I put hundreds of hours into the Wii U version.
Should I buy this one?
I put hundreds of hours into the Wii U version.
Should I buy this one?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you want to see Cia get her good ending and also get 200 more hours of content?
It has all the content of both the Wii U and 3DS versions with the upside of still looking good, being portable, and essentially being the best of both worlds. Also its just as fun. So YES do buy it.
Is this a hyrule warriors thread? I just clocked 20 hours in doing legend mode with all the dlc scenarios. Holy fuck this game is good. I got a question though, are maps supposed to be done in orginal release order to account for level capping? I saw one image on reddit where the first areas were green while it went out to red, I'm assuming difficulty-wise (pic-related). Does that mean I have to jump around maps to properly level my characters before completing a map, or can I just focus on one? I'd also like to get all the characters as soon as possible since a lot of maps require some from other dlc iirc
Yes. It's all around better.
>Higher FPS
>More enemies on screen
>More story
>More weapons
>Different times of day for old maps
>New Wind Waker map that's used in a way that makes it feel like 4-5
>Touch ups and bug fixes
>Character switching allows you to bypass having to play as characters that you don't like
>Bosses have been fixed for the most part
(Manhandla is still a broken mess)
>Warping makes the game easier
>Character switching is like warping, but better since if freshens up the gameplay
>More costumes
>WAY more characters assuming you didn't get the 3ds DLC characters
>Fairies are game changers and genuinely make the entire experience more enjoyable
It's just an all around better experience. You don't even have to grind as much.
You can play the game any way you want to. A map is "beaten" once you find and defeat Ganon. I'd recommend jumping around and getting Marin, Toon Zelda, Ravio and Yuga. If not you'll only get a taste if them before you beat the game. There are a few weapons you should probably go for as well. At least that's how I went about doing it, but I've played all 3 versions, so I had no patience.
>gets blueballs on THREE seperate occasions in the story
>is infinitely better than zelda plot-wise
>actually loves link instead of treating him like her platonic friend like zelda does in half the games
>is cuter
What the fuck was link thinking?
Not unless you want to do all the bullshit you spent hundreds of hours doing all over again. I played the Wii U version and some of the 3DS version, I just can't do it again.
I got legends on my o3ds. It runs surprisingly nice despite that though. I already got all of those out of box, but couldn't upgrade them until I beat legend mode because of certain late-game materials. I really like playing marin, haven't tried the others yet. Don't really like tetra though
Probably not unless you really want the 3DS stuff.
HW Zelda is probably the best looking Zelda though.
Definitive is SO much more streamlined then OG though. You could easily get to whatever distance you got in the Wii U release in half the time between character swapping, the non-bullshit damage rating, broken Fairy skills, and an overall better balance scale. It barely feels like re-doing it desu.
How easy is the fairy system?
Anyone got some fairy images?
I second this.
>ignore it for the entire campaign
>decide it might come in handy for adventure maps
>no food
Do they only drop from adventure maps or something? I've used weapons with food+ buffs on them and still no drops
W-well thanks for the bump I guess.
"Idols are shit"
Literally malware, this shit's been posted for 3 months now.
I truly hope this is a joke. Please just talk to someone if this is real. You'd be amazed how much better things get if you let them.
Call the suicide hotline. This is a decision you can't take back. I'll pray for you.
I unironically joined it and nothing happened, people claimed he did it 20 minutes ago when he posted it on here 10. It's just an attempt to get you to join their fetish chat and try to hook the degenerates
Well shit, that fucker derailed the thread. Who's your favorite hero? Young link, volga, and cia are my top picks.
ughh but i put so much time in and shit
i even did a lot of the "dont get touched or lose top rank" missions
I'm considering picking this up. Not quite sure yet.
I really like Lana, Zant's probably second, and then Linkle third.
I totally forgot about linkle. I feel like I'm one of the few people who like her boots more than I like her crossbows. Though as a whole she's a blast to play and I loved her scenarios
Zant use to be my favorite but he kinda just feels like a weaker ganondorf
Lana, Trident Dorf and Magic Rod Zelda for fun.
Linkle and Volga for real shit.
Link for realer shit.
Ghirahim for REALEST SHIT.
Marin is my most used for how long I've had her though. She's not the best but she's fun and cute.
It's a shame there's no demo. I think musou's are a hit or miss with some people. This is coming from someone who just got into the game last week. I think the game is amazing if you played a lot of the zelda games, maybe just watching footage can give you an idea of what it's like
What makes this game different from Fire Emblem Warriors? Which is better?
When on an adventure map, change the display to show fairies. Those little bundles are food unlocks. When you're on a tile with food, you'll see it in the treasure tab represented by an icon, be it a mushroom, meat, bottle of milk, etc.
Every individual food item has to be unlocked, and food is spread across all the maps. You find food the same way you find fairies: you have to smash pots in keeps until one of them drops a food. After you collect that "special" food and win the map, then that particular food will start dropping from enemies in every mode.
Now, as if that weren't ridiculous enough, over time these food icons respawn just like item cards, making it impossible to tell if you've already unlocked the food from that map or not.
They fucked up not letting you prioritize framerate like you could with fire emblem warriors.
They fixed that in the Switch version actually, instead of losing a flat amount of health stopping you from getting an A rank 3 hearts or so?) You now need to lose a % of your health, so collecting hearts and getting levels actually matters because it gives you more breathing room for A ranks.
I've only played this, but from what I hear this has a lot more character variety in terms of their arsenals. They're both dynasty warriors with FE or zelda skins on them so I'd go with whichever franchise you enjoy more
I've only played with the boots a few time, but yeah I prefer the crossbows, reminds me of Mercedes in Maplestory of all things which is cool, to me at least.
>Though as a whole she's a blast to play and I loved her scenarios
Yup, I like how she basically unintentionally faked it till she made it.
Shitty. The food stays unlocked though, right? So I could just check back on my fairy and see if I have it or not, or just keep a spreadsheet of what I grabbed. Thanks for the info, by the way. Thought I was doing the whole fairy thing wrong since I skipped the tutorial
Doesn't the switch one literally perform better while having new effects though?
Byrne when?
The food stays unlocked, it just gets hard to tell if you've unlocked it or not because the icons come back.
They never explained the compass, did they? Was it just faulty? I remember it weakening a boss at one point so I'm really not sure what it is
It gets worse. Building an optimal fairy is one of the worst grinds in the game. Potentially even worse than rupee grinding.
I don't think they did, no.
I am playing it for the first time. I didn't know that Fi could be so fun to use
hows the porn
Skull kid, Ganon and Tetra
Skull kid's laser beam is broken af
fun to play
multiple animation of Linkle getting ear fucked to death.
>Have the N3DS version
>Sank a hundred hours into the fucker
>Really wanna get the Switch version
>Don't own a switch
Convince me to drop 500+ dollars to re-play a better version of a game I already own.
Outside of 3D stuff not great.
Does the rupee bug still work in the switch version?
I want
>the oracles
>olrox and veran
>saria, although linkle pretty much covers it
>rauru would be cool if they went with all the sages
But most of those are stuck behind capcom copyright hell aside from the OoT characters. If definitive manages to get a oracle dlc with stuff like the harp of ages and the rod of seasons playing a role with the adventure map I'd buy it on the spot even though I'm already on my 3ds playing it.
Nope. It remains a mystery.
It shined at a giant black dodongo and made it not invincible anymore during a counterattack on hyrule castle after ganon's defeat, and that's it.
It was fixed in the 3DS version and that carried over to the Switch version.
>stuck behind capcom copyright hell
Not at all, user. The Oracle games as well as Minish Cap and Four Swords didn't fall into the same trap Super Mario RPG did. Nintendo retains ownership of everything from those games.
Then no, don't get it.
The didn't? I always assumed they did because the only other place where the oracles (in human form) was in games made by capcom like what you said. Though if that's the case and this actually happens I will buy it on the spot since I really liked the games capcom worked on. The linked game was genius
>no Oracle Link with Ricky
Thank you
>stomping an entire fort with moosh
>chomping them with dimitri
>sending them sprawling across the map with ricky
That would unironically be a wet dream come true. Though I was glad as fuck to see marin in there with the koholint map since it was my first zelda
These threads are so comfy. It's a shame it's not big enough to warrent a general or daily threads, but when we do get one it's always nice
What's the deference from other musou shits?
Both Imp and Twili Midna, Ganondorf, and Young Link. I could clear damn near any map or stage with these fuckers without breaking a sweat
This game is probably one of the better musou games. It just has all the elements lining up
>1080p 60FPS 90% of the time
>Also portable but this time on a bigger screen (also it doesn't hurt the banda when you play)
>Skulltulas are not a pain in the ass thanks to increased enemy count
>Leveling up is not a pain in the ass thanks to increased enemy count
>Master Sword is now even more OP
>Dual element weapons
>Getting A Rank in Adv Mode is easier thanks to the new life counter
>New Materials from the DLC characters
>The Fairys are 3D now
>60 FPS
What was your favorite moment from legend mode? Mine was when the game ends, but it suddenly gives you more where ganondorf is revived and him and his villain buddies curb stomp all the bosses together without reistance
man, these are top tier webcomic
Especially getting to play as the big man himself for the first time. You felt so goddamned powerful, I loved it.
Just how is the Master Sword even MORE broken than it was in the 3DS version? I recall you could just spam lasers all day and win easily as a result with it.
I really like Cia's missions (which were part of a free update originally on the Wii U version).
My favorite is probably the Twilight one where Cia's army recruits Zant. The game gives you the option of trying to recruit either Zant or Midna to your side, but Cia says "Zant will be easier to manipulate do to his lust for power" or something along those lines. If you do try to recruit Midna, Zant will retreat and you have to target her though.
Come to think of it, does the switch version add the amiibo weapons in by default?
It felt so good being the bad guy. Hunting down lana for her triforce piece and then stomping both link and zelda for theirs. You can feel the "oh fuck" when ganon finally wins the complete triforce
This one is my favorite
Yeah, just like the 3DS version. Everything got redistributed across the various maps, but in general all the characters and lv1 weapons are on the first adventure map.
Considering that bad guy is my favorite character in the franchise, it felt great. Also love how his weak point attack was the pimp slap of destiny. Really fun to watch Ganondorf slap someone across a keep like that
i just remember spamming volgas dragon and clearing keeps
When's he comin' as DLC?
I'll never forgot watching Zant and Ghirahim's reveal trailers for the first time. I love both of those characters, and I always wished they could be in Smash, but I knew it would never happen.
Seeing this game be announced gave me hope that I could actually play as them in something. There was an earlier trailer which showed that they would appear in the game as bosses, which led to speculation on whether or not they were playable as well.
When they were finally announced, I was so happy.
I hope there one day will be a HW2. PW4 and Switch HW will have to do until then.
>go with zant because I know there's no way I can actually have midna
>wizzro says that's a bad idea
>capture his fort
>wizzro says midna's forces are getting stronger because of me
>yeah whatever
>beat zant to the halfway point before he runs off
>midna is now buffed and so are all her troops
>stomp her anyway then zant comes back half health
>finish him off
The dialog was interesting the other way around
>I put hundreds of hours into a musou
You should buy a gun and kill yourself.
God I love this image
Emulate the Wii U version upscaled at 60FPS
I think you should.
I was on the fence about it too, but with all the QOL improvements it's far easier to 100%.
And I even went back to the Wii U version after 100%ing this version, and Fuck!
The Switch version looks so much better, and plays so much better.
Then why the fuck did you ask if you don't want to get it anyway?
The wii version is 30 fps
If you play as Volga or Wizzro, Cia gives that dialogue instead.
I also like Volga and Ghirahim's recruitment levels. With the former, we see that he actually was a commander of an army of Lizalfos. With Ghirahim, I like how Cia pretends to side with the Skyloft soldiers to fight the demons. Then Ghirahim senses Demise/Ganondorf's spirit in Cia and swears allegiance to her.
When it's one with this much content, it's understandable
>cave in and buy HW Definitive
>HW 2 is announced
i know it
i FUCKING know it
Fairys make that a non issue, to the point that they're the easiest challenges.
This one always makes me laugh
Why do these Mini-Imprisoneds exist? They seem like such a strange and random choice of enemy, but I'll admit they're pretty cute.
Nah, I give it awhile before a new one, they're busy doing the Persona Warriors game
There's a 60FPS hack
I see. I think I'll just get it on switch for the content though.
More varied movesets with shittons of fanservice and a metric fuckton of content. On top of normal hacking slashing and map control there's also zelda mechanics like items, bosses, and exploration stuff in levels. And again, tons of content and zelda fanservice.
lana spelled backwards lol
I fucking wish, HW was the only musou I've ever loved.
And all I want is some fucking Oracle and a link to the past content.
>A link to the past content
Playable Agahnim and Helmasaur King boss would be pretty cool.
See that's kinda what's keeping me from doing it. All this thread did though was make me miss playing the game so now I'm considering buying it even harder
Just do it.
Is Drachenlord still alive?
Shit. I'll go looking around for it when I run into some extra pocket change then. I really do miss playing it and my Wii U is just a sad dust magnet now sitting unplugged somewhere, so this is the better option
It's just the Wii U version with like literally 1000 hours of content. I played the shit out of the Wii U one with a co-op buddy, still got 100 hours into DE before getting bored but that was awhile ago so I might go back to it. A lot of the DLC/3DS characters are fun to try out, Medli is disgustingly adorable.
Completely forgot to mention two downsides that I could never get over
>cutscenes no longer use applied costumes
>clothing physics are absolutely fucking atrocious, probably because they're from the 3DS version, Ganon's WW outfit in particular looks laughably awful and so does Link's scarf. Triggers the shit out of me no matter how long I play for.
One of my favorites is water element Ganondorf.
wait really are the physics that bad? Any other notable examples? Like do Zelda's dresses go apeshit?
The complete opposite, everything is super uncomfortably stiff. I link YouTube so infrequently I don't remember if timestamped links work or not, but just watch him run around at 3:50.
Not that kind of bad. It's just that the bones on physics objects are a lot simpler on the switch version because it's this weird amalgamation of the Wii U and 3DS versions, with the 3DS version used as a base.
Oh ew. Well in what word did they think this was ok? I mean it doesn't make things worse as a whole but it is hard to look at.
It's not a dealbreaker but coming from the Wii U version it definitely hurts, loved the way Link's scarf moved in the original. It kind of ruined Lana for me as well. I doubt anyone that didn't play that version even notices it. Everything else about DE is great.
The problem isn't capcom copyright. The problem is Capcom sued KT and won, so there's a snowman's chance in hell that KT will touch anything that Capcom has had a hand in. For extra salt in the wound, the lawsuit was essentially Sengoku Basara vs Dynasty Warriors over expansion content for a game being sold on the same console as a separate game title, like a Director's Cut or XL edition.
It's simple, but grindy, like everything else. Don't be afraid to look up what food gives what stats, and goes with whichever personality, and where to farm it.
The fairies themselves are overpowered as fuck.
Definitive Edition is pretty low-effort all-around, with questionable decisions all over the place. As was said, it's a weird amalgamation of the two previous versions, but I don't understand why they couldn't use the 3DS version as a base and import the higher resolution graphics of the Wii U version, but somehow not import the Wii U physics. The new Wind Waker arenas look nicer than they did on 3DS, but they're still noticably of lower quality compared to the game's original maps from the Wii U version.
It's really fucked up and screams cash grab. I'm honestly surprised they took the effort to translate all the fairys and fairy clothing into 3D.
Yeah, that fuckin' blows. I mean in the long run most of my characters I played didn't have a lot of those kinds of physics so it shouldn't bother me directly too much, but I won;t like knowing it's there. A lot of the knew content seems really fun to mess with though
>pic of hyrule warriors
>op talks about hyrule warriors
I thought it was a Link to the Past thread, myself.
What's your main, my dudes?
Volgafag here!
Ganonfag as well as Midnafag. Both of them.
FE Warriors does have a better AI, however its clone characters, lackluster bosses and boring support conversations (especially Elise's) are a letdown.
Hyrule Warriors's roster consists of unique characters who also use multiple different weapons.
HW also has better bosses, better interactions and has more content.
>Sturdy Feet.
Is that a dragon dildo catalog?
Cool, Ganondorf(Trident) is my secondary.
Preferred Alt?
It's great for stunlocks, I know it's got a huge drawback, but I like it.
FUCK Manhandla though, kills in seconds.
I enjoy OoT Ganondorf's design and This Green and Purple Volga Alt.
Alt as in costume? Cuz in that case I always play as OoT Ganondorf. If it's color then the Link Cia is always so charming to me. And if you mean character, I'd say Young Link
goddamn it, i got the game on wii u and even the dlc
if nintendo lower it to 40 bucks i will pull the trigger instantly
just don't want to pay full price when i can't even transfer progress, but desu i would just start fresh
Cia, Spinner Link and all Ganon weapons
Greatswords Ganon and crossbows Linkle, surprisingly found myself liking Yuga a lot before I quit DE too. This thread is definitely making me want to go back but this month is already so busy with games.
I got it when it was like 30(I'm not entirely sure how low it was).
I felt that was the last push I needed.
I'm not entirely sure it'll get a discount till the Zelda anniversary.
That would be your best bet, February 21st.
>played the ds version
>finished campagne, thought adventure mode is just bonus stuff
>get the switch port and clock in 100 hours
>Unlock Epona
>Unlock motherfucking great fairy
This game is some grade a bullshit. It just gets more and more broken.
i must have missed that deal, 30 would be instant for me since i know how much hour i can get out of it
welp, there are a lot to play in the very near future (still doing fe3h atm) so im in no rush for it
Can I enjoy this game if I'm not a Zelda fan?
I only played OoT, Skyward Sword.
I like this game a lot, and the only Zelda game I enjoyed was BotW.
It's honestly not much of a Zelda game. It's just Dynasty Warriors with a Zelda skin.
Do you like to grind?
Do you like hack and slash?
Do you have a hundred hours to kill?
If you said no to any of this, then probably not.
I know Zelda stuff, and have played bits of a few Zelda games, so I know what stuff is, and you've beaten two more games than I have and I loved the shit out of it, so yeah you definitely can.
anybody even play normal DW anymore? i only play cross over with other franchise now, i find them more fun. like with dragon quest, one piece and zelda
I play samurai warriors because dynasty peaked for me with 4 hyper
>dragon quest
I keep hearing those ones suck
Chinese people
they are the biggest KT customers
they also buy RoTK games
Well duh, Dynasty warriors is based on Chinese history. Of course they'll play it.
I've only played One Piece PW, DQ Hero's, and HW.
I tried looking at DW, but without the association, the games generally bore me.
I hate when crossover games have OCs that are more central to the original narrative than the actual characters people wanted to see interact with one another.
I only play Sengoku Musou and Sangoku Musou
Could be better, but I still like them.
I have never played any DW games outside of Hyrule Warriors.
filthy secondary
What did you expect?
Nintendo fanboys never play third party games.
They are fucking cult.
cry moar faggots, people don't give a shit about your shitty original DW games.
WHY the Fuck do these retard developers keep making these shitty ports with a tiny bit of added content but don't release it for the originals and don't give you a system to bring over your old progress.
I'm not playing through this fucking trash again.
There are three disappointing things
>Rupee glitch is gone
>Item select sucks with just the d-pad
I really miss the touchscreen when selecting a item. A simple dial selection made it quick and easy. The D-pad is only shows 3 items when toggling through, so you need to carefully browse through to pick the right item. Also I could be able to select items with my right hand while still moving around with my left. Now I sometimes have to stop in order to select a item, unless you have mastered the way reaching your right thumb on the D-pad.
>cutscenes are now all FMVs, excluding character intros/victories
The only reason this one sucks is because I really liked seeing a cutscene using whatever alt costume the character was wearing, like pic related. Also the music will restart, since for some reason the music playing is part of the FMV. I guess ingame music can't be played over FMVs.
I like Volga and Agitha.
I always call Toon Link, Cat Link because of this comic.
She's cute at least.
It could be a lot worse. you could have a poorly inserted cringe character with super cringe voice acting like in that Cancer of Hyrule shit nintendo somehow approved.
Lana's not so bad. She comes packaged with Cia, who's pretty good.
I kinda wish they woulda had thrown voice acting in this game. Being there's a narrator it might had been considered.
fuck right off.
Zelda should NEVER have voice acting. botw was cringe as. whatever charm that comes across from the characters is totally decimated by whatever shitty american dub actors they get.
characters in the Zelda universe only make short sounds and that's the way it should be.
I dunno bout others, but I can clear areas with a single spin attack from it.
>american dub
>not japanese with sub
See, that's where you faggots always go wrong.
Cia has a good ending?
both are gay, hit me with that textbox bitch
yeah shit is solid
you have already had the experience of this game and do not need to play it again
Japanese was bad too. the gorons didn't even sound like gorons.
they gave the goron kid Klonoa's voice actress when that voice would have applied much better to other kid characters. I don't know what the fuck nintendo were thinking with that and I just know BOTW2 will be even worse in terms of ruining characters.