes. Kojima repeatedly stressed before release that the game shouldn't be considered a traditional open world game like GTAs or whatever, it's point was being a shared seamless map. That's why the structure of the game is episodic missions that you launch from Mother Base, not something where you drive around encountering things.

>all the missions intentionally repetitive garbage?

99% chance you're a brainlet who tranq headshotted your way through the entire game

MGSV TPP was Big Boss' Silent Hill while he was in a coma
Demon Edition will pick up after he really wakes up but will be eerily similar to the dreams he had

I wonder what was Silent Hills about, it implies more than one town called Silent Hill but I really wonder what he had in mind

>baby clones
>Bridge Baby
>Big Boss


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>99% chance you're a brainlet who tranq headshotted your way through the entire game
oh please enlighten us, I'd love to hear about the proper 200 IQ playstyle

Thought it could be true a long time ago... but everything points out that Kojima and Konami broke up on very bad terms.

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Where is this from?

Don't do this to me, don't give me hope.

Attached: if only you knew.png (1321x1077, 1.55M)

Hope for what, you moron? This whole idea sounds terrible.

Silent Hill 3

Just like how Banzo being in smash was a terrible idea, yet here we are now. There's a tiny bit in me thinking this could be real.

Not him but you could try, you know, sneaking.
Tranqing was introduced to the series for the casuals who can't handle stealth games and has always been the most boring way to play.

I was expecting some retarded meme answer like, "just powerslide with D-Walker bro" but I'm glad someone else came along and provided a different answer that also prevents you from participating in the metagame.

What's that fucking CORD he's hanging on to that's coming down out of the sky? You're suggesting this is an origin story for Silent Hill's world?

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suck my balls caramel


Can we delete this thread? This is some of the dumbest shit ever.
P.T. was a teaser for Death Stranding sure... Death Stranding has nothing to do with Silent Hill nor MGS.

There is no cord, that is a snake senpai. But yeah, those picture seem to show how Silent Hill came to exist, funny that I played through 3 and don't remember those.

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There will be a ruse tonight but it won't have anything to do with kojima, dragon ball z kakarot will be revealed to be a complete adaption starting from the birth of goku and going all the way to the TOP.

no its not, Death Stranding is Metal Gear dumbass. Educate yourself.


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>Mads character Cliff caused the Death Stranding when he made the first Bridge Baby, a baby with the ability to connect to another dimension because the baby has naturally occuring DOOMs particles
>Sam comes back to life because Amelie, his dead wife, doesn't permit him to die. Amelie and her mother Bridget, started the process of uniting the surviving american cities. Amelie wants Sam to finish what she started, so does Bridget, who became the "president" of the UCA. Bridges is the company Amelie and Bridget founded to make this happens. Sam Porter took his dead wife's name.
>Characters like Cliff and Higgs can use BT's because of, wait for it, nanomachines, or in DS's case "Imitation DOOMs particles". Sam and Fragile have the real deal in them, but don't boost themselves with the imitation DOOMs particles like Cliff and Higgs
>You can actually see this in the japanese trailer when Sam fights the boss monster. Under the ammo count in the HUD there's a display which reads 2 82/100ml. That's the amount of DOOMs particles the BT has left, it is essentially its hp.
>Cliff is the big tentacle monster with hands for a head from the 2017 trailer. It is his only means of manifesting in the real world since he became stranded in hades, the dimension he opened up. The old wars you see in some of the trailers are dead people's memories being replayed in this dimension

What Sam is transporting is a cure to get rid of the DOOMs particles in peoples' blood. It won't get rid of the Death Stranding, but BT's will have a way, way harder time to detect humans if they don't have any in their blood.

Oh I see it. It does look a little like Sam though.

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Chapter 3 when?

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Where does this end? When there's nothing but another trailer at Gamescom that has nothing to do with Silent Hills? When the game comes out, and there's nothing other than possibly an easter egg? What then? You'll be screaming it'll happen in the DLC? Death Stranding 2 is the REAL Silent Hills, and Kojima and Konami are stretching this company destroying ruse over a decade?

Yes, Konami just destroyed their public image just to play along with Kojima's ego. Definitely. Retard.

Caramel got BTFO five times now and he still hasn't killed himself like he promised.

Anyway screencap my post: Death Stranding is not Silent Hills.
Also Death Stranding is coming to PC.

hideo kojima games are peak pseudo-intellectual

you forgot Tokyo Game Show
thats always the last straw they pull before they go back to E3 again

Fuck that seems really believable, time to get the fuck out of Yea Forums already?

Attached: mads in a web.png (1218x685, 1.02M)

I'm so afraid of this being true

MOst viable scenario

This is the part that truly baffles me. This isn't like it was something for a couple of months and then "haha, gotcha!" like the Moby Dick studios. This is something that's been going in for years on end, with everyone left right and centre dog piling on Konami, Konami releasing a terrible Metal Gear game, and announcing they'd focus less on video games and more on Pachinko. No company would commit suicide like this to troll the world, when the money they would lose during all of this, and the development costs of Death Stranding, would not be recovered in sales. Tonight, if anything is revealed, it'll be the PC version.

Everyone who shits on Kojima here got BTFO when the release trailer dropped and it said novemeber 8th, 2019. Kojima has never taken an absurd amount of time to make games. His studio literally built a whole new engine and game in 5 years or so.

Say what you will about him, but he runs his production studios really well.

what if DS is literally just another empty open world video game like MGSV was

>he doesn't know

he's being forced to release the game in november champ

"I'll show you the real thing soon, I promise!"

Attached: mads.jpg (1490x816, 60K)

>Geoff and Kojima both posting about gamescom rehearsal
Not that it's gonna be Silent Hill or MGS but it's gonna make all the tired walking sim/cutscene gamefags cry.

Attached: I'll show you the real thing soon, I promise.jpg (1064x599, 55K)

Fuck off Caramelooo

Wait, the fuck? Tatu made a song for Silent Hills?

This explains nevrethung

How do you explain a Silent Hill game being this woefully badly cast? Only Norman Reedus could fit a Silent Hill character.

This will be the most over rated piece of shit in gaming history, until TLoU 2.

They're Russian so they'll do anything for money to keep themselves above the poverty line.

Imagine MGSV, but with a blue filter

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No one ever bothers to post the single most concrete evidence that Death Stranding is both a horror game and an action game.

Attached: Beached Whale.webm (960x540, 1.85M)

They were just favoriting every comment when it released dumbass

It took me halfway through the song before I realized this was just a stupid fucking coincidence.

Still, surprised they're still around.

Imagine being Caramel.
Just imagine the mental state you have to be in.

yeah, he clearly wasn't here for the kazelot and quiet=chico bullshit

PT was horror game demo of game that never came out and had the same main character actor as the one from death stranding

is that even possible? can normal person/Yea Forums dweller really imagine and survive pure madness state of mind?



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I like Gorgonzola anyway

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>t.Gayter samefagging

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KEK, I've missed you OGs from the pre-launch MGSV threads.
Retard it's an in-joke from four fucking years ago, cope.

>imagine being so new you don't recognize old memes
>imagine defending that Kiefer performance

Pre launch mgsv was probably the funnest I've ever had on Yea Forums everyone was so hyped and all the theories were cool. Most of peoples theories were actually right in the end, they just didn't happen the way we thought it would. it still hurts bros

At least DMC5 delivered on the hype from the pre-launch threads for me, I just wish MGSV did too, although I do love Venom and wasn't disappointed in him. My grievances are mainly with Skull Face and the barren open world/cut content.

Why am I here in these threads then? Just to suffer I suppose.

I remember refusing to subscribe to the theory that you weren't playing as the real big boss, I thought it was retarded and then the twist in the game happened, and I thought it was retarded and offensive.

Was complete disarmament ever achieved?

on Xbox one and PC i think? or was it PS4 and PC not sure

PC bros are in the house tonight

>there was a message on the answering machine in PT that said "I walked until I stood one pace before Jack." backwards
>there is a Jack Stage referenced in PT's lines of code
>one of the error messages that break in during PT has a message from "J"
>the upside down and negative bridge picture in PT looks similar to the bridge in the Del Toro Death Stranding trailer
>the bridge has a J carved into it in the trailer

This shit is just fun to think about. I don't know why discussion on it makes so many people angry or petulant.

Knew it wasn't the real BB the moment they showed Ishmael.
I wish they didn't cut so much voice clips of venoms that gave him personality. Skull face was decent but his story was stupid, he had a nice voice actor

Same here, I love those cut dialogs. Especially the Japanese shit. BiBo Takegawa Hajimaru Etsumari Hideo Shinjuku, all in Kiefer's glorious drawl.

A bug caused it to happen, it never happened without that afaik.

Everything in PT / TPP / DS connects back to Ground Zeroes. The whole ruse is a punishment / purgatory. And it's all centered around a baby.

Attached: dreaming my dream.png (414x292, 111K)

Boys, we're coming home. I can feel it in my bones.

Attached: ds.png (712x696, 414K)

>Knew it wasn't the real BB the moment they showed Ishmael.
I was literally repressing it. It legitimately was too dumb to be real and that's how I felt the entire time and after it was revealed. I detest that twist, I understand it and I find it insultingly bad.

Feel the same way as you, it's mostly not real, but the possibility, the theories and every single straw people find, its soooo much fun seeing this being made. People get upset for no reason.

The elegia trailer for MGSV pre-release is still the most haunting, intriguing trailer to ever exist if you saw it pre-release of the game and didn't know what each clip signified. I love it.


Not even a bug, but it was unintentional. There so many cheaters hacking in ridiculous amounts of nukes to their accounts, that the 32bit integer that was the total number of nukes, overflowed back to [spoilers]Zero. Mutually assured destruction saves the day yet again.[/spoilers]

The Paz 'sidequest' in TPP is unironically on par with Silent Hill 2 as the greatest vidya portrayal of mental illness/trauma to ever be. Debate me.

>I'll show you the real thing

You've got the right idea.


>>>Kojima confirmed to be there
>>Gamescom has already confirmed “Death Stranding” will be shown

why does this info = silent hills?
fucking kino

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>All the letters that are leaking spell Eat Standing
Holy SHIT.

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Fuck off, Jez.

I don't buy that DS = SH, however, it wouldn't be the first time something's been found out years later that everyone was like OH NO NO NO about on here...

Attached: on the ground.png (852x467, 545K)

You need to be mentally ill to know the answer.

I giggled intensely at this, thanks user.

>the greatest vidya portrayal of mental illness/trauma to ever be
Spec Ops was better and that wasn't particularly great.

Fuck Silent Hill, I want Death Stranding to have nothing to do with SH

Attached: SPOILER.png (540x747, 713K)

Kojima just took all his ideas for Silent Hills and reused them in his new IP. Creators do that all the time. It's not a conspiracy.

The DS = MGS4 sequel arguments made more sense. How the fuck would the DS world fit in the Silent Hill universe?

It has a bigger chance of being a Drive sequel than Silent Hill

This. Death Stranding has been shown to be so far out there with it's own schtick that having it bear the Silent Hill name would seem like just cashing in on the brand.

This is so retarded. Raiden doesn't sound like Hayter in GZ.

5 hours and 45 minutes left bros

>didn't even watch the vid where the clip is literally Hayter in the voice files

you fucking donkey, don't respond to me again

Did you not remember the bidding war with Sony and Microsoft over "P.T."? Konami was freely trying to free up the license.

Gameplay confirmed

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It makes me happy Kojima dabbed on Konami with the Silent Hills PT more or less being promotional material for his breakup with Konami game.

It's not Hayter

that's actually fucking funny, user

That doesn't sound like him you deaf cunt

eat my poo lol

oh hell yeah dude, i love that movie

Attached: koichisakamotosdrive.jpg (339x475, 55K)

So is caramel finally going to stop making these threads and kill himself when there's literally nothing again for like the 20th time in a row?

Spec Ops is absolutely embarrassing shit tier


The only thing that doesn't suck about that game was based Bruce Boxleitner


I actually watched that after liking the actor in John Wick.

>that countdown link

Take off the meta shit and it's a story about PTSD. Not saying it was great but better than
>dude let's show character development through monsters.

Anyone desperately wanting to connect this to mgs or sh is a retarded toddler that perfectly encapsulates why the bidoo game audience is nothing but pajeet kids playing with digital toys and all of them should get the day of the rope while artists move on to work on other mediums

hypnogoga creates a bridge to other realities btw :)

maybe caramel's onto something fellas

Attached: Screenshot_29.png (846x439, 369K)

>this unqiue idea and original new IP is actually just part of a franchise!
Wow so hype

>And it's all centered around a baby.

Put your trip back on Caramel

So Mark Cerny is the producer of Death Stranding but it's not an ps4 exclusive even though he's always producer of ONLY ps4 exclusive?


Attached: top-hideo-kojima-et-mark-cerny-develop-brighton-678x381.jpg (678x381, 36K)


Now they're not even trying to hide it

literally quoting the trailer "ill show you the real thing" in the advertising

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Trying to hide what?

i hate you all so fucking much i entered this stupid shitty fucking thread ready to OH NO NO NO you into oblivion and by the end of reading all this crap I'm excited for the ruse cruise too what the fuck you did this to me four years ago and I got burned so bad don't do this

get ready for kojimbo to drop some true kino

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well they did remove the game from ps4 exclusives list

I think this game is going to be mediocre but I'd be god damn lying if that design isn't the fucking tightest shit I've ever seen

what the fuck is he

>Humans existed before God
Wtf is this bullshit?! I know athetist don't respect any religious doctrine, but there should be a limit for their heresy.

a homo(sexual) demon.

Ludens, KojiPro's mascot.

Kojimbers is like a Tarantino where he has really eclectic tastes and a knack for stitching things he likes into a new thing and surrounding himself with talent.

Cerny isn't involved with development, Sony just loaned him out to be Hideo's manservent for a couple of weeks to convince him to go console exclusive with them

>people think this won't be in the game

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> Mediocre
> We haven't seen Gameplay yet

Golly gee

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>Geoff is fooling everyone for the 9th time about there being some mgs or silent footage
>people are falling for it again
You guys don't learn, do you


well of course humans existed before god, the concept of god was created by humans in the first place

>even the moon
Probably. It'll mirror the FOX logo being old KojiPro's logo.

Just woke up what did I miss?


Again he is producer of the game :
Even on trailer we see his name. He has see the game already and he only produce Sony exclusive games.
Sorry not sorry

It looks like a cyberknight astronaut suit. The implication this suit makes for the gameplay seems to go right over everyone's heads.

Attached: LUDENS.jpg (800x1131, 429K)

>why doesn't a crazy video game religion adhere to my religious doctrine?
Just be happy that the bad guys weren't christans like in the movie.

Daily reminder that you're being mislead, this game will be a "walking simulator" but at some point, Sam will put on this god tier designed space suit and go full Luden, the game will become some 3rd person sc-fi jet packing off the wall fighting Cthulhu like creatures and be the biggest mindfuck in gaming. If this wasn't the case all of the merch wouldn't be released of said space suit. The reason this isn't being shown off in trailers is because they know, they don't have too. They can lead with this and people still buy it, and when this happens, it only makes the surprise better. Get ready for Kojima's magnum opus.

Deep down, you know this is true.

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Tarantino is a good writer though lmao.


he's right, you know, but the thing is it couldn't be more obvious, he fully, fully blew his cover with the final line in the last trailer

"I'll show you the real thing soon" and then, now this
Some kind of mad gameplay change up will take place, that's a guarantee

looks like a fucking humanoid metal gear straight out of mgs2 or zoe2

stop fucking with me like this, god damn it.


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Why are you guys so mentally ill? Or is this thread one huge meme?

Kojima didn't wanna keep making MGS games, so he just made MGS a series where you're a limbless corpse within a corrupt GW, the limbless corpse being that of Sam Bridges. As such, he can now make any future game he wants and it'll be tied back to MGS with this Source Code multiverse-link, and that'll keep Konami happy because he can lie to them and say it's an MGS title, since that would technically be true.

But we have seen gameplay

Remember what happened with MGS2? All the trailers and promo material made it out to be a straight up, by the numbers sequel to MGS1 but then the game came out and it was completely different from what people expected. I don't know if that's the case with Death Stranding but given Kojima's record it might fucking happen

Anyone else find those mgs0 crackpot theory videos comfy as fuck

Not really. It just look like a futuristic version of a battle dress from PW/TPP

theorising and speculating bad
spoonfeed simple narrative good :D

I've known that since I first saw that incredible suit design

thank fuck somebody brought it up

I think people forget Kojima made zoe, and most people probably haven't played that game. I fully expect this game, to some point, to go FULL ZOE, the luden suit quite literally screams it

Attached: 1528838624268.png (1636x1381, 3.99M)

For this one Kojima failed
> Well you know this isn't Norman this is actually me!
Yeah Koji right...

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Guillermo Del Toro stealing the show here

>theorising and speculating bad
BUt the game literally has nothing in connection with pt or mgs. Why the sarcasm?

I like the hypnogoga one about MGSV

whoever was managing the gym at the time should be fired for allowing such stupidity

>people discussing, hyping, just making mad silly theories
>uhhh could you guys stop being mentally ill??

stop projecting, unironically

I didn't know you're on the dev team and know that for a fact.

Unironically this.

It's so fucking obvious, the closer we get. The whole haha he's just walking? what the fuck? is so so obviously a ruse. However, if it isn't, then ya know... we'll see, but its very, very fucking likely that it isn't now.


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I really hope kojima finds a way to incorporate that radio station thing from P.T in some way or even a deb of night style thing. Always love that kind of shit


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Yeah they are pretty comfy on the right occasion

This will go down as the comfiest video game of all time, or at least one of them. Mark my words.

I expect this game to be like mgs2 where in it receives a massive backlash for not being what people expected but will become more and more appreciated as time goes on

PethonSelkonHD videos are sometimes a bit schizo but /comfy/ as fuck

*and mgsv

isnt that the opposite

Metal Zone of the Hills: Death Stranding

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Yoji Shinkawa artworks are God tier

Kojima is a talentless hack

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ahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha
just fucking give it up my friend

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Why don't they use drones to transport shit? They have the technology

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I'm sure there's some extremely convoluted answer

praise Shinkawa

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calm down caramel

>but at some point, Sam will put on this god tier designed space suit
uuh yeah. around the time the announcement trailer takes place in the game: you are naked and try to protect the BB or rather realise something about the Baby. maybe this one isnt even a BB but your own Child being taken from you

>kojima made zoe
no he didnt idiot

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They're mostly bullshit imo but still interesting and fun.

this game is going to suck

that's some pretty water god damn

most dumbest conspiracy i've ever heard
people buy this shit?
Yea Forums do have a lot of under aged retards

>wake up

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The ruse cruise always disappoints. Kojima is better at marketing than compelling storytelling nowadays.

Kojima conspiracy fags are mentally ill.

people bought TPP. what the fuck do you expect?

le speculation is mental illness
those words don't mean what reddit told you they do

aspecualtion isnt bad but5 when all you do is speculate an when it fails you YOU still keep specualting you should fuck off


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Hasn't failed until the game releases bud :)
if it releases and we're wrong, cool. Until then, you fuck off because you know as much as we do only we actually have creative theories you unimaginitive fuckwit and killjoy.

that's MGS
this has nothing to do with Konami
young kids should get their facts straight

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i really just want 30 min of uncommentated gameplay

It would actually make sense considering that Silent Hill and Death Stranding share a similar theme about another plane of reality merging with our own. Frankly Death Stranding could be saved with this because right now it seems like aimless schlock.



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BASED rusebros

What that was actually Chico's head?

Yeah which is why in retrospect there's that theory PT was both Silent HIlls and MGSV's playable teaser, with a link within MGSV with the Lufwa Valley radio broadcast and the song 2014863.

nice avatar usage

Not really

ok pedophile

Yeah. Maybe it's fear of advertising/shills.

Guys I was wrong! DS is Loli!

Attached: 1C8F4C9D-267D-4E81-9DAB-D76A39BF11D0.jpg (1280x1801, 296K)

Demon edition announced soon bros

I always thought that she sang the words "a silent fall to the ceiling"
Her accent doesn't sound like English was her first language

Attached: jetset.jpg (764x1173, 215K)

da fuq? gamescom has their own stream nowadays? remember when this was the ugly ginger step brother of E3? turns out it was the beautiful red headed blood related sister all the way

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demon edition never came..

Good God this game looks fucking barren. Every clip or screenshot I see just shows a bunch of nothing. Hopefully we see some more gameplay tomorrow

imagine being hyped for a game you saw zero actual worthwhile gameplay of

Attached: worryga.png (128x128, 32K)

gamescom hasnt even started yet faggot and there are like 20 games TBA

So i was very skeptical at first but after seeing Anons pile up the evidence and reading this now i fully believe that Death Stranding is Silent Hills

Those who say it can't be possible because Kojima Pr and Konami hate each other are being foolish since they don't need to directly develop a game in order to "make it" take for example Nintendo hiring Retro Studios to make Metroid Prime or Konami itself hiring shitty Western Developers to make bad Silent Hill games

You might also say that Kojima hates them way too much in order to accept their deal but at the end of the day he's just another game developer, obviously he's going to want money.

Death Stranding IS Silent Hills
I repeat: Death Stranding IS Silent Hills

Attached: cat.jpg (800x800, 119K)

Please tell me that if you fucks are wrong you're all going to kill yourself, please

epic exclusive on PC

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Where are u caramel this is your show time

If this is real I take back every negative thing I've ever said about Kojima

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What is this fucking autism?



It will not happen. Only /pol/ levels of schizophrenic retards believe in conspiracy theories before killing themselves


>Staff member died.
Fucking Kojimbo... why are your games so good. Gonna look forward to this, whatever it may be



kek this captcha knows

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Attached: Death Stranding.webm (410x360, 801K)

Has this guy ever been right about anything

No, Ocelotte, Dark Souls 3 is actually a Death Stranding reference.

I just want a REmake style remake of Silent Hill 1. Shattered Memories doesn't count.

I think at the end of the day it's all just good fun, this board is super melodramatic, so some anons come off like they're betrayed and genuinely hurt by these things not happening, but honestly, with how bland Vidya is now, what's the harm in kojima and fans being excited to decipher things that may or may not be there? If you, or anyone else decides to take it personally, that's on you, it all entertainment.

Attached: 1564794852253.png (710x599, 81K)

there are houses in the second painting but not in the equivalent screenshot. There also appears to be a small, somewhat dilapidated dock in the bottom left corner, indicating the river here is much larger than the stream
There is a mountain on the left, which is between the mountain on the right and the background mountain, that has a structure making a right angle. This mountain does not exist in the screenshot, preventing the valley shown in the painting from existing.
The final painting and the screenshot clearly do not match up.
You only have yourself to blame when you are disappointed..

based rational and considerate poster.

when is gamescom?

3 1/2 hours.

Attached: 71ZiCqokPTL._SL1131_.jpg (800x1131, 127K)

Its going to be 5-10 minutes of raw gameplay and systems dives.
The next like 4 days, but Geoff's ONL show is in 3 and a half hours


Nice, I’ll be back to dab on schizos

Attached: 38BDBE26-6BF6-417A-9A8D-176476EEF743.jpg (896x960, 106K)

You have to let go.

You're fucking stupid if you think Kojima is still affiliated with Konami.

Kojima has always had lots of spiritual inspiration and references across his games.
He's recycling some of the tonal inspiration for Silent Hills and MGSV into Death Stranding especially because he was impotently forced to abandon them.

You're a dumb child if you think Death Stranding will be DIRECTLY connected to any of those properties.
You're the kind of idiot that always props up the "But what if they're in purgatory and everything is some kind of symbol for how they died" kind of bullshit.
Can't see the forest forest for the trees.
Missing out on the real fun.

Spoilers: Solidus is the baby



It's been 4 years.
Let it go, user.

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dont care virgin


I'm kinda surprised this never gets brought up much. I saw this in PT and didn't think much of it then once DS footage started coming out I was like huh..that's odd

unironically cringe

>actually work at Sony
>people don't realize this game is just policenauts
>people actually think it's SH or MGS related
We bankrolled the licensing from Konami for the for limited time exclusivity. You don't believe me though so just ignore my post but don't be surprised when shit hits the fan.

Shut the fuck up neckbeard

I'll show you my dick soon, I promise

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Based & Beyondpilled

Post yfw it’s not SH

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this picture cannot be serious
that top row fucking kek

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I believe in the ruse, I think it will be revealed in the game itself the same as with Raiden.


>one of the phone messages in PT was a news broadcast saying the father in the game's story hung himself with an umbilical cord after killing his wife and child
>there are umbilical cords hanging from the very sky in Death Stranding
>Sam is connected to a bridge baby by an umbilical cord
>all of the dead sea life in the trailers have umbilical cords attached to them
>the planes flying overhead in the war zone have umbilical cords
>Cliff is attached to his skull soldiers by umbilical cords
>the ghosts are all attached to Beached Things by umbilical cords

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I think it's most likely that Kojima just likes to reuse ideas in his work, which is a great idea because it gives your work yet another special stamp, and helps tie together cool shit but also gives rise to crazy theories.

I want to punch those dweebs from Twin Perfect in the face. Bunch of elitist assholes.