Why did Morrowind do better world-building and story-telling than later TES games despite having far inferior...

Why did Morrowind do better world-building and story-telling than later TES games despite having far inferior technology?

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Because you need ways to make up for inferior technology so they put effort into other things

Bethesda was under more pressure to make something good, their creative department and writing were at full strength, and at that point they were still mostly just a group of dudes who loved RPGs.

Technology has nothing to do with writing.

Why did Fallout 1 do better world-building and story-telling than Fallout 3 despite having far inferior technology?

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The requirement that every line be voiced put a hard cap on how much dialogue could be present, which has a negative effect on other writing-related tasks.

Because those are functions of talent and passion, not technology. If it had better graphics than the later TES games that would be something noteworthy.

Attached: Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god. It even has a water (945x2133, 396K)



but also they made the game in early 2000's, things weren't really ran as a cut-throat corporate business, so they had a lot more space to get away with stuff.
So, you are this kind of medium-sized company and you need a writer that sets the world up for the game, as well as quests and whatnot, so you hire this dude, that likely takes drugs but is pretty creative and you think "why not?"
this guy blows the money in a weekend fulled by amphetamines and allucinogens, but in the process he comes with one of the most alien yet interesting worlds in videogames yet. Giant worms eggs being the base of the diet for people, a king being reborn to have vengance over his 3 assistant-gods, a race of people extinguishing over night because they though really hard about the world they exist being fictional, etc... All crazy ideas, but they work.

Having freedom and not being hindered by expectations is great.

Because Kirkbride was writing a metric fuckton of lore while snorting peyote and binge drinking. The fact the game is basically all text makes it even easier to world build. You get characters like Yagrum or Divayth Fyr that are full of lore dumps.

this but also ken rolston who wrote the main quest and did most of the hard work actually implementing the stuff
bethesda had a rare combination of creativity and work ethic that let them make something great

im going to sound like an oldfag, but here it goes.
back then people who got into videogame industry tried to just do good games, or at least ripoff people, which wasnt really a problem, because usually their games were shit and easily identified.
but then, around 2007 the industry grew enough to be considered a "media platform to comunicate to the masses" this attracted a group of people who are not really into videogames, but more into bringing their influence and ideas into the industry, to these people deliver their message is more important than the gameplay itself, also, they being usually educated in fields like cinematography and others, they changed how games were made to be more "filmic", ergo, removing the interactivity of the games, branchings or any freedom to explore on games, once again, they are into this to deliver THEIR message, and they will not deliver it, if you choose to not go in the direction they want, this hurt gaming a LOT, because this changed how many games have different endings and how you can play the game, its their game, not yours.
other problem is that their messages are not compatible with high fantasy settings, this did hurt because it makes game more realistic, more down to earth and that hurts the variety of settings you can get, no more wacky settings, no more riddiculous stuff, we probably are not going to see something as great as "No One Lives Forever 2" anymore.

TL;DR: devs and publishers care more about the messages the game transmit than the game itself.

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wrote the worst parts of ES lore

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Yeah but also the best parts so it all balances out.


I unironically think he was a genius, were never going to get that quality in another ES, everything after Morrowind was super bland.

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But oblivion did it better.

You're thinking of Ted Peterson

>better world-building and story-telling

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>Muh lsd fueled ramblings
Chim is dumb and so are you

I killed and soul trapped Vivec.
Those sermons are fucking boring and gay and his weird fanfic will never be canon

t. dwemer

TES feels like it was originally his baby, thats why he cameos as Sheogorath and he shows up at the end of Daggerfall for absolutely no reason

My autistic brain made a mix of Dagoth Ur's and Ben Shapiro's voice for that meme

Tedders was great too, especially in regards to the in-game stories he wrote. Without a doubt the most important and underappreciated writer in TES.
But as far as the really interesting shit in the lore I still gotta hand it to Kirkbride, he did a good job making all the cultures of Tamriel feel unique with their own philosophies and beliefs.
It's a shame that we lost both around the same time. They just wrote some books for Oblivion and then faded away since Skyrim.

fallout 1 looks like shit and is in a shit genre

t. Todd

Todd loved Fallout though, he was praising it many years before Bethesda got their hands on the IP. He was probably a driving force behind the acquisition.

Yes but the characters and writing is good

Then why did he fuck it up so bad?

nah, you're just nostalgic
the writing in 3 or 4 is on par with 1

Todd is just incompetent. He loved Elderscrolls too I'm sure but look what happened from Morrowind onwards.

One is the best game in the series you complete fucking mong. Kill yourself.

I literally can't remember a single character from 3 or 4, yet I can name shitloads from 1 and 2 despite spending more time in the newer ones. Everyone is so boring in the new games

Too bad it was too short and empty, but I love it.

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your memory is getting worse as you age. that and you seem pretty depressed.

Bethesda wasnt nearly as corporate back then; Zenimax just gave them money, a deadline, and some basic guidelines and let the team go nuts in a damp ass basement in an office building. The lack of oversight and shitty working conditions allowed for a lot of creativity

I'm 20 and I played through the games all around the same time

Because it didn't.

The worst thing to ever happen to TES.


The interesting shit from Kirkbride was all ripped off from Hindu Mysticism.
He didn't even bother changing the names.
Sleeping god

He is the most overrated writer in video games.

god bless that man

That is a function of aging. As you get older you remember details from years ago better than what you did yesterday.
Happens to everybody gramps.

>go to Vivec City
>go to God's palace
>turn god into a pair of shoes