What are some examples of a "Disc One Nuke" in video games? I.e. a weapon or power that you can acquire early on if you know what you're doing that is OP it lets you steamroll through the first half of the game
What are some examples of a "Disc One Nuke" in video games? I.e...
Great Gospel
>Disc One Nuke
Just read the the TV Tropes article you just came from, fag.
but i want discussion
To be fair, i dont think that many people acquired beta/aqualung without a guide
>Cast confusion on the enemy so they cast Big Guard on you
That sword from the tail of the bridge dragon in DarkSouls.
Triple Triad breaks the fuck out of FF8
FF4 has a weird clip you can do to get into the village of Mist from the wrong side. This lets you get the Tiara (+10 INT and electric resist), the Change Staff (+5 INT, turns enemies into pigs) and the shop sells Dancing Daggers (Use as an item to deal 200-300 damage.
Keep in mind, your strongest attack around this point is lucky to break 50. And the Tiara is useful all game long.
Bloodborne: Saw Cleaver + a few chalice dungeon blood gems. You're unstoppable.
Drakes sword is busted when you get it but never gets stronger so its junk later in the game.
The real answer is Black Knight weapons
If you do hunts and chains right you can get Aquasol before Raithwall in FF12. It oneshots everything.
In Saga Frontier, you can get do the infinite money glitch to buy zero swords and jumpsuits once you can get to...uh...Nelson? I it’s the gold money changers.
limit glove
mikiri counter
or the zwei
You have to KNOW how to get it.
You NEED the element materia to absorb fire too and its gone until probably disc 2 or late disc 1
One of the first minibosses in the game drops one of the absolute most busted weapons in the game and he's easy as shit to farm so you can get one early and it'll last pretty much all of first playthrough and you can easily get another one later.
>"Disc One Nuke"
literally never heard this used anywhere before
Depends who you are too, like red cant do the money glitch until he leaves cygnus.
Gau in FF6 can solo the first half of the game if you put even the slightest amount of effort into his rages.
This. It sounds like a term a middle aged blogger would come up with trying to sound hip.
You need catsratch to rape. All others are useless.
Yeah, kinda like that milkshake duck they were trying to push. Some people are really out of touch.
It's a tvtropes term
element materia is in the Shinra building
Lionheart disc one is pretty good I guess. FF8 is piss easy anyway so it doesn't really matter.
Gravelord sword too, but I think zwei starts are stronger.
you equip it to your armor in combination with a fire materia
Asellus can get Asura in the first hour of gameplay. It's one of the most powerful weapons in the game. You have to give up few LP for it but it's so worth it.
I get it on every playthrough but only Asellus can get it so early.
I knew I was forgetting something.
So a term a middle aged blogger made up.
Star Ocean 2, stealing a random item box from a guy in Mars village and saving/loading to get a fucking lightsaber for Claude. This can be done pretty much immediately upon leaving Salva. You can then go to the mountains very close to Salva and abuse the idiotic AI to powerlevel extremely hard.
Grandia 2 has a spot in the Baked Plains right after the minotaur boss that vies you your first adventure book. Get the Pirate Ring ability from it and equip it, then grind the groups of Giant Mantis. They have a chance to drop a seed of defense which permanently increases a character's defense by 3, and with the Pirate Ring ability equipped they seemed to me to have a drop rate of around 10%. An hour of grinding here gives you enough of these items to make one character almost literally immune to physical damage.
And you are casual playing and fuck up the quiz! Now your out of Midgar!
Thats bs anyway, that shop has tons of good lp shit too.
I'd say the rapier in SotN, it has a button combo that let's you do rapid strikes similar to the valmungway. Once you master it you can wreck bosses in seconds, and it can carry you all the way to the real valmungway where things get even more ridiculous
Seth in Fire Emblem Sacred Stones.
100 potions of invulnerability? dont mind if i do.
You need to manipulate them. Confusion is used on an enemy on disk 2 to learn white wind, and you can learn that on disk 1 from a different enemy with manipulation as well.
There's also a good chance of learning aqualung or beta even without trying since the first is cast by random encounters near the gold saucer and the second you can learn from the snake for free.
No, you don't. You get the fire ring relatively soon after meeting the snake. You can turn back a bit and learn beta easily.
SOTN is already super easy, IDK the point in grinding for that weapon.
Daikatana in Morrowind you could get like one of the best weapons with like life drain on it early
I believe dark souls has something like that but it's pure rng if you get it or not.
fire resistance
Honestly it's really the shield staff, which carries you to when you get the Crissaegrim at which that's it game's over, just run towards the finish line mashing square and you've won.
if you do the training missions in Final Fantasy Type-0 with Jack and kill a certain amount of the training enemies it will count towards your overall killscore with Jack and after about 40 minutes you'll unlock the Masamune or Muramasa forgot which one. This weapon is strong enough to carry you through the entire game.
Black Knight Halberd
FF2’s world is pretty open. You can safely walk to end game towns to buy high level spells from the very start of the game, well like 30 minutes in when you get the boat. I got my party’s hp in the five thousands without doing a single part of the story until I got bored.
A better one would be the Jeweled Knuckles available in the Outer Wall area through a secret elevator. It pretty much trivializes the first half of the game.
This. Also allows exp farming, right? Because something something so many hits?
Are we talking glitchless? Or glitched
I know it's not horrendously OP, but I always liked the glitch that gives you two of Bendak's Blasters on Taris in KOTOR.
Long Spear and Shuriken in Portrait of Ruin.
I'm almost 80% sure that you don't need that because I remember doing something else to just barely survive beta. I vaguely remember going back either before junon or gold saucer possibly.
Jewel Knuckles - SOTN.
Just googled that for the first time, it's that specific out of touch trying to be hip type of cringe that you can't explain.
Only specifically stray cat, but if you try out 3 in a row and they just happen to suck you might accidentally end up dropping him.
Not a zoomer, what’s milkshake duck?
What you yell at a proud boys rally
Nothing you said makes any sense.
I never got how that game worked. Is it the numbers that touch eachother? or is it the number like top vs top. bottom vs bottom?
maybe its 9 im thinking of.
TT in 9 was garbage. It's very easy to figure out in 8, especially early on before dumb rules like same start being introduced.
Magic Defense has been fixed since the Steam release so it's extremely easy to get now and likely first time players will get it naturally.
I forgot what I did when I was younger. But I wouldn't let any rules spread.
I figured it out without a guide after my first playthrough when I realized I could backtrack from Costa del sol with the fire ring and learn it then.
also to stay on topic...theres a way in Suikoden 2 to push a border checkpoint (like a box) early on and get to a late game portion super early.
in Star Ocean 2 after that 2nd town (Where Alen Tax is) you go left up to that cliff and keep resetting until you get in a random with the enemies that only drain MP. kill 1 group of them and gain like 10 levels. Keep doing this.
based and btfo
>when I realized
And what made you realize that?
Until you get stormfang you should be using this weapon and this weapon alone.
a guide
>But Clavicus wants it back, why would I keep it?
Me, 13 years ago.
And he can rape the second half of the game with a Merit Award, Genji Glove and pair of tempests.
FF6 is hands down the single easiest FF to completely break to shit. There's dozens of ways to trivialize the entire game.
X-Piratez used to have full Defender armor suits in the giant penis ships on top of a lot of solid midgame armor. You'd be invulnerable for almost 30 hours after getting one.
I did it the autist way, leveling up to around 30 outside the chocobo farm so I could resist it.
I did. Nothing better than Beta carrying my party until up the second disk.
Jewel Knuckles you can't replace for quite a while in the regular castle and you can get them 3 minutes after the first time you reach Outer Wall.
The Rivershark in terraria lets you skip pretty much the entirety of pre hardmode
To avoid rules spreading, you agree to a match under adjusted rules and then quit out once it starts, do it over and over until they agree to change rules. It's the only way to prevent Random, which allows the AI to cheat entirely, from spreading.
I remember in Crisis Core you can get the Costly Punch materia about halfway through, everything is a one hit ko after that
Wait...how would one know unless they've been to be tv tropes themself???
>newfriend discovers the reddit dilemma
Oh yes, I forgot about random. Bullshit. I never actually got too heavily involved in the card game and tried to collect them all or whatever, but getting enough decent cards to beat Ellone on the space station and get her Laguna card is always a good idea. 100 hero potions trivializes an already trivial game. Last boss won't be able to even damage you unless you let it.
Learning beta and nuking shit was great.
Streamed for a friend once and the game crashed after nuking the ship Jenova fight with it. Had us cracking up like idiots.
too bad Crisis Core determined level ups, limit breaks and other shit with a fucking roulette wheel, even if it was "rigged" for appropriately leveling you up and doing certain actions on certain circumstances
because tv tropes is the one inventing these made up "tropes" - if you come up with some retarded name you never heard before it's always them
if you search this term on google the first two websites listed are Tv Tropes and exactly this Yea Forums thread
Are you a detective user?
Is that original or remake?