What is the Yea Forumserdict on this game?

What is the Yea Forumserdict on this game?

Attached: haunting_ground_199055.jpg (480x680, 116K)

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>Caring about what Yea Forums thinks
But seriously it's a good game

I liked it. It was a rather unique SH game and one of the last games Capcom did that had that feel all of their RE spinoffs had. It's also the games that was made from the elements of the scrapped RE4 builds. It's one of the 3 games that were made because of the development of RE4. The other two were RE4, obviously, and DMC1.

I purposefully got the ending where Riccardo breeds her and keeps her locked up

One of the best games ever made, demonstrating that Clock Tower/Resident Evil game design still holds true, and that plebs are just gonna pleb.

one of my favs

but for some reason it overheated my PS2, causing it to crash sometimes

>never got it on PS2 when it was new
>buy PS3 and hope it comes to PSN
>buy PS4 and hope it comes to PSN
>buy PS5...

Attached: fist.jpg (1170x658, 134K)

It's good, feels like a better Clock Tower 3 by and large and the antagonists are god tier in the first half, even if it does kinda lose a bit of steam in the back half.

just emulate on pc you nig

the final boss was kinda cool tho, even more when he becomes a spooky skeleton

PC you insufferable faggot

>but the devs won't get my money

yeah, and at this point they neve rwille ven if they hit PSN

Just get the iso and put it on your PS2 using whatever method you want. OPL, HDL, ESR patcher whatever you prefer.

Gross. Imagine having no respect for games at all.

the concept is cool but I found it more annoying than scary

great game honestly

No porn so 0/10

Buying a fat PS3 that's back. compat. and used is cheaper and better.

It's a unique game that has both some great features and some serious flaws. I really enjoyed it, but it's not something I would recommend to most people.

That's a funny looking cover because of the dog

not as good as that other game with a dog...youtu.be/HnZtFu4zYBg?t=688

>Hates Fiona for being a thot.

Is she, dare I say it, /our girl/?

Attached: Daniella2.jpg (281x532, 27K)

Based and redpilled Ricardo

Attached: Ricardo_Díaz_Artwork_Vcs.PNG.png (1280x1109, 1.45M)

Damn, Fiona looks like THAT?!

Attached: HauntingGroundStreetFighter.png (800x450, 696K)

Every piece of RE5 Jill porn is technically Fiona porn