How accurate is this?

How accurate is this?

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I'm a water bearer and this is pretty accurate to me. I also don't believe any of this voodoo nonsense.

Based on my own friends and family, that's pretty accurate.

>star signs

What’re you, a woman?

I'm a Leo and I don't play games I just shitpost on Yea Forums.

>tfw Leo but I act like Gemini

Shit chart desu senpai.

I'm an Aquarius, and I suck ass at online, so I only ever play single player games.

>no Ophiucus/Serpentarius
Is this really a video game astrology post if it doesn't include the weird fantasy shit?

>written by a person that never played any game ever

No, just thought it would be an interesting discussion. Why so insecure?

Also I'm a virgo and that description is bullshit. I destroy every enemy in my path, almost to an autistic degree, unless I'm gunning straight for the boss.

Aquarius here, same story

being a scorpio is suffering

oh wait shit I was reading the wrong one

Cancer, I drop games never to pick them up randomly, not because I got stuck.

>tfw Aries
>incredibly chill


Ares here, I have never gotten mad at a video game.

Yeah well an aqueerius probably made that retarded list anyway, we all know who the master zodiac race is.

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I'm Aquarius and I'm pretty sure the person who wrote this shit is as well.

Aquarius here, it's accurate


Wrong. I want to finish a game as quickly as possible.

I don't usually like to get into astrological sign bullshit, but as a cancer it's very accurate. My backlog is fucking massive.

All the scorpios I know are cool as fuck though

The Ares description fits when playing alone. When with friends, I'm gonna talk about shit that has nothing to do with the game.

>the accuracy of Cancer
fuck my soul and backlog

I'm a Leo and it is accurate. I am actually really good, but the instant I need to show that off I just get rekt and make myself look like a lying tard.

I’m a cancer and I always steamroll games until the final boss and usually drop it cause I don’t want it to be over.

Aquarius master race reporting in

>literally an astrology thread on Yea Forums
This fucking board....

its accurate for pisces

Sagittarius, I only play single player games with Trainers and cheat engine. Usually top 5%-10% in in any PVP ranked video game I play also. I hardly rage because even toxic teammates are better then chill shitty teammates that suck at the game.

Lmao at your life, i remember your sad shit from one of the previous sign threads. Get fucked bitch boy

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Okay so you're good at videogames but have you ever had sex no didn't think so so shut the fuck up god aqueeriusfags are unbearable

God, I wish

I'm Gemini and this is incredibly accurate
ah bloo bloo sad this killed a Smash/FE waifufaggotry thread?

yikes some pisces energy coming from this post

Hey man, just because theres one bad apple doesn’t mean the orchard is crap. t pisces

Why are Capricorn women so heartless and awful bros?

It could be worse, it could be yet another "subtle" /pol/ infestation thread.

seething femboy

Feels good to be an AQUARIUS BVLL.

>homestuck shit
fuck off

Yes, I was born Sept. 12, 1984. I'm Virgo.

Recently on my first playthrough of Halo 4 I'm running to checkpoints, hiding, shooting, dodging enemies near ramps by jumping...

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t. cancer

>realized how pisces is truly pronounced

also isn't it hilarious how despite being called aquarius it's an air element?

Leo reporting in. Yeah, this is pretty accurate, I love talking a big game, but I usually suck ass at the game at hand.

Slightly funny, I'll give you that

Inaccurate. I'm a Leo and I always preface everything with "I suck"

I'm close to a mixture of Capricorn and Pisces style but a Taurus in reality.
Nothing like Taurus though because not only do I suck at games I also always clean my hands before playing.

What a shitty list of embarrassments

If you do any of these behaviors you're either a whiny bitch boy or a woman

Your just gauging your expectations, which is that you normally would talk mad smack and then suck. Circumventing the normal path still means a normal path exists bruh. T pisces

Not very. I'm a Virgo and I usually run head first into shit.

Recommend a game for a pisces or the cat gets it

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Are you a grill or a grill (male)?

>paying attention to horoscopes
Are you a post-menopausal hippie?

Did your mom hit you because you were the wrong sign? You have a very unhealthy obsession with women and astrology. Also, im a dude. I thought you were annoying before but now i see you have some deep psychological issues that go beyond just trolling.

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Not even close to me.