They tell you that you can only do Ray Tracing on a 2019 GPU

>They tell you that you can only do Ray Tracing on a 2019 GPU

Attached: 4-29-2019_2-45-31_PM-3df1ffoz.png (1920x1080, 3.01M)

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Pretty sure that's baked in. Look at the character

why is the wood wet...

Is this NG Sigma?

> Being this autistic
Stop posting this fucking thread. People have explained to you a gazillion times that god rays are not fucking ray tracing. They're a prebaked effect.

Not ray tracing. But sometimes other methods of reflections look better. DOOM 2016 had nicer looking gun reflections than BF5. DOOM's reflected everything around you including fires and decals on the wall just like BF5's, but it looked better than the ray tracing method. Ray tracing just takes things too literal sometimes.

>same thing

Attached: [6.jpg (1440x1080, 725K)

Suck my cock bitch

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Not the same thing at all. Stop being such a brainlet. Go lurk /g/ and see if you can actually learn how a computer works.


Attached: [Ebv.jpg (1440x1080, 800K)

Nvidia shills OUT

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forget it, he's just a tard who wants the engine to do everything for him. well-done prebaked lighting is the best fucking shit.

Black on xbox one

Ray tracing is the biggest graphical advancement of the decade and in 10 years every GPU will have it and half the games you're playing will use it as their main lighting engine. You dumb fucks are the same one who said Physx was a gimmick. What now? Physx is the integrated physics engine in both unity and unreal. Literally every game that uses those engines uses it. The same will happen for ray tracing.

I swear you fat fucks always run your mouths without knowing what the hell you're talking about.

These aren't real-time reflections. They're baked. And about the mirrir argument, it doesn't stand either. Mirrors in older games reflected the environments perfectly because they weren't actually reflecting anything, they were just duplicating the scene and mirroring it.

Besides, raytracing isn't only about reflection. It's about accurate GI and AO too, which greatly contribute to photorealism.


>you absolute plebs... this is THE REVOLUTION of GPU advancements and you don't even get it... you stupid.. mother... FUCKERS

Attached: v8.jpg (1280x720, 335K)

>Physx is the integrated physics engine in both unity and unreal
>what are contractual agreements?

Attached: file.png (439x443, 309K)

This but unironically. You stupid retards will be playing an amazing looking ray traced game 10 years from now and not even realize it's ray traced.
Physx is open source now, get with the program

I really don't care about increased graphical fidelity when it comes at the cost of gameplay. Letting the engine decide graphics for devs homogenizes the appearance of every game using that engine. I don't care about real-time subdivision. Give me true to life soundscapes.. Give me interesting gameplay.

> I really don't care about increased graphical fidelity when it comes at the cost of gameplay.
Good thing Ray Tracing will make it so the devs can focus more on gameplay instead of managing a bloated overcomplicated graphics pipeline
> Give me true to life soundscapes
This is literally one of the major features of ray tracing. You can ray trace sound waves for perfectly simulated audio physics.

>contractual agreements force early adoption while forcing competition out artificially
>"d-doesn't matter, open source now :^) "

>oh boy, my games look like real life now even though the uncanny valley couldn't be at a higher point! video games! xD

>ray tracing
a new meme to raise prices

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whats the point of the gpus being ray tracing ready if they obviously lack the specifications to render them in proper resolutions and frames per second.

You know that pre-baking lighting involves using offline ray tracing, right?

To the guy defending ray trace, don't bother, no one here will learn a thing and things will go as they have to. Don't get your jimmies rustled

Yeah, no one can actually be that stupid to not understand the concept of ray tracing right? It must be shitposting


>These aren't real-time reflections. They're baked
You're right, what a travesty. Why are we doing these incredibly expensive calculations up front rather than recomputing them from scratch every frame? That sure sounds like a good use of compute resources that wouldn't better be spent on something else.

All reflections are a form of ray tracing so yes, the PS2 can do ray tracing, absolutely in real time, there's ray tracing in Super Mario 64 too.

You can pretty clearly tell something is up with how the characters shadow is cast on the square of light from the windows. They don't match at all.

It's an original xbox game that runs at 60fps

Ray Tracing is such a fucking meme. Enjoy your 50% frame drop

Does ray tracing make a game more fun?

its waxed, its a trap for ninjas, but ninjas are smarter, shoes have glue to stick into that slippery surface.

do we really need ray tracing now?
like, there arent another effect that should be improved and do not eat all the resources of the GPU?


Stylized sharp lighting and shadows looks better than ray tracing.

Attached: fear lighting.gif (595x335, 2.94M)

Your kidding me right? This looks better than sigma on PS3 emulator. Wow!!!

It's HD on One but the core visuals are the same as OG.

Wow, raytracing will never allow that. How the fuck did they do it?

prebaked is the smart way to do this shit instead of needing hardware from the year 2022

Ray tracing is a dumb meme and bloat for live applications.

That's not even slightly true.

cuz i fucked ur mom on it

this wouldn't be allowed today so they can sell you RTX cards :( same shit with batman and physx back in the day

mafia 3 has ray tracing but the denoiser is too slow i think

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Do you apply this same argument to textures and color pallets too?



what is ray tracing?

you know how artists trace others work? it's like that but with 3d lighting

It's real light transferred through occult the jews at nvidia have cooked up


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nvidia's new shitty gimmick that they think is totally worth $1000.

Imagine looking at a reflective surface.... and seeing a reflection... whoa....

>realism good
I never said that, ray tracing just does so much more work in every scene, more subtlty, sure sharp shadows can work, but even in stylized depictions ray tracing still superior, even in dark settings, ray tracing still superior.

lighting system more like photons.

so explain the background in this pic.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Explain what? RTX is extremely limited use ray tracing, mostly just reflections, but it does far far more than that.

The orginal xbox is so powerful.

what do you mean 'explain what'? The lighting is way better without the stupid RTX. This overprice gimmick can only be used on stuff in the foreground but ruins everything past a short distance, are you serious

The lighting is significantly better with RTX though, you act as if resolution for raycasts can't be increased.

RTX is fake

I don't think you know what that word means. And even if it works for some parts of the screen, it makes the other parts look worse so whatever good it does is nullified. That's in addition to tanking the performance.

dumbest thing ever. And if you do 3D modeling, you know all about light pathing. You know it's why 3D images take several minutes to render 1 single frame. Having it done in "real time" means there's serious shenanigans going on and it's not even real ray tracing.

It looks significantly better though, but it's just a gimmick at current point, anyone jumping on to this now is a retard, maybe in like 4 gens when your midrange can do it fast enough, sure, but if you are buying into this now you are buying into a meme tier gimmick. It looks significantly better overall.
The shenanigans are denoising, and that shit is actually really good these days.

what in the gameworks suite isn't a gimmick?

Those are some neat gimmicks, it's up to devs to adopt that sort of tech themselves and push it, but a lot of devs sidestep it, hairworks looks great, but most devs just use haircards since they are cheap and achieve great results.

Unless I'm misunderstanding, ray tracing will move more of the graphical payload from the GPU to the CPU, freeing up GPU memory for even more rendering. If your CPU isn't up to snuff for this transition then stop whining and just upgrade it.

wrong answer, user.

You have to be misunderstanding, RTX is on the GPU, and your GPU can do these calculations faster than your CPU anyway.

>artist can achieve similar results by faking it
>that means actually doing it is worthless
Not even close brainlet

rtx itself is "faking it".

This new form of ray tracing is done on the gpu
All things that are reflected or otherwise used for a light bounce must be rendered.
That means things that would normally be culled are now having draw calls which will increase the cpu usage.

And its closer than anything else so far.
Clearly we should just give up entirely rather than pushing the technology further and further like we did with every single other form of computer graphics.

Welcome to computer graphics.

Doesn’t reshade have some new shitty shader that mimics ray tracing coming out? That should work on non-nividia cards.

it's already out, I think.

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 180K)

It fakes it and wont ever include the stuff we actually want out of RT sadly.

That looks really good.
Wish it could do ray tracing reflections too

Who cares about what the machine is doing under the hood as long as the effect is the same or a good enough approximation
At some point it becomes a waste of resources

What is this? Halo on PC? Is that out already?

The problem with ray-tracing, like every other nvidia idea, is developer knowledge of it and implementation. The dev has to really put in a lot of work to get it to look good, lazily allowing the option actually ruins the lighting in some games because they didn't actually build it for RTX from the ground up.

Attached: Yooka_Laylee_2019.08.15 - (1920x1200, 618K)

I supposedly does all that shit. Haven't seen it in action for myself though.

Attached: grand-theft-auto-5-v1-591215.jpg (1435x720, 182K)

It doesnt.
Theres no out of screen data used so you cant see the world behind you reflected in a window for instance

Its pretty much the same kind of effect as the path tracer that minecraft dude made way back

and still better looking than rtx. For free, no less.

This, games have always exploited fakery and hacks as much as they could, that's what made them work. Even RTX relies on tricks.
Maybe eventually hardware will become powerful enough that this isn't necessary and we can do physically-based GI in real time, we're nowhere near that point yet and it's likely that we never will be. Even if we did have that kind of power we would rather spend it on more ambitious games and keep the hackery desu

I honestly cant even tell much of a difference mosto f the time.

Its not free at all user, path tracing still costs quite a bit of GPU.
Not to mention some scenes already have detailed and accurate pre-baked shadows and lighting so it only helps in the games/scenes without as much care or open worlds seemingly.

Attached: w3 rt reshade.jpg (2560x1440, 1.09M)

The problem with Reshade RT is that it cant do opacity because it uses the depth buffer so you end up with awnings that are dark as fuck beneath it even though the light would bleed through and scatter around it.
Other than that it looks pretty nice for improving the AO and GI

that's how u know ninjas are coming for you. the whispering sound of sticky hand toys being peeled off of hard wood floors.

It seems to come down to how few bounces hes calculating so anything thats in shadow ends up very dark compared to how it should be.
Probably down to performance problems at that point.

Also would this even work on games that dont use deferred rendering?
If not that means old games are a no go

Why do people want vidya to look like real life?

They dont but realistic lighting can only help.
Even n64 games like banjo were trying to push more dynamic light sources

Theres a reason minecraft stil looks alright even when you slap some decent shaders on that dont ruin the image

are you larping or legitimately retarded

Not how things work retard

>let's go, anons, to the great unknown of having... more real-like lighting... in a video game... because uncanny valley doesn't exist and... why shouldn't a video game be about anything but lowering frames needlessly... it'll be an adventure

>ITT fags don't know the difference between cubemaps and real time ray tracing
one is 6 pictures of the environment to create reflections the other one is a real time simulation of lighting bouncing off the walls
i'll make it simple for you
one is pictures the other one is real light

lol, you are almost as dumb as OP.

Raytracing isn't an Nvidia idea. Nor is the implementation they went with. You don't have to build "for RTX" from the ground up either. RTX is their marketing name. There doesn't need to be a single lightmap reworked, just turned off. We don't live in the prebaked world anymore.

Try a-fucking-gain.

Games use to launch with features cards didnt even support.
Upgrading you card use to actually be an adventure

Dont you have to go pretend 4k is good somewhere?

>Ray tracing is the biggest graphical advancement of the decade and in 10 years every GPU will have it and half the games you're playing will use it as their main lighting engine
Lmfao who gives a fuck? I don't give a fuck about "ray tracing" when it's as much of a meme as some turd ass physics tech that's been around for almost 2 decades but still no one really ever uses it. How about you remove ambient lighting, that's really all you fucking need to have games look better without investing in meme overpriced hardware.

No, no it doesn't look better at all. It looks overdone similar to "HDR" games like Oblivion or Unreal 3 engine games had.

It looks shiny and with bloom. Which isn't what real raytracing is. Everything looking like it fucking glows and is wet is not good.

why would i care about 4k if i don't care about useless features?

that's not ray tracing that's screen space reflections, they're fucking trash

>so wrong he has to lie
Too funny.
Try learning before you post

>RTX just is much higher quality lighting and reflection effects to look more realistic
>But using this significantly impacts performance and frame rates
>If you don't even turn it on, you have much higher frame rates and can still enjoy the game anyway
>The argument between AMD and Nvidia fans is pointless, both cards can achieve very capable frame rates at many different resolutions no matter what you buy
>The only arguing that occurs is that Nvidia cards can do this lighting effect but it cripples performance
>Both cards can just turn it off and perform fine, you'd only buy RTX if you care about the new lighting effect at all
Buy whatever the fuck you want, and stop bitching like morons. I am personally going to build a new PC with the 5700 XT because I think RTX wasn't worth the price hike. It has never been about fanboyism, it has always been to me "which one is the better deal for me right now for what I want to do".

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Agree completely user.
I'm a sucker though so I got an RT card for one game thats still not out.
Atomic Heart

>literally no discernible difference

hows it feel to be blind

I bought the GTX 1070 in 2016, because it was so far ahead of the RX 480 it was laughable, and also used less power. It was massively ahead of even the GTX 970 3.5gb meme trash and even was as fast as the GTX 980 ti as significantly less power. Nvidia hasn't done that with the RTX to me though.

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I want to rape trace

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>you'd only buy RTX if you care about the new lighting effect at all
If you wanted to buy the most powerful graphics card on the market, you have to buy RTX.

Well I upgraded from a gtx 6xx so it was a pretty massive jump no matter what I chose

Not everyone needs a 2080 ti user.

thats really cool. in 2014 I build an i5 system, and I made a huge blunder and bought the GTX 770 2GB instead of the cheaper R9 280X 3GB. That was my only regret in buying PC stuff. So the GTX 1070 replaced the 770 (I bought the 770 and 2 months later the 970 came). I'm just glad I didn't ditch the 770 for the fucking 970, and then the 1070 came, I would've probably killed myself to be honest.

>RTX cards are expensive
get a real job lol

>people just say if you complain about RTX you're poor
yes, that can be true, but it also cannot apply to some. Some people just see no value in paying so much higher price for the best card, when they can build a PC with the 2nd or 3rd best card but every other component in that PC is such better quality as a result. Its different for everyone user. You can also just buy the best of everything all the time, it depends who you are.

that's not real-time you retard

Nvidia trying to monopolize another technology by having people adopt their shit specifically and locking it down.