>she's now meta
>she's now meta
Other urls found in this thread:
I love thicc
I'll meta her cervix with my pecker
Imagine if she freezes you, but NOT your head.
And she turns around puts her soft pillowy ass on your face.
She is only meta in the OWL patch, which is now a hero behind the live patch.
In live, the meta is double shield
I'd brush her teeth if you know what I mean. Literally, that is.
I like her VA.
looks like your typical commie from socal
current meta AFAIK is Orisa and ... rein I think? with Reaper and Mei
>competitive overwatch
look at this faggot and laugh
Mei is crazy fun especially because 90% of people at below 3k don't know how to ice wall properly so easy to rank up
the last time I gave a dead donkeys last shit about the meta was when they nerfed the Ana/Rynhardt combo because casuals refused to move away from the big guy with the hammer.
She probably is, but she can be cute at least.
totally awful holy shit you should be put in jail
Buzz, your girlfriend! woof.
all overwatch is competitive retard
in fact all versus online modes are competitive, just because you're not getting laddered or elod doesnt mean its not competitive
Everyone in overwatch is wife material in one form or another.
Is a shame most if not all cosplayers can't get her right or can't just get in shape among other things.
I don't get it.
kys hapa
this is it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>epstien shit has me freaking out
>just lost 3k in stocks
>family wants to kill me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked or some shit. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.
stream URL and quick rundown:
See you all soon.
Why does your family want to kill you
Why are you getting stalked
What's your favorite game in the Donkey Kong Country series
I've seen this post several times now
Fuck off
Why don't you also kill the one of those gang members at least?
You've posted this too many times, sorry faggot
No, it's sigma-orisa
>Mei sprays you for fraction of a second
>Not possible to escape
>She gets a free kill for no skill at all
Mei needs to be removed. I like a wall/area denial character but her weapon is too powerful.
The only one I can basically confirm being a commie is Carolina Ravasa (Sombra) since she happily participated in some advertisement against ICE and border security, BTW, I am Mexican and not fond of illegal immigration myself, have a Sombra instead.
This fuckkg faggot posted this same bait like a week ago to get people to join his faggy discord.
I wish you were killing yourself you pathetic faggot
I love my wife Mei!
her everything is super good
alone, they are well designed tools but together she is full retard
the creators are libshit commies, fuck this game reeeeee
Why did they have to clarify she's a full lesbian? That glorious ass goes unplundered.
It's hard talking to fellow OW fans about this without getting banned on their OW forums.
Tracer is straight and belongs in S tier.
Can't beat the cock.
I would raise Ashe a tier and put Bridgette where Ashe was, otherwise solid as fuck list especially with Orisa/Ana placement
almost perfect just put moira at A and symmetra at B and we're good
>Why did they have to clarify she's a full lesbian?
The usual crowd demanded it when the possibility of her also taking the dick was present.
>Same tier as bug person and bitchy hacker
>Almost bottom tier
This list is dildos.
Brig, Mei, (Tracer if she would take the D)
Ana, Mercy
Ashe, Phara, Zarya
Orisa, Symm, David Bowie
D.Va, Sombra
>Like looking at tracer's ass
>Know that she's never going to be interested in (your) penis
My fantasies are ruined. I'm sad i can't talk about this to most OW fans.
Who cares about "canon" in this cases?
She's not real, user. Just headcanon that she's straight.
It's not competitive because the balance is fucking shit and most characters can't 1v1 each other properly.
Based, maybe too based.
Jesus Christ, Raimi
Because all the "progressive" fans can wank about how they have canon on their side and they dirty hets can't touch their carpet licking brit.
i wood
tranny lover
there's too many fucking shields and stuns in this fucking game, every single game there's an enemy orisa sigma reaper mei moira.
Moira is literally an hold rightclick to win character and she's more of a dps than healer.
Good thing I can queue support and insta lock moira so I don't have to healslave
>Moira is literally an hold rightclick to win character and she's more of a dps than healer.
tfw getting gold in damage, healing and eliminations every game as moira
the most normalfag tier list right here
normalfag but accurate
i'm not going to be a contrarian for the sake of it
People still play this game? LMAO
This, no clue wtf blizzard is thinking this is NOT how you make a support character
What the fuck are these threads? Did reddit get cancelled? Who the fuck cares about cuckwatch you double nigger?
>Hot white haired babe with lipstick and country leanings
I love her.
>Moira in repulsive tier
Off yourself.
Blizzard doesn't revert changes for some reason so their only way of trying to "fix" things would be by adding characters that would "counter" whatever is being used in their meta, in the case of Moira I think it was the highly mobile characters after Symmetra lost her leash as main weapon.
Having taste isn't being contrarian
cool, now you can beat the other ten people still playing this dog shit game
Do it faggot.
you mean "ERP with", right? o-or is this THAT kind of ERP? if so that's c-cool... beat me mommy, beat me!
why is Mei so perfect
I bet she bows to her communist overlords DAILY.
Sigma is fun as hell. He feels way more engaging to play then the other tanks.
>caring about a dead game
Put the taffy down tubby Tammy
Based Aku
I wanna mating press and knock up Mei! In ERP!
>>Not possible to escape mei's gun
Apart from literally every mobility or shield skill in the game.
widow is still the best looking one, her design is a Disney Princess in face and body, but she's been corrupted.
I hate Mei. Worst character in the game.
>what is that melody
>what is that melody
>what is that melody
>what is that melody
>implying women know what they like
>implying most lesbians won't turn straight once they gotten the dick
The meta tanks are orisa and roadhog. Mei easily fucks over roadhog and can wall off all the orisa pulls and even wall the tanks out. Even her ult cucks them hard
i hate how men enable fat girls now
I hate how you think your taste is the only one that matters
Is it that time again?
And I hate how retards like you think a bit of thickness on a girl is the same as fucking landwhale obese walruses that die in their sleep at 27 and 483lbs.
I don't care that Tracer is a lesbian, she's not for me and I love her
You're right but unfortunately for you the average person is a complete retard and will try to refute your point with their nonsensical logic.
>only 483 lbs.
laffing at low test niggers
>says the guy who won't even provide a point to refute and just pretend he made an irrefutable one
you say this when mei fanart like exists
>fat art
>must mean all people want landwhales
>ashe so high on everyones list but she looks like a 60 year old moira
the fuck is wrong with you subhumans
I require more kafekafei
Point is Mei could stand to lose about 20 pounds
>he is still playing this dead game
do people get mad in normals if you pick underpowered/out of meta heroes in this game, or can I pick whatever the fuck I want?
Her actual, in-game self is fine. It's just the fanart that makes her obese or a goddamn planet.
is genji relevant yet?
Who cares if she's meta?
Would I still get reported and banned if I picked my main man Torbjorn?
I was talkign about her in-game self.
>confusing OW with TF2
They all have literally the same squinting eyes
And like I said, she's fine. It's not even that thick despite all the memes. The character video for her when she's not in her regular gear shows she's not even close to what people thought she was. They allowed the padded clothing to make them think she was some kind of chubster.
>tfw no sequel pic with mercy being smushed between their bellies
>tfw no sequel pic with futa mercy being smushed between their bellies
Terrible addition. Never reply to me again.
all this waifu shit has ruined real women for me
same, I also only like men now
Too late, nigger
How is moira a dps? The damage output is so weak and at high plat/ diamond you see nobody dpsing with her anymore because its just not good enough compared to the healing you could do in the same time
Overall she is not a very good character at all and its just that you dont need alot to of skills to play her effectively
But in ranks with highly skilled people master/grandmaster she gets outplayed alot thats why you almost never see her in these ranks
Brig way too low
Of course.
Personally I would straight switch Sombra and Symmettra.
Mercy deserves to move up 1 spot. There's a reason why there's so much.
>four S-tiers
>symmetra anywhere over C
>ana over B
other than that acceptable
At first it looked good but their faces are trainwrecks.
Sym is up in S only because I have certified autism. S is just a place for ideal gfs
She needs some facial treatment at least, or she needs to shop all her pictures.
mental illness
>flying as mercy
>can’t just fly out sigmas lift
Such a minor situational thing but it triggers the shit out of me
Lol you ain't getting shit just cause you suck their dicks, amigo. This has to be just a bad false flag attempt, there can't seriously be any non-whites that still believe ending "illegal immigration" is the endgame for these retards.
Fuck Damage niggers.
Wife Tier
Mercy, Brigitte
Ana, Pharah, Orisa
dVa, Ashe, Mei, Zarya
Sombra, Widowmaker, Symmetra
Moira, Tracer
>S - Marry immediately, have babies
Mercy and Brigitte are both kind, supportive, intelligent and capable women with few glaring or obvious flaws.
>A - Marry soon, consider children
Ana is great, but old and wrinkly. Orisa is a robot and will require some extra installations to fuck, also she's a cop. Pharah is totally cool and attractive but her work will take her from home a lot and I think she has autism
>B - Date, see where it goes
dVa is cute but her gurrrlllgamer persona would wear thin, Mei is one of those insufferably cheerful people, Ashe is hot but has a life of crime behind her and a mean streak, Zarya is amazon but has danger hair and like all /fit/ is obsessed with lifting
>C - Fuck but do not engage
Sombra is attractive but is a mexican criminal working for la carta, widowmaker is hot but is literally an emotionless pyschopath who kills people, Symmetra is autistic and OCD and a poo in loo
>D - Avoid
Moira is a fucking pyschopath sadist - which would be hot but she also looks like The Thin White Duke, Tracer is a lesbian
>but her gurrrlllgamer persona
It's an act, she's a propaganda tool. Watch the video.