Halo is a horrible game series. Discuss

Halo is a horrible game series. Discuss.

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It was pretty good.

Obvious micropenis shill

I thought it was the pinnacle of fps on console.

Orange, carlile masonry. That's the left for inter teams of cranberry occult. Happily and understand is. Halo.

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and once it comes to pc it'll be in behind quake and unreal

You mean those games no one plays anymore

exactly cuz they're too hard and require more than 10k hours of muscle memory

Nah it's actually really good
Quakefags and doomtards should prepare to be BTFO'd once MCC breaks the steam charts

>Quakefags and doomtards
those games are dead
its more like csgo is gonna be BTFO especially when all the console players plug their controllers in

MCC is never coming out.

The first 3, ODST, and Reach, are pure kino.

Everything else can suck my albino white ass.

>and Reach,
but why? that mp was awful

I liked it

Because it’s still a Halo game unlike 343 garbage.

I disagree.

MCC is dead, 343 continues their trend if incompetence and is trying to shove unreal 4 into Reach while shoving that into MCC. Just wait for Xenia or get Eldewrito.

t. filtered by armor lock

The singleplayer is fun.

You are going to gulag, nigger.

I disagree. Discuss.

Sorry zoomers but Halo isnt a good game, at its best its an incomprehensible timesuck comparable to a fever dream, and at its worse its a blatant cookie clicker where the cookies are replaced with dumbass ai. Listen, kids, Doom 2 has intricate game design, interesting story and fun, challenging gameplay. What does Halo have? Artificial difficulty. That's what i thought, dumbass.

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Doom 2 barrel is best, sorry libtard

Sorry zoomers but Doom 1 Barrel isnt a good barrel, at its best its an incomprehensible timesuck comparable to a fever dream, and at its worse its a blatant cookie clicker where the cookies are replaced with dumbass ai. Listen, kids, Doom 2 Barrel has intricate game design, interesting story and fun, challenging gameplay. What does Doom 1 Barrel have? Artificial difficulty. That's what I thought, dumbass.

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>says the angry Sony fan
And the PlayStation will still never have a series like Halo on their consoles.

OP is a faggot.

>ODST and Reach

What didnt you like about ODST? I thought it was a cozy spinoff

>run backwards and click on things
so hard

It exists to make people waiting on Half Life 3 realize that things could be worse.

It wasn't but 343i treated it like it was so now it is.

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Bungie had good Easter Eggs

based schizo

Coming from a Halo oldfag

ODST is great and the only people who dislike it are people holding it's price against it and/or assmad 3babies. It's got the best music, a abover average campaign for the series, some of the better writing, a fantastic sense of atmosphere, and firefight is appropriately tense and fun

Reach, like ODST has a squad as the narrative focus, a somber tone, and it's missions are all good to great without any bad or amazing ones, but it doesn't quite execute stuff as well as ODST, Armor abilities suck, as does the MP maps but it has a relatively balanced weapons sandbox with most guns being decent and feeling unique, unlike in 2 and 3 where half the guns did the exact same shit and were pointless; and there's improved forge, firefight, invasion, etc

4's tries to tell an emotional story, and I respect that, but it falls on it's face doing so with cringy dialog, poor writing; and the campaign missions themselves rarely rise above "alright I guess", not aided by poor AI. Nice sense of atmosphere though, like CE's but arguably better. MP is Halo dunked in layers of CoD paint and it sucks, forge is a step back too

5's campaign manages to be even worse then 4's; it's only good elements being mission 2 and some of the idle dialog, and it manages to undo what little narrative impact 4 imparted. On the flip side, the core movement, aiming, and shooting is really responsive, and while there's some stinkers like Sprint and Charge, Spartan Abilities are far less cancerous then armor abilities; with a few actually meshing well with halo's emphasis on platforming. Weapon balance arguably the best in the series and forge is better then every prior forge combined...but MP is always online and has microtransactions


>ODST is great
>Reach is good, it's flaws outweighed by sheer content;
>4's mostly bad
>5's just bipolar with a dogshit SP and great MP, but even the MP is weighed down by executive meddling

Spartan Assault and Spartan Strike are actually fun little twin stick shooters though. They don't deserve to be in that image.

Same for the Flood Spartans from Halo 4, it was a neat idea to make infection a bit more thematically grounded, they just botched it by having it impact gameplay and not purely being a visual thing.

Also Odd One Out was fun, fucking fight me

I stopped taking this series seriously as soon as they had an ancient space lady tell chief about epic prophecy shit

>coming from a Halo oldfag
How to spot a 343 shill. tldr.

No way man. Halo's AI, weapons and levels are great. That's really all you need for a good FPS, even if it has HP regen and two weapons at a time.

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It didn't actually have anything to do with prophescies or choosen ones, 343i just sucks at writing so that's how it came off.

I like the Librarian because she's 9 feet tall

>levels are great

I love the Halo games but CE's level design in the campaign is dogshit.

>I sure do love running through the same copy-pasted rooms and hallways with the same bland and sterile visual design against the same 3 enemy types and the same 5-6 guns or so over and over and over

>oh look there's an outdoor area, nice to catch a break and have some variety, a shame it's basically just a flat fucking plain that's needlessly huge for padding so it takes forever to walk across it and the combat is still samey since it's just an open field with no geometry or cover or structures to mix up my approach

They did a good job with the brutes in Halo 3 but nothing has been as fun to fight as the elites in 1

The levels aren’t great. I went back and played through CE and they’re really boring.

The outdoor areas have a ton of cover and you aren't supposed to walk across most of them.

Reach's elite AI is even better then CE's

I was kinda gay how they could just run up to you and fucking lightspeed knee your face into the stratosphere

It played too much like a Chief Halo game while being boring. Should have been a stealth game.

Oh shut up, you either like the game or don’t, no one wants an essay about this shit except some idiot with autism.

They scream and charge all the time. Reach Elites suck.

unrivaled by its competitors

>dude you can only possibly have one of two opinions on a game anything else more nuanced is just autism

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good campaign but putrid multiplayer, the opposite of 5 really

1-3+ODST were fun.Everything beyond that is keeping a series on life support rather than letting it die peacefully.


This, people really need to get this Bungie vs 343 shit out of their ass.

I hope the saxophone player for this game is happy right now.


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A mediocre shooter for its time, but with a kickass soundtrack. By today's standards, H:CE would be considered top tier given the shit we put up with.

Based, accurate and levelheaded assessment right here

ODST was boring.

>tfw finally got Vidmaster: Endure after 10 years

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For me, it's the immersion and atmosphere. The presentation and the sci-fi universe just felt a lot more grounded in reality, and that's why I liked the first few games. The gameplay itself is not too interesting for crazy addictive or anything, but it's well done enough, and doesn't violate too much in terms of immersion.

>"You thought you had the free will to manifest your own destiny, but it was me, FIRST-LIGHT-WEAVES-ETERNAL-SONG"

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Reach was the peak of the series. CE was a fine blueprint with a very tightly crafted weapon sandbox, an actually functioning ammo economy, and incredible enemy design with the exception of the Flood. Elites in 1 are always on the move, always looking for cover. They're very defensive, but it's smarter than a lot of AI nowadays.

2 shit the bed single-player wise, with dumbed-down AI that stands there as you pour hot lead into it. 2 severely fucked up the weapons sandbox, introducing several redundant weapons such as the Carbine (which only exists so Arby can have a headshot weapon for his 5000 Flood Levels). The levels are simlarily down-scaled, with none of the grandeur found in CE.

3 was a step in the right direction but Reach? Reach was the true sequel to CE. New Covies that were actually fun to fight, a weapon sandbox with only 1 redundant weapon (Needle Rifle), destructible vehicles from 2 and 3, and finally, the best goddamn Elite AI that has ever been put into a Halo game. Elites finally felt threatening and smart and mobile again. Levels are once again expansive. Combined with the sheer breadth of content that hasn't been matched since. It's legitimately one of the best console FPS's released, and one of the best games of all time even.

Agreed. Played all but 5 because I saw that stinker coming a mile off.

CE is ok, 2 is pretty good
None of the others got PC ports so I don't care about them

>peak of anything
This has to be bait.

as I said, I actually really like 5's core gameplay and MP, and it's unqestironably got the best forge and customs. Hell, even the microtransactions are some of the least shit i've seen

But I still can't reccomend it due to the no local MP play, since all that shit will be unusable once the servers go down

halo is a hood classic

you are aware they are getting a PC port this/next year, right user?

it's got the most content of any halo game., it's the peak of that

This, I will still get Halo 5 though.

The bungie games had good to great campaigns and spectacular competitive multiplayer throughout except for reach. Halo 5 had great shooting mechanics but dogshit competitive settings. H5 could have revived the series but they fucking botched it, and then did a weapon patch like 2 years into it's life and then didn't tweak it afterwards. The small, extremely dedicated competitive community is the one thing that is actually keeping halo alive

too bad the story was shit

Having the most content doesn’t mean shit if most of that content is shit, Halo 3 was the series peak.

OP is a faggot. Discuss.

I liked that Reach had the largest enemy variety.
343 removed pretty much everything in the future games and replaced them with Forerunner trash.

I'm just waiting for the inevitable mod scene that pops up around the PC version of MCC.

>Oh fuck you for not shitposting
No fuck you user. Fuck off to /r9k/ if you want to roll around in your own filth.

>Halo ce at 144 fps, 105 fov, keyboard and mouse, widescreen fullHD, with refined mod

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-slow as shit
-floaty molasses movement
-level design consists of monotonous corridors
-aim assist/bullet magnetism
-poisoned FPS for a decade, only recently recovered
yeah, I'm thinking it's shit

>doom is dead
idiot halofag, quake isn't dead either but is on thin ice