Started this game and I like it. What do you guys think of it? Any tips

Started this game and I like it. What do you guys think of it? Any tips.

Attached: Vesperia.jpg (616x353, 34K)

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I gave up after that prick Alexi and his broken abilty to pull new shit out of his ass constantly

Juggling enemies is super important will help you a lot , usually when they are knocked to the ground, some normal attacks and artes can hit them on the ground and keep them their for even more hits from you and your party

Try to get use to using the Free Run Attack, for Yuri it picks enemies off the ground when they fall, time it when your party members are about to combo an enemy and you will be able to continue that combo as well

Make sure you optimize your strategy menu so your dumb mages don't decide to run up to enemies to do shitty physical attacks that suck

Make sure to hold guard often in normal fights for the first half in the game, enemies like to attack the Player, whoever they are controlling, and gang up from all sides, you'll constantly be getting comboed unless you guard and wait for an opening

Lastly, when you find a weapon for your Mage with "Crucible" skill on it, equip it so that they can change Fire Ball To Eruption, one of the best spells in the game. When you find a Bow with "Athenor" skill, let them learn it to change Wind Blade into Air Trust, also a really good spell
Have these two spam these spells in the back and random fights are a pain no more

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Spam destruction field

Choose Estelle at Heliord in act 2

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Literally peak tales, it all goes downhill from here, mate. Everything before vesperia was leading up to it, and everything after it couldn't hope to match it. Enjoy it, because it will literally never be this good ever again.

Thanks for the tips, user. I'll especially try to remember the stuff about juggling. I wasn't really good at the combat in Abyss but I blame that more on the 3DS itself not being a "proper" controller.

Really? I heard Symphonia was one of the better ones I was gonna play that one next.

Symphonia is one of the better ones, yeah, older tales games will feel noticeably clunkier though.
Basically, the three best modern tales games are Vesperia, Abyss, and Symphonia, in that order. The older ones are good too, but might be hard to get into.
You can safely avoid every tales game published after vesperia, they are all bad. Don't make the same mistake I did, and keep buying them hoping one of them might be good. They aren't.

Are you at least excited about Arise?

I haven't really been keeping up on tales news as of late, does it look good?
You decide cause this all we have.

Absolute shit taste.
Absolute shitpost
Symphonia 1, xillia1, berseria, destiny, legendia, eternia are the best tales games ,user. Even though symphonia is overrated, its one of the better tales games.
Quit the game before you waste to much time. There are about 3 parts in the game that look it steps up and gives you false hope. Dont believe in it.

Game was boring as fuck. Like horrible.
Only redeeming quality was the decent combat. Story was absolute dogshit and I don't know why the cast is so highly praised.

This isn't a ToAbyss thread

Game is maximum comfy, I live the vibrant art and colors. Leads to great looking cities and environments.

I think the cast is praised so much because Yuri was one of the first Tales protags who wasn't a pure moralfag. He had personal morals, sure, but he's also a bit of a dick and not afraid to break the law or get his hands dirty. Basically the definition of a chaotic good character.

What about Symphonia 2, Destiny 2 and Xillia 2?

Ye, dropped it at about 16 hours in cause i thought the game would get better, but it wouldnt.
Only interesting character was karol, and even he wasnt that good.
It basicly felt like abyss 2.0, just replace fon with aer. What a fucking waste of time

Sniff Rita.

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Xillia 2 is not that bad, it had too many flaws that dragged it down like a debt mechanic that interupts every possibly good moment and turns it into a joke.
Symphonia 2 is good, but the monster taming shit is kind of annoying.
If tales is known for something is to take a dumb on their sequels

>Only redeeming quality was the decent combat
And even that is completely inferior to Berseria or Xilia

>And even that is completely inferior to Berseria

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