Literally the perfect console. The most powerful of the generation too. Trumps the PS1 and makes the weakass N64 look like an absolute joke of a system. Only plebs shit on the Saturn.
Was the Sega Saturn perfection?
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If you like 2D games then yeah.
Fuck yeah, this thing was an absolute 2D BEAST. So many amazing japanese and anime games.
2D japanese perfection>outdated within a month 3D low poly trash
>CPU: Two 32-bit SH–2 (28.6MHz) RISC processors
>RAM: 2MB, Video RAM: 1.5MB
>Graphics: VDP1 and VDP2 with texturing, lighting, transparency.
VDP1 – objects (quadrilateral sprites and polygons): 200,000 textured polygons per second, 140,000 with added gouraud shading
>CPU: 64-bit R4300i RISC (93.75MHz) / 64-bit data paths, registers with 5-stage pipelining
>RAM: 4MB (36Mb) upgradeable
>Graphics: Pixel Drawing Processor (RDP) built into co-processor
RCP (Reality Co-Processor) SGI developed GPU 1 million polygons per second
>most powerful
It only had a fraction of the N64 specs, and didn't even surpass the PS1s antiquated hardware, and you say it was most powerful? The disc format is literally the only thing stopping the N64 from utterly dwarfing the PS1/Saturn, moreso than it already does. It could've produced near Dreamcast levels visuals if it opted for CDs rather than cartridges.
Sega consoles were always shit, pleb.
then why were n64 games such a blurry POS even back in 98? Saturn was really innovative and had games that still hold up today.
fuck you
>The most powerful of the generation too.
Dude I like the Saturn but you're on something else. Even devs who knew what they were doing could achieve better and easier on PS1/N64
Outside of 2D stuff of course. No one was beating the Saturn there.
Saturn and N64 have maybe 60-70 games worth playing. PS1 has over 200.
Even though that its hard to develop, its really great at the 2D/2.5D games.
The shitty cheap games, sure. But could the best of the Saturn do visuals like this?
The highs on Saturn were higher than any other console of that era.
Even comparing the two consoles' premiere TPS games, the N64 looks almost a generation newer. Burning Rangers has horrid pixelation/pop in/optional walls that plagued 32bit systems at the time, and it was a big 3d title for the Saturn. Jet Force Gemini was certainly lower framerate, but accomplished far more for 3D graphics like most Rare 64 games.
I'll be the N64/PS1 fanboy of this thread, and nothing on the Saturn reached the highs that Square/MGS1/Rare/Mario 64 did that generation. Pushed both quality and technical innovation to new highs.
Based and N64pilled. Also no way JFG was lower framerate than Burning Rangers.
Virtual Boy was better
look at me i can be an autistic contrarian too
Tomb Raider on Sega Saturn had the ugliest graphics I've ever witnessed. It was like playing a censorship mosaic
Saturn was a 2D monster but pretty bad at 3D and insanely difficult to program for. I wish it did better, and I wish some of the Japanese library came here, but it wasn't good at playing the games that were popular at the time.
This console is 2D and Japanese.
It also is way too dark and runs like this.
You're an idiot.
You're even worse of an idiot.
Just look at Lobotomy Software's incredible work with Powerslave / Exhumed, Duke3D, and Quake 1, on both Saturn and PS1. They managed to make shit run like twice as fast on the PS1 despite optimizing for saturn hardware.
It did 3D pretty well despite this surprisingly.
It also had MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better 2D games.
Regardless it was weaker for 3D than the PS1.
Don't talk to me about the Nogames 64 that thing is a fucking joke, fucking pic related, LOL @ 32mb cartridges for almost all games, 64mb for a few others, meanwhil masterpieces like shining force III and ff7 happen on CD.
Yes, you ignorant fuck? Not him but have you never heard of fucking daytona rally?This doesn't even look good, at least use something that looks good on the N64 like F-Zero or Wipeout 64 or something.
N64 has like 50
Saturn has like 150
PS1 has like 300
considering the total games i think the n64 might have the worst shit-to-good ratio of games
bad port
bad port
jet force gemini had horrible framerate, just because you can cherrypick an indoor fucking tunnel area on pdoesn't mean the rest of the game didn't run like shit.
>burning rangers
>jet force gemini
>premiere TPS
you are joking right
none of these things come even remotely close to tomb raider or duke nukem time to kill
regardless using rare shit is basically cheating. anyway panzer dragoon 2 is godlike gfx for the time, fuck off. this thread belongs in the trash even in 1999.
The PS1 and Saturn version were developed around the same time. And technically. TR came out of Saturn first.
FF7 has outdated CGi and the characters models are fucking horrid even for the PS1. Mario 64 is actually still fun to play and looks pleasing too. All in a 32mb cartridge that won't scratch and have shit loadtimes.
This is the worst fucking post in this thread. Do you mean Sega Rally? Its a jaggy pixelated fuckfest compared to World Driver Championship (which looks near PS2 levels in lighting/texturework), what are you taking about? Do you need your eyes checked? Find me one screenshot that tops World Driver Championship from Sega Rally. Also
>PS1: 300/1300 = 23% quality
>Saturn: 150/1094 = 13.7% quality
>50/296 = 16.8 % quality
learn to math, retard. saturn was fucking atrocious.
well, there were hardly any TPS games on both consoles, and they both have cult status. also, Panzer dragoon 2 is a pixelated garbage compared to Sin and Punishment :)
>using rare is cheating
What you dumb nigger? You mean its too inconvenient for you? Because they were N64 games like any other. Am I only allowed to post the worst examples you biased child?
I remember that PS1 commercial they had
>Fly play thing, fly
JFG runs better than Burning Rangers.
I just got mine this year. I'm having a blast with it. Surprisingly Panzer Dragoon Saga is actually a cool game, usually these meme rates suck. The entire Dragoon series is great.
Lots of great shmups (I typically being my Saturn session with whatever I'm trying to 1cc before moving to "meatier" games. The one of weirdos like Three Dirty Dwarves and Burning Rangers were great too.
I understand that Kenji Eno (RIP) was a raging SJW libcuck, but I liked D2 on Dreamcast anyway. And you have to respect a man so autistic he creates his own digital actress waifu and makes her "act" in three games. It was nice to play Enemy Zero so I've completed the "trilogy". Cool horror game. Needed a fucking map.
Keep in mind this is in 2019 with all games costing 1 to 4 blank CD-Rs. Dont know if I would feel this way having the console at the time and paying retail for every game, and maybe it did deserve to fail. But you should get one now. It's such a "gamey" console I'm in fucking love.
>Surprisingly Panzer Dragoon Saga is actually a cool game, usually these meme rates suck. The entire Dragoon series is great.
Meat to say meme rares. Like nobody wants to "play" Stadium Events.