Preorder the game faggot

preorder the game faggot

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Nah, I'll just pick up your game on release day.

post sonia

Okay, have fun falling behind others who got it early.

That's fine.

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Just going to buy a used copy once someone returns it.

>No national dex still
How about nah.

nah i'll get nsp 2 weeks early but thanks for caring about me

>supporting lazy ass Masuda and GameFreak's current direction, letting the anime, merch, upcoming gacha game, and PoGo haul in the money now

Hard pass. I'll buy it used second hand at BEST.

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No because the game will be fucking crap and you should raise your standards and cancel your preorder

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Fuck no. I'm buying digimon.

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this, sadly pokemon fans will gobble any shit thrown at them


i also pre-ordered sonic 06 witch is equily unfinished

I'll just wait for the inevitable and superior third version and pirate it :^)

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Anyone who buys this fucking trash is a moron.
Even gamefreak know it's shit and don't care. they want it fucking done so they can work on their experimental games they actually care about.

>all that complaining about the game and all the faggots are still going to buy it anyways

>they want it fucking done so they can work on their experimental games they actually care about.

LMAO, no. Game Freak is trying their absolute hardest with this game. They've always been a shit company with lazy game design. The gameboy just disguised it

Even if you preorder, you'll still fall behind the pirates.

Put the missing pokemon back in the game.


first mainline im not buying fuck you faggot

Cool shoes

It’s mostly a single player game. There’s no race. Who would get so worked up over something fun like pokemon?

Bullshit when you play stuff like drilldozer and Harmoknight you can clearly see the passion put into it.