Would you kill other players if you knew it killed them in real lifes?
Would you kill other players if you knew it killed them in real lifes?
Yes, I still feel bad for killing crestfallen warrior
I would unironically drop a nuke in Goldshire if it meant I'd be killing those players IRL.
yeah i would be like "i didn't know it would kill them in real life"
If there was even a slight chance one of them was an insufferable faggot like Kirito, yes.
>would you kill people
>it was just a game bro
>bro it was just a game
anyways that's a hard question
but I'll say
good thread OP.
I would do nothing but play videogames 24/7.
Only if they tried to kill me first.
No, no. I'm too much of a pussy to ever kill someone.
I say I would, but realistically I'd probably be a pussy and hold back.
Like they're in the same situation as you, fighting for their life. Kill them and you become bad just for denying them the privilege of seeing their family/friends again.
>presses x to kill self
yeah and id teabag them afterwards too. can't forget to mic spam
I would eliminate all furries and rpers
You should start off with yourself first gaylord cunt.
No, i'd play paladin and chase down the villains.
No, im not a sociopath
don't have a reason to kill em
but i wouldn't have a problem to do so
SAO: Fetal Boolet is unironically good
Definitely worth a pirate
Depends on what the situation is. I definitely would if my own life was being endangered though.
No, I am not from Tel Aviv, our greatest ally.
Remainder that Kirito is actually one of the most likely DLC characters for bbtag
Anime faggots need to be gassed
Yes, I occasionally join Sea of Thieves solo when I see my usual pair of friends/retards playing in the hopes that I run into them and get to sink their weak asses, thus proving how much better I am at this game than them.
Only if they're Russian.
it looks ironically good
but i'd rather just play something else that's not hanging out with kirito and his harem
then id like to play in a server full of israelis or jews
Only if I have an incentive
Honestly why haven't you killed someone Yea Forums?
If you just did it once to a stranger it seems easy to get away with it.
Because if you've ever worked for a job involving any level of security, your fingerprints and face are on file.
>Log in Fortnite and Overwatch
>Kill everyone you can
>People start dying real life
>Game dies as a result
Yes. Would unironically stop the online multiplayer menace
Yes but only because they'll die irl
>they made an entire series about that faggot that always picks Oddjob
Yeah and it's the best thing to come out of SAO.
>it's the best thing in the entire SAO universe
Sigsawa and Kuroboshi saving SAO
shes fast..
very fast llenn moving at incredibly high speeds
Because i want to be a hero, not a villain.
I mean you can ignore him and his harem to hang out with your sexbot, your mommy gf and Bestsuki.
Also, just skip the cutscenes lol
It would be impossible not to, implying mmo world.
>Urban map not in the game
>best we get for Battle of Bullets is the forest map
What a shame