Why aren't you playing Final Fantasy 14, user?

Why aren't you playing Final Fantasy 14, user?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Post more of this to-be-bred kitty and I'll tell you

i already finished the the MSQ and the gameplay is super uncompelling so no need to ilvl grind in endgame.

Pretty much this.

I don't know what you're supposed to do in this game besides ERP.

because im fapping to Overwatch SFMs.

this is it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>epstien shit has me freaking out
>just lost 3k in stocks
>family wants to kill me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked or some shit. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.

stream URL and quick rundown:

See you all soon.

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is this a mod

I'm playing through ARR and I'm considering just buying a skip potion to get to Heavensward and play Dark Knight

Waiting for 5.1

I finished Shadowbringers a month ago. Why would I still be playing it?

I tried it out, and it seems alright. But I realized that everyone who raves about it, only talks about how much they enjoy the story, and mostly playing it alone. I'm not going to pay a subscription and buy expansions to play a fucking story.

I recognize this whore! She sucked me off in the quicksand for eleven gil.

post a pic of the game without mods

Yep. There's a lot of mods for the game.
Have fun digging through a gazillion things.

Because it's a soulless MMO-G, that should just be turned into a single player game because the only good part is the story.

Waiting on 5.1

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because i didnt find any groups who wanted a cute boy healer

>gang stalked
Take your meds

nobody wants to deal with your tranny faggotry

Cleared E1S and E2S. Fuck doing E3S in a PUG and I don't have the free time right now for a static. Nothing else to really do (fuck off with the YoU'vE nOt DoNe EEEEEVERYTHING shit. fuck mahjong)

>Cleared E1S on day 1
>Saw E2S enrage on day 2
>Got bored after that and quit until 5.1

I just don't see the appeal of Savage, but that's probably because I don't have a static.

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Because my character is exactly the same as everyone else. At least give me an option to pick different skills or passives and shit.

I wish there was something fun to do other than raid. The raiding is boring.

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i didnt say tranny nerd
boys are not trans

If you're not a parsetranny you won't see much fun in playing the same fight over and over again once you beat it.


Even progging the fights felt like a chore. There are so many people in pug groups that join deep prog or clear parties when they haven't actually been to that part of the fight.

Go ahead. It's only 11 bucks

This desu

>why aren't you playing a worthless time sink(mmo)

I have to pay

Because MMOs can go fuck themselves. I prefer single player especially games that don't feel like an unpaid job.

tell me one good single player game

because my sub ran out and ill probably be playing classic for the next couple months anyway
ill resub when im bored of classic

I'm not trans nor am I a NEET, so I don't play MMOs


Your moms asshole

I'm at level 40 rn when's this shit supposed to get fun.

He said single player, user.

Wanted to play it with a friend. Got the game and added him, he was in something called eureca or whatever so i couldnt even write him. Game was shit alone and my test time is over.

That's not a game user, that's a museum. Maybe I should have said "modern single player game"

HW, so between 50 and 51. Be warned that the MSQ slog in post ARR is almost unanimously considered fucking awful.

>pay a subscription and buy expansions
To be fair here, you only have to buy one expansion to start. So the game is really always only 60 bucks to start no matter when (often on sale for less too). It's just to keep going you gotta buy new xpacs.

>Eulmoran army uniform is a clownsuit of old raid/vendor gear instead of a unique outfit
>role quest echo duties take place 100 years in the past but the locations are literally exactly the same as the present

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Because im not a fucking tranny

>game has bad graphics therefore i cant enjoy it.


when's the last time you saw someone bragging about playing a SNES game? stfu faggot.

>comparing 2d games from over 20 years ago to morrowind

Do you even know what you're talking about?

Cause i forgot my login password on my ps4.

Is the nexus the best place to find them?
Do they ever fuck up between updates?

It's the same relevance. Morrowind came out 17 years ago. You wouldn't understand what time is since I can tell you don't go outside.


I do play it though, just taking a few days off

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Thanks user

17 years ago yes, means a lot of people in their mid/late 20s have fond memories of morrowind.

You compared that to someone who would have to be well over 30 to remember SNES games in their prime, were talking mid Gen-X who are patently not on Yea Forums as they were adults by the time this website existed.

You clearly were taught some funky stuff in school to have the broken ideas floating around your brain that you do.

Keep failing to get into it because the combat is so slow and monotonous. It's literally the same few abilities until level 50, and then apparently the game gets fun, I've never been able to tolerate it for that long though

Anybody on Exodus?

That's exactly what I did, the 2.1-2.4 content is some of the worst filler shit ever conceived in an MMO. I'm convinced they keep it in to sell skip ptions

>and mostly playing it alone.
Because most anons are socially maladjusted autists that don't know how to communicate with others, the game is as social as you make it

Didn't read lol you still play Morrowind. Grow up dude.

>Get told to grow up by someone who plays a literal ERP Japanese waifu simulator

What is this? Lmao.

I am. I'm trying to get every combat job to 80 so I can "retire" and try to level my gathering jobs. It helps that i give 0 shits about savage, or even EX fights for that matter, so tombstone gear is just fine.

FFXIV is literally the only game I've ever played where people say "just stick with it, it gets good x hours in" and it's actually true.

Stop posting this every single day, just take your (You) and fuck off of this board


Why don't they make the first part of the game fun also? Only in MMO bizarro world do you need to play for 100hr+ before you can start having fun

>no good mods in months
>all titan new mods are goth shit with forced hentai tits
>all the soulless gook imports
>private mods
>nothing lewd in forever

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Only autists play MMOs

uni semester started as my sub expired, so I'm just not gonna sub until I'm done
it really sucked though because I started from ARR and played all the way to the titania fight and stopped there, but it is what it is

I just started playing the trial a couple of days ago. When does the story start getting interesting? Or is it only interesting at max level that I can't see on a trial account?

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I was invested enough when I finished the trial that I wanted to continue

>tfw going through the Manderville quest chain

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The story will start to get interesting right when the trial cuts you off.

Good to know. I guess I'll just keep going and see if it starts holding my attention more. Or maybe I should just start over and pick a different class.

Don't start over, you can just change jobs if you want.

Yeah I just got to lvl35 and I dont think im going to buy it. Story is not super interesting, gameplay is decent, music is good, and I feel like this game is full of so many ERPers and it creeps me out.
Also no one plays the hot orc girls, wtf

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I want to breed a catslut


they're going to soon (tm)

Post album or I'll call him

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It's an MMO.

How do you even mod a mmo?

Oh right, I forgot about that. What are the requirements for switching jobs?

There are none


Clientside only asset editing.

It's not mine, that's all I can find of this cat

Because button rotations and not standing in the bad spots isn't interesting gameplay.

I prefer XI which I've for 15+ years. The cat people in XIV suck too in terms of design.

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limiting pay to play MMOs to 1

Pretty much how I feel. I miss the oldschool MMO's like XI, hell, when multiple MMO's could be running and they'd all have something special with a unique community. Shit's so soulless now. Still holding out hope for Pantheon.

>picture of breasts
>filename reads 'cat brappers'
I do not understand.

I'm busy.

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It says "cat bappers", get your eyes checked.

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>they stopped making ninja gaiden for this

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I'm sure it's a great game with a great story and deep gameplay, but if it takes 80-100 hours to get there I just can't justify the time investment. I could beat 2 whole-ass games before this even starts getting good, I value my time more than what it has to offer. If someone can enjoy the gameplay loop before they get to that point/have the patience to reach it, more power to them.

i literally know that cat and just told him to stop making threads on Yea Forums

Because mmos suck and I don't see the point in them. I do a quest at the same time as everyone else, why? Why not play a normal rpg? What can MMOs offer me a normal RPG cannot.

Why aren't you?

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dumb raccoon

>but if it takes 80-100 hours to get there
That 80 hours is the good story, do you guys seriously all think it's just an hour of stuff that only exists at the cap that excites people

What I hate the most is that we didn't get to see how any of that shit in the trailer with the other scions unfolded, just the aftermath

end your fucking existence /xivg/ nigger

Can't orbit thots in an offline RPG, user

hey user, i heard you can play just with one char and have all jobs/classes, is that true ?
how does that work ? each class have a different level or something like that ?
im thinking about getting it next month

For as much as I played neither the story nor the gameplay were engaging enough to justify playing any more. I know for a fact that it gets better, I just have better things to do.

>soon reset
>soon I will roll nothing
Never thought savages are such slog. I feel being forced to even learn E3S/E4S.

Your class is determined by your weapon, and they all start at level 1 besides the classes we got in the expansions. You do have to level them separately, but the game gives you boosted EXP if you cap other classes.

I don't even know who that is.

but lets say i have all my gear right ?
how it will work ? my stats will get squished ? because i would be kinda of OP, lets say im a high level wizard and go back to try a tank, how its gonna work for the rest of my gear ?

>/xivg/ garbage

You can't equip it

well...since im startting at lvl 1 with my new class i can see that being not a issue, alright im sold, thanks user

Jobs can't wear everything, only tanks can wear heavy and so on, and gear has level requirements anyway

alright and quests ? will be plenty for me to be able to learn everything from the ground ?

>Like the giant sized weapons Hrothgar and male roe get
>Hate everything else

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Yeah, the game tries to retard proof itself and the early levels are easy so starting as any role doesn't have much pressure

what's the best way to get seals at lowish levels.

cause i'm watching love live until classic

story is a 6/10 in jrpg terms which just barely keeps your attention which is useful because at the end of it there will be nothing but grinded content but you already gave them your money and investment so you will likely give them more before eventually quitting and maybe coming back to give them more money in hopes that actual content was added but no, they never actually will but the initial wasted investment makes you browse FF14 threads when they randomly pop up which reels you back in before quitting even faster the next time

Midlander or Highlander?

>Story driven MMO with no basically PvP

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Am I out of luck if I play on console?

I don't have it

of course

I would play it if it wasn't for the abysmal early game it has

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Male: Midlander for eyebrows
Female: Highlander

Buy a potion to skip the early game then.

the game is full of soul, you're just a giant jaded faggot who doesn't enjoy video games


>pay SE more money to skip their shitty content

the state of

It's only shitty if you have ADHD and don't have the patience for essential world building.
I always wonder what people think they could do to make the start more interesting? More explosions? Bahamut attacks at level 15? Demonic invasion?
Like, what do you want?

How likely would it be to get banned for buying Gil?

>dude just skip the entire foundation of the story and all the major plot elements that come together later

>paying to play a game and then paying more on top of that so you can not play the game
How does this make any fucking sense

Go play wow if you want to buy gold, you can get it directly from Blizzard.

Instant gratification zoomers who want the thrill of getting max level, getting bored and unsubscribing because they don't understand what's happening at endgame but they heard it was meant to be exciting.

>world building
and i thought kisekifags were delusional


I wouldn't even mind that much playing the early game if I could at least play an interesting class and not be locked out of literally like 1/3 of the classes until I get to expansions

I mean, do you have some kind of counter-argument here or are you just talking shit?

yeah, and who provided that option? the ones writing the awful story and developing the horrible gameplay. even SE is keenly aware of how garbage their game is to the point that they decided to give that option

XIV has shitloads of great lore and worldbuilding. It's one of its best qualities next to the music. The fuck are you on?

>obvious implication is ff14's "worldbuilding" is just 95% fluff
>wtf? don't be mean, this is reddit!! you have no point so fuck off!!!!

>ff14's "worldbuilding" is just 95% fluff
Use your words, user. What about the worldbuilding is fluff, and what makes the fluff bad? Good worldbuilding goes into the small details.

>mmo idiot compares the story only to other horrendous mmos in an industry that only exists to funnel NEET wallets
oh, sorry, it's the best story... if only comparing mmos

They're aware of how long it takes and people asked for an option to skip it. It's not horrible if you enjoy the game, it's an interesting story. If you don't like it why the absolute fuck are you even in this thread or talking about this game at all? It's not bad if you don't like it, it's just not for you.

Some examples of that 95% fluff then?

Wow, that looks like a whole lot of shit I didn't say. Are you okay there nigger?

Imagine the black lipstick smear all over your dick. God.

100% if you buy from the shitty gil sellers everywhere
0% if you're not retarded and don't directly trade with bots

if you weren't comparing it to mmos, then you are truly retarded and i pity you. i'm sorry for responding

I'm pretty sure you haven't played this game and don't know a single fucking thing about the story and lore because you have yet to give any examples.

>Some examples
finished the main story when the cap was 50 and 60 and yet i don't remember a single, significant detail about any side character while having talked to every npc that spawned before and after each cutscene to make sure i got all the flavor

>Friend in FC always has no gil
>One day buys a medium plot house and all kinds of rare furnishings and new glam equipment and bardings
>Ask where he got the money
>"Oh just saved up"
>2 days later he logs in, but as a new level one
>He bought a new account because his old one got banned for some reason
>Square Enix won't explain to him why, he thinks it must be some kind of mistake
I hope they sort this out for him soon.

Because, I'm not going to spend money on a subscription service for a game where as there's a handful of other decent mmos I can play that have the subscription as an optional thing.

We've gone from talking about the mandatory MSQ to talking about flavour text from NPCs now?

>flavor text
>not worldbuilding material
i'm glad you agree that the worldbuilding in this game is utter trash and that you don't even know what that word means other than a random buzzword

>uhhh i don't remember minor worldbuilding from a game i haven't played in 4 years so it's bad lmao

I don't agree but I've learned you're a moronic pedant who hasn't the slightest idea what he's talking about.

>4 years
2018 was 7 years ago?

Guys how much longer am I gonna have to put up with post-ARR quests? I just got to the part where Midgardsormr(?) pulled the Light out of me and now I'm dicking around in N. Thanalan over some shit pertaining to the empire again.

You don't know anything about world building. That being said XIV's world isn't particularly well built but it's not ass on a stick like some other square titles.

About as good as VIII but worse than X.

>complaining about ARR quests
please, for your sanity and your future taste, stop wasting your time in this trash heap of a game

>finished the main story when the cap was 50 and 60
That's Heavensward.

You're at the end. I honestly don't understand why you niggers come here to ask how long you have left every few fucking minutes. Just play the fucking game.

I'll take things that never happened for $20.

Titania is actually so easy, i wish i could get a group that doesn't fuck up basic mechanics

Only 8 dungeons left user

>beg for a skip option in a game
>thinking it's okay behavior to not only listen, but enact it

>asking why someone in in a thread as if he solely owns it
i'm reminded of how 10 year old girls react in a youtube comment section when they screech at someone that doesn't also adore the same pop star they do

Here. Let me spoon feed you, dumb dumb.


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>get stun locked in pvp

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uh-huh. do keep up, user. i never finished the next expansion's story all the way to the next expansion, but you can turn your brain on at any point that conveniences you

>when the cap was 50 and 60
ARR and HW. You said you played when those levels were the CAP. Or are you going to admit you're a total fucking retard that can't use words properly?

I don't see any problem with the skip existing, it's a good way to drain money from braindead idiots. I'd absolutely never recommend anyone use it, they're only doing themselves a disservice if they do. But I'm glad it's there as a revenue stream for SE.
If idiots want to waste money and miss out on content at the same time, who am I to say otherwise?

oh, i'm being cross-examined on small details to trip me up now in order to win some sort of non-argument that moves goal posts that have nothing to do with the original point? i see. what's it like to be 17?

If you don't want people to call you out on your bullshit because they're capable of reading words you typed out, try not spewing bullshit.

>Just play the fucking game.
But that's exactly what I did, and now I'm a little burned out. I just wanted to talk to you user. Is that so bad?

the point was that the vast majority of the games story was read, including all available flavor text, which amounted to mostly fluff. should i have stipulated, for your barely-functioning asperger self, what exact quest i stopped at between the 60 and 70 cap?

>Vast majority of the enemies are copy pasted from FF11

I've played it. I got my monk and WHM to 80, done e1s and have a break atm. I went back to WoW to check what's the big fucking deal with 8.2 and classic.

Why yes, I am indeed aligned with the Order of the Twin Adder, how could you tell?

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Shadowbringers babby here, enjoyed HW a lot but every time there's an 8 man trial the game it's just piss easy. I even watched a video on first part of Alexander and we did none of the mechanics. Will I have to wait til SB for more difficult full party stuff? (I know this is the price to pay for getting int an MMO late)

No need to say anything else because we've already established you're either bullshitting or have a learning disability.

>why is content from years ago that everyone is overleveled for easy
what did he mean by this

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Because it's a bad game. Almost all mmos are p2w trash and ff14 is no exception when you can buy retainers. I played it for a couple months and maxed SMN, all my gathering/crafting and had fun doing that but it got old quick

>i can't explain why the world building amounts to anything but fluff, so i'll just try to move goalposts hoping you'll get bored and annoyed along with calling you retarded

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to get into ff14 and give it a solid chance due to the bara race. But, other than the subscription model really isn't appealing sadly. I mean really do wanna give it the benefit of the doubt but with how yoshilla is saying a f2p where you can do a sub on the side won't happen. The 35 is the 'f2p' of the game so...I mean if they did something like say SWTOR or ESO, I'd honestly feel like they could reach a wider market rather than the current now. I mean with talks of it coming to the switch and still going to jew switch users this thought only recently came to me.

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>kill titan
>dps still want to suck up all the gear
no way im playing healer/tank cuck next tier bros

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>i can't explain why the worldbuilding is meaningless fluff because i haven't actually played the game, but i'll keep spewing bullshit for some reason

I want to fuck Ryne while Thancred watches

Silence poor fag, your words have no value

im using it for seals :3

Like I said, it'd make for a good single player game but the fact it's categorized as an MMORPG is a disservice to the genre. Also,
just because someone criticises something doesn't mean they hate it, nor does it make them jaded you shiteating goober.

>fluff is automatically deemed non-memorable and therefor easily forgotten and done away with
>tell me how it's fluff while i continue to not remember any significant detail myself in order to prove otherwise!
keep going, user-kun

implying tanks and healers weapons don't always drop first anyway, coffers for dps

This. Waiting for 5.1 for more MSQ and easier gearing. No point in spending a shitload of time gearing up now when its going to be easier later.

God I love cats in this game so much, but I don't want to play as them I just want to handle them.

What tribe should I make all of my retainers? A bunch of shortstack mooncat archers? Was thinking about trying to get a full cat squadron too and and dressing them up like the whores they are. God you don't know how I feel when some slutty suncat stretches up to me. Fuck.

also, pic related though maybe i just googled this image

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When's 5.1 coming?

k, and you're probably a neet living of the backs of people who work.

Better way to ask would be will people be as overleveled for shadowbringers by now?

Sometime either at the end of October or early November.


>Play alone
>Do reasonably well
>Play with friends
>Fuck up often
Why is that?
I'm not even the kind who spill his spaghetti, it's just as if my brain turn off and I stop paying attention.
Only happen in this fucking game as well

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just take out a mortgage to afford FF14's emotes already you piece of shit

people are only overleveled for HW, some of the savage SB content is hard

I understand why everyone hates PvP now. Those 72-man frontline matches are the ultimate fucking tard-wrangler.

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Cool thanks

>confirmed poor fag tries to project
Nope, have a job, let's see you screech about wage cucking now in a sad attempt to make yourself feel better, fag

But I don't hate PvP

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I truly envy you. Still cannot find a group to pass E2s enrage. Playing it since day 3 of eden patch but no luck.

Thats a multiplayer party game.

shit taste desu

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>FC mates constantly harping on about how people who buy the glamour and mounts in the cash shop just makes it easier for "shitters to stand out heh"

>they all go and make sure to buy all the emotes

I'll never understand them.


The only good MMOs in the history of the genre have all had monthly sub fees, you simply cannot have a good product using a F2P system for a multitude of reasons.

What should I do for the opener in PLD or DRK in E2S? I always have to move outta the way to dodge the adds so I can't finish my opener.

>FC mates constantly harping on about parsers and how it doesn't matter
>Makes sure to check their own logs after a normal raid
>"Sweet I parsed 99"
>"I only check for personal performance, I like to know if I'm improving"

>I'd love to get into ff14 and give it a solid chance due to the bara race.
>bara race.
Good riddance. The less there is of you, the better.

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>Why is that?
Simple. Friends are a distraction. It's easier to do well and concentrate on yourself when you're alone.

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>Having friends saps you of your power and isn't a source of strength
Has anime been lying to me all these years

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does it still have 69 hour global cooldowns on attack skills

You're going into it with the wrong mindset. 72 man PvP is just tard-wrangling. But that can be fun if you get it to go right and your alliance becomes a zerg-rush deathball.

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Next year is the current plan for a rework of early game. Probably just the 100 post A Realm Reborn quests but could even be the base ARR story too.

>Join fresh learning party for E1S
>Start assigning quadrants and other stuff
>They start after everyone is assigned without explaining anything.

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>Heading to Amalj'aa vendor for some steel
>See Y'shtola Rhul sitting topless, with a female xeala, in the lap of an Amalj'aa
I try to ignore all the ERP memes, but goddammit this isn't helping.

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you're self-conscious and pay more attention to your mistakes when you're with friends

Why didn't your pocket healer Rescue you?

I'm able to do my DRG opener just fine without losing a GCD. You can position yourself well to avoid the adds while staying at Melee range.
Maybe try moving closer to the guy next to you so the adds spawn with a larger gap between them.

....wait the adds spawn based on where you are?
The fuck? I just progged it today don't kill me.

Yeah. Cleaver adds spawn based on each players' position.

name one (1) male au ra that isn't a complete fucking edgelord

Thanks I'll keep that in mind for next time.

Hey no problem, good luck progging

nigger you can stand max melee between two ads and not get hit

I hate how this is MMO, the MSQ are really pure final fantasy

because my sub ran out and classic comes out in a week

Do the characters actually look like or is this just some modded shit? or fucking hell honeyshit

Because only autists with no life have time to grind days for a single level in a mmorpg.
Also monthly fee LOL

Modded shit. Miqote girls have zero ass.

>AND barafur
Based sub fee doing its job of keeping the plebs out

the max chest size is pitifully small by default so...
fucking console limitations

it's not fucking fair because highlanders and femroes have rocking titties but they are objectively the ugliest females

Bunnies are the new contenders for TIDDIESMAX

You are expected to know how mechanics works already unless it is a "blind" party. This is savage so you can't just go in without knowing anything and expect others to explain things to you.

I am playing it again . OPs post remind me that it's too bad that females don't have a hip / butt size slider. There is a boob slider, but not the other two.

ResetERA on Ultros is spreading cancer that is ERPing and social justice.

>This is savage so you can't just go in without knowing anything and expect others to explain things to you.

This really irks me that you're expected to watch a fucking video before playing the fucking videogame. Having people explain it before the fight is okay because that's passed on experience, in some way, I guess but christ almighty what is wrong with niggers. You don't even lose anything upon death in this game.

ERP is not politically correct and should not be seen as a negative unless people are doing it in public. Also it's nice to hear of RP ( even erp) happening on multiple servers. I was under the impression Balmung was the first and primary RP server, as it is legacy and high population. What others have large RP community?

What anime?

Because you're wasting the time of seven other people; if you want to do it blind, just set up a blind learning party.

Time, user. You lose time.

People like you are what's wrong with raiding. Why do you think it's ok to waste the time of 7 other people, who did watch a guide? How selfish can you get?

i just got done playing you dumb bitch

Boku no Pico

>Because you're wasting the time of seven other people

This is the dopamine addict outlook. If you're simply aiming to "get through your e-job so you can get that sweet dopamine hit at the end of the dungeon with your tomes/drops" then videogames have really done damage on you.

Do you know how bizarre your outlooks are? You're literally playing a videogame, you're ALREADY "wasting" your time.

It was a blind party.

Videogames might not be for you.

its a matrix prequel

I kind of agree. It seems like it would be more enjoyable to experience content first hand rather than looking up a video for someone to basically play the game for you. Where's the fun in that?

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Imagine you're learning a complicated dance choreography with 8 people. 7 people at least know how it's supposed to look in the end. And then the 8th guy comes in like
"Hey, what dance we learning?"
Does that sound right to you?

>Videogames might not be for you.

They might not be for you. You're paying for a subscription with paid expansions only to watch somebody else play the videogame and then try and copy exactly what they do. I honestly have to ask you: What in the everloving fuck are you doing?

>Imagine you're learning a complicated dance choreography with 8 people.

Yeah imagine doing this and not just trying to copy youtube videos. Where do the people who make the video guide get the dance from? Does Yoshi P personally release dance videos so people can follow-along?

The premise is "learn a choreography", not "make your own choreography".
If you wanna do things blind, that's fine, there's parties for that. If a party isn't specified as blind, watch a guide.

I've not watched a video since around the time I started playing pretty much. Just avoid parties that explicitly mention video, and look for parties that specify blind learning. I did that for Titania and E1S and got like 2/3 through with my first party for both, was pretty fun. I even somehow got blind learning on E3S despite not having aimed to. I joined a "fresh learning party" and was the only complete novice there and they asked if I wanted to just figure it out as I went, restored my faith in the community a bit.

Shouldn't it be the opposite. Isn't the expectation a "fresh" party being without a video?

>FC is mostly Finns
>It's tons of fun
Perkele satana :-DDD

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>The premise is "learn a choreography", not "make your own choreography".

Yeah and the developers made the choreography, not the people making the youtube guides for it. They just figured it out.

>If you wanna do things blind, that's fine, there's parties for that. If a party isn't specified as blind, watch a guide.

They've been releasing content like this for quite a while now. Why not try and enjoy it instead of trying to rush through as fast as you can minmaxing and shit? It honestly sounds like you've gotten trapped in some kinda dopamine hit addiction here.

Blind specifies no knowledge of the fight. If you're not sure if fresh means the same thing, ask the party leader.

>It honestly sounds like you've gotten trapped in some kinda dopamine hit addiction here.
Well yeah, that's the whole idea behind themepark MMOs and raiding in general. Especially since in FFXIV there is nothing to use the greatest gear on. Once you get ultimate there's nothing else.

Who are you to say I'm not enjoying doing the fight with a guide?

But doesn't it? If they say fresh prog I assume no video no experience. If they say fresh prog please watch video, I assume watch a video and no experience.

Your assumption doesn't matter. The party leader's does.

>Well yeah, that's the whole idea behind themepark MMOs and raiding in general. Especially since in FFXIV there is nothing to use the greatest gear on. Once you get ultimate there's nothing else.

Yeah, part of knowing the genre is avoiding the rat-trap pitfalls that try to snare your dopamine reward system. This is one of them.

>Especially since in FFXIV there is nothing to use the greatest gear on
That goes for pretty much every RPG ever made. There's just no way to make infinitely scaling gear without pulling some awful bullshit like titanforging.

Most people that have a mindset of requiring video watching will specify it in the description, so it's probably fine to join your average "fresh prog" party knowing nothing.

If the leader wants it and doesn't specify, they're wasting their own time.

Because I'm not a chink bot

If you've never played the class you're switching to, you have to do the intro quest (usually called "So you want to be an X" or something like that). If you've done that, just swap to the appropriate weapon and your class will auto change.

I have no money for sub, i played during the free week and got to 73 while reading everything possible and not skipping the cut scenes, even on the early MSQ on SHB made it looks way better then SB and made me give a fuck about these desperate people that live on the first then the alanighers

But a video is just someone explaining it to you. Or read a written guide.

I'm going to scream

>Find random group of Finns speaking to each others
>They actually do add :DD and :--DDD constantly at every fucking things
>Throw a "EBIN :--DDDDD" at them
>They get excited and I end up flooded in Spurdish

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When are they adding the new deep dungeon
Don't wanna play until then

I don't have enough money to afford paying a monthly subscription fee for Final Fantasy Online 2

how close are you to finishing leveling for this expac, friends?

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Never, I'm not autistic enough to grind 75% of the jobs that are an absolute snorefest.

>"brb Sauna time :DD"
>Half the FC disconnect

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why do people bot in this game exactly?

gathering bots to easily gain mats for market jewery


What's with twitch streamer and putting their gay bar music over the god damn games jesus

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Source? I haven't heard anything about this.

>have the dps for Titan Savage kill
>healers keep missing the heal checks over and over wiping us

It was a Q&A posted to the forums, though I think the real source is the most recent Live Letter.

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Gil sellers will run new accounts through the MSQ to get that gil reward, I believe. They'll also want them maxed out for running certain dungeons, whatever generates gil. Gathering bots is also another avenue for gil by means of crashing the marketboard, with no survivors.

Because i dislike most theme park mmos, and the only theme park mmo I ever truely enjoyed and want to go back to was TBC-Wrath era WoW

They targeted cümbrains.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing one of the most physically draining and mentally strenuous tasks. Over, and over all for nothing more than another quick orgasm and a squirt of cum.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture because we think it's kinky.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time finding the most niche of pornography and collecting it all just because we can no longer get aroused by normal things.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through hundreds of interracial porn scenes, all day, the same vid over and over to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such cümbrain nirvana that they can picture any girl getting blacked.

Do these people have any idea how many tissues have been used, hard drives filled, times my cock skin has dried out? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights on my imagefap sissy club?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They mock our fetishes? They report our threads? Cümbrains aren't shy about spending our money to get first access, or even taking pictures of ourselves. They think calling us jizzhead, cumskull, cuckold is going to change us? We've been called worse things by our parents. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to all forms of stimulus. Who enjoy being humiliated. Who will spam as many images as it takes to fight back. Our obsession with proving ourselves is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters, friends and strangers laughing at how pathetic we are that fighting you people has become a real need; a honed reflex.

Cümbrains are competative, hardcore, by nature. We love being insulted. The worst thing you did in all of this was to anger us. You're not special, we've taken big black dildos and we can take you on.

I've bought gil at least once a month for two years now and I've never been found out. The trick is to only buy small amounts (1-3 million or so) and spending it gradually. You'll draw more suspicion if you spend 500 bucks on two trillion gil, sit in a city for two hours trading with a bot, and then immediately buy a mansion, pentamelded crafted gear for every job and a million of each materia.
I also botted every job to 70 through PvP back in SB and botted Miner up to 50 with no consequence. SE really doesn't give a fuck as long as you are smart.

>brd is about adding your allies through song
>the only things we get is battle voice, some useless un debuff ability, and get more hp heals on you
>and our actual through songs are just ways to dps and don't give any buffs to the group

What did Yoshi mean by this?

FC dead, considering alt but dunno what world.
I wanted to make another on Odin because euro but shit's full

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so we going to get a game where you can seemlessly mix Mmo with single player and can interchange them in a stylistic manner that will plunge video games into a new world of Interconectivity.

Can I glam and make a decent stella?

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just play PSO2 if you want character customization

Soon my fellow DRK bros.

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I don't have an xbox one

Savage and Ultimate are environments where a single minor mistake can kill the entire group. Like it or not, that's what you have to do to participate. People don't want to go through hours of failed runs to teach one person who they're likely never going to play with again.

You need quadrants for e1n. Holy shit it's a blind party not a mouth breather party. Doing normal is a requirement

I don't like weeb shit. Plus classic is coming out in like a week.

That's a blast from the past. And uncalled for. Who hurt you?

5.1 will change bard's name to ranger and remove any semblance of music related skills or quests

>Aurum Vale as healer

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Don't worry, i will pull everything so you won't get bored.

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When do my retainers start giving me dyes through the quick exploration, because they're 45 and so far they haven't brought back anything of worth.

>Just finished Shadowbringers yesterday
>Have been slowly playing and leveling up for months now
>"To be continued..."
>Have no idea what to do now

To this day I cannot fathom why is AV such a fucking problem for you. All problems of that dung can be easily corrected by fucking telling the dorks what and when and that's like, one line of text

>MNK is doing dicks for DPS
>Partner with SAM instead
>MNK screech at me

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Dick around in PvP, hunts, what not or grind your gear in the sweatzone.

dyes are just stupidly rare, retainer gear and level has no effect, and good luck even getting the color you want

It's fucking retarded how rare they are.
>Decide I can't be fucked and just buy them
>Pure white go for 400K a pop
>Guess I'll stick to my pleb snow white.

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Try doing recruit a friend for gold chocobo feathers. I've been playing for three years and even after splurging a ton of pure white dyes on furniture I still have 9 leftover for whenever I need pure whites or jet blacks.
You didn't waste your feathers on shitty mounts, did you?

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people are retarded. the instance is cancer for heals.

Also I have no friends that do not already play.

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Animatrix underage b&

>2 months with no content
>no live letter
>no new info
based yoshi

>Grinding or buying mounts
>When you have your trusty Chocobo
Now if only that fat fuck could actually fly.

Reddit has a board dedicated to dropping off your recruit code. Just place it in there and eventually someone will use it and you won't have to do any interaction for it either.

But user, he can!

Attached: go do this.png (825x652, 164K)

what? they're gonna drop info at gamescom retarded.


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Does anyone actually need flying? I feel like after you do the story, you don't really need to visit any zones again

i always leave all sub quests to grind some exp on other classes

special fates and maps brew, and obviously gathering

>static is casual shitters and we still haven't cleared savage yet
>we still have content to do because of this
Haha.... casuals win again! god dammit god dammit god dammit god dammit

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When will the Gentleman of Darkness get his time to shine?

Can you get ban if you skip the cutscenes in Prae?


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Not soon enough

there is one you silly bugger

Patch 4.3. Please look backwards to it.

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I am never being an omini crafter. ALC and CUL is already killing me.

I'm not saying you won't get banned, but I have done it many times. I believe it's one of those scenarios where someone has to report you for it so I would recommend only doing this in premades or if there are no new adventurer bonuses in your party.

except that it was around for years before skip potions were ever a thought.
They're planning to tighten up the ARR MSQ, perhaps they'll work on the 2.x series afterwards.

oh shit i stopped playing before it was included
does it get bigger for big races or is the size universal?

Still stuck on one

Twintania or Lich?

Attached: damn.gif (320x240, 3.91M)

It adjusts size. Good luck getting it though I don't think anyone does heaven on high anymore. Mogboard shows there's only 3 horns on primal DC selling at 15 mil.

spriggan. light is for gays

>Savage and Ultimate are environments where a single minor mistake can kill the entire group.

With no consequence besides restarting the encounter. Try actually enjoying the game for once.

>banned for RMT in 2 days
maximum KEK

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> F2P MMO's

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just started playing, love my orc girl

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No game is worth subscription to play for me

ARR is essentially a giant tutorial. There's a lot of hand holding and a generic story that tries to fill you in on what you missed if you didn't play 1.0. It'll pick up around 2.2 or 2.2 when Ishgard and Amyeric get introduced.

Heavensward will provide you with a pretty good story with likeable characters and feel like a real adventure.

Stormblood is rather hit or miss.

Shadowbringers' plot was super good by MMO standards. If you're sticking to the FFXIV, then do yourself a favor and complete the raid stories too. Having completed Crystal Tower, Alexander, and Delta will help you get the most of Shadowbringers story in my opinion.

If you wanna go full story autist, complete the Binding Coils of Bahamut, too.

because you're too dumb to dress yourself properly.

light is full of shit, go spriggan

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Join the Chaos masterace
>m-m-muh French
Cringe and bluepilled

>war still has holmgang
>pld still has hg and has aoe magic damage healing
>drk doesn't get a PVP version of living dead and just dies if you're stuck in the enemy team after TBN runs out
Nice "tank"

people can dislike the attitude around parsing while still enjoying getting a high score

the GCD is only an issue at lower levels when you don't have instants yet to weave in, most endgame rotations are a spamfest of weaving abilities

watch a goddamn video lol, have you not raided before? learning refers to gaining actual practical experience

Everyone has zero ass save for Viera while wearing the Fran pants only.

stop and emote on them, gets them real salty

so a video explaining it to you is irksome but an explanation in game which wastes everyone else's time isn't? raiding isn't for you.

wasn't this different in 1.0?

French are far better than Germans
You think French are bad? You think slavs are bad?
Krauts are the real scourge. I actually don't believe Germans have any brain matter.

Do you know how bizarre YOUR outlook is? Winning a fight and getting loot is the fun part, sitting around waiting while the fight is explained to one self centered prick who couldn't be bothered watching a five minute video is not.

gee I wonder who could POSSIBLY BE behind this post

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I just want to communicate in a language I actually know, man. I can't into frog, kraut or blyat

>then try and copy exactly what they do
you're an idiot, you want an explanation of the fight before the pull but watching or reading an explanation of the fight beforehand is somehow unreasonable. fuck outta here.

I got 4 pure white and 2 pure black in the space of a week about a month before ShB release and I haven't seen any since, my 80 drg keeps bringing me fucking fish

>ALC and CUL
Why would you do this to yourself

no endgame content
also why are the mods not permabanning people like OP for botting this board?

I lost motivation after I bought Shb and didn't get the 30% exp boost earring. No point in playing now.


Attached: lahabrea.jpg (1117x1080, 528K)

Hey bro, need a tank?

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Oh shit bro, we need a tank. I'll tell the boys you're coming.

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>Y'shtola Rhul
That person is a mongoloid

Started my E4S prog yesterday bros.
Getting walled by PUGs on E2S killed my motivation to raid and I only cleared E3S last week after a few lockouts, but I'm motivated to get back on it again.

What can I expect from E4S? So far it seems fun.

Easy fight but tight enrage, press the damage buttons user

Don't mind me just having the most forgettable boss theme in the game

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I actually like it, even if it's not on the level of his 2 friends
Same can be said for Zurvan

Bros, we're missing a heal

you only think like this because you haven't gone through 10+ groups where everything needs to be re-explained and it disbands anyways since multiple people have no clue what they're doing and aren't going to improve anytime soon

We are running Ala Mhigo right?

Attached: CACCE0BA-2EFC-4C17-9096-BC604BBF099A.jpg (700x700, 254K)

>was about to reply "Fairy needs Ilberd face too"
>zoom in

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This looks as if you're playing on your phone

With zurvan and seiryu being pretty underwhelming. Is it fair to expect the 5.5 trial to be the shit one again.

It was stupidly boring so I quit at level 43.

It's worse post ARR? Holy shit, ARR itself was awful.

he meant the updates between ARR and HW, assuming you read it as the expansions are ARR are worse

>static, 5/8 of friends
>stuck at e2s 3 weeks
>got really mad and left
>cleared e2s and e3s as soon as I left

Felt a relief knowing that I wasn't so bad.

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The story is finished. Savage offers no difficulty and it sucks ass honestly.

The game has the least amount of content than any expansion. The real question is what moron is still subbed? A faggot that doesn't want to loose his house plot or degenerate ERP faggots.

Everytime I play feast I'm reminded how shitty it is that healers have 80% of the responsibility for carrying a match in pvp modes like this. I never really feel like i earned any wins cause either the opposing healer is shit and its a 1sided stomp, or vice versa. Just queuing up and rolling the dice on your healer over and over.

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Now you will feel an emptiness inside that you lost quality time with friends because you found clears more important

dont believe the arab-oil fueled lies
chaos is trash and so are the frogs

Show me your Savage clears if it's so easy then

>Want to pample my chocobo a bit
>Bardings are either "lol wacky" or it's just a mess of spikes and stud that'd make riding it a fucking suicide
>Changing its color is also a pain in the ass

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same thing happened to me ages ago, killed the boss on the first pull and the main reason i stopped raiding

the game attracts too many mentally ill people

no game, no matter how amazing it is, is worth playing if you have to interact with mentally ill people who refuse to get professional help

See you at the next Lucky Bancho, Light shitter

>changing its color is also a pain in the ass
You can literally look up the exact order you need to feed it in and how many of each food item you need. The only commitment it takes is some gil and 5 minutes at most.

It actually worked!

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Don't play on meme data centers, problem solved

Don't raid with your friends UNLESS you know they aren't shit.
It will ruin your relationship with them.

>Don't play on meme data centers
name a single data center that isn't a meme.

If you play on dead ones, then you get the tight night elitest groups that shun you for not being a part of the elitest groups, blocking you out of the game.

Lightwarden of Ala Mhigo

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i don't get it

which job has the highest skill ceiling?

>Savage offers no difficulty
Then why can't I find a party who knows what directions are? Fucking how hard is it to remember what side you are on one minute after we decide on it? How are clear parties sometimes worse than a practice party? I gave up trying to do savage, life's too short

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stay salty, Francois al-shabib

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>Crystal - shit at game + shit attitude
>Aether - shitters everywhere
>Primal - always saying about how much better they are than Aether (they arent)



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I'm on primal and the only time I have every ran into a tranny was shilling their pornhub in eureka which lets anyone from anywhere in. Fag nuts was from diabolos

>Savage offers no difficulty and it sucks ass honestly.
say that to pugs
its week 3 and people are still failing the dps check in e4s
its ridiculous that dps in week 3 with no pentamelds join a PF when the PF says bring damage
worse is when said dps act as if they know their role well only to bring gray damage
people who dont pentameld early prog legit just drag groups down

Because I live in a third world's country and I can't pay the subscription. In fact, I can't even pay for a Playstation 4.

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What quest is that even from?

I'm not posting shit here faggot. Stop being a little bitch defending this shitty expansion. We have the most defensive playerbase than any other mmo in the market. They get away with so much mediocre shit it pisses me off to no level. I honestly can't stand the playerbase not wanting to hear anything negative about the game. Fucking retarded cultist.

You forgot you need a fucking house

>Average wait time: 15m
>Average wait time: 20m
>Average wait time: more than 30m
Leveling a DPS sure is fun

if you need crafted gear to prog you're a bad player

>its week 3 and people are still failing the dps check in e4s
try e1s

but luxuries alcohol, smokes, drugs and junkfood you can afford I bet
also going to strip clubs or eating at some restaurants afford to spend money on as well
so its not a matter of spending 12 bucks a month for a game, its matter of wanting to spend your money elsewhere

I usually do beast tribes and side quests for shit while waiting, but if you're too impatient just do potd/hoh. Or you know, do something else completely until the queues calm down

>its ridiculous that dps in week 3 with no pentamelds
You don't need pentamelds to do not-shit damage.

>Third world
>Junk food and restaurants
Do you want to die of food poisoning?

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>if you need crafted gear to prog you're a bad player
you clearly didnt clear e4s week 1 or got carried by other players with pentamelds






>its another "memebreaker acting like he knows the fight in shit like o11n from roulette" episode
>its another "fag demanding melee DPS lb3 level checker during the close-range aoe + before chakra" episode
>its another "did it too late according to the memebreaker" episode
>its another "no lb3 for the "tricky" -boards near the end that kill too many retards so healers bitch about not having an lb3 to save the wipe" episode
>its another "memebreaker leaves the party after the first wipe from the healers sperging out" episode
>its another "PLD replacement arrives" episode
>its a "clear is suddenly much smoother for no real reason when everything was repeated as before with the exception of just ignoring lb3 during level checker and no one bitching in chat constantly" season finale

Damn just imagine a big black cock spreading her Lucious Pussy Lips

e4s the difference is clear because pentamelds do make a huge difference
not that you know

based retarded tranny

Ironically most third world countries have higher quality and healthier fast food than UK or US

>I don't know what I am talking about and should keep my mouth shut the post

Sorry but tranny players play Iike shit.

wow so much projecting
I already clear this tier, just stating facts

I wish there were more long grinds, like in XI there were relics, mythics, lu shang's, ebisu, job points. and they were actually worth it

Is the erp actually any good

actually the difference is better uptime strats that get found after the 24 hour initial clear period
not like you'd know

Yoshi doesn't want you to play the game evry day

The biggest downfall of xiv is they try to appease you faggots with content like eureka

no barding is best barding

Cute, did it feel good to clear one of the easiest raids ever released in Week 3? With a little cute blue log maybe, even if they gave you all the gear because they had faith in you?

eureka wasn't even worth it though. relics in this game are just glamour

Join an FC, dye your Chocobo, then fucking leave.

trannies are also the whiniest cunts and care far too much about their parses or whatever

even with the better uptime strats that were discovered, top tier players still need them pentamelds to clear week 1
im sorry you are too retarded to understand how strong pentamelds are

Doesn't matter you faggots spent so much time in there for your relics square actually got the idea it was a success and are now making another one. Enjoy your shit content while I unsub

>third world
>he thinks that I can pay smokes, alcohol and even eating in a restaurant

user, the economy of my country is so bad that almost 70% of your salary is spent on food. Please fag, for something I'm saying that I live in a third world's country.

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I never said that pentamelds weren't strong, I said you don't need them to clear week 1 - because you don't.
HQ Crafted gear, food, and pots are needed; but not pentamelds.
You just have to be not shit at your job and it'll work wonders.

I'm sorry you're too retarded to not be shit at your job grey boy.

Lvl 80 sch quest

i actually cleared on summoner and was world rank 10 or so
but lets see some of your clears ; )

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bros...we were the poster boys...we can't be losing like this wtf

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he should give me a better way to cap phanta without doing old content on a max level job then

Welcome to MNK in SB

What mod?

kos möse xd

okay, show me a group that cleared week 1 with no pentamelds
prove me wrong fuc boi
and no I dont mean 1 asshat in the group who got carried with the rest of the group with melds.
the pentamelds made a difference making a good group clearing week 1 and not clearing week 1
just playing your job well for week 1 isnt fucking enough with just pots, food and the 450 crafted gear, which you can also get 450 gear through the normal mode

you are just an armchair faggot who salty as fuck you cant afford melds

because I am going home

I'm a PLD nigger

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>Stop pugging
>But don't get into a static because you don't have experience
>So pug and try to learn
>Except pugs want you to learn the fight/watch a video
>The video is different from pug strats
>People get angry and disband if you do something wrong

Might as well just not play the game

Burden of evidence is on you faggola.
>which you can also get 450 gear through the normal mode
HQ crafted gear is stronger than Normal Raid gear
>you are just an armchair faggot who salty as fuck you cant afford melds
Speak for yourself

>World rank 10
user, just because no one uploaded runs when you did it doesn't mean you're World Rank 10. Otherwise I could tell you too I was top 10 fucking day 1.
As I said, see you in Lucky Bancho. This is not a peepee challenge between you and me, but between Chaos and Light. You and your static are probably the only one who cleared stuff on your retarded datacenter full of elitists faggots, and considering your posts insecure too apparently.

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I prefer MMORPGs over MMOERPGs


The stats are the same until you meld it making it not the same, making it better

you fucking buffoon

>DNC doesn't use devilement
>DNC doesn't use steps, or do so out of range
Please god exterminate these fags gravitating toward this job so they can pretend they're strippers or some other dumb erp shit

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oh you saw right through me, im just trying my best you know
but anyway, fflogs now has the progress thing which shows how many static cleared and you can sort by dc
its 92 for chaos and 62 for light
i just find it amusing how all of chaos was fearmongering that noone would be raiding on light, but its fairly balanced
like it is on crystal

Not like it matters it's still going to do shit for DPS even if they do all those things

Buffs fucking when

ouch that's a zinger! final fantasy? more like dick sucking fantasy am I right

you do know normal raid gear can melded as well dont you?
they are legit the same stats besides secondary until you start going for extra melds on the crafted gear
you are legit retarded

It's not a fucking excuses to do even more shit DPS, fuck off, use your god damned skills

>Everything I love/like in the game is called faggot/tranny/etc.

Next time I'll be the invisible job and the invisible race.

Because I have to pay to play online with other people but I’m level 50 and I’ve never had a reason to talk with any of them. They might as well be AI in dungeons and there’s never any other reason to interact ever.

I wish Odin wasn't so fucking dead

The only reason to interact is to be social and make friends. It's an autist filter so learn to not be an autist

>DNC releases
> Good finally an ERP job for those losers.
>90$ of DPS in the past month have been nothing but DNC
>Fuck the animations and LB level 3 looks amazing
>Try it
> My RNG has RNG over RNG
>Actually fun and "hard "to do well
>99% of Dancers are just shitters.

end me.

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I don't give a shit if you like DNC or not, all I ask is that, again, you actually perform your job

it's only fun during the burst window and I might as well play BRD and do that all the time instead of 1/4 of the time

>the animations look good

What? The idle battle stance looks absolutely mongoloidic.

>Literally everyone that isn't a contrarian or a legitimate retard hate RNG jobs
>They introduce a job that is nothing but RNG

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How should I feel about my static using discord call outs for raiding? I personally don't use it, but it feels like cheating using it and I don't know if I'm really skilled or not?

Literally ANYONE

It was a joke, I'm sorry.

I am playing it, it's a lot of fun. I'm maining Gunbreaker and just saw the credits at the end of Heavensward. I haven't tried any raids yet but raids were my favorite thing about Destiny so I'm eager to do them.

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Aren't there around 12000 apartments on each server? There's no way any server is capped on those.

I disagree, keep bashing my head on wipes isn't quality time, I still can play with them without savage raiding.

Yep. Same feeling when playing any competitive PVP with friend teammates that sucks.

How many unlockable hairstyles are there?
Can I recreate this guy? I know there's a toggle for hair highlights, I just have yet to find a hairstyle thats similiar enough

Attached: latest[1].png (683x734, 556K)

Yeah I agree and

>dat naruto running.


Most miserable RNG ever made.

You need a house for the yard to put the stable

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Or I’ll just play something else and keep my $15/mo

Chaosfag got btfo. Go lick your wounds, loser. LIGHTChads > chaosvirgins

destiny raids can be learnt and cleared within a few hours
you can't do that here

The issue with other RNG jobs is that they would all have burst windows that feel incredible, and everything outside of those 10 seconds feels flaccid and monotonous, with MCH being the biggest offender.
DNC doesn't rocket back and forth between extremes so much so it's more tolerable and better designed as an RNG-reliant job.

What can a house stable do that the apartment one can't?

Yes you can. Maybe with the exception of the final fight of each raid.

Wait, MCH has RNG shit? Fuck, I was leveling it next.

>Slut clothes
>She/he is DPSING at melee range.
>Doesn't know that finish step deals damage.

I don't know but you gonna get called a giant shitter mostly because this job is plagued by horrible players and faggots


>When the DNC is a male miqote.

fuck fuck fuckk.

>>She/he is DPSING at melee range.
What's wrong with this when the step needs you to be relatively close anyway? And you still need to be close for the flourish burst.

Anybody got the rabbit girls wearing wizard hat images?

No, Stormblood MCH had RNG. Its burst window was fun but you spent the rest of the rotation pressing one button hoping for procs that allowed you to continue into a 3-move combo.
Current MCH was reworked and has no RNG.

They DPS at melee range eating all the AOE then when they finally realize that they need to dance and deal damage they get away from the boss/pull.


>No giving the partner shit to anyone.

Yeah, nothing wrong with DPSing at Melee range even as a ranged DPS. If you're doing Extremes or Savage you SHOULD be at Melee rang anyway because people spend most of the fight's duration stacked.

Well again, I'm not saying them getting hit by AOE is bad but they DO need to be close to get their own AOE's off outside of the last fan dance.

>At surface level DNC seemed incredibly easy
>At optimal level DNC is surprisingly nuanced with tons of minor optimizations to make involving on the fly decision making
Pretty cool job!

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them getting hit by aoe is good*

Also the not partnering thing is bad, yes.

Like I get it, there are bad Dancers. But that line just straight up doesn't make sense, they do have to be close.

God I want to fuck a busty miqo's rack.



Do they have jiggle physics?

This is why I'm not bothering. Achievements aren't fucking worth it. They take like 30 minutes to fucking clear and you need to do it like 8 times per level.

ganbatte autism-chan

It's not EIGHT times per level. It's a bit more than 2 to get them to 72. I just wish I had known before hand so I didn't split up the exp from my first few runs into different party members. I also wish I had started using Trusts earlier. For a DPS, a trust DF is about the same amount of time and often less than the time waiting for a queue to pop plus the RNG of who you get in your real player DF.

Um ackshually it's only about 3 times now that they buffed it. If you can manage to tolerate them refusing to use aoes for 54 runs you can get it done by levelling one DPS and one tank to 80
I'd honestly rather play with total fucking retard humans that take half an hour than the bots though.

>want to get the squat emote which literally only requires 5 squadron runs to get
>still haven't gotten it because I can't fucking stand running dungeons with AI
I don't know how people can tolerate trusts or even prefer leveling using them
