Destiny 2: Shadowkeep Gamescom Details

>A story cinematic reveal trailer is to be shown off, revealing Eris reactivates a crashed Darkness ship underneath the Hellmouth.

>Eris awakens Typhon, a member of a "dark race" (the Veil) who's spirit had been resting within a shard of darkness. Typhon immediately begins resurrecting Guardian spirits from the Great Disaster.

>First mission "Descent" will be shown off, Typhon is raising an army of Nightmares and Hive to begin the Second Collapse. Is preparing for the arrival of the rest of his fleet and superiors.

>Shadowkeep has three strikes, one will be shown tomorrow that takes place in the Oversoul Throne, the main boss is the Crota Phantasm.

>Typhon's awakening causes the Vex to rapidly begin invading the entire system. The invasion will be teased. Vex invade every planet, including Earth.

>Typhon wants to reawaken the Black Heart, which you will prevent him from doing in the "Garden of Salvation" raid.

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Anyone sensible dropped this shit after 2 came out and it was a pile of garbage that took out everything that made D1 good

I skip every single cutscene in both Destiny games and I don't feel like I missed anything. I also play the game on mute while I listen to podcasts.

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So the Veil are real after all? Going to be a very interesting expansion hopefully.

Got any information on where "new players" start in Shadowkeep?

>in current year -1

Why are gamers so retarded to buy Destiny 2 after the fucking disappointment that was Destiny? Did they just forget?

cus 1 was good by the end so everyone figured 2 would continue the momentum

>Anyone sensible
>playing a console FPS

because they seem to be trying to shift the narrative and gameplay systems into the original vision, before the sudden reboot
I'm not coming back to 2 due to how large the download has gotten, but hopefully everything will be there by the time Destiny 3 comes out

>They're actually turning Crota's End into a strike.
The madmen.

hopefully it's just as hard to do solo as the original

so what is supposed to be the red castle in the moon then? the crashed darkness ship?
because the ones we see at the end of the game look nothing like that

Is Typhon at least interesting or cute looking or is it generic "Evil shadow monster" schlock?

Sunk cost fallacy

The fuck is the veil.
Because it's fun.
Yeah 165GB is too much.
They should've just remade all the raids

I can't wait to play the expansion. I'm switching to PC with my PS4 save this week so it will be nice.

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GOD DAMMIT ERIS! Why do you have to fuck everything up?! What possible could come from "messing around with Darkness Crystals?! Fucking Bitch!

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>The fuck is the veil.
The (alleged) true race of the Darkness, rather than just being servants of it. They're responsible for everything bad. Allegedly. They originate from a Destiny leaker that used to get a lot of things right.

There's no way he's not coming back as a "Nightmare Guardian"

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leaked final race that's the actual, true enemy of the traveler and the ones that fucked everyone's shit up in the past
They're said to show up in Destiny 3, and would come with a 12 player raid on one of their ships as a series finale

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it's on PC now you dumb nigger

where is the good looking armor? I'm level 50 ad 500 power and I'm sick of this purple generic looking gauntlet shit.

D1 wasn't, how the fuck would you now anything about it?

do the Solstice challenges for this

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what's the power like for this set? I'm sick of finding something good and it only having 10 power.

The only thing dropping at 10 is shit from Eververse.

max power if you finish it, but you'll have to grind through green and blue armor first, which isn't maxed out

>Destiny 1
Anyone else remember all the promises Bungie made about this games lore? Well, before execs made the lead writer throw it all out after like 5 years of work after they assumed gamers wouldn’t understand it all

Too bad BL3 is coming out and its a far better looter-shooter than Destiny ever was.



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>mute the game while playing podcasts
Same. The game is truly shit


The grind is ridiculous. Fuck that shit

Doesn't matter because by shadowkeep all your gear will get bumped to 750 power.
It looks like shit though.

Destiny has too much bloat in it.

I want to play a looter game where I find lots of fun guns, lots of fun armor, and shoot shit.

Destiny feels like its design by executive committee, how can we fuck over the players time and money the most seems to be the only objective when they made this game. It also has endless feature bloat in shit no one needs or ever asked for, that seems to exist just to be there to justify some arbitrary time wasting target.

Its like some abomination between AAA budget and phone game design.

Game was garbage at launch, it's currently in the best place the franchise has ever been. No one here talks about it for reasons I get, but I came in this thread because its genuinely in a good spot and has earned back my respect after the absolutely botched first year. Free to play is a nice incentive to get people to at least try it, and the pricepoint to get any additional content is incredibly reasonable. I've had a lot of fun playing.

Now that I'm done shilling I must say if these plot points are true I'm very much ready for some juicy lore. Bummed about the lack of strikes though

>it's currently in the best place the franchise has ever been
Don't the Destiny people say this about every expansion except for the really bad ones like curse of osiris?

yes, its a sunk cost fallacy

Well, yeah. Each one comes with system tweaks and improvements and generally make the game better.

Isn't that what expansions do? Improve the game?

>changing armor to use the warframe mod system
>no actual plans to fix pvp since they don't know how and are just going to ignore it
>making the cash shop even more intrusive with exclusive items you can no longer grind for

I think ill wait for Destiny 3.

>>no actual plans to fix pvp
Sounds like a good idea, PvP has no place in looter shooters.

Not exactly. After the big drop off in quality between the two games things got cynical until maybe now (arguably after Forsaken but I personally still wasn't sold after Bungle's first year) . I meant Y3 D1 is inferior to Y3 D2 and shit the first game ended on a very high note