Why haven't you played Killer7 yet? It's $20 on Steam and can run on a toaster. You have no excuse for not experiencing this masterpiece.
Why haven't you played Killer7 yet? It's $20 on Steam and can run on a toaster...
Listen to this man. This shit is an experience.
Buy it for me
I still have my Gamecube version, and a Wii.
Considering the state of remasters I'm not even going to bother.
It runs very well on PC actually
just wait for a sale, it goes pretty cheap, like $12.
I've played the first hour of this probably 8 times. Holy fuck I wish i could but I just can't get into it.
I did and loved it. It's a shame to me most of Suda's work is VN shit, can't get i to them.
You could just come over to my place and play it.
I hated it too at first, once you get how shit works it gets way better.
I played the GC version on my Wii U
I got filtered by the puzzle in the 2nd chapter
its already on sale for 0$ on some sites ;)
Okay I'll bring mountain dew and tendies
Jank ass controls.
I don't know mate it looks pretty weird
the puzzles don't even get hard until the 2nd to last level, is Yea Forums just bad at games?
And who might you be?
I emulated it several years ago
Very fun game
If you can play classic Resident Evil games, you can play this.
Got it in the Steam Sale. Haven't finished yet because big backlog and I just got a lot of games in that sale in general but man is it nice. Port runs super well with no framedrops, the characters and music are top notch, and the gameplay is entirely unique. I feel like I dread combat in the shorter halls but that's because I'm not used to playing shooters that aren't light gun-based.
After going the entirely wrong way and needing to backtrack to get the water ring and then go all the way back to where I was (including one death so I had to go back to clean it up and revive) to use it in the second stage I pulled up a guide so I knew where to go, but then I ended up spoiling otherwise easy puzzles for myself. The moment I got rid of the guide I got lost too. Wish there was a guide that told me what direction to go in but not how to solve the puzzles.
there's an ingame map that tells what items to use where and even which characters you'll need up ahead. didn't realize this until way later but it saves a lot of hassle.
Post yfw
>No... It can't be! It wasn't me! It's all a misunderstanding!
The PC version is nearly perfect.
The entire game is intuitively built around that big ass A button on the GCN controller, it's like the opposite of jank.
>most of Suda's work is VN shit
Literally only 2 of them.
But yeah, I already played K7 when it came out. Good stuff.
If you like Killer7 you'll probably like the Silver Case games, his writing style is on full force in them obviously and they have this really cool "film window" visual style that makes them interesting to engage with despite still being mostly VNs with minimal player interaction. There are some puzzles here and there but they're usually really simple.
TSC is definitely an early work from Suda, the presentation is slick as fuck but doesn't do as good a job as bringing all its themes together cohesively as his later stuff and can be a bit of a slog at times. The 25th Ward on the other hand is peak Sudakino, the gameplay is streamlined and the writing in the scenario he wrote is some of the purest, most unfiltered "Suda51" since Killer7, not that the other two scenarios don't have great writing as well. The ending is also the most beautifully bullshit things I've ever witnessed in a videogame, it makes Nier deleting your savefile look like amateur hour.
Flower, Sun, and Rain is kind of connected to them (it's confusing), but is pretty different with a more lighthearted, comfy tone and a more adventure game, puzzle-heavy gameplay setup. It's also full of metajokes about how boring fetch quests and stupid adventure game puzzles are that will push your limits of "it's shit on purpose". Protip: ignore the Lost & Found puzzles since they're completely optional and cheat to use the walking speed-up.
tl;dr please please play these games
I did, bought it on steam day 1.
>kind of connected to them (it's confusing)
It's not confusing at all. It's a direct sequel to The Silver Case and has important implications for The 25th Ward.
Also, liking Killer7 in no way means they'll like The Silver Case. It's hard to get into. Took me 3 attempts. FSR is phenomenal though.
100% worth a pirate, is Suda getting any money from the PC version?
He's stated over and over that if you want more Killer7, buy the Steam port.
Should I play with a controller or mouse?
Pirated it a while back.
Mouse controls feel great but make it kind of too easy imo. It plays really well with an Xbone controller.
You could always connect a GCN to USB adapter to your computer and play it as god intended, with that big ol green button.
Same, probably will do it again if they release it on other platforms
What's the difference between the PC version and the original?
One is for PC. The other is for Gamecube.
PC version supports higher resolutions, 60fps, widescreen, and mouse support. Besides that it's a very faithful port, they even forgot to remove some GameCube specific text like "saving to Memory Card".
the game really likes to bully its players during the last hours of the game.
Should I play this before Silver Case?
>If you can play classic Resident Evil games, you can play this.
classic resident evil games controls are like cutting butter with a hot knife in comparation to killer7 controls.
It doesn't matter what order you play them in.
There aren't any connections between The Silver Case and Killer7 besides some cameos not counting the "Sudaverse" insanity 25th Ward and Travis Strikes Again brought to the table, k7 even goes out of its way to make sure it can't take place in the same world by making the internet and planes banned in-universe.
You should probably play k7 first anyways since The Silver Case can be pretty rough to get into. It's worth getting into, but it helps to be already drinking the Suda kool-aid first.
As someone who never played classic Resident Evil or Killer 7 until well into the 7th gen, I can attest it was MUCH easier getting used to Killer 7 controls.
You might be mentally deficient then. In k7, you literally just run along the rails, flip open an aim screen, aim and shoot
Why does he want Travis Touchdown dead? What's his endgame here?
>being so low IQ you can't realize it was a plot to get Travis to activate the Death Drive fully
If he wanted Travis dead he would do it himself. The Smith Syndicate are up to something and they wanted the CIA dead or the full power of the Death Drive unlocked.
>rewatch the NMH3 trailer
>catch the reference to 25W
Hope you've been studying up on your Suda lore Yea Forums, the wild ride ain't done. There's a good chance we haven't seen the last of Tokio and Yuki yet.
What was it, Travis's silver eye?
Travis's coffee mug at the beginning is from the "Strike Again Coffee" coffee shop in the Yuki chapter.
Fuck, I thought it was just a Coffee and Donuts reference. Suda's laying the references on top of each other.
Might just be a ZaKa TV style wink and nod, but between that, the Yuki chapter in general being an obvious setup for something new, and one of the Blackout endings leading directly into TSA and back, the madman might actually be doing it.
Suda games suck ass. Getting this for GC one of my life's regrets.
I'm sorry to hear that.
If people were already somewhat confused about TSA at launch, I can't imagine how confused people will probably be with NMH3, if Suda somehow goes forward with the shared universe angle.
i already played it on gc like 12 years ago or something.
We used to have a game talk show on AM radio around here and listening to the hosts absolutely RIP this game a new asshole before giving at a 3/10 unironically sold me on it.
>It makes no damn sense.
>Everything is a shadow with triangles the graphics suck dick.
>Its like the worst aspects of Silent Hill and House of the Dead.
>Gross sexual and violent imagery.
>Stupid anime shit.
I was woah this game sounds fucking incredible and I dropped $50 at Gamestop that day (alot when you are 15 with no job). No regrets. Still have it. Still a favorite.
How do you describe a game as a cross between Silent Hill and House of the Dead without making it sound cool as fuck?