This is the most acclaimed FPS game ever, say something nice about it
This is the most acclaimed FPS game ever, say something nice about it
Other urls found in this thread:
Nintendo bonus
It's my favorite game of all time
> Creating literal conspiracy theories because a company is so successful
Imagine being this pathetic
The main character has bobs
Journalists hate Nintendo, they get penalized whenever they release a game for not being western shit
No one said anything about conspiracy theories. It's an unconscious bias by vidya journalists because Nintendo is what they grew up with.
Literal made up conspiracy theories, you are more mentally ill then trannies who think cutting their dicks off makes them a women. Imagine devoting your life to creating conspiracies simply to validate people not sharing the same shit taste as you
I legitimately cannot think of a game with better atmosphere
>FPS with auto-aim
Into the trash it goes.
perfect dark and jet force gemini were better though
>this is the most overrated game ever
Fixed that for you
Actually playing through the game (Trilogy version) emulated on my PC using M&K. Only thing I can criticize is the grind when doing 100%
And underwater sections prior to varies suit
>obtain power-up
>obtain power-up
>artifact hunt: backtrack backtrack backtrack
Genuinely the worst game I have ever played, and I played quite a few
the only reason i buy nintendo consoles
Swing and a miss
>Journalists hate Nintendo
*Except for Mario, Zelda, and Metroid.
What’s the appeal of this game? Just looks like a the typical console FPS.
Doomfags seething
It’s boring
Why are you so obsessed with transsexuals dude?
Doom had autoaim you moron.
lets be honest this game was cool as shit for the graphics and stuff , not that interesting of a shooter as far as gameplay goes I had more fun killing dudes in goldeneye. Also they ruined it with all the backtracking and artifact hunting.
I almost feel bad for you with that taste
The game, like all metroid, is about exploring. Especially Prime is more of an adventure game than ever before
Play PrimeHack!
Utter classic, and I really dig scanning, was a very well-thought out mechanic
Compared to the 2D games, it was boring.
I will give you that the shooting wasn't revolutionary, but despite the OP calling it an "FPS" the larger focus was on the adventure, which it did spectacularly.
To the other points, I don't mind the backtracking that much (let's me approach familiar areas with a new perspective, like a good Metroidvania can do) but I think there are some other problems. The lack of elevators between certain areas is a tad annoying, and I dislike how most of the artifacts are locked behind very late-game upgrades. Still, I'd give it a solid 9.5/10, and consider it a classic.
>doom vs metroid argument
i believe i have something worth adding
>not that interesting of a shooter
It wasn't trying to be one. Nintendo themselves made an initiative to not call it an FPS. OP is incorrect calling it that
I just want to play it like any other story shooter with a mouse.
prime and prime 2 were at the level of super in terms of exploration, these 3 are far better than the rest of the series in that context. You're out of your mind if you think metroid 2 and especially fusion are better
>tfw Prime 4 won't be First Person Metroid Fusion.
Why fucking live?
you've had the option to do that for years
thank fucking christ for that, we already have fusion in 3D with other M we don't need another abomination
>lock on system
endless metal corridors in first person sounds real fun
based and bob pilled
It's not opposite day yet
This completely perfectly encapsulates what i was about to post.
Thank you for saving me the time.
Dolphin emulator.