>You gotta keep em separated
Ion fury
Other urls found in this thread:
First for shelly's delicious legs
Devs on suicide watch
Just got it and started playing. So are the game's chapters more like half-life chapters? I cleared out what seemed to be the first area then got a half-life esque load screen and spawned into a new area with new music. Also, I know about the blade runner secret on top of that one building. Can you reach that from the first area, or can I find a way up later on?
can someone tell me why the camera is just tied to a 2 plane? Instead of being in 3d space? Its so disorienting. Like I can understand if its 'tradition' to similar games in the genre.
Was gonna pirate, but I bought the games when the controversy came out. Tired of the woke liberal agenda dominating the field, so I wanted to support the devs right to speak their mind without persecution. You know, the same things the queers fought for before they tried to turn the tables.
You go through areas half-life style and when you reach a point of no return it informs you how many secrets are remaining in the area. you can reach the blade runner secret from the first mission, there's a street where you have to platform jump on wires and A/C units
What are you talking about?
What? Are you using the "classic" renderer?
I'm genuinely unsure of what you're asking.
So I lock myself again in another stage, cant open the door anymore. Also what is the point of the hidden red generator?
Thanks dude. I think I found where I can get to it, but the jumping seems kinda ridiculous if I'm right.
>clean up on isle YOUR ASS
Is that referring to laundry?
pretty sure its a reference to that one offspring song
Ok: When I look up and down, the 'world' gets warped. Perhaps im not using the correct renderer.
Switch to the OpenGL renderer
It's under Settings->Display->Video Mode->Renderer
Is there a GOG torrent up yet? I want to play it, but I'd rather not risk computer-aids.
check the first mega link in the OP.
I'm enjoying the game more without her lines
I'm sure you're a blast at parties.
where is this lmao
It's fake.
Reminder there is literally no reason not to downsample from 4K
I don't care?
This game is so small even those shit direct download sites can host it
shelly a cute!
It's a build game, you idiot.
No one cares.
>Build Game
>Pixels aren't 4k.
They said they'd make more content if its received well and sells lots
Hope there's a sequel maybe in the quake engine
Just sit on my face already
Her face here reminds me of my ex
we need some art of her masturbating with the revolver haha
Her legs remind me of your mother
Am I just a brainlet or are secrets fucking hard to find in this game? At the end of every part it might as well just tell me "Shit dude you only found like one."
Life's a Beach homage DLC when?
Uhmm yeah, that's why they're secrets
These are secrets made by people who have been making Build maps since Duke 3D came out. You're going to have to work for them.
Way less shimmering. Best AA. Try it.
Thanks user
Some of the secrets are so fucking obtuse
I hope you mastered the diagonal jump, because regular jumping isn't going to get you everything.
Are there more secret levels other than the stadium?
Her one liners are crap. Duke would have made this game significantly better.
I'm in for some pain aren't I
A fourth of her one liners ARE Duke's one liners.
Dude, modern Duke?
Where do you guys get gog games from now that good old downloads is gone? Every time I find a link to something its either horribly out of date or its actually the cracked steam version.
I buy them. GoG does good work.
I found it on gog.com for 20 euro
I just came here to say fuck the flying rocket launcher faggots. They are bullshit and unfun. That is all.
Shoot them with the SMG.
Unironically love it
>not supporting the ONE retailer who isn't trying to fuck your ass with DRM
What's D-A1?
Gearbox Duke =/= 3d Realms Duke
I spent about an hour trying to find what this leads to. I felt pretty shit afterwards, because I literally couldn't figure it out. Am I actually retarded?
It's not a build engine game unless there is one enemy you're cursing out calling unfair.
>armor limit is set by armor class
What is the fucking point of overkills if you cant pick up the armor shards because of your armor type? That is a genuine shit design
I couldn't figure it out either. Drove me nuts but eventually just moved on.
Is it me or the ambient song in the mall sounds like a Sega Genesis game soundtrack? (Or maybe like a duke 3d soundtrack).
It's oddly familiar
I think it opens something on the other side of that locked door
Devs said achievements will be added in a few days and they are tracked already so you'll unlock them if you earned them
>there are still 10 secrets left in the level
These fucking secrets man. Love this game.
Hopefully it's going for GoG as well
Most devs let the GoG version rot with no achievements or multiplayer.
>I understand why you wanna quit. With aim like that I would too.
Fuck you too Shelly
I tried playing on the medium difficulty and I'm actually having trouble, especially with anything that shoots explosives
I decided to start being more spammy with weapons instead of trying to be precise, but I haven't gone back yet
Filter input for mouse is default on. I don't feel any difference with it off. Is this a build engine quirk?
Try making your cross hair smaller. Helped me
I'm going marry Shelly!
don't ever stop moving
ok thanks. now theres little 'warp'. But its still there. You can notice it when you look up and down and look to the sides of the screen, you can see the world warp a little.
this game is uniroincally very good
sorry not playing
would rather play nightmare reaper
The billboards are pretty funny.
>Your sexual assault allegation is exactly what my practice needs
I got little more than half of the secrets on the first playthrough and now im looking through them on youtube and theres a lot I would have literally never found if I tried to look myself. Some of them on cultural exchange and corporate chaos are insane.
Have fun
You think it would be possible to run this on a Windows 98 machine?
How do you find things like this? Do you scour every corner of reddit to find things to be mad about?
Probably not
This is using an updated version of eDuke32, with the latest version of OpenGL
>when I mentioned i'm trans everyone was cool
yeah because if they said anything else trannies would immediately start a witch hunt
Pretty sure LGR did somethibg similar
>One of them references Big Bill Hell's of all things.
On the other side of the door, in the big arena, to the left, there's a wall with vines concealing another panel. Getting both opens a door to some kind of secret movie(?) reference room. It went over my head though.
He just played it on a CRT, not on a windows 98 machine
I don't think Eduke goes that far back
It has a software mode
There are so many smart little touches to the core game design that it's ridiculous.
>gibbing an enemy drops armor
>enemy projectiles are fast enough that you can't play first person shmup like in doom, but not technically hitscan so they can be avoided with movement usually encouraging you to play paths from cover to cover making for perfect "action movie" style fights
>that hard difficulty that is absolutely perfect for boomer shooter veterans
Which hard difficulty? Is the hardest setting not a meme for once, or are you just talking about UV?
Great movie by the way. I keep meaning to watch more Woo shit.
Highly doubt this could run on machines from that era. Kind of funny to think about.
Bouncing grenades around corners feels so good too
>Run up to an intersection with two doors on either side
>Back peddle
>Enemy nade bounces in front of me from one room and hits a Shotgunner and gibs him in the other
So what are the odds of that Resetera thing blowing up?
Imagine having such a black hole issue in your life that literally nothing else is as important as someone's reaction to that one thing. And then trying to convince everyone you aren't fucked in the head.
man old cheesy action movies had so much soul to them. I wish they made movies like that still. most stuff lately just doesn't have the same feel
I doubt it, people are starting to realize that if you don't back down they can't do shit.
You can even shoot enemy corpses with ordinary guns and further gib them. That's something most modern games don't touch.
We NEED more Shelly art. I don't care if it's lewd or cute. I just need something
>when I shoehorned my being trans into the conversation
Why are trannies such insufferable people
Nothing will ever beat squibs.
Oh, yeah. UV is great. Challenging enough to be fun and punishing, but very doable.Arguably a little easy, but I'm not out of the city yet either.
Five bucks says that Nightmare Reaper ends up being some sort of ungodly pretentious commentary on retro shooters.
If American's were the main audience, maybe
But it looks like about 60-70% of sales are European, they generally don't get involved in identity political shit like Americans do.
so if I loved duke 3d I should get this right? just got paid so I'm tempted to get it
The armor drop thing is basically doom's glory kills without slowing the gameplay down to a crawl.
Yes and the two early access episodes are under bonus levels or something
Don't care what commentary it has, the visuals make my eyes vomit
Hedon, Dusk, Ion Fury, and soon Aeon of Ruin are looking to be the top tier retro shooters.
I wanted to like Project Warlock, but for some reason that game stutters on both my computers.
If you love FPS games in general you should 100% get this, but liking Duke 3D will make it twice as better. And when you realize it's even made on that same engine you might appreciate it more too
It's a wonderful thing
if you change to the same weapon during a reload you cancel the reload and have a full magazine
I would recommend it, yes. It's like Duke, if they spent a shitton of time on the mapping portion. Very detailed stuff.
Haven't gotten the game yet but i'll remember that. I appreciate it user.
So out of all the build game this is my ranking.
Blood>Duke>Ion Fury>Shadow Warrior>Redneck Rampage>>>>>>>Tekwar>>>>>>Extreme Paintbrawl.
Bros. I have to know. I can't stand it.
How is she so perfect?
Shelly's VA grew on me really hard as I played the game but she still needs more cop related lines.
Ken's Labyrinth >>>> all that shit.
My personal ranking is more like:
Duke>Ion Fury>Shadow Warrior>Blood>>>Redneck Rampage
Redneck Rampage has its charms.
It has a really strong theme. Like they really did some cool thing swith it like the trailer park in the tornado. But the enemies are poorly animated, do WAY too much damage at random, and the maps are a mess. The most unclear build game when it comes to knowing where to go next. The very first level tucked a critical key in a secret room. That's just dumb.
How much of a 'retro' shooter is it even? The levels are proc gen and the guns are basically like a looter shooter in a way.
>The very first level tucked a critical key in a secret room.
Shadow warrior does that as well
Not in the first level though I guess
i played the fuck out of duke as a teen, went back to it and did a full run and it felt like it had not aged as well as i remembered, mostly in terms of level design. i genuinely can not praise ion maiden enough, the games mother fucking good, its the first game ive finished in one sitting in years, i started playing at like 10am, and by the time i was too tire to play more of the side content, it was like 6 am the next morning
It did? I guess I don't remember that. I never got stuck in SW though. Meanwhile RR has its own visual cues, like evidently a circular target means "bomb this" not the usual Duke 3D wall cracks.
The limit is generally 50 points over the start. Also likely to encourage you hunting for armor suits.
>No cuts
>The levels are proc gen and the guns are basically like a looter shooter in a way.
I've never heard of Nightmare Reaper but those are two huge red flags. Think I'll give that one a wide berth.
Fuck those fucking drones.
Problem is some levels only got medium armors and nothing else. I know its for hunting armor but those overkill shard should be rewarded even if you are at the limit
Lisa says that I hit her but I didn't
Devs are trashy, alt-right transphobes who don't deserve a cent. Hard pass.
I'd rather give my money to people who are not calling for the extermination of transgender people.
I'm FED UP with this world. Oh hi, Mark.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
That Civvie guy had a gameplay video of a supposedly early build, but the only resemblance to retro FPS I see is maybe a Wolfenstein-like base but that's it.
Also what's with the mob mentality attack on Ion Fury lately anyway?
>Guys I posted it again
Don't forget the fact that its weapon balance is 20 sorts of fucked. Worst revolver and Shotgun i've seen in games, yet the Alien Arm Cannon is so OP that you can essentially use it as your main weapon solely and still have more than enough ammo to spare.
God I love the first zone in this. Gave me so many Perfect Dark vibes.
Watch first then read spoiler
The elevator is also one cut, the crew went and changed the ENTIRE scene while the doors were closed.
Nothing important. Dev said something that got Resetera's panties in a twist and so now /pol/ can't decide whether the game is blue and cuckpilled because of the female protag or red and basepilled because it makes le tranny menace upset.
Cue half the thread being shitposting/ironic shitposting about said non-issue, and the rest being actual discussion about the game.
That's also not flattering praise. Wolfenstein is the hardest early FPS to return to. I hope you don't mean it's flat level bases with right angle walls.
>Also what's with the mob mentality attack on Ion Fury lately anyway?
Best to just ignore it. It's drama queens taking some posts out of context and trying to smear the developers over it. There's no value in humoring it.
Oni was what popped into my head. But maybe PD is more valid.
>mothership level
RR aint that bad, I have a soft spot for the game Also talking about balance the tit guns are by far the most op weapon in any build game alongside the Vixens who use it
Well that's a pity. Hope the devs bunker down.
>That's also not flattering praise. Wolfenstein is the hardest early FPS to return to.
Agreed. The game in question has elevation but the game is still basically squares.
>Also what's with the mob mentality attack on Ion Fury lately anyway?
resetera combed the discord for shit from a year ago taken out of context about one level designer saying people shouldn't recklessly mutilate their bodies, especially those underage, and then proclaimed it was a lead dev and the whole project was transphobic
Theres not even a fucking 32-bit version
This makes Goodfella's Copacobana look like gay baby shit.
It wasn't even that divisive. It was "parents shouldn't choose their child is trans at birth" which is a completely logical thing to say. There's no way they could possibly be making the right decision even if you believe that shit is an option.
Blood > Ion Fury = Shadow Warrior > Duke > Powerslave (DOS) >>> Redneck Rampage >>> Witchaven > Tekwar
Duke and Shadow Warrior definitely have more memorable settings than Ion Fury, but unlike those games all the weapons in IF are satisfying, and all the levels are well-designed.
>and all the levels are well-designed.
Nigga, IF is practically it's own separate god-tier when it comes to level design.
>kidnapping puchis
There is no hope for man
>We will never get that Shadow Warrior expansion where you play as Lo Wang's baby sister.
No Wang
Outside the map if you noclip during the flying bus thing boss fight. There's a lot of out of bounds secrets.
Hendricks (dev of eduke32 and ion maiden) has a copy of what they finished, which is apparently a decent amount of stuff. Hes had it for like a decade but wont release it until he thinks its finished lol.
What is the point of having crisis in Columbia as a bonus level?
So he's still working on it? I'd be happy if it's making any amount of progress.
Reminder, reloads are instant if you quickly swap weapons.Try it.
The one problem I have with Ion Fury is there isn't "THE" weapon of choice like there is in all the other build engine games.
All the weapons are great, but there isn't that one that's absolutely orgasmic.
seems like an oversight, I don't want to rely on it.
It's a beta level from early access.
Most of the design is the same, but the enemy layout has differences.
It's there so nobody bitches and moans about how they're losing content now that the game is out of early access.
I thought that wasn't in yet til way later?
Yeah, there is no multi yet.
I'm just saying, I hope when achievements and multiplayer comes, it's not a Steam exclusive.
I feel like the revolver would be the gun for me if the sound design on it was better. Feels fun to use and satisfying for headshots, but I don't really like the aimbot alt fire and it just doesn't sound punchy enough. Sounds more like someone slamming a door rather than a proper gunshot when you fire it.
It might be. but it still adds some depth. Hope they keep it in.
What am I meant to do after the first boss?
pick up his minigun
Why do enemies get so often stuck in corners?
>Hendricks (dev of eduke32 and ion maiden) has a copy of what they finished, which is apparently a decent amount of stuff. Hes had it for like a decade but wont release it until he thinks its finished lol.
Those are some fucking great news
It's not Eduke32 has been shit forever and has been promising multiplayer support for almost a decade
Kek, if they add multiplayer deathmatch thats going to be a requirement
I dont follow Build engine mods community but shit, that sounds bad. At least I find some small solace knowing its not vaporware and they did create the expansion with NoWang and put some effort into it.
If only Blood source code and DNF 2000 builds got leak things would be better
You think with Voidpoint helping with eDuke32 we could finally get some fucking stability and new features in the main release branch?
Please tell me this is real
What exactly is this? A new shadow warrior that never was?
>You think with Voidpoint helping with eDuke32
I wasn't aware they were? All I've heard is that Hendricks will have to get off of his fatass and actually update EDuke to support Ion Fury
Ion Fury IS on EDuke32.
>Ion Fury IS on EDuke32.
Yeah a modified version
I didn't say it wasn't
disregard that I suck cocks
I wasn't aware they already updated it
How come outside these threads no one talks about the game or says it looks old?
Because it's a stinky old man game that kids are too cool for
wang gang
Yea Forums is a bunch of 30 year olds trying to reclaim the fun they had with video games in their youth
What controversy
Just uninstalled this game. AMA
>we all float down here.
did you uninstall it because it wasnt your cup of tea and wanted to find something that fit your tastes better?or are you just butthurt that the devs didnt align with your own worldview 100 percent and had to cry on resetera for a few hours
Because the game plays like shit, I don't give a shit about e-drama especially not when trannies feelings are hurt
i felt it played well like most build games just kinda lacked some punch of the more batshit arsenal of the holy trinity but i can respect your reason, care to explain what you feel about playing it felt like shit tho
Honestly I think the gunplay is really unsatisfying, no feeling of impact (SMG is the worst offender with its floaty projectiles), underpowered weapons and enemy-spammy level design. The game is extremely one-note as well with none of the fun mini-games or puzzles of superior games like DN3D or SW, at least not in the three hours I put in the game.
Just lame weapons mixed with a shitty difficulty cuve centered around spamming as many enemies at you as possible. The overall design just isn't as tightly knit as with older build games. Wanted to like it though
Because we always seem to forget that a majority of people only play a franchise fps or sports game on their *insert most recent console* or have limited experience with actual games in favor of playing candy crush ion the latest iphone
now matter how well a game does in "our circle" or how masterfully developed it is, itll always be overshadowed by millions upon millions of Madden 20** sales
>If only Blood source code and DNF 2000 builds got leak things would be better
BloodGDX is already like 99.9% accurate. The actual source code leaking wouldn't really be much better than what's already there.
>4/31 secrets
>Found 2 of those in the boss fight stage
Well shit
fair enough fair enough
i wish you luck in your endeavors to find another game, hopefully you'll enjoy it more
cant blame you for feeling that i even said that i felt the weapons laced some punch.
This desu
the levels have a nice aesthetic and are really big, but it doesnt get much deeper than filling them with lots of enemies.
The game does have puzzles like DN3D but unlike Duke, they are all optional and all you really need to do to beat the game is run and gun from checkpoint to checkpoint.
I wouldn't say the guns are underpowered, headshots are almost universally a one hit kill, but they do lack weight/punch and feel floaty.
It's aisle you autist, why would an island have its own clean up crew you retard?
Reminder that the only reason most of the secrets are so hard to find is just to pad out the length of the game. This is why the game tells you how many secrets you're going to miss if you proceed past a point of no return, and why the game derides you for not finding all the secrets in the post-mission stats screen. "REAL gamers get 100%. Are you a REAL gamer?" It's all to goad you into waste of bunch of time searching for secrets so you don't realize the game is actually only like 3 hours long.
been seeing people try and attack it on steam and some shitposters on this thread brought it up
but its funny how these cat ladys are pissed about shit like this but conviently ignore there own discord scandal where it was revealed a majority of the mods were pedos
have a nice day frens
you too
always nice to have pleasent convos
>now that good old downloads is gone
The links are still up. You can find them easily.
why did they put a reference to some offspring song from the 90s
nobody is going to get that
holy shit I didn't think Yea Forums was onto this game. I was actually just getting ready to make a thread about it (and expected to get shit on). Fantastic game thus far and the soundtrack is sick. I was playing on difficulty 3 (ultra violence) but just couldn't git gud so ended up starting over on 2.
I agree they fucking overdid it on the secrets
Not every level needs fucking 10 of them
and reminding you that you missed them doesnt make them very "secret"
First time Im hearing about this. Oh wow this game looks bad. Like a homage but a loose sloppy one, a homage to the obscure copycats that tried to copy the big games that made the era youre homaging to.
>and reminding you that you missed them doesnt make them very "secret"
Right, because the games it's emulating totally don't do that.
Everybody's heard that song you incel, try not being born in 2003 you fuckin' virgin faggot.
When you finished a doom level it tells you how many you missed
very different than saying "hey you missed 5 secrets" as you're just about to leave the level
It was made by the developers of Duke Nukem 3 you fuckin' retard, so what's your argument now, bitch?
I was born in 1985 so I get the reference but I severely doubt anyone today will
Oh, right. I had forgotten about the message thing.
I was born in '94 and got it immediately. That song was popular through the 00's.
nightmare reaper? more like nightmare raping my eyes! heh.
I'm embarrassed to say how long it took me to realize you have to charge the bowling bombs..
>That song was popular through the 00's.
are you from a third world country or something, it was released in 94
No. I grew up in the bay area of CA. It still got played on the radio when I was middle school. I haven't met someone my age who hasn't heard that song, repeatedly.
Based brainlet. My argument is that you got fucking punkd into buying this.
oh wow how can ion fury compete with those graphics
ion fury more like ion fukin ded r-right fellow allie-i mean gamers
That reminds me, Maximum Actions dev has been posting tech upgrades for the game on Twitter and it looks like we're finally gonna get the FEAR/Max Payne shooter that should've been made 15 years ago
>are you from a third world country
>No. I grew up in the bay area
Wierd, I only ever heard it because i listened to their back catalog when I was in middle school
>waaaah the secrets are too hard and there's too many
Lmao git gud faggots, you sound like the guy who wrote the RPS article
nobody said they were "too hard". There's just too many. They're forcing them
kek. Was waitin' for it, honestly.
Yeah, I dunno. Could just be a regional thing I guess, assuming you aren't also a westcoast Americlap.
>Secrets are literally 100% optional
>Lots of boomer shooter veterans love maps with off the wall secrets and hunting for them
>Waaahhhh I don't want other people to have good things they should take it out even though it wouldn't affect my enjoyment of the game whatsoever
AT LEAST theres no screen obscuring enemy like the slimes or the choking hands, the spider heads or the centipedes could have easily done that bullshit
so is the game any good lads?
reminds me of the Sega CD intro a bit but part of me is like "this has to be a 3d realms obscure game reference"
>asking Yea Forums
youd be better off getting and seeing for yourself instead of trusting Yea Forums in current year +4
Honestly I don't get why people are complaining about the spiders, if there's a few you can smack them with the baton, Loverboy's altfire takes them out just as easily as anything else, and the Penetrator totally shreds them.
>laputan machine
Is this deus ex reference?
You can do everything with the crossbow.
if you like Duke AND Shadow Warrior, its a bit of both, feels like what 3d realms could have done in the day if they went with a new IP along with Douk 4ever
I know you're trying to be funny, but god damn no, its a charming game but boring after a while
So I just learned that the crossbow starts shooting off rapid fire if you hold down right click long enough. I thought the spread shot was the only thing it can do. I also love the "it's high noon" type gun slinging you can do with the loverboy. Loverboy is far from useless.
This, its basically "shareware demo" campaign for people who played it, like how ROTT had a unique shareware level set they bundled
I think I had an aneurysm when I opened that.
fovlet discovers fov
Yeah, i noticed after halfway they make a beep when you charge them for homing to activate, i could have sworn they didnt need a charge up in the demo
Fuck, I did not even realize that this was a Tetris reference.
Oh no the spiders are great, they fill that headcrab/lost soul niche, I'm just saying thank god they dont latch on you or anything, the centipedes are a pain cus most times i run smack into one and have to back up enough to blow them up since most everything else takes too long
What's the reference?
>serviceable weapon lineup: aside from rolling bombs and Loverboy weapons are meh
>no ultimate weapon, Ion crosbow alt fire should be another weapon similar to the Unmaker from Doom 64
>ion alt should be a bouncing shot for room cleaning
>shotgun instead of working like the Flak Cannon with bounce counts as two weapons instead of nades acting as the alt fire
>enemies are boring aside Mister Trans the no dick cyber pysker
>enemies get stuck in corners far more that other build games
>lacking some of the basic powerups like Atomic healths, Life Seeds, Fortune cookies, nightvision (the game is dark as fuck, more that Blood and Redneck rampage sometimes)
Everything wrong with the game; everything else is so damn solid its impossible to said something bad about it because makes the game great as fuck. So far its the best retro shooters out there even with all problems I listed.
I missed it because I was looking away at the time
Some old movie.
I'm having flashbacks to Doom: Rampage Edition. Thanks a lot, asshole.
>Build engine game without a rocket launcher
Wait what the fuck
The mouse feels a bit off to me, vsync is off, ingame framelimiter is off, mouse filter off, but it feels a bit delayed still.
Eh, could be worse. Remember how RTCW didn't have a shotgun?
All of the weapons except the cluster puck are actually bordering on broken in different ways. If ammo wasn't a concern, you could literally play the entire game with Loverboy's altfire, it's good for basically any situation or enemy. The Disperser takes out almost everything in one headshot, and the grenades are fantastic to switch to. Bowling Bombs are like Blood's dynamite on steroids, and the ability to thin out enemies around corners becomes incredibly useful on UV and MF when enemies will shred you in milliseconds. The only thing I wished about the Bowling Bombs was that they could be used with another weapon, a grenade button would've made a lot of sections a lot smoother, but I can understand why it's its own separate weapon. The penetrators, especially dual wielded, are fantastic at mowing down the asshole flying enemies and spiders, and a sweep at headshot level can mow down cultists in an instant, even if you still have to go back to cover, since they can still shoot off a desperation attack while on fire. You don't even need to bother getting headshots with the chaingun. The ion bow has a decent regular fire, with headshots usually taking down enemies in one shot, and bodyshots stunning and giving ample opportunity to finish the job, and its fully charged altfire is a goddamn room clearer. Even the electrifryer is solid for a melee weapon, since you can stunlock just about any single enemy with it.
Why is Shelly wall-eyed in all the HUD facepics? And why do I want her to pee on me?
Why would it be a Steam exclusive? The workshop and API stuff sure but the multiplayer is bound to have Direct IP support. Shadow Warrior 2 and most cross-store multiplayer games work just fine...
Strangely enough since i first played build engine games on dos i got too used to build engine looking like that and now playing on source ports the game just looks wrong if mouse looking doesn't warp the environment
What the fuck is that? What are they going for here? I don't remember any retro FPS having this clusterfuck visual. Is this one of those "breaking new ground" things?
Yeah imagine a Wolfenstein game without a shotgun
That's what happens when talentless hipsters try to jump on the latest "indie game" bandwagon.
Huh, it looks a lot like DoomRPG.
The weapon system reminds of LegenDoom, too.
Wolfenstein 2009 didn't have a shotgun either, so BJ missing out just seems to be standard fare.
Quick save scum the jumps. Also the vents/fans fall if you stand on them too long after a certain height. And its the street with the shotgun
Does normal get harder, or does hard mode get easier with more weapons and tools? I'm finding plenty of ammo and stuff on hard. But the crossbow fucks keep sniping me and they seem to dodge my shots when I snipe back. I thought normal was too easy, but this hard is harder than i hoped.
Point was that an FPS without a shotgun is a far bigger sin than an FPS without an RPG.
jesus fucking christ. Looks like vomit
whats with all those devs making female main characters? do female voice actors cost less?
Why wouldn't you want a female protagonist?
that's not the question i asked you dick head
Yeah, probably. Probably also a lot of camwhores, tiddy streamers asmr types for cheap who come packaged with an alright mic.
Why wouldn't devs make a female protagonist if given the choice?
this isnt the question i asked either you cunt
the album its on was released in 1994. the heyday of old school shooters
>not a door
What this user said times a thousand. It's pathetic that Resetera is overreacting to those discord chat logs, but what may be even more pathetic are the fucking losers obsessed with their reactions and they have to constantly shit up these great threads because they think people actually give a shit.
>THIS is what resetera trannies want to play over a game as pretty and well crafted as Ion Fury
How am I supposed to live with myself when I beat this game today and see that I missed literally 50% of the secrets?
what should I do on subsequent playthroughs? cheat and use guides to find them all or attempt to find them all again? THEYRE SO FUCKING HARD TO FIND
This game is a broken mess. Saying that might catch me some flak, but the obscenely stupid enemies and "features" such as reloading shenanigans annoy me to no extent. I rarely have to use anything other than the revolver because enemies will just let me blast their faces off.
Shadow Warrior
Ion Maiden
You shouldn't care because your life will not improve in any way whatsoever by finding all the secrets.
are you ranking the games? that's pretty abysmal taste, user. Shadow Warrior is dogshit compared to Duke and Blood.
>tfw not autistic about the secrets or 100%
Feels good
Yes it will.
You realize the effect this will have on women? I bring a lady home, boot up Ion Fury and show her the statistics, she'll cream her fucking pants and fuck me on the spot.
In all seriousness, when I really like a game, I enjoy going completionist mode.
Guess you'll just have to play again
Duke3D is piss easy and only episode 1 and the E2M1 are any good.
secrets are great
ion maiden just has too many
Has BJ really never weilded a trench gun? Even TNOs opening doesn't have him with a shotgun, and he only had the double barrel in TOB
Well that's something I can agree with.
are there any shareware games where episode 1 isn't the only good one?
>A fucking space level is good?!
>Opinion discarded
Requesting Shelly R34.
>protagonist ranking (not games)
AE Heretic>Shelly>DUSK dude
fucking what? what kind of bizarre opinion is this? If you're going to praise an Episode 2 episode, it should be the one that is by far the best, aka "Dark Side" E2M8. Not to mention that there are also good levels in E3 and 4.
Episode 1 of Duke is the best episode of any build engine game period, and it's not like Blood or SW were so consistently amazing throughout that they beat out Duke. The only levels from Blood that can compete with any Duke E1 ones is like The Overlooked Hotel and maybe the train one.
Good luck
I haven't found anything good
i fucking hate how that game uses magic books as weapons. instead of holding it in one hand and shooting magic shit out of the other, you point it at the enemy to shoot shit. it triggers me to no end. also the art direction is complete ass.
Even though the rooms are reused in the main campaign it's nice to have the preview campaign included in the main game as a level remix of sorts.
Dark Side is the best Duke Nukem 3D level, fight me.
does this game have mouse look or not ?
of course it does.
I kinda hoped it wouldn't, fuck
of course it doesn't.
Why is there no hidden slur counter in this game?
"You are still missing 4 niggers in this area"
Shelly should have canonically worn a red armor. When you find those super armor ones and you see that little red collar on her, top cute. Shelly a cute.
23 cents a dollar cheaper
well I suppose you're right, none of the episodes are good in Heretic
git gud skrub
Please read and and re-evaluate your life.
>You are still missing 4 niggers in this area
This is what they want. They want some children to comically overreact to something so they can toot their culture war horn and go on about the evil regressive left, all the while slipping in actual hateful dogma to be legitimized by nothing but a natural pushback.
If they are hidden as well as the secrets I would never find them
Just report and ignore
Literally who
What are your favorite 3 Build Engine levels?
1. Death Row
2. The Overlooked Hotel
3. Dark Side
I've only played Ion Fury once so the levels are kind of hard to pick apart right now, but I will say that IR is probably the most consistent of all the build engine games.
nice pick