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Other urls found in this thread:

Big Bernie! Big Big Bernie!

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I don't know the first thing about this game and I already love her from all this posting. And because she's got cute messy hair.

Yea Forums i need help
Theres a girl very similar who is going on a hike with me next weekend with a few friends who are already with people so I dont have to worry about competing. I have only ever been with normal well adjusted girls and a few thots. Should I go for the anxiety riddled dweeb? shes pretty damn cute and into the same shit i am but I dunno, it seems like a little too much.

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yes, just find out she is genuinely interested in and ask a question about it. her autism will off the charts. just make sure the question doesn't seem forced.


Just enjoy the hike bro, do some birdwatching n shit.
If she doesn’t show interest in helping you look for blue jays, it ain’t meant to be.

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Blame her child abusive father.

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Perfect cumrag material.

You wouldn't bully the Bernie.

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The Duality of Man

I get an uncontrollable urge to pick her up by her legs feet first and start molesting her each time I see her.

I want to hug and kiss Bernie!

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I want to piledriver her until that sex-hair is really justified

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Bernie's best friend is Alois, so make sure you A-rank them and listen to Bernie's cute singing voice.

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I don't like used goods

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Is that why you're a virgin in real life?

Just because you hate yourself doesnt mean you should want the same of other people.

this is it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>epstien shit has me freaking out
>just lost 3k in stocks
>family wants to kill me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked or some shit. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.

stream URL and quick rundown:

See you all soon.

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>console has a built in screenshot function
>still take picture with phone

After seeing this post for a few weeks now, I'm starting to think you aren't actually going to kys yourself.

>Girl who had a boyfriend once is a worthless slut
This is why you will never ever have sex or be in a relationship, not like you would have the choice to begin with

>just unlocked Ingrid and Dedue's C rank
Why is Ingrid such a bitch

She's just upset over being a shit unit.

user, there is nothing stupid about Medicare for all and taxing the top 1%.

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You wiafu is a whore.

I like it!

People really take jokes poorly on Yea Forums huh?

Ingrid is great though. Easily top 10 across all houses.

She fucking sucks at singing

>she gets attached to the light hearted father figure character since he's probably just casually nice to her unlike her real dad
Literally too pure for this world.

She also has a unique dialogue if you go eat with her and Alois too.

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I always let her burn on that hill.

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Requesting a doujin of Dimitri raping Bernadetta in front of fat ugly self insert Byleth

Her fiance got killed and the Kingdom blamed Dedue's race for it, hence her racism

Yes, Yea Forums is retarded, there are people here who take console war threads seriously.


Alois just reminds her of her dead uncle. That's why she doesn't freak out as often around him.

You think there are people on here who don't think that for real? How's your first week on Yea Forums?

Fuck, that's even sadder.


God damn I love that Dimitri Design so much.

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Look at this FUCKING MORON

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Shy girls are cute as hell. Go for it user.

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Behead those who insult and bully Bernie, make examples of those who wish to bring harm to Bernie

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Depending on how much of an extrovert you are it will be a pretty high learning curve for you to calm the fuck down to her level. Also expect her to miss overt flirting, be subtle but still obvious enough your intentions are clear.

I feel like flirting with these types of people is pointless, try to start a genuine discussion. It's most likely these kind of people are actual nerds, talk about video games or movies or stuff like that. People like this love being able to gush about stuff they enjoy since they normally can't. When you reveal your powerlevel they start to feel more comfortable since they just assume everyone they meet is a normalfag.

Wasnt even a boyfriend, it was when she was a little girl

Pretty much the same reason I like her.

After the time skip and new haircut she is dead to me, however.

>not being dedicated to your wife
>not being happy to see growth in her

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god i hate her so much

Shes very aware of my powerlevel and hers matches very well. Im also good with animals (work on a rescue farm with my friend on some weekends) and shes into cute animals n shit so once I showed her videos of some of the lambs cats and piglets she whip her phone out and unleashed a flood of videos of her cats. It wasnt too many cats and she wasnt talking about them like they were her children so i think its ok..... We've talked and hung out a bunch at work which is where I know her from.
This hike is the first time ive actually gotten her OUT of the workplace environment and so therefore I can do a little bit more than just the casual conversation. Perhaps an extended arm to help her up a steep rock? ask to lift her up ontop of a fallen tree since shes fairly petite? This is all stuff I do with other chicks but im not sure how the whole anxiety/shyness will come into to play with her reactions.

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>Not being happy she's growing as person symbolized by her actually caring about her hair

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if you beat the game you can use her human hair as a costume option.

>It wasnt too many cats and she wasnt talking about them like they were her children so i think its ok

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She didn't have to pick such an ugly new style tho

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Recruiting all the BEagles into the Chad Lions except for that loser Bernie!

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>She didn't have to pick such an ugly new style tho

Hey, she's still getting use to it

bernie bernie bernie that's a name you should know

bernie bernie bernie she's the star of the show

If shes opened up that much already I think you have an ok shot.

>Bernie comes out of her room to console you after your father died

What an absolute sweetheart.

Meanwhile, Edelgard assisted in his assassination

Do NOT use Flayn for shitposting

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I want to make Bernie drink a gallon of water and forbid her from using the bathroom

I mean he technically succeeded.

Holy based


>even Bernie comes out of her room to put flowers on his grave, when you speak to her she says that even as shy as she is she knows Jeralt was a good man and even she can't ignore the tragedy of his death
>Hubert just kind of scuffs you off and says he doesn't do condolences
Destroying that faggot is satisfying as fuck.

Remember to always recruit Bernie away from Black Eagles when possible.

I try to recruit any and all of them, they're all pretty good chaps and don't deserve Edelgard's bullshit.

You should also always recruit Marianne if you don't go Deer or she'll commit sudoku.

Go Bernie! We support you! Do your best Bernie!

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I want to sit on the floor with Bernie and pat her head in my lap while I tell her how important she is to me.

For my magic units is gremory always the way to go or do the white/black knight classes have more advantages beyond more movement?

Reminds me way too much of my fiance even down to her making those little trinkets in her spare time.

Fire Emblem fans are so fucking easy. The devs don't even have to try.

I like Bernie

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Pic related but with Bernie.

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Everyone enjoys some wish fulfillment, thankfully they still did try with TH.

I’m looking for a young blonde boy. Seen him around?

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I slaughtered her the moment I had the chance, sorry. When I do my BE run I will probably just let her get run through by the first horse unit I find.

Stupid sexy Bernie

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My African American comrade

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Not satisfied with just being an incel, user had to show everyone he was a brainlet as well by taking a picture of the whole darn switch.

Fates was them legit not trying and they barely got any flak.

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She's OP as shit, user

Bernie is evil

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I understand. It's nothing personal, but understand I despise you and everything you are

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Well for this one they brought in Koei Tecmo to try for them.
I think they were just grateful to not be working on a soul-crushing Musou game.

This happens every time a new FE game comes out and everyone posts the new characters.
Never played a single one, but I do appreciate the myriad of characters that come out of the series.

Daily reminder that Byleth can rape any student and rewind time like nothing happened

I want to make a wife out of Bernie and rub it in her father's face after she renounces her house.

This crop is way better than fucking Camilla posting.

I'm just glad there isn't some big tiddy slut that obsesses over the MC again. Tharja, Camilla, etc.

Imagine her bleeding out on the top of that hill wishing she could be back in the safety of her room, vision slowly fading. And then they light it on fire.


>Is obsessed with you in every route

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A man of taste I see.

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Yeah, but at least she has some decorum and isn't wetting herself every single time she sees you.

It definitely has it's cons, but I've learned to appreciate the good with the bad with character posting.
Although, since you mentioned that whole Camilla craze, I just want to say, I'm a little surprised there wasn't as much love put into some of the tomboy looking characters in the series, despite a good chunk of Yea Forums are crazy for them.

To be fair, the relatively tomboy outings have been pretty ass so far. Sully is hideous, Effie was ruined by localization, etc

Absolutely love Leonie's design though

Imagine Bernie's reaction when you wake her up by gently taking her in your arms and kissing the back of her neck after a night of gentle lovemaking.

I guess this is the thread to ask.
I read you get something after the timeskip if you do dedue's paralogue. What is it and when/where do I collect it?

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I'm pretty sure the Japs are already making a doujin with that in mind, just with a ugly fat Byleth instead

You should hook her up with Ferdinand instead since Bernie was originally his fiance, so leaving her house to get with him will be karma for her dad since he gets no benefits from it

Attached: Ferdinand.jpg (1275x716, 228K)

We all fantasize about burning people alive, that does not make her weird or evil.

I'll pair Bernie with him in one of my other routes. My initial run she was for me.

Her reaction would be fear like always

If Bernie was comfortable enough around you to let you be inside her, I doubt she'd be afraid the morning after.

Not him but you're right, if she was there unironically wouldn't be a game. Though Byleth could have took one for the team and made Edelgard elope with him preventing all this nonsense.

Dedue will survive the time skip if you do his paralogue. he will permanently die if you don't do it

>just with a ugly fat Byleth instead
please god no

People do not always remember everything the moment they wake up. If she was woken up by somebody grabbing her and touching her neck her immediate reaction would probably be shitting herself and screaming.

I have to admit, this batch of characters are really an improvement. Almost makes me want to pick up the series, but I don't feel like buying a console for one game.

Women are not for fighting they need to stay at home taking care of chores.

he will still die if you don't save enough people on his mission.

Not if you give her pleasant dreams.

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hey, that user spoiler said that Byleth can rape any student and go back in time a majority of those doujins that does that usually have the MC as either a fat guy, an ugly guy, or both

Why did you post a picture of yourself waifufag?

Holy fuck, I didn't know that, now I'm scared I didn't save enough people.

meant for

Oh shit I got Ferdie x Bernie by accident first run and never made that connection

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>He doesn't jizz so hard in his waifu that his love gets directly into her brain

>Forgotten Hero paralogue
Jesus, the fucking boss beast has FOUR health bars and the fuck has 130 hp in the last all while like three beast circle your party at all times, that shit was intense.

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Is Hubert supposed to be an unlikeable asshole?
Felix starts out as an ass but is really just a tsundere and weapon autist, but Hubert seems genuinely rude and uncaring.

He's Edelgard's Dedue but edgy and autisitc instead of gentle and stern.

He is supposed be menacing but he comes off as an edgy beta.

Bernie's face after a night of gentle passionate lovemaking

Attached: bern.png (731x606, 621K)

As you get to know him, he's just hilariously dedicated to Edelgard and ridiculously "logical" about everything. Check out his supports with Shamir to see what happens when his threats are dismantled as bluffing 90% of the time.

Bernie's face after a night of gentle ass reaming.

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My bedroom.

alright im cucking you then

>Mortal Savant is actually -10 speed growth
What the fuck

Link to that info?

it looks like johndoe0's work

So damn cute

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fucking based.

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hes supposed to be literally (not) oberstein, so kinda

Just going by Serenes

If Bernie gets at least one doujin i'll be satisfied. Come on nips please don't have shit taste for once in your life

I hope you enjoy your 10 Edelgard doujin

Based Marianne

>Fire Emblem
Try 3 maybe

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dannex009 or whatever his name is

Sorry bro, I already fucked her

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You are projecting and assuming that she is the same as you user. I made that mistake not once, but twice. You are a anxiety riddled dweeb, or at least something close. Yet a female with those mental diseases and habits is still astronomically different than a man with those. You will always have to worry about competing because believe it or not, most men do enjoy those kinds of girls. So ask yourself this, if she really is as low as she is, what is stopping her from moving on from you when someone better comes along. Surely you are not that great, no?
Go for it my friend, you may be damaged but enjoy the experience and learn from it. Do not become bitter or angry at yourself. These things are part of life, and we are all ranked accordingly. Better yourself instead so that you can be the one that makes a girl leave a man, not the other way around.

Attached: g2nees4dzu831.jpg (1658x2134, 1.77M)

Tl;dr all women are sluts and you will never be happy

maximum incel

I like this Bernie too!

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Who makes the best use of the dancer's sword skill if I don't plan on using the dancer class on BE?

I made the same mistake as well
Ignore him at your own peril

I am a fucking loser irl, but even I can bully her

Petra does very well with dodge tanking, so it naturally flows with her.

made for shitposting.

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What a fucking hero

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Rip in peace shut in.

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Don't you have to use Twitter or Facebook to get them out of your Switch?

Bernie's just no good.

Call me a faggot, but I could've done without the balloon tits.
Everyone else is pretty proportional, including other busty women like Manuela and Hilda. But this bitch was anime all over

dumb fucking roastie

Attached: Flayn tea.jpg (1280x720, 258K)

Yeah unfortunately. though i think they used to let you posy on your my Nintendo, or probably miiverse.

>no social link between these three

Truly criminal

I just got through the timeskip, Dimitri said that Dedue is dead. Is it a fakeout like in the BE route or is he actually gone?

why are great kinghts so shit?

So I'm guessing most people here just use a burner account? I fucking hate Twitter and I only have Facebook so my grandfather can send me bullshit so he feels less lonely.

Do you mean the green allies or the regular Duscur forces? If you're fucking telling me that they wanted me to push through all of the goddamn enemies just to get to the commander, then this game is out of its fucking mind.

Attached: all smiles.jpg (128x246, 6K)

That always happens, he might still be alive.

you can set it so that it only appears as private so only you see it than you can just download it and than delete the post.

You'll find out at the Bridge mission

In general armor classes are shit.
My Edelgard became a Wyvern Lord instead of her slow ass personal class.

no mobility and extra vulnerable to the most broken attack type.

Almost all the master classes are garbage

I read that to the tune of this

Fucking Nintendo.

You serious?
My Edelgard is basically an unstoppable tank
except for the stray mage. But to be fair, I was already investing in the heavy armor line before her personal class came around.

Why is Dorothea thirsty for anything that moves? Women included

I prefer using FB since if i recall the quality is slightly better, though i believe twitter has recently changed their image compression method.

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My burner account was banned for automated posting and it now demands a phone number.
Also twitter fucks up quality.
I just ended up using WiFi SD card with a microSD to SD adapter

Get that money.

I feel like Byleth should marry Dorothea because they are both emotionless husks who are incapable of feeling love.

Byleth has emotions actually, he just physically finds it impossible to emote. Did you even read Jeralt's diary? They actually had the decentcy to explain his autism.

I'm pretty sure you can just put them on an sd card.

She hits on Ingrid too who's the poorest noble

She's not looking for a lot of money, she's just terrified of being homeless again.

>Top 5 unit in the game

Oh no no no no

I'm about to make my whole fucking army mounted. Getting around is such a pain in the ass.

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>Only Male "gay"character
>not actually gay
i just love it how Nintendo keeps dabbing on the fags

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Then user runs into stairs

All the maps restrict mounted movement.

some money>no money
A poor noble is still a rich commoner.

I told you about the stairs bro

Linhardt is based as fuck. The only one with better supports is Felix with him desperately trying to be edgy.

I want Bernie to abuse me

>make Flayn a Dancer
>Make her dance for me in front of her dad
Anything better than this feel?

Any benefits playing female beyleth over male? The male character looks stupid. Also can I remove his stupid jacket he has hanging over his shoulder?

Sylvain automatically joins your class if you don't go BL but beside that no. It's funny you say the male one looks bad, a lot of people feel the female version is awful.

You can recruit Sylvain instantly

She has those ugly pantyhose

But the female byleth is ugly, user

gamer thread

The girl has the jacket hanging over her shoulders too, but also looks like a prostitute with downs syndrome.
The only upside is access to the pegasus classes and free Sylvain recruiting.

On the BE route can fem Byleth romsnce Hubert?

How is your first day on Yea Forums?

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Make everyone a Wyvern or Pegasus.
Everything becomes wonderful when you experience moving them around compared to shitty 4 move mages or horses getting stuck on wastelands and stairs.

Shut up May, you powercrept LOSER

>Caspar is a good natured guy with a fight boner
>Lindhart just wants to sleep and read books
>Bernie's a shy abused girl you slowly help come out of her shell
>Petra is a fish out of water trying her best in everything she does
>Dorothea is a singer who really fucking hates nobles for always being on their high horse
>Ferdinand constantly works to improve himself to deserve the status he has
>Hubert is Edelgard's servant and longs to be her personal foot stool, hence being unrecruitable
Adds up.

Hubert has had to be Edelgard's slave since he was fucking 7 years old, his mimd is beyond saving honestly, the rest are good or at least decent people.

In my BL playtrough she ended up marrying Sylvain and growing old together. It was cute.

I want to rub Bernie's soft feet and have her blush and fidget as she tries to comprehend what's happening!

One thing that redeemed Ferdinand in my eyes was how he roasts Hubert for being such a tool in the C support. It makes me feel like if he and Edelgard get together that Hubert'd be seething in the corner.

Caspar is a good natured guy with a fight boner
>Be Caspar
>Good natured guy, really strong, good at hurting people
>manlet, only 5'2 tall
>fall in love with this cold as fuck chick, Shamir
>try to stay close to her in battle
>Grow closer to her with each fight
>almost died protecting her
>somehow both survived a 5 year long war, and won
>become very close
>start a mercenary group
>Become famous
>never really got to fuck her cause' i'm still a manlet
well, i guess short men are not meant for reproduction

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So, what's the issue with working hours for guards?

You know those two become stupidly good friends by the end of their supports, right? Shit, they even start pouring their favorite drinks for each other.

>tried to pair them together
>Edelgard and Lysithea end up together instead

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I thought you couldn't romance non-MC units anymore since there's isn't a S rank.

I guess Ferdinand is fucking Bernie now.

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Things that certainly won't happen. Yikes.

Now it's a literal lesbian bed death!

>I thought you couldn't romance non-MC units anymore
The waifu/husbando shit is popular, they would never do that. Byleth gets to choose who to marry at the end, you can select any girl you have an S rank with to marry. For everyone else it's a bit weird how it works.

She survives in Edelgard's paired ending

>not turning Garreg Mach into an orgy house with everyone maxing out supports with everyone and leaving it up to RNG to see who ends up with who in the end

Fucking how.

I'm running into that right now without even trying. I have no fucking idea who's going to get with who since everyone's thirsty as fuck.

I stole Bernie though

They fuck up the dubsteppers and then they use their research to both cure their crestaids. Her along with Hanneman, Linhardt, and Byleth are the only ones where she doesn't die early.

This is the only pose that something so useless as Berniedog should take.

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>A monastery turns into a brothel

Looks like a good day to clean the stables. That lazy pink shit better not stay in my way this time.

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How are there Cichol and Cethleann relics if Seteth and Flayn are still alive?

Shouldn't people living underground, without any vitamin D from sun, be severely malnourished?
Yet look at all that vitamin D she is carrying with herself for future offspring.

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Are you me?

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Something something dude repilians lmao

could be a good form of therapy

S-shut up, Flayn and her brother are just normal people and not saints! They are nothing alike and I don't know what would prompt you into thinking that I was.

She'd probably try to bop you on the head before apologizing and sobbing. That's not very good abuse, user

Crests are a good source of vitamin D

Her punches would be like marshmellows. There's a reason she naturally is a bow unit, she has literally no muscle.

I did this and there were several people that didn't end up together
Felix and Sylvain got the dudebro ending while Ingrid fucked off as a Knight. At least Ashe got married with Mercedes

>At least Ashe got married with Mercedes
I misread that as Manuela

Best Berniedog support is with Raphael where they end up both happy. She happy cooking all day, and he happy eating all day.
Prove me wrong.

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>let's make lots of crest babies!
Jesus Christ Mercedes. I know Sylvain's a good looking guy but hold it in.

I came here in this thread to mock you
you're not strong enough to pull a longbow

I would give her my D

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she married Hanneman!


In my ending Sylvain married Dorothea, Felix maried Ingrid, Mercedes and Annette got the lesbian end and Ashe was forever alone.

Size difference is one of my favorite lewd tags.

Best support is with me.

Attached: EBhFN6wU4AAusdh.jpg (900x900, 74K)

Bernie is actually among the taller girls, though I guess Raphael is just that fucking massive.

Attached: Post Time Skip Height Chart.jpg (1280x132, 90K)

You are a good man. From that pale skin it's clear that she is in dire need of vitamin D.

Holy shit Hanneman must have been huge in his prime.

>Edelgard is shorter than Lys
How embarrasing.

Are all Duscurians fucking units or just Dedue?
Also i think it's kinda shitty how you are told about all these countries, but are stuck in Fodlan for the whole game.

I would like that

Don't make fun of her, the crests are to blame.

what does bernardetta smells like?


Anybody here ended up with Ignatz/Flayn? She better told him she is the goddess he is so obsessed with.

imagine anette tiny body getting DUSCUR'D


>you will never go to a hunting trip with Leonie for a whole week, just two of you
Why..... even..... live.....

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Doing GD for the first time (third run though). At a glance it seems the house doesn't really have any sword users unless I either make Ignatz an assassin or pick up some sword exp for Hilda (but she's gonna be focusing on lances and axes for wyvern lord already). I generally only like to poach one or two units, so I'm assuming key priorities for this house would be Petra or Felix? I can't think of anything else GD would be lacking in. Should I make the dancer Flayn or Marianne?


Felix is basically free since Byleth is pretty much built for his requirements. Claude has some good sword skills, if you're feeling fancy.

>he just physically finds it impossible to emote.

Did you miss the conversation with Sothis? He didn't have emotions until she began waking up inside him. He's learned to emote and to feel recently.

I'm OCD and want to read ALL text in this game. How many playthroughs do I need?

Just give up

About 4-5, easily

All of them
there's a dead pixel on your monitor

Support endings differ between routes, meaning you'd have to get every single support ending for every route.


user there are unique scenes that play for each character and epilogues for every combination of support, conversations that only happen if some characters are recruited and some are not, supports that change depending on which part you do them. It'll take a while to get all the text in the game.

>A long time ago
Holy shit, she had a boy friend when she was a little kid. Better burn the thot on the stakes

Just IMAGINE Linhardt and Claude in the same room
The IQ must be so high

Can someone photoshop Byleth and Edelgard into here?

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>After your father's death, Edelgard say to you to man up
>Bernie leaves her room to put flowers on your father's tomb
That is why she's bet girl

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Would Bernie make a good mom?

CLaude makes her live too. Claude fucks off outside fodlan then come back years later saying he found the cure, then they both leave for it

what if she's forced to?

Does New game plus make the game too easy on subsequent playthroughs?

Assuming she wouldn't die from childbirth no, she would be overprotective of her child because of what happened to her

imagine if she tackled, pinned hiim down and then shoved her tits in his face while he was trying to work, haha

Game was too easy anyway, i am sorry, but i should have some problems when i play on hard, even beasts were a fucking joke, with sole exception of the Big Birb in Claude's paralogue. Personally i am waiting for Lunatic, WHICH should have been in the game in the first place.

iirc NG+ lets you spend renown on skills/class levels that you acquired in your previous playthroughs

>Dating a co-worker
Enjoy getting me too’d

Man, I had my eyes set on Leonie from the start but she never shuts up about Jeralts dick which leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.
Might just go with Mercedes

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It makes it easier to recruit people, and your statue stats carry over so you can get more exp depending on how much you put into them.

Leonie just wants to impress her father-in-law

When you make her orgasm, she screams Jeralt's name out loud

Nah, I think she's pretty self aware of her own issues. So long as she had someone to steady her out, I think she'd be aware enough to keep from messing her kid up like she was.

The problem is that you keep battalioons which can give you some insane stats.

What exactly carries over to NG+? Is there a full list somewhere yet?

>everyone shits on corrin for not killing anyone
>they make byleth a stone cold motherfucker


dot dot dot

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>finally got to killing prior students
Shit hurts.

F Lorenz and Ferdinand.

The game says that you keep your statue levels, your shop levels, your renown, your batalions and you can spend renown to unlock stuff that you unlocked in your previous playthrough like support levels and teacher level.

I've only finished the BL route and now I'm wondering whether to go Black Eagles or the Church route. Any experiences on both?

I'm currently doing BE after BL, but I'm still in the school so I can't say much. I want to save GD for last since they seem to be the chill house

Will you start a NG+ ?

thats gotta be the shittiest edgy rpg manga I have ever read tho

Yes, I just finished the tutorial chapter

Plant Bernie!

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What if she starts to masturbate to the image of people being burned alive?

Church route is pretty good since it;s a counterpoint to BE. It makes you care about the church crew more seeing their reactions to things, and it made me like Seteth. Final boss made me crap my pants when I saw the map.

Do the BE route (siding with Edelgard) or the GD route. I'd skip the Church route, it's basically just GD minus.

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Mercie is 10\10 wife

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shoo shoo roastie

Don't you go to brigid for petra's paralogue?

Well said

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Remember to make Leonie a dancer and to marry Flayn.

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>everyone shits on corrin for not killing anyone

That gets dropped by halfway through Conquest anyway. You're carving a bloody swath through Hoshido after the invasion.

>Xander: Listen well, Hoshidan army. This fort belongs to Nohr now! To fight back would be futile. Throw down your weapons and surrender! Do as I say, and the lives of all remaining soldiers will be spared!

Recruiting Annette in the BE route and making her kill Mercedes!

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>I've only finished the BL route and now I'm wondering whether to go Black Eagles or the Church route. Any experiences on both?

You'll want to do the BE to understand everything about what's going on.

You can get most of it by just doing the Church route, but you might as well do the Evil route first, then reload a save at the decision point and do the Church route afterwards.

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How would i know, i never recruited the dirty subhuman, and certainly didn't pick the bad guys route.

>her only scene is in support between Catherine and Alois
Damn, must be rough for Anna fags

You travel to it but you never actually fight there. I dont think anything happens there after the fight from what I remember


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She appears in the first Byleth-Ashe support too, I'm pretty sure.

no homo, though

Yeah that sounds good. All 3 parts sound enticing but I think I'll rub my dick on Edelgard's milkies

Yeah, perhaps, i played Golden Chads and i don't recruit twinks so i didn't know.

And Gilbert!

Even better, both Mercedes AND Gilbert.

The Church route is basically the GD route, but with worse final missions. Do either GD or BE.

>Marrying the woman who assassinated your father

Please don't. Shamir's Milkers exist for this reason.

On the BL and Church Routes, Shamir will refer to you and Catherine as being like a family to her and you can get an implied threeway ending

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>not catching them all

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>not "I have seen every last one of them"

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If i had them all i would be forced to level them all, because i can't help it.


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Does she end up transforming into a beast if you don't do her paralogue?

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>to be fair, professor, you need an extremely high IQ to understand Rick and Morty

I'm sorry you have Asperger user.

>did BE first
>finishing up BL now
>want to do the GD route as well, but the academy phase is such a slog to replay even once
Fuck, how do people who beat all the routes in a row even do it? I took a 2 week break betwen BE and BL and it still felt tedious a lot of the time.

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>This is good logic

drill loli!

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>Not saving the princess of a country enslaved by the empire and spitting in the face of the empire when you take brigid back.

Yes. It's the patrician option.

There's an option to skip whole month
Basically the game will do auto teach and rest every time

Fuck lost items and grinding support. If you NG+'d it, you should have enough renown to up everyone's support and skills in order for you to recruit them.

Have you tried pairing him with someone his own size, like Lysithea?

The true option is maxing out both Hubert and Edelgard and then end up marrying Ferdinand.

Having Felix kill Dimitri was kino

No, she an heroes

>Marrying the woman who assassinated your father
Literally fake news

Yes, but why settle for Hubert when Femleth can romance Edelgard too?

Based and Bernpilled

Felix on the BE route was really silly to be honest.
>Why did you attack your country and kill your father, Felix?
>*unintelligible mumbling* I need to cut my own path. You would never understand my motives...
I really regretted recruiting him over Sylvain or Mercedes. At least he's a great unit.

>Calling someone a cuck while using cuck speech

You really need to re-evaluate how much you think you know bud.

Since 6th grade I've had one goal with every female that was my "gf"

If you dont think like chad you arent one

But Lysithea killed his father :^)

How do I get the teachers to join me in battle do I have to wait till after the time skip

It reminds me of those moments in Zero Time Dilemma when you force the characters to do something they would never do and they're like "What am I even doing this!? I don't understand!"

You're being punished for being a dumbass who did BE first. The correct route is

>BL first
>BE second
>Save at the key point
>Edelgard's genocide route, only 6 chapters long
>Church route

The Church route is about the same as GD so that means you don't have to do the entire part 1 again.

NG+ is a lot faster though anyway.

imagine not picking the cannon route first

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>Edelgard is working directly with the Slitherers
>She lends her Death Knight to them to kidnap Flayn and plant Monica as a fake student
>Spends the next few months talking with Monica and hanging out only with her
>"S-S-She definitely wasn't plotting anything!"
>Monica assassinates your father
>"Sh-She didn't know!"


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Felix can't say no to women. It's like half of his supports.

BL is canon. And Flayn is the canon wife.

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Hubert is a cute edgelord

Edgelord is just an annoying edgelord

The correct way is leaving it to RNG, in true FE fashion.

>Not going single the entire playthrough so you end up with Sothis by default

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I enjoyed BE's post-timeskip a lot more than I'm enjoying BL's though. I mostly did BL second, because I've been spoiled on the final boss in GD and it felt more appropriate to save that for the last.

Best girl.

>Does a 360 kickflip on a horse while shooting lightning bolts and yelling about her blood

>Not picking Sothis intentionally even if you have every girls to S

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>literally states in game that Monica was spying on Edelgard without her knowledge via Thales
>Flame Emperor aka Edelgard only finds out later after it's revealed Monica is Kronya
>inb4 pretending to be retarded

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Raise your relationship with them finding lost items and giving gifts to them, eventually then you can just recruit them by speaking to them.

>Flayn is the canon wife.

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Post the webm of her getting BOAR'D

I gave Rhea the D and never regretted it.


He's just an annoying arrogant beta orbiting edgelord. He's Jakob but worse.

The only good thing about him is seeing him constantly get shit on in everyone's C supports.

>Hubert: You really must stop sneaking up on me, Shamir.
>Shamir: And what if I don't? I can take you.

>Hubert: Nothing in particular. I was just recalling your impressive skill with a bow. I'm willing to bet you could put an arrow through the neck of an enemy general from quite a distance. In fact, to any leader's bodyguard, I would go so far as to say you pose the most dangerous kind of threat.
>Shamir: Don't worry your fragile little self. Your lady princess is safe. I wouldn't shoot my employer.
>Hubert: I would certainly hope not. But there are some mercenaries to whom a contract means little. And you would do well to remember that Lady Edelgard is no mere "princess." You should take care to learn the proper form of address for your employer.
>Shamir: I said "lady." I already told you. I'm not going to break the princess's contract.
>Hubert: What did I just say?
>Shamir: Proper address. Right. Next time.
>Hubert: My patience has limits, you know. For the moment, you may stand in Lady Edelgard's good graces. But if you become a problem, I will not hesitate to eliminate you.
>Shamir: You're unstable, Hubert. Be careful who you threaten. I don't take kindly to those who get in the way of my contracts.
>Hubert: Is that a threat?
>Shamir: Just some advice.

>Ferdinand: Anything is better than being a noble like you. Every time you open your mouth it's "Lady Edelgard this" or "Lady Edelgard that." Do you ever think for yourself? You follow her around like a pet. You spend all of your time fretting over her, and yet you never truly express an opinion of your own. Before you reprimand me, take a moment to consider your own failings.

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sauce my knigga

>Sh-She totally didn't know!

Right. That's why she went to such trouble to plant Monica as a spy, and why she went out of her way to make sure you (and Jeralt) would be there when it was time for Monica to act.

holy based Shamir

Hubert is by far the best boy in the game.

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Based user

>I enjoyed BE's post-timeskip a lot more than I'm enjoying BL's though

That's crazy man, BL's post timeskip is literally kino. It's all focused on character development and about fixing/improving a shattered world.

It's easily the most positive of all the routes.

And the best part is You absolutely destroy the Slitherers without even having a clue who they are or what they're doing. You take out their leadership in passing while doing something else entirely, and then decimate their remnants without even realising you've done so. You kill so many Slitherers there's new ones that appear on the BL route, just to get put down by your guys on their mission to do literally anything else. [/spoilers]

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Maybe thats why they can't dragon out?

>and why she went out of her way to make sure you (and Jeralt) would be there when it was time for Monica to act
What are you even talking about? It was just Rhea assigning you two to investigate what was going on in the chapel. The Slitherers weren't even planning to kill Jeralt then. Monica just did so, because you guys showed up to ruin her experiments.

>open fe thread
>retards still arguing about edelgard
Just fucking relax and get along retards

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Birthright > Conquest

How do we solve the emcel problem?

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glorious nippon version was kino

raph/bernie best.

bisecting her head with an ancient magic bone dragon sword

Edeltards need to stop posting obvious bait and Anti-Edeltards need to stop getting riled up over single pictures or mentions of Edeltard



>went out of her way to make sure you and Jeralt would be there when it was time for Monica to act
Nice headcanon bro. Show me where in the game that she planned for Monica to turn the students into Crest Monsters so you and Jeralt would be forced to investigate the Old Chapel so Kronya could kill him.

Go out and pull a long bow irl and then come back into this thread and apologize. Bernie is at least Raphael tier stronk.

The literal cutscene with her and Hubert two chapters before that.

Who is this cute maiden?

Goddamnit Cassandra

I like how Sylvain actually said he could dick the crazy out of her.

>strike me down, you must
What was this cunt on about? Did she really for a second think Byleth was gonna spare her after all she pulled?
That look of disgust on his face when he swing the sword down says everything.

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Seeing Dimitri go from a good boy to a crazed murderer and then getting better again was indeed great, but I honestly didn't like anyone else from the Lions all that much, maybe with the exception of Ashe. Even Dimitri's best supports were with Marianne, who was from a different house. And the "changing the world" part is exactly why I loved the BE route - it was great to see Edelgard and co. going up against just about the whole continent, entirely on will and conviction. I loved how uncompromising that was and, when you achieve victory in the end, it felt incredibly satisfying to see her dreams realized, since she's been pursuing them for like half of her life, and Fodlan change drastically as a result.

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make her sit on their faces

>Fourth route is Edelgard staying in Faerghus and getting Sylvain as a retainer

There's someone writing a fic between Cornelia and Young Dimitri on /feg/. during the duscur incident

I believe she also appears in Petra/Ashe C rank.

Do you think timeskip Dimitri breaks down when you hug him?

I ship those 2 so hard

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mfw he's right

post the other version

He reminds me a wrestler, but I can't recall exactly who.

Stoopid sanders

Literally every issue Edelgard wants to solve is solved better on the Kingdom or Alliance routes. What she doesn't understand is that the issues aren't from the Goddess or even the Church, they're human issues and are human caused. They need to be human solved.

It's even dumb when you consider her extremism is that she's killing thousands or millions of people (including Knights, Monks and children she spent every day with at the Academy) for the sake of a problem that's going away. The Bloodlines are disappearing, the Crests are disappearing, humans literally can't keep on relying on them like they do.

*destroys your path*

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I got the feels hard when he thought you were another ghost haunting him

3 great lads
add felix and dimitri and its perfect best boy band



Hubert is cool until you do his supports with Edelgard and realize he is in fact a beta orbiting cuckold

Best boy to kill.

God I love killing that faggot

>Literally every issue Edelgard wants to solve is solved better on the Kingdom or Alliance routes.
Only because of a war she started.

>The Bloodlines are disappearing, the Crests are disappearing, humans literally can't keep on relying on them like they do.
Who knows how long it will take for crests to fully disappear. At the rate its going it could be another thousand years. Another thousand years of suffering. Another thousand years of experiments. Another thousand years creating more Edelgards, Lysitheas, Mariannes, Sylvains, etc.

Her wanting to nip the problem now is understandable and one of the few things she does right.

>yfw he pops up in Petra and Bernie's paralogue and murder people from long range

Are you retarded? You fight in front of Petras home village against either church or the empire, depending which route you took.

>Another thousand years of suffering. Another thousand years of experiments. Another thousand years creating more Edelgards, Lysitheas, Mariannes, Sylvains, etc.
So fix society without going into a full on retarded war? Society can be fixed if you actually want without genocides.

Memeteor is so broken

>So fix society without going into a full on retarded war?
How do you propose that in a society backed by the Church and Crests?

All 3 house leaders already agree that crests and nobility are outdated and bad.

>He pops out
>I go back a few turns and camp people where he spawns
See ya nerd

Mariannes Paralogue made me sweat aswell.

why bother, it's gonna hurt me, it's gonna kill when you desert me, this happened to me twice before, it's not gonna happen anymore

meant for
Play another route than BE user. Stop arguing about shit you dont understand.

I'm not arguing. I'm asking a genuine question.

How do you solve all the problems without a war that occurs in all three routes?

Not just house leaders, literal every single noble in the game. Quote of a few of them have incredibly powerful positions to fill as well

Stop wasting your time and play the game

>Literally every issue Edelgard wants to solve is solved better on the Kingdom or Alliance routes
It's only solved, because Edelgard started the war in the first place, allowing for the unification of Fodlan and social reform. That's why I find it more satisfying to see happen on Edelgard's route - this outcome was always her plan, while Dimitri and Claude just kind of stumble into it by reacting to Edelgard's actions.
>What she doesn't understand is that the issues aren't from the Goddess or even the Church
The Church is a huge force, which acts to keep Fodlan divided and the system of power upkept, because Rhea wants to see her mom again.
>they're human issues and are human caused. They need to be human solved.
Which is why Edelgard want to do away with the literal dragon monster controlling the continent and return it to humans. "When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other, there's no need for gods."
>for the sake of a problem that's going away. The Bloodlines are disappearing, the Crests are disappearing, humans literally can't keep on relying on them like they do.
That's just an argument of cautious reform vs revolution. Would similar results have been eventually reached without a war? Maybe, probably. Who knows how long it would've taken, though? The nobility and crest system are still firmly in power during the time the game starts. I doubt any change this significant could have occurred in any of the lords' lifetime, without the upheaval caused by Edelgard. Edelgard's way gives immediate results, but it is also immediately costly.

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Petra and Hubert married in my first playthrough (BE - Edelgard obviously), in my second playthrough however, Petra killed Hubert.


I've finished BE and GD. Unless it's magically answered in BL and Church I doubt it. But I guess you're just shitposting since you can't come up with a simple answer.

Thanks anyways I guess.

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Seriously, how is there still tension when Byleth just go full Ringo Roadagain whenever he stubs his toe?

Why do people even bother to pretend that the families who can wield crests and relic weapons wouldn’t be lords without the church

>Fighting legions of demonic beasts in a spooky forest
>Boss is one of the legendary heroes
>Rescuing Marianne on the castle on the hill while she fends off the beast attacks (or just straight up murders Maurice because she's busted stronk)
>Marianne finally unlocks her beast crest and gets a bitching magic sword to become even more busted stronk

Why is her paralogue so much cooler than everyone else's

Play the game.

Edelgard going full retard on every route is what sparks the other Kingdoms to even reform the crest and noble society. If everyone stayed the same the nobility would sit on their caste system forever.


Ebin response

I'm so glad that the cornerstone in my sexual preferences and fetishes was Take on Me, I'm immune to 'used goods' argument and can have a happy life.

If you had actually played the game instead of browsing tumblr for fanfics you would understand everyone already wants the same thing and the only group of people actively working for against change are the slitherers, who only get as far as they do because of Edelgard and the empire.

>that occurs in all 3 routes
4 routes, and its all Edelgard's fault. A completely unnecessary war that ends up causing way more suffering. As Ferdinand and Hanneman point out, Nobility and Crests ARE the meritocracy that Edelgard is talking about. It's there for the very reason that it keeps Fodland safe and at peace along with the Church.
Authoritarian rule under the Church is no worse than authoritarian rule under the Empire, but in order to get authoritarian rule by the Empire it is objectively worse.
All of the nation leaders AGREED that things had to change, and they would have had Edelgard not jumped the gun.
Multiple characters point out that she isnt actually accomplishing anything and she's only doing it to stroke her own ego, and she flat out admits that to Dimitri in BL route as well.
The whole war was fucking stupid. Allying with the slitherers against the church just to turn on them was retarded. She may as well have allied with the church against the slitherers and then turned on the church. That would have made more sense and wouldnt have caused a gigantic international war.

>no arguments


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Thats pure headcanon speculation. Dimitri and Claude express the desire for change when they rule. Nothing in the game implies they couldn't or wouldn't change it if they could.
Dimitri chooses not to because he realises that its not an outdated retarded system but actually a true gift that allows Fodland to stay independent. Hanneman and Ferdinand also point this out.

Reminder King Lambert was advocating for social reform before being murdered by edelgard’s ally

The war had no purpose

You're dodging the question. I understand that everyone wants the same thing (mostly), but you fail to explain how any of them can accomplish their goals without a war. Like Claude wants Rhea gone as well, but he pussies out because he can't figure out how to deal with her.

>It's there for the very reason that it keeps Fodland safe
Disingenuous argument considering Fodlan is perfectly fine in BE's ending.

>Multiple characters point out that she isnt actually accomplishing anything
But she objectively does. Even looking outside of BE her war forced the Slitherer's hand and allowed Claude to steamroll them.

>how can a prime minister, King, Duke, emperor, and the heads of the powerful nobility possibly change society

Are you serious?

If you dont actually want to discuss this then dont respond with your snarky shit replies user. I dont know why I even bothered writing a proper response to a delusional waifufaggot.
Edelgard could kill Byleth and you would do enough mental gymnastics to justify it.

>hurdur how can you reform education without starting a world war?

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Dont bother, just ignore the retard.

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>finish BL
>finish GD
>instantly lose all motivation to play Edelgard's route
I don't see how anyone can see this demented bitch as likable.

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>*change society peacefully
Even if you're the royal family in the Middle East I don't see you reforming the religion without massive revolts and bloodshed.

Bernie is just no good.

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>Lunatic rolls around
>Suddenly more Bow units with Close Quarters, mages rolling with higher level spells on earlier maps and higher overall stats
>In a game where enemies have battalions and the Rattle status can disable the one thing that Cavalry / Flying is good at: Movement.

Better atleast start to cover for the weaknesses of the units and to really start moving away from bad habits and crutches. All of the units in the game have quite a suite of strengths and i find Infantry and some tougher Cavalry to generally be a much more functionate response on maps where they won't get bogged down by terrain.

Armor units in general can still pack a decent punch with proper abilities. Any character with a Def cap above 60 will have such terrifying offense it's not even funny.

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Literally semen brains
Its not a meme
The power of pussy rules their minds, the desire to jizz is all that matters

Wasn't Rhea gonna step down and give Byleth her job anyways?
Edelgard literally chimped out over nothing.

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Nobody has any arguments against this except "the other characters also wanted the same thing" so it's a bunch of hypotheticals as to how they'd accomplish their goals. It's obvious that the destabilization of Fodlan thanks to Edelgard is what allows for characters like Claude to accomplish what they want. Whether you agree or disagree with Edelgard is up to you up 90% of the arguments on here are retarded.

On the GD route is there some plot reason Hilda and Claud e become so close?

Bernie's personality kills it for me. She might appear cute on the outside, but her lines are so autistic, and not in a cute way. Sometimes people joke around and instead of getting that it's a joke like Dimitri or Sylvain do she'll just say "W-WHERE DID YOU GET THE IDEA THAT I WOULD LIKE THAT?". Then there's also how selfish she is, and how she complains whenever asked to do just about anything, from going out of her room to eat with other students to going on missions. Unfortunately Bernie might be one of the most annoying students, but she gets a free pass on Yea Forums for being a cute neet.

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Girls like this in real life are just attention whores


Hanneman needed a world war for his studies.

Ferdinand needed a world war to become prime minister and implement his social reform policies

Lorenz and Claude the same thing.

A nation simply can’t change itself without declaring war on foreign nations

Claude even admits he shares the same goals as Edelgard, but just doesn't agree with her methods. However since the war already started he just rolls with it. He actually expresses frustration when he confides in Byleth during part 1 that he couldn't see how to deal with the Rhea problem.

Because you're an edgy teenager with no understanding of international world politics or common sense.

Case in point
Finish high school before posting

less Byleth and more her little girl when she effectively bodysnatched her. but after the great escape she pretty much would have gone with it.

Nibba, Ferdie, Lorenz and Claude were first in line and were a few years away from getting control. It's why they are in the academy to begin with.

Would the lords have made some social reforms in their land? Probably yes, but then that process gets bogged down in political issues, largely as a result of the nobility's influence. Who's to say this would've been that much less bloody in the long run, anyway? Instead of one huge war, you could've had a hundred smaller noble rebellions. Edelgard, again, gets definite and immediate results, since she just purges the nobility.
Would they have managed to unify the continent without a war? Absolutely not, not at least for some hundreds of years. Which of the countries would agree to be assimilated into the other? And if they were to form some kind of union, what immediate reason would they have to do that? Not to mention, the Church has been historically acting in support of Fodlan's divide, by legitimising the Kingdom's split from the Empire and the Alliance's split from the Kingdom.

at least in big cities you can safely assume all girls are sluts or have the chance to become sluts, there is no such thing as "cute shut-in nerd" unless you're talking to an extremely religious girl
I like sluts and I'm good with them, that's why I'm not delusional enough to fall for their shy girl facades

>Because you're an edgy teenager with no understanding of international world politics or common sense.

It's quite ironic you make this post when the current global climate is nothing but bloodshed when it comes to reforming religion and society (Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, Vietnam, etc.)

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So, is this game actually good? I see Yea Forums still intensely discussing its plot and characters, which is unusual for a FE game (or any game even)

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Girls are incapable of being loners, its literally against their psychology. Even the loneliest girls will inevitably get a few fucks in her lifetime

>A nation simply can’t change itself without declaring war on foreign nations
It really is summer here

One of the best fire emblems overall, the writing is not as retarded as other games

If i recall her home region is right on the mountain border with Claude's land just outside the country. So they probably just try to keep on good terms being neighbors and all.

>So, is this game actually good?
>I see Yea Forums still intensely discussing its plot and characters, which is unusual for a FE game (or any game even)
That a good thing since game like this will usually devolve into hardcore waifufaggetry


The gameplay is pretty good, if a little easy, and the characters are some of the best in the series. The story is better than in previous games, but nothing special. There's a route split though, and people do love to argue about those.

m8 if this game can break the mold and make Yea Forums actually talk about vidya in a civil manner it's good seriously Yea Forums didnt even do this for remake 2

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>BL is canon
>Shambala is still intact with all it's ICBMs
>Rhea still has dragon autism
BL only solves the problem of Edelgard and kills of Thales in a way that makes me feel the game is unfinished. On the plus side it's the route where you can have everyone that actually matters survive, that is until Claude suicides them at Grondor

I kept telling you fucks it'd be a good game
Apologize for shitposting about the art

As somebody who gave up in previous lunatic modes, I hope theres some kinda in between for three houses easy "hard" and actual lunatic.

It sucks that enemy units cant do things like use the battalion mechanic well(why do they always attack with a 20% hit battalion over a 90Hit normal attack?)

>Things like close counter should be a staple for every archer.
>Enemy units should be tougher so you can actually justify choosing power over movement because theyre all so weak that whatever build you make doesnt matter.
>make some enemies hit hard to justify the existence of tanky armored units because theyre pretty much obsolete in normal modes

It might very well be the best Fire Emblem game, as long as they make Lunatic difficulty well balanced and maybe eventually add more side stories and maps.

Right now both Normal and Hard difficulties are pretty forgiving and it's a great entry point for people new to the series.

Is Bernie a dom in bed? I’m sure that being as quiet and awkward as she is, when she finally finds someone she’s comfortable and trusting of as a lover, she’d want to vent all her social frustrations out on them

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>civil manner
I can do without all the anti-pro-Edelgard falseflagging, but it is nice to see FE be discussed on Yea Forums again.


Sylvain is the poor ladies Lorenz

plot driven stories are shit
of course the best route would be character driven

shut up edgelord

Doubt it. literally whipped into submission her whole life

I don't think racism is a big part of Blue Lions, you never really see Duscurs being persecuted you're only being told that it happened

Lorenz is a weaker Ferdinand in both character and gameplay.

Nope, she just have a shit ton of lust since she masturbates all day in her room

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I want to break your bones and sever your skull

>using trauma constructively

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Despite being such a large driving force for Dmitri Duscar Tragedy is pretty much a footnote in BL, which is weird.

Hubert in BE tells you that hes not much for condolences, but using logic he expected the slitherers to want the seiros forces depleted to try and strike the academy, he warns you

i knew that bernie has a dick

watch the support between ingrid and doodoo

Honestly, I like her design and some of the quirkiness but bernie still feels pandery like with pic related here..

And once you think about it, this type of extreme anxiety personality type will get old fast. It's something that's better in theory than practice. Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who's either extremely dependant on you to the point of being a hikineet or so broken that you act more like their personal therapist than a partner?

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Enemy levels and stats (along with Abilities) will do a pretty good job at increasing the capabilities of enemies fighting back and in the case they do fight back (or you've put your crit fiend / skirmishing units in a bad spot) it'll make people play much more warily with units that are meant to be fragile. Right now on Normal and Hard with the exception of a few encounters, units and Monsters you can pretty much make sure you're so grossly overleveled and juiced up on stats / high grade weaponry that the you can pretty much just roll through many maps, absolutely annihilating everything.

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I've finished BL with all the BL supports, I've even done Doodoo's paralogue. I still think for how impactful the Tragedy of Duscur is we should've seen it instead of being told about it.

>a dom in bed

new thread

Bernie ironically feels more developed then her I felt. She is pandery, yes, but really every character is. I think, all things considered, she could be worse, though it is a shame she wasn't better.

No, stay the fuck away from my gf.

Pretty much. My main problem with hard mode is that it's just too easy. To impose a challenge on myself, I skipped exploration and only did seminars and auto instruct, I also recruited a lot of characters and rotated them all so they were almost 10 level under recommended and still didn't have a hard time breezing through it all.

We know some stuff about Lunatic, but do we know yet if it's more strict on Divine Pulse? I could theoretically limit myself, but as someone who plays a lot of self-imposed challenges, it's a different kind of satisfaction from fighting a game tooth and nail with everything available.

The only thing I've heard is that death knight actually comes to you instead of sitting there like an optional battle. But that's not very impressive since knight is very killable, even without lysithia.

So it's a safe guess that enemies will be more aggressive, increased levels, and better skills/equipment. Hopefully they actually use combat arts