Wow is this game already a failure?!!

wow is this game already a failure?!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>wow classic
It sounds so sarcastic

Janny is a confirmed retailtranny


>Blizz finally decides to re-release the "release version" of their product nearly a decade of outcry for it.
>The company actually doesn't use an older version of the game, instead they use BFA as a base and tweak everything so it's "like" the release product.
>Company makes some bullshit excuse on why it took them so long and fans buy it.
>Real reason was because they honestly thought the game is getting better and they still do despite the negative outcry for it because people will still buy expansions and maintain their sub for retail even though they hate the game.
>Link the "Classic" to the retail sub thus creating a "boost" in sub for Warcraft which made investors happy.
>Save a shit load of money on PR by focusing on warcraft streamers having access to the game and fans just chalk it up to "luck" when it really was the company making sure those streamers got access.
>Get free stress tests by spergs trying to join streamers shard which was renamed "layering" to fool customers.
>Upon release of Classic people will be streaming a reinvented 15 year old product and race to get "world first" and make a big deal about it. When nothing they do is going to be WF.
>Meanwhile do some subtitle marketing to entice them to "try out" retail after releasing a new patch of content.
I swear, you warcraft spergs are the reason why the MMO market has been shit for years.

>The company actually doesn't use an older version of the game, instead they use BFA as a base and tweak everything so it's "like" the release product.
why are you lying?

wow classic is indeed built on the 7.1 legion client.

Don't forget my pastry, make sure they're tasty
I'm not the type to be pushy or hasty

Attached: Classic_WoW.png (795x596, 554K)

pass: loss


not only are they using the retail client the classic fags wont even get the original AV it's going to be 1.12 AV.

what tranny shills like you always forget, is that 90% of the people who will come back to play classic dont have BFA, which is a seperate purchase, so unless they try to convince investors that suddenly 2 million people came back to play Legion i dont know how they will boost retail numbers with this

15 hours bitch

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Who here waiting a month or two to play after the spergs quit and community starts to settle?


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bad idea, phase 2 starts ~2-3 months after release, phase 2 will bring pvp ranks, you will get ganked incessantly trying to level

My vanila guild had several world firsts in BWL and a couple other dungeons so I really can't be fucked to remotely care about classic. I'm still going to play it to fuck around but I'm not going splerg like everyone else I know is taking off work and shit to grind.

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Will wait for the Bg phases then.

Why are sataniaposts always so fucking good?


>people think classic will be the main game and retail will die
lol this is nothing more than a nostalgia trip

Well retail is already dying because of Ion so its not unrealistic.

With the way retail is going, if classic sticks around, both games will be put on blizzards 'classic games' life support, and likely be more popular then where ever they leave live WOW off.

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retail sucks but im saying it'll probably still be their main focus

Wow glimmer.

Legion was a good expansion

>both games will be put on blizzards 'classic games' life support

No it won't. Unlike Diablo II or Warcraft III, Classic requires servers. Once the population predictably shrinks Blizzard will quietly pull the plug.

Yeah no, legion didn't get good until 7.3, before that it was nothing but artifact grinding

The first 3 tiers were fucking trash, Antorus was the only good raid in the set, and the expansion was mostly propped up by the Mage Tower giving people a skill based goal to achieve that gave them a reason to actually farm gear and min-max their characters.

But for the most part Legion was terribly done, level scaling, M+, and world quests are some of the worst things added in legion, and those are the major problems with BFA.

>why are you lying?
he's not, the entire game uses the current client and everything. all they've done is force the current client and systems to accept their archived data from 1.12 so you can play a 1.12 alike on their current shit without much effort

>yeah legion didnt get good until it got good

Yes it was a good expansion, you dont judge an entire expansion by one patch

if it keeps making them money they'll keep it up aslong as they can, even if it's just ten thousand autistic retards running in a circle on one singular server

retail cuck

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That second clip is irrelevant due to the newely added ICD that stacks. But I see you're working full force today tranny.

Also, reminder

Attached: download (2).png (598x2095, 764K)

>Closer we get the more Yea Forums seethes.


>you dont judge an entire expansion by one patch
But people do and that's why some will remember Legion as 7.0-7.2 and others as 7.3


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Thats my point, just like MOP wasn't a good expansion, but people keep praising it for TOT, but conveniently forget the terrible rep grind progression system of the patch, an entire patch that was just another rep grind, and 13 months of siege of ogrimmar

Hell WOTLK wasn't even a good expansion, but Ulduar is the best raid in the game's history.

I like Karazhan more than Ulduar

>That second clip is irrelevant due to the newely added ICD that stacks
reminder that wow had worse problems with bots, atleast in xiv they can't ruin the entire economy as easily
it took blizzard over two years to fix the majority of the bot problem on two occasions and it will probably take the same amount of time for squeenix but it will persist in some form regardless in both games because both of the games are built on old shitty engines that have so many holes you can never patch them all

Does it matter how bad the expansion was really? Clearly it was geared towards (man)children with it's retarded on the nose joke race.

Layering has a cooldown built in, you are granted one or two hops then it starts to go into lock down and consecutive hops cause the cooldown to stack or just plain reset it. Quests, PvE, PvP, hitting nodes etc trigger a cooldown preventing you form hoping, so basically to hop you would need to stop doing everything for about 10-20 minutes if you're playing normally. If YOU trigger the hop by grouping then you get a pretty long CD and can't join another group to hop to their layer. However the system sometimes fucks you and forces you to hop either way, hopefully that's fixed.

>wow classic is indeed built on the 7.1 legion client.
that's not what he said though

that's good
but doesn't remove the issue of different layers having different node spawns
which means you can still somewhat exploit it if you have a group of people you play with by seeking your own separate layers
still overall it runs the price of resources far, far lower than what they should be for an authentic vanilla experience™

Is there any appeal to a PvP server for someone who will likely quit before reaching 60?

The only good expansion was BC because every tier of content was viable until WOTLK came out.

Since WOTLK came out progression doesn't mean anything, so you can only judge content based on the patch, not on the expansion.

7.0-7.2 was shit, but 7.3 was probably the closest WOW had to a solid end game experience in a while, it gave you a reason to log in daily that wasn't daily rep grinds for the sake of daily rep grinds, the raid wasn't fucking god awful like TOS and NH was, and Mage Tower propped up the expansion hard, as it made people learn to play on their own without ruining other people's experience by wiping groups and raids, probably the first time since BC that the game expected you to git gud.

Really though, since WOTLK launched, there has only been 3 good patches, Ulduar, TOT, and Antorus, everything else has been shit and it really shows through subs tanking as hard as they have been.

Unless you go to STV, there's no difference between leveling on pvp or pve server

>but doesn't remove the issue of different layers having different node spawns
It does if you can't get to the layer without essentially going AFK for awhile. Literally everything triggers it, including killing mobs. I agree that it's not perfect, but it's no where near where it used to be. I'd rather layering not be there, but without a dozen or so more servers it's kinda needed.

Play eve online

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have the bots conquered everything yet? or the devs decided that that's ve shook the sandbox enough?


this is one evil looking motherfucker

Who here is waiting on Pantheon?

Going to play Classic in the mean time, but I'm hoping things turn out well.

Attached: Pantheon-Rise-of-the-Fallen.jpg (933x622, 88K)

Keep waiting lmao

I haven't checked on any updates in like 6 months. That game is far away still.

Listen man, I just want to bubble and gnomish death ray some horde scum.

He's also been in charge of the game's end game design since WOTLK

Specifically the first raid he ever made was TOC, and since WOD he's been in charge of the whole game.

CCP doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.

Citadels were probably the worst thing to happen to the game, they're great in that you can dock in them, but they're logistically way too fucking strong, nulsec was already in a bad spot because outposts were making nulsec way too safe, but citadels turned that problem up to 11.

POSs had one major drawback, but that drawback made nulsec more dynamic and fun, and thats the fact that you only had a limited amount of space in a POS to store ships in hangars, and leaving ships to just sit in a bubble required a lot of trust.

But with citadels you not only have infinite space to hold your shit, but you also have fucking insurance on your ships so if the citadel does get popped or flipped, you can just recover your shit.


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I will be.
We're supposed to be getting info on "Project Faerthale" sometime within the next few months, so that's why they've apparently gone silent.

There's a reason classic images like this have been around for about a decade, after all.

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>Use aethernet to teleport
Wow that was hard. Brainlet streamer

retailCHAD here.
keep paying that retail subscription to play your shitty primitive version of the game, classicucks.
thanks for financing our next expansion btw!

daily reminder that Ion was known to be railing cocaine to grind out scarab lord back in the day.

>pay 15$/month for mobile game?
Good luck with that

reminder that TBC is where WoW became shit

Attached: classic+.png (920x1080, 353K)

They're making cynos Blops/Recon only. Goons are on suicide watch.

Flying Mounts was the worst part about BC.

And arenas/resilience

>Not a single RPPvP realm to be found
Ah yes, I love having to choose between everyone having non-twitch emote names and being able to do world PvP.

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get this right, I gape my asshole sand do W-W on each side and my anus being leter O and legion was as shit sexpanition

Grobbulus is RPPVP

>mobile game

Resilience was the fucking worst.

any word on how long each phase will take? i read seasonable, but what's that? every 3 months?

Yeah because picking a server full of erping trannies is better. Those twitch emote name players will quit before 40 anyway, I doubt many will even hit 20.

Enjoy your trannies.

bfa seasons are 6 months

no man take advantage of new market. I already have a team ready to male wands for 3 weeks straight. Literally setting ourselves up to control the economy. seriously look up how much wands are needed and how much can be charged.

Said they'll move phases based on where the playerbase is. Meaning the average player progression so if you're a turbo neet playing 16h a day don't expect them to cater to you.

why do people shill like this with literally nothing to gain? its like looking at a personified image of insanity

you realise he doesnt even swap layers in the second clip? keep watching his vod and he gets killed again by the people camping him, the people he's trying to escape, literal retard

Did it always not have its own color? I could've sworn it had its own color. Whatever, that's comforting to know.

The twitch emote name players work tirelessly night and day to make sure they're right alongside their favorite stream man for funny jokes and ebin loots. They'll stick around as long as they have a streamer to orbit that'll say their names for a second if they give that streamer a few hundred gold for free.

for? isnt that game dead already?

How is the only RPPVP realm still not atleast high? Wasnt there a big demand for it

Trannies and furries are content playing ff14 and retail wow.

There was, but at the same time RPPVP servers were already incredibly niche and never reached high or full population since they were introduced.

Seriously, worgen look like their design was ripped from some edgelord's fur affinity page.

Ok lets try
>Blizz finally decides to re-release the "release version" of their product nearly a decade of outcry for it.
It started after Nostalrius outcry. before that it was only some minority aking thread sometimes on wow forums
>The company actually doesn't use an older version of the game, instead they use BFA as a base and tweak everything so it's "like" the release product.
They use legion 7.1.5 client dumb faggot. Because its easier faster and more secure t use newest versions working on modern machines, instead of risking legal actions due to security failure. private servers can leak player database and just die. If big company do this, "journalist" wont go off for weeks
>Company makes some bullshit excuse on why it took them so long and fans buy it.
You had several blue posts explaining why took them so long. Also some of the nostalrius devs are working with them faggot
>Real reason was because they honestly thought the game is getting better and they still do despite the negative outcry for it because people will still buy expansions and maintain their sub for retail even though they hate the game.
Rela reason is stated in blue posts, wchich is still too hard to comprehend for retards like you
>Link the "Classic" to the retail sub thus creating a "boost" in sub for Warcraft which made investors happy.
it was so fucking obvious that you're retarded thinking that out of everyone blizzard willlaunch wow classic for F R E E
>Save a shit load of money on PR by focusing on warcraft streamers having access to the game and fans just chalk it up to "luck" when it really was the company making sure those streamers got access.
Like, nearly every big company use streamers. EA etc even buy them to play their game for fixed amount of time
>Get free stress tests by spergs trying to join streamers shard which was renamed "layering" to fool customers.
Literaly thats what you want for stress test. Whats wrong with it retard?

>Upon release of Classic people will be streaming a reinvented 15 year old product and race to get "world first" and make a big deal about it. When nothing they do is going to be WF.
Sure, lets ignore multiple avaible and incoming "remasters" of oldr games for full price
>>Meanwhile do some subtitle marketing to entice them to "try out" retail after releasing a new patch of content.

Meanwhile, i call you a retard, only to realzie that you're just another marketer that shill his company/contracted company games and shits on other. Its so fucking obvious after watching how you behave in thread about big releases, marketer-kun

in zoomer mind, bad graphics=mobile


no one cares, only faggots post in this manner

So is the classic fanbase going full-stop on updates? Or will they allow new content to be added in? And if new content is allowed, how do they make it without breaking the lore/world?

>it wont need updates
OSRS nearly died until it got updated, but nobody gives a fuck about Runescape lore whereas WoW had literally a decade of important shit

you must lurk at least 1 year before posting

spotted the summer zoom zoom

You and the guy you’re quoting are equally as autistic.

no one reads those retarded replies that are only designed to win "points" without really trying. if you think otherwise, you'll have to actually quote my two sentences in eight different implications so can show everyone how right you really are

Uhm noo sweetie, imagine that people here just see shit, post shit about it, call someone a retard and move along. Its not like this thread will last forever and they'll get points to show how big their e-pen is like some specific site

>Its not like this thread will last forever and they'll get points to show how big their e-pen is like some specific site
Speak for yourself. I have a specific counter in my Yea Forums-x that counts my reply:post ratio.

>It started after Nostalrius outcry. before that it was only some minority aking thread sometimes on wow forums
You think you do, but you don't nigger
You've never really played around private servers, have you
>They use legion 7.1.5 client dumb faggot. Because its easier faster and more secure t use newest versions working on modern machines, instead of risking legal actions due to security failure. private servers can leak player database and just die. If big company do this, "journalist" wont go off for weeks
What a diametral difference between Legion and BFA technically-wise it is
>You had several blue posts explaining why took them so long. Also some of the nostalrius devs are working with them faggot
>Rela reason is stated in blue posts, wchich is still too hard to comprehend for retards like you
You. Lying. Faggot
Keep licking the corporate ass more, you cum gurgling fag
>it was so fucking obvious that you're retarded thinking that out of everyone blizzard willlaunch wow classic for F R E E
It's almost two decades old game with basically NO INNOVATION. JESUS FUCK, IT'S THE "SAME" PRODUCT, or rather it should be
If those jewing Jews of Blizzard made the sub more or less symbolic, nobody would say a word
>Like, nearly every big company use streamers. EA etc even buy them to play their game for fixed amount of time
If other do so, then it's fine
Imagine using EA as an example of morality of decision you absolute twat
>Literaly thats what you want for stress test. Whats wrong with it retard?
That's the only fair assesment in your whole post
Gonna use it to throw an insult as well though. Faggot
I also like how you completely skipped the sharding/layering part you daft, hypocritical faggot

>You've never really played around private servers, have you
Played on early mangos, first private servers like polish CoD etc revarres and molten, with some funservers sicne i was just a dumb kid without a clue. You now shit about developing private server
>What a diametral difference between Legion and BFA technically-wise it is
tech-wise massive, because 7.1.5 introduced stable version of several options, while BFA have it customized to suit retail needs, so its easier to craft legion tech to custom client than bfa, thats a legion client customized to be new xpac, like mop was heavily improved and customized cata multi-instanced open world
>You. Lying. Faggot
I was there, where nostalrius peaked, replying on their forums, and when whole drama started, later going to some russian scammers from elysium, ending on lighthope, and you'e answering me with wiki link? Fuck off retarded marketer, YOU know shit since you read about past events, while I participated in them. Without whole Nost drama blizz wouldn't give a damn about classic
>It's almost two decades old game with basically NO INNOVATION. JESUS FUCK, IT'S THE "SAME" PRODUCT, or rather it should be
So thats problem with company having old style subs. Then you should be glad that there's no separate subs
>Imagine using EA as an example of morality of decision you absolute twat
Imagine centering on EA as a biggest point buying streamers to play APEX, while ignoring a fuckton of other companies paying streamers to advertise their game faggot. Its a bussiness option, another chance to spend and earn money for cmpanies using ads. How dumb are you? If someone have even audience of 10k people, companies will spam these guys to advertise, just like any other medium watched by bigger communities. Its not "bad" or "good", its called bussiness

>I also like how you completely skipped the sharding/layering part you daft, hypocritical faggot
Skipped this since as a low IQ nigger, you're incapable of reading a blog post from dev, so its pointless to explain its content to a retard incapable of reading, using wiki and some MUH LAYERS meme as reference, because you dont even know how layering are working now. You have no proofs of it staying past blizzard claimed timespan. off yourself faggot

it all boils down to you sperging about thing you heard from 3rd party, without making your own research, like a blind sheep believing tabloids. user several posts ago answered how newest layering works, yet you propably still sperg about muh streamers jumping layers to get F R E E nodes


>Played on early mangos, first private servers like polish CoD etc revarres and molten, with some funservers sicne i was just a dumb kid without a clue. You now shit about developing private server
I've played on privates since 2008, started on one of the leading vanilla private projects in our country. Was a poorfag, soon-to-be-a-dropout student back then
If you'd actually played like you claim, you would not be this much of a meistercunt
>and you'e answering me with wiki link?
You massive, massive cockjuicelicker. Read the article AND THE FUCKING SOURCES
>Its not "bad" or "good", its called bussiness
And there goes the problem. Economising fucking everything. Calling everything product, instead piece of work. Jesus, not even Adam Smith would have though people would fall this fucking low
You're a fucking drone, but even worse; a self-conscious one
>because you dont even know how layering are working now
>You have no proofs of it staying past blizzard claimed timespan. off yourself faggot
You just can't keep your thirst for corporate anal and genital liquids, don't ya
Imagine COMPLETELY ignoring all of the Blizzactivision jewery, fuckery and decline over all the years, that they're gonna suddenly keep their word
Dumb. Faggot

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Whoops, checked the date of me playing the vanilla for the first time on the project - it was second half of 2009 and not 2008, my mistake
Didn't make sense to me, since I got into playing at private servers AFTER I fucked off from medschool and started going to work

>i played so much private yet i sperg about layering despite privs using multiple tools of simulating retail, controling population and adjusting world while claiming to be blizzlike
Also about wowhead article - they sure do not have 2 guys working as a employes, despite early claiming that they sure co-work with them to get as much data possible.
And about bussiness - yes, what do you expect inserting such bullshit as "good" or "bad", when all 1st world goes around earning money and spending money to survive, from a single person to multi-continental companies. There's literal job, a goddamn piece of work to squeeze as much money from people as possible, using whatever means, wording etc as possible. You can even call it piece of art. Its just a mean to selfsustain and get more, no matter the size. And theres NO company that prizes something more than money. Things like "that company really prioritizes quality and fun over money" is just a marketing and PR strategy to earn more money. Literal blizzard surfed decade on "muh blizzard always delivers quality product no matter what" despite failing to uphold it past wotlk release
So, thats why they literaly went out of their way, making nearly all activity ingame triggering a cooldown on your "layer" so after killing a lvl 1 snake you cant switch layers for 40min or more, and goign into party on another layer hooks you with them in this layer for hours. Thats effect so far. What proof do you have about actiblizz NOT removing layers past declared date? Dumb faggot?

>i played so much private yet i sperg about layering despite privs using multiple tools of simulating retail, controling population and adjusting world while claiming to be blizzlike
Imagine making the same requirements on a bunch of passion-fueled programmers and fans than on the fucking company that's just being faggy. It's like criticising mods that they ain't the way I like. I've ALWAYS omitted problems in the system, or rather even help them get fixed, cuz it was matter of community and pure dedication And speaking of individuals and community ...
>And about bussiness
And that's why the nations of the first world are on the brink of fall, thanks to chasing the idea of ever-growing profit. Almost as if all aspects of life was limited, as long as we're bound to our little planet
>inb4 /pol/
Fuck /pol/
Why the greatest innovations and inventions were moments of passion and artistry? Fuckers doing shit in their garages, in their free time, beliveing in their hearts that they're gonna make a some sort of a difference? Not a fucking company pumping fiscal stream and either hoping shit will stick to a wall or that work, hard work, only hard work and even more hard work will amount into something? Fuck, there might be whole segments of ingenuity among the bloating bullshit of sheer volume that just gets drowned in business shit, cuz all of it sees is the goal, not the progress, not the road to it
Fucking hell, no way you're telling me that cunts at Blizzard forgot how they started out. Oh wait, cunts either fucked off, got replaced, displaced or just shut their fucking mouths by whole fucking avalanche of money
Well frankly, you got me I admit
Haven't played the Classic and all the info I got is from reading and watching the info outlets, both official and unofficial and I can't prove shit aside my utter scepticism that's built on years of disappointment
Even shit can have its merits

based, classicfags are in for a wild ride

Was it autism?

>seething ffxiv tranny

Attached: 998798461374.gif (480x427, 3.62M)

>bring on the pandas

goddamn this image is so true that it hurts

The entire ego of the average XIVlet rests upon the idea that they're "part of something," with that something being XIV, which they believe is ascendant and finally beating WoW. While this has never been true, as XIV never even surpassed BfA in subs, now, with Classic, there is irrefutable proof that XIV is an extremely niche game for weebs and trannies with zero mainstream popularity.

It's even worse when you consider that Classic is a rerelease of a 15 year old game and yet it still manages to BTFO Shadowbringers.

Attached: aiportraits_1563505793.jpg (512x512, 17K)

Medium is still a pretty high population. IIRC Blizzard stated that medium on the browser is equivalent to high in classic back in 2005. So there's still loads of people on Grobbulus.

What was the Method leak about? Something to do with Vegas?
Apparently they're flying Zizaran out there wtf

Server caps are at 10k people
So even medium have double the max population on preTBC patch


Fixed that for you, wrath was meh tier

This picture is wrong. Not the definitions, but it says that classic has "layering". A lot of videos showed that it's not layering and more like smart sharding.

You are not in a parallel world, you are in a bigger shard. Every time you travel long distances (or there are some regions which are bugged), it can happen that your shard changes. That can happen when you group up and the system tries to shard you. Or even if you kill mobs with your group and the bugged shard system forgets that you don't travel long distances.

You could say the circle of the shard was simply increased/smarter programmed, but you are not on a layer. There are so many empty places in wow, which are most likely the new sharding points.

I'm really interested how Blizzard will hide sharding 2.0 at release. Especially the queue from the stress test showed that this is not layering. With layering you would just fill new layers and there was no reason for the system to slow down. But with sharding this all makes sense. The system had trouble to handle shards and to calculate stuff, so it had to slow down.

There is also one reason why layering is completely fake and that is because of how many players can play on one layer. If layering would be real, the whole system would be a mess, because 3k player would be in the starting zone (and even worse, 2k player would be in the undead starting zone on pvp server). This wasn't the case. Every starting zone seemed equally populated, which is literally the prove that sharding was used and Blizzard lied. It is literally impossible (if you assume that most people play human or undead) to have the same starting zone populating if you layer. I would even go this far any say that if you layer, it wouldn't be surprising if you only see 10 Nelfs on launch, but 1k+++ humans, this wasn't the case. But with sharding everything makes sense.

This, I will love just tbc

Not only is the market completely fucked, but the real cool shit was in 2012. Nothing will ever be as epic as that time period was

some announcement. probably a new fresh start with supposedly less p2w

one can only dream

>classic isn't even out yet
>yet has somehow "btfo" Shadowbringers

Yet another 30 year old manchild living in the past. The fact Blizzard has to bring back a 15 year old version of their game to even stand a chance of competing with the critically acclaimed and universally beloved FFXIV is quite sad. After a few months when the dust has settled, the streamers have moved on leaving only a husk behind and the next big Shadowbringers patch drops....I wonder how you will cope? Your game is dead and now amount of delusion and fantasy will save it or your sad, pathetic life.

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Relaying your post to

>people are going to just straight up forget every vanilla wow world first already happened and all these new workd firsts will totally matter just like those firsts on private servers


fuck off werewolves are cool, just because furries exist doesnt mean mythologic animals are ruined


Nobody plays your stupid fucking weeb furi fag simulator you massive faggot

Attached: 1566156876455.jpg (917x287, 62K)

>lvling my frost mage on a pvp server
>a warrior charges me

Attached: 2SclOFp.jpg (660x671, 86K)

WoW is gay and probably a psy-op.

never play WoW but i played WC3 and TFT campaign. Will i enjoy WoW for the storyline?

the reason you don't see 1k humans and 10 nelfs is because ek/kalimdor are on separate layers. capital cities are also on their own independent layer which is why, in the beta, people would disappear every time you walked through the gate into uc's courtyard or through the orgrimmar gates


>Will i enjoy WoW for the storyline?


lolwut. wow literally ruined the whole magic of the warcraft lore. and it'll stay this way until blizzard releases a new RTS Warcraft or novel books that are canon.

Bros help, Making all your poisons and powders as well as offering lock cracking services sounds flavourful as fuck but I don't wanna be stuck without healer/tank benefits

Attached: Majihan.jpg (1200x941, 90K)

just make a healer/tank friend and benefit from their existence

Hopefully that turns out well. As fun as Classic's likely to be, it's still just reliving the flawed (though far superior to modern MMOs) past. It'd be amazing if they actually succeed in bringing back the great points of old MMOs so we can get all-new experiences that actually live up to the past.
At the same time, I don't want to get my hopes up too much in case they fail, but the streams and newsletters actually look promising...

Stop fucking spurting bullshit, NOWHERE have they released info on "server caps" and just simple fucking math says your wrong.
Divide 500k people by 11 servers. That's 45k per server. And that's lowballing release.
Herod had a 10k queue for 3 hours, so if you somehow thing the server cap is 10k you are a literal retard that cant math.

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Honestly I can’t day for them go die on classic release, Christ they seethe so hard.

>Orc warrior
>Troll mage
>UD priest
Fuck I don't know what character to play, they all have their strong points. I can play any of them competently since vanilla is easy and I tanked and healed a bit on a private server. Won't have time to raid much but I do want to run dungeons and ZG casually.

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>we are going HOME

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calm down you fucking sperg

Yeah, and we all know that it is impossible for people to ever lie for any reason, especially when it would make them loads of money!

I don't get it. someone explain please

So you're saying I should be a beta remora to a chad shark? that could work


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I don't know what's that, never played WoW

>we are le going le HOME xD
>ignores the several successful private servers up to this point which don't force you to give money to the murderers and rapists of the original game and which moreover are much more accurate representations of the game instead of the jury-rigged version 9.whatever mod ""classic"" is
Rushed gateway drug for nu-wow which is hemorrhaging subs. Don't fool yourself.

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Something that shouldn't never happen

yes, embrace the rogue fantasy and be a snake of a man

Layer: A specific server instance which isolates a subset of players on a realm from the others in order to manage total population per server instance. Continent wide. Dynamic, but allegedly intended to be as persistent as possible, with the only times one could phase be at a loading screen or grouping.

Same posts every thread either for or against this.
I feel like most of the posts on this board may as well be automated, if they're not already. Why do I browse Yea Forums, again?

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My layer is full bros

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>with the only times one could phase be at a loading screen or grouping.
Then why i seen clips of people layering when neither of these conditions were fullfilled?

Almost every post in this thread is against, the wow kiddos are asleep.

I can't wait for classic and I'm gonna play the shit out of it no matter how much you want it to fail

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I was just giving the definition as per blizzard. Shit is legit fucked.

Be sure to roll on Asmonn server for the full Classic experience

Ok but what if I rolled on one of the other servers?

No. Never play on PvP servers.

>private servers
>either bugged mess or cash-grabs
>first descendants of nostalrius was a russian moneymaker selling gold and characters
>lighthope is run by literal former goldseller and exploiter
>kronos is lagfest helf hostage by russians/brazillians/whatever shit now want to monetize on it

Dead server because everyone playing classic wants to be in the same server and layer of their idol

huh that's really weird how did this happen when Asmon said he was rolling on Faerlina instead of Herod?
could it be you're just fucking retarded?

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Who is the streamer playing on Herod?

Not him but 2004 servers had 2500 people, they could be increased to run to 4000 at absolute max but it caused problems.

Blizz said Classic medium is higher than vanilla Full. So its going to be more than 2500 players but not that much higher.

>45k per server
Fucking lol, no. Blizz has never had or will have servers like this. 10 to 15k would be absolutely max for a Blizzard server.

All the smart kids are playing Old School Runescape instead.

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there are none
good thing you're anonymous and can look as stupid as you want with no repercussions right?

Hello retail shitposter

Attached: YOU.png (4345x765, 1.73M)

>10 to 15k would be absolutely max for a Blizzard server.

No. Full on retail is 40k+, we have actual numbers rather than baseless claims in that regard.

Attached: Realm pop.png (926x847, 82K)

Population =/= concurrent players

Jesus Christ you moron did you actually think we are talking pops? You can have a billion accounts on a server, it would just mean longer and longer queues.

I'm waiting to see how it turns out, it's definitely more interesting than anything else being developed and the dev statement about their vision for the game is solid. I have hopes for it but I'm not going to have expectations for an mmo launch ever again, we will see when it gets closer to release. But if it comes out polished and how the game was first envisioned it's going to be a masterpiece.

Though admittedly I am not interested in this lore and setting. The concept of various species from different planets being warped together into a new world and forced to cooperate is just stupid, on the other hand the races look good.

Feels good being European and playing at Kronos with stable ~10-15ms
And where the FUCK did you find the P2P bullshit you cuntbag? Literally pulling it out of your ass

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Stop being fucking retarded please.There was a 10k QUEUE on Heroed just to make fucking names.
Asmon has over 10k followers that are going to play with him on day one. They have stated it is 2500 PER LAYER. How many layers can they make? Shitloads.

Just think for a second. Look at the number of players compared to the number of servers. Simple math will get you to where you need to go.

> IIRC Blizzard stated that medium on the browser is equivalent to high in classic back in 2005
No. Medium has more people than even the crowded realms in 2006, is what the said.

See dumb fuck

they had to make new servers for EU because the 2 English PvP servers they made got full almost instantly

>cant read
>thinks population is the same as number of current players
Back to retail you go retailfag, you're too dumb to play classic

Even if only 50% of the people that MADE NAMES play on release, that will be over 50k people on heroed. That's without casuals and day 1 buyers.

There was a 10k queue for 3+ fuckin hours. 6 minutes to get in, thats 100k people in 3 hours. Even if their thing is not accurate at half that it would still be 50k. Use math, it will help you.

You dumb fuck.
There will be more people playing at release than name creation, you are not going to get player droppoff until a few days in.

How fast do you think blizzard will rush to make dozens of new servers because they all crash from overload of players in the first hour of release?

Attached: p.jpg (278x181, 8K)

Oh you're a private sperger who feels threatened, now it all makes sense.
Is your whole guild bailing on you to play Classic and you can't afford the sub because you're an unemployed retard? That sucks, dude.

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still talking about population
Go google what the definition is of co-current you absolute morons.

Again, if you think only 50% of players will play on release you are a fucking retard. Also
Is 30+ servers not 11.

>capital cities are also on their own independent layer which is why, in the beta, people would disappear every time you walked through the gate into uc's courtyard or through the orgrimmar gates
This is also a thing on private servers. You can hop on ND now and see it in action. Happens at least at badlands (right next to uldaman meeting stone) and OG gate (we had an alliance raid go to OG, the horde would simply stay in their "layer" while the alliance stayed in theirs. In reality we were separated by 10 yards, but could not see each other, before someone hopped over the transition zone and would get immediately blown up)

Again. if you think that people that sat in line at midnight just to make a name wont play on release you are fucking stupid. and AGAIN that is without all the casuals and day 1 buyers. Stop being stupid please.

Blizzard have never said how many many characters a server can support for either vanilla, retail or classic, because it is entirely irrelevant.

People are talking about how many can log in and play at the same time, which affects queues and in-game spawns.

Please grasp the difference between these two things before you made 0 IQ posts.

This sounds fucking shit. Classic my ass.


For launch its necessary, otherwise it is literally unplayable until the server numbers collapse down.

By having layers you can guarantee only a few thousand players are on each layer.

They have said they will remove it after launch as soon as possible once the population stabilizes.

they're doing the right thing to have layering, i would rather be able to play than not be able to play at all

This kills any resemblance of server identity, though.

You're an idiot, all they have to do is release more servers.

If you think only 50% of the population is going to play on release there will be quite a surprise waiting for you.
Explain to me, how 50% of the population wont play on release?

Again. heroed had over 100k people create characters. For name reservation.

Let me say that again.

100k people signed up.


And you think they wont play on release? Shut the fuck up.

>it's "we use version of the game as an argument" episode
Is it time to bring wall walking back as an argument?

Stay mad faggot
And don't forget to pay for that monthly sub like a Blizzshiteater you are

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no one who ever played 1.12 would say this, pvp was absolutely down the shitter because of power creep.

Not really, the people in a server are all the same people, you will just move between layers of that server during launch while there are thousands playing.

Feel free to check the current WoW servers to see what that doesn't work.

See >And you think they wont play on release?
Literally irrelevant, no one is talking about this. You started by saying the servers will have tens of thousands of cocurrent players and that is wrong, Blizzard have said how many players there are, its in the range of 2.5 to 15k players on a server concurrently.

Have a nice day shitposter :^)

The reason the servers are dead on retail is because
1. Retail is shit and nobody wants to play it
2. SHARDING(layering)

>80% of retail WoW servers are dead and buried because they just kept releasing more and more
>Wanting ghost town servers
Yeah, no. Layering is for launch and thats all. You need to stop being so autistic.

>6 or 2 servers are fine

god how fucking retarded is this company?

Retail wow servers are dead because retail sucks.

Except you can look at retail right now and see there are tens of dead servers which they cant merge or delete.

Fewer servers > more servers. Get over it retard.

>You started by saying the servers will have tens of thousands of cocurrent players and that is wrong
You are a retard.
>Blizzard have said how many players there are, its in the range of 2.5 to 15k players on a server concurrently.
Blizzard said it was 2500 PER LAYER you retard. No server cap has ever been stated.

Seethe more.

>Blizzard said it was 2500 PER LAYER you retard
Not him but Blizzard literally never said this ever. Have you been shitposting for two hours over something which was never said? Fucking lol.

They are dead because the game is shit and you can't see anyone anyway because of sharding. I just said that, feel free to respond

>You started by saying the servers will have tens of thousands of cocurrent players and that is wrong
The current servers have this though.

no it isnt, its built on the BFA client

>Blizzard said it was 2500 PER LAYER
Lol what? No. Not even retail WoW has 2500 players per layer. The total number a single server can handle at once is less than 10 thousand.

Blizzard said layers would be the size of original classic realms, which are 2500 players.

>Blizzard said it was 2500 PER LAYER you retard
They literally never said that

Autisticly screech all you want, they're not changing it and im right.

Retail wow doesn't have layers.

>I'm right because I say so
Jesus you must be like 15 years old or something, come back when your English teacher explains what an argument is

that's not how layering or retail sharding works, it's opening and closing additional server clusters when necessary and putting the new layers/shards on those.

>No server cap has ever been stated.
Thats because there is no such thing as a 'server cap' in Blizzard MMOs, you can have as many accounts on the server as you want.

>Blizzard said it was 2500 PER LAYER
No single server can support tens of thousand of players. Even the best of the best will cap out at 10k or less.

Elysium had literal drama that resulted in lighthope admin stealing elysium code and hosting his own server, as a guy who was known on ownedcore for selling gold, acc and other shit. Even if Kronos is pure and nagless now, it still leave a bad taste on pserver where you character can just dissappear to blizz elgal action or server can die due to people leaving after another drama or due to shady devs

A emulated copy will never ever get near quality of company who originally created that game, even after most if not all people who worked on vanillia left

No, they didnt. There is no discussion of layering at all.

>While we are able to fit several times more players on a single realm in 2019 than was the case in 2006, we are not going to raise that cap any further, even though we have the technical capacity to do so. Raising realm caps would simply forestall the problem, letting more players in at launch but creating an unsustainable situation down the line, with severe queues when we turn off layering permanently before Phase 2 of our content unlock plan.
>Please also note that our realm population estimates of Low, Medium, High, and Full are based on this increased capacity – a Medium realm today already has more characters on it than even the most crowded realms did back in 2006.

Yes it does and it works exactly the same, no MMO supports more than 10k at the same time

t. engineer
'will hold an entire realms worth of characters' that's 2500 bud, right out of his mouth. There are blue posts as well, feel free to go find them
No single server can support tens of thousand of players. Even the best of the best will cap out at 10k or less.
Current servers do, and thats why the made LAYERING, so they could have 2500 per layer with a bunch of layers.
You literally just proved my point, read over what you posted. Maybe read shit when you do a quick google.

>single REALM
Holy fucking shit my sides, so this retard has been shitposting for hours that WoW servers support tens of thousands and they LITERALLY only do double vanilla.

My fucking sides, retailfags are delusional.

WoW uses cloud technology for their servers and have done so for 5 years already. Thats why they sold off the original server blades.

I don't think you understood what you read. Maybe stop being stupid.

Why don't you read their first post on layering from a few months ago, mongoloid

>is so upset with his shitposting he cant even greentext right
You just got proven wrong, shitpost reply all you want but you're wrong and thats that.

>No single server can support tens of thousand of players. Even the best of the best will cap out at 10k or less.
You do realize that they do not run these things on a single server? This is not 2004.

I just wanted Archeage to be good. FFXIV and Felica Day Wars 2 can fuck themselves Archeage was going to be the final word on MMOs until the Koreans and Trion ruined it with p2w autism. God there was so much wrong with Archeage launch and how it was handled. I hope to god This new Archeage related thing isn't underwhelming.

>If it's a mobile release I'm going to fucking an hero myself.

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>samefagging to save face when Blizz literally just said the total cocurrent players is less than 10 thousand
We're done here, thanks for proving you're retarded though retailfag shitposter :^)

They are talking retail realm sizes you faggot, which are several times bigger than Classic.
Classic server ~2500, retail server 35000+. Since it can do double, that's like 70k people or more.
They never said that, you are mistaking classic servers for retail servers and vice versa, this is why WoW faggots are retards.

I'm waiting on Pantheon, Ashes of Creation and Chronicles of Elyria and I made peace that only Pantheon might actually release. Fuck this dying industry.

>They are talking retail realm sizes you faggot, which are several times bigger than Classic.
on the classic forum? While mentioning classic servers? While talking about classic phases?


That's a bold faced fucking lie though. One of Sataniachad's clips was taken just a few days ago and the layering was still fucky

The classic servers use retail servers with layering tech you dumbcunt, you think they are using old ass classic servers? Think before you type.

literal unpaid corporate shill lmao

>people actually defending layering
The shills are out in force today, I won't be playing classic for the sharding issue

Why won't Bl*zzard ever make seasonal realms similar to Ascension, with different modifiers each season and shit? One or two seasonal realms per region would be just enough.

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>old ass classic servers
Classic is not "old", don't confuse classic with vanilla.

>Link the "Classic" to the retail sub thus creating a "boost" in sub for Warcraft which made investors happy.

There is already a division between the two teams in Blizzard. What sort of moron would expect blizzard to compete with their own MMO with their own MMO

why does classic make people so angry? i can understand it from the view that people are supporting a bad company but that seems way too simple, do people really care that much about blizzard? you rarely see ea and ubisoft get this much shit

Why did it take 15 years, several petitions and lobbying to get them to just release classic, and Even then they can't help fucking it up?

retaildrones are deathly afraid of their demise in the face of classicchads.

Blizzard and Ubisoft have some legacy to look into. EA is shit from the founding to present time

the weak fear the strong

t. Former Bliz employee.

They fucking hate you user. They just want to clock in and get paid. Bliz hate how you reject their half assed content. They don't check forums, Yea Forums, reddit, anywhere really. Blizzard exist in a vacuum where their shit doesn't stink. And they hate it when they're proven wrong.

Because blizzard were so defiantly opposed to a good idea, for the 65th time, and again people were perplexed as to why

>retailfags are angry
>some high ranking private server fags are angry
>people who don't have WoW nostalgia and are seeing classic threads everywhere are angry
>classicfags themselves are angry because people keep talking about streamers and layering

I think it's a mix of peer pressure and insecurity. In my old guild discord we've got a bunch of people playing tranny14 and half of them are gonna play classic again while the other half is bitter they're leaving their ERP sim and shitposting about muh asmon layer, muh home and shit.

Reminder that they added dynamic respawns and stated it was "always in the code, we just missed it" weeks before release because a bunch of people were mad about spawn-rates in starter zones.

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Classic is going to be a success!
No negativity in the dojo!
There's 500k players on every server!
Our company isn't dying!

>better than Nighthold

Attached: 1444996826552.jpg (535x480, 96K)

imo NH was fun, EN was complete shit, ToS was casual pleb filet and Antorus despite being much easier was my favorite so far, that i recleared it every week on both hc and normal on 5 toons. Just somehow i like audio, aesthetic and encounters in antorus despite being much less than i expected from a Burning legion capital siege

I don't understand why people get mad at shills deterring people from playing classic. All it does is possibly make it a little easier to get in at launch. And that's even assuming they'd succeed at convincing even a few thousand people. Even than it's inevitable the people they fool will come play eventually after seeing phase 2 launch.


only 1 more week bros.

Fans of vanilla wow were angry that blizzard shut down nostalrius. They demanded blizzard release their own servers. Retail fanboys took this as an assault on their beloved company and got angry at fans of vanilla wow. Blizzard announced classic and retail fanboys were butthurt. Fans of vanilla wow were sceptical. Blizzard starts marketing classic and some retail fanboys get over their butthurt and start sucking blizzard cock again. Cracks appear in the facade of classic and fans of vanilla wow are split between wanting to play and not wanting to get burned by blizzard again.

Last part of that post mentions that it's buggy, work on reading comprehension.

Gone test it out for a month (probably Blizzard wants anyways), but dont got high hopes

>audience these days is mostly zoom zooms & manchildren and not the alpha we were back then
>streamer/e-celebs everywhere
>11 servers
>changed serveral things from classic (such as debuffs, water etc.)

>Cracks appear in the facade of classic and fans of vanilla wow are split between wanting to play and not wanting to get burned by blizzard again.
How you figure? What cracks? The misunderstanding of the use of layering?

>313 staff crit
It's over now son.

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>Real reason was because they honestly thought the game is getting better and they still do despite the negative outcry for it because people will still buy expansions and maintain their sub for retail even though they hate the game.

This may be even true, I can't really know, but the thing is that WoW has diverged pretty heavily from it's roots as time went on. It's like saying supreme commander 1 and 2 are the same game, for some.

nigga Classic threads died before they hit 100 posts regularly just a couple weeks ago. Then suddenly they started hitting 500 posts. People have figured out that there are literal paid activision-blizzard shills on Yea Forums as well, put 2 and 2 together if you can. There is very low interest for the game on this board, it's just being astroturfed to hell and back.

Alright lads, I'm practically a wrath baby, didn't really get into the game (rather afford) until mid-late TBC. I enjoyed my time on vanilla pservers but was just kinda there running around.

I wanna comfy level and get into pvp shenanigans, don't want to be outnumbered 2:1 so I'm kinda waiting to see where the faction balance goes. Should I go horde or alliance? And warlock or mage (maybe rogue?) Not really looking to do raids too much, maybe just dungeons and BGs

biggest cope post I've ever seen. Classic threads have been hitting 500 and archiving for months

There are a few things this post tells us:
>While we are able to fit several times more players on a single realm in 2019 than was the case in 2006, we are not going to raise that cap any further
2006 was the end of Vanilla WoW, right before BC, the server size then was ~2500. Several times more means more than too but less than a lot which is vague.
>when we turn off layering permanently before Phase 2 of our content unlock plan
Another confirmation layering will stop before phase 2, though they have gone back on their word before.
>Please also note that our realm population estimates of Low, Medium, High, and Full are based on this increased capacity – a Medium realm today already has more characters on it than even the most crowded realms did back in 2006.
Medium server pop holds more than ~2500 people. He did not use low, but who knows if that was intentional or not.

So what do we know for sure?
>Server size is 2x or more that of classic. It could be 20x, we don't know, they were vague.
>Layering will be turned off by phase two supposedly.
>Medium population on a server means it holds far more than 2500 people. It could be 10,000 or more we don't know. We only know it's more than 2500.

Those are the facts we know so far.

It's a fucking cop out line that disqualifies the entire post. There's enough proof floating around that "sometimes" doesn't cut it. It's especially egregious that there's bugs like that this close to release.

>No more p2win
>Serious effort made against bots
>No more unmarketable mats
>Fishing becoming great again
Just. Fucking. Imagine
Archeage has the best fishing of any game ever made, including fishing games.

There is a difference between the system bugging and triggering and you the player exploiting it on command. Sorry you're too much of a dipshit to understand the difference, work on it.

No they haven't.At Shadowbringers release FFXIV threads hit 600 replies in an hour while pure Classic threads struggled to breach 150 most of the time. Only times WoW threads came close to bump limit was when janny deleted FFXIV threads on sight and we had to take over WoW threads to keep chatting about Shadowbringers.

>people are gonna be going hard in classic thinking its gonna be the main game again
its just for the nostalgia

It takes about 2 braincells to figure out that if a bug exists it can be exploited. Guess that's too much to ask of you though. Will people get banned for it? Maybe, but it won't make those ore veins and herbs that you missed out on magically come back.

delusional tranny, you'll never be a woman

>nostalgiacucks who are misserable with their current life think that playing a game they used to play 15 years ago before their life became trash will somehow make them happy
unironically more delusional than /fit/, who literally believe lifting heavy things will make them happy.


Okay then post videos of people actively exploiting it recently, if it only takes two brain cells surely you have some evidence that this can be triggered on command.


Going to be the same shit for the 6th time already.

And retard only spwrrg about B2P and Subs... the game already is dead and they want to kill it more.

Tip: the interest started skyrocketing during stress test / name reservation, and didn't just happen on Yea Forums, but everywhere else as well. Turns out that people getting to play and the release closing in makes people more excited.

I ain't wasting time going looking for videos since you're going to keep moving goalposts. It's either not going to be recent enough for you or some cope about it not being out yet so it doesn't count

Why must trannies seethe so hard over Classic WoW?

I was gifted a 3 month game-time card by a friend and gave the stress test a try. It was a lot of fun. Basically the same feeling of original Classic with some nice modern features like vastly improved graphics and support for 144hz monitors.

I don't except it to be as magical and enthralling as playing original WoW as a 12 year old was, but it'll still probably be better than any other game out there at the moment.

Yeah, right, what I thought. Hop off my dick, slut.

I bet you're the guy who seethes every time Sataniachad posts because Blizzard can't do anything wrong. It's not a bug it's a feature!

I don't even know what you're trying to say to me, I'll settle with you just being some thirsty faggot.

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Ironic coming from someone who is deepthroating Blizzard dick to this extent

Alexsensual is playing on Herod you stuck up little cunt

I don't give Blizzard money, is that why you wanna suck my cock?

>shadowbringers launch day thread
>takes over 2 hours to hit 450 posts, then moved to /vg/

>wow classic, name reservation
>filled and archived in 2 hours

Looks like your launch is less exciting than reserving a name.

Nice projection, loser

Pic related, it's you

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A literal who retard known to be extreme retard and skillet plays again? Nice to snipe him again

This is what I mean by moving goalposts, you went from defending Blizz to suddenly not giving them money? You don't make any sense

Nevermind I googled it. Still, who?

Point out my defense of blizzard please. Take your time.

>launch day
>Jul 02
Nice try, early access was a thing you know

the absolute fucking state of trannies

so Shadowbringers is so shitty that people get bored of it before it even launched?

Attached: lorewalker cho.jpg (598x662, 85K)

You're just going to say
>oh that post wasn't me
I got you figured out, faggot. Keep slurping Blizzard's dick and balls

>i prefer playing on a buggy dead server that might get taken down in the future if that means i can avoid paying 15 whole dollars

Watch it from hunter POV and his for maximum kek at worthless streamfuck being unable to kill a several levels lower hunter as a goddamn pre 32lvl dudu. To think that shitbag even have followers

Still 2 hours.

What I don't get is what if it succeeds? What if Classic beats the odds and becomes big or somehow even bigger than BFA? What if the people playing it enjoy it, and stay and keep playing? What if they really do find nostalgia and a better game in Classic like they thought? What if TBC Classic gets made? It's unlikely I agree but what would be so bad about that?

I'm actually surprised it was 2 hours on launch, thought people would be too busy playing. Guess the US had some ddos issues

Go on ahead void groin, quote me. I explained how it worked and noted that it still has issues. Not once did I speak speak highly or blizzard or mention their name. You are very delusional, stick to shit posting, that estrogen has really rattled your brain.

Now this is sad.

>stick to shit posting
I am getting a lot of (You)s out of you, why change tactics?

Got a link?

Not as sad as this thread, I'm like half the replies in the last hour farming (You)s from upset Blizzard shills

guys chill. this isnt gonna be the main game. wow isnt "back" youre not "going home" its just a nostalgia trip and retail will still be their main focus

I'm gonna "later homos" immediately after TBC gets announced.

>I only do it for the (you)s
Keep telling yourself those lies, and maybe you'll eventually believe them.

>game not even out
>servers overloaded
>"did it fail?"

Attached: EU servers.png (913x387, 216K)

ff14 nerds are so threatened by classic wow and i dont understand why. i just wanna hang out in ironforge and give free mage water to my bros.

>retail will still be their main focus
Good, whatever they focus on turns to shit.
I don't want Classic to be their focus.

I've seen one person claiming to be a ff14 player who trashes these threads. I play 14 myself and am very excited for Classic.
I don't think you can just group people up like that. Frankly I have no idea who is shitting on Classic or why, if you don't like it just don't play it.

>TBC except with no dailies, no arena, and the netgun from BFA so flying mounts don't fuck up world PvP

I love people like you, you have to get the last word in even after being told to your face that you've been taken on a ruse cruise


>I don't want Classic to be their focus.
thats not a good thing either

It's just fun to mess with classicfriends, they're very insecure about their player numbers

Could be because people like you tend to come to every classic thread, trying to argue about why your game is better. I'm sure it's just for (you)s. Not sure why exactly ffxiv players are obsessed with classic, when ffxiv never gets mentioned otherwise in classic threads.

Is this seriously how you have fun?

Onyxia was hard back then because it was one of the earliest raids and the stats at the time didnt reach to over bloated levels. The encounter itself is compared to now one of the most basic of raid mechanics.
I really cant see people willing to do this week after week.

Nah, you just have to bring up FFXIV and you'll have a bunch of people screaming "tranny". It has nothing to do with which game is better. Hell, you don't even have to play FFXIV to successfully derail a classic thread, just evoke the name and people shit themselves in anger. Not sure which side is more obsessed with the other, but it's definitely not one-sided

asmonlayer.................. home........
*logging onto twitch steam*

>322 replies
>47 unique IPs

Sometimes, sure. It's more anthropological than anything. People would rather start responding to obvious shitposts than keep chatting about the game that they supposedly enjoy so much. It's an interesting phenomenon

The amount of people in ffxiv threads feeling the need to talk about wow and compare the game to wow speaks otherwise. On the other hand, go to /wowcg/ and there is not a single post about it in the whole thread

Ah I see, you're using a psychological trick to promote discussion by derailing the conversation. Clever boy.

Those are probably the wowfugees. There are a ton of them for some reason. They can't stop talking about wow, it's quite annoying to be honest. I've even seen people named shit like Garrosh Hellscreem walking around, wish they would stop coming over. Hopefully classic can get rid of some of them.

because like half of /vg/ generals, this one is ridded with discord trannies and other attention whores and cancerous retards, making Yea Forums threads less shitty in comparision

Classic is just gonna be XIV trannies and zoomers

>Looked at the classic connections thread
>Saw my old guild leader looking for people
>only 1 guy responded even though we were one of the biggest guilds on the server

>Company makes some bullshit excuse on why it took them so long and fans buy it.
No, you don't understand. The integration takes MONTHS!

That's what a discussion is.
It's a back-and-forth conversation.

>My old guild leader who got caught up on ninja looting on a pug is on
He was a nice guy but the power blinded him.

334 / 47 / 139 / 3

TBC was where the timer started, but it was Wrath where it all detonated.
Except arenas. Fuck arenas.

>all the kids are playing runescape
We know.

What the fuck am I suppossed to do after reaching level cap and farming 5mans for preraid BIS?

PvE raids are boring as shit and requires farming for hours for all the shitty consumables but bosses only drop 2-3 pieces of gear that you have to distribute between +40 players

PvP requires poopsocking for months to get anything worth a shit and if you don't do PvE content too your gear will be shit and you'll get raped in BGs

Why did I want to play this again?

Keep leveling new characters. Leveling is the good part according to the shills

Play other games and maybe spend some time with your family and come back when you feel like playing again.

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i recently have been playing Warcraft 3 on a modern pc and it runs like shit but on my old as fuck pc it runs great. my $30 Walmart phone is better than that old pc and my modern pc shits all over both of them, so why the problems?
i swear dude.. i hope like hell that this game has better optimization. they have the original manual that has system specifications in pdf on the download page, so im hoping either the game really only needs those specifications or that it could be used as liable.

>warcraft spergs are the reason why the MMO market has been shit for years.
I don't know why people blame WoW for the failure of other MMO's. GW2/FFXIV could have been serious competition but instead of creating meaningful endgame content all new MMO's put everything into making the main story tolerable, only to have cosmetics be the end goal despite making 1000's of them available through microtransactions.

There's no way somebody who worked on a MMORPG said this.

layer hopping essentially gives you access to way more resources and allows you to duck gank squads

FinallTrannasy subhuman status: told

He did say it and it's how his game is designed.

Very few people play this "meaningful endgame content" though. Blizzard learned this the hard way with Naxx and has been making the game more casual ever since. Raiders are a small percentage of the population while people who like dressing up their e-doll make up the rest. They're catering to the biggest part of the playerbase, nothing more

>20 mins
can you just summarize your point please

Its game play is shit
90% of combat is spamming literally the same spell

anal fist yourself to death kiddo

consider me summed up big boy

thanks for your time, friend.

>Blizzard learned this the hard way with Naxx
Naxx had low participation because it came out 4 months before TBC opened and only like 2.5 months before pre-patch in an environment when most guilds couldn't even clear BWL yet.
Blizzard is 100% at fault for bungling the Naxx launch, it's got nothing to do with players.

And we know this for a fact because they did exactly the same thing AGAIN a few months ago, they release Crucible of Storms like a month and a half before Eternal Palace, and lo and behold, fucking nobody did it. It was a good raid, but most people were still either trying to kill, or burned out from killing Mythic Jaina and didn't want to bang their head against Uunat for 3 weeks.

>play anything at all

this is honestly why i think i'll only be a turbo casual on an RP server. i've already done that you listed shit and i never want to do it again.

I refuse to believe it.

>he explains it in the first 5 minutes
>hes too ADHD
>hes underaged

castrate yourself faggy

>warrior on AB
>charge a clothie
>hunter stats shooting his peashooter at my plate armor
>get crit for 200dmg
>whooping +40% damage boost enrage
>swiming in rage thanks to berserker rage and the hunter+pet triggering small hits nonstop
>heroic strike+mortal strike for something like 3k
>clothie down
>intercept and do the same shit to the hunter

Vanilla pvp might not have much depth but encounters went down pretty fast, in TBC most bgs and arenas turned into hunting down the resto druid while he ran around a pillar forever while spamming instacast HOTs.

I remember most 2v2 I played as resto shaman + rogue lasted about 10minutes until one of the healers ran out of mana

What's so unbelievable about it?

Hello, it's me, Frost Nova.
How are you today?

doing aoe in xiv
>hakaze -> jinpu -> gekko for getsu damage bonus
>hakaze -> shifu -> kasha for for ka haste bonus
>then alternate between fuga -> mangetsu and fuga -> oka for setsu and jinpu respectively
>consume setsu and jinpu with Iaijutsu to do tenka goken
>make sure to spend kenki on kaiten before you do tenka goken for the 50% damage buff
>if you ever get close to max kenki spend it on kyuten

doing aoe damage in wow
>channel blizzard/hurricane/rain of fire


i don't know all the inner workings of your expensive legos so please just treat me like a retard because its the only thing you could desperately hope
you could just say that old pcs are better optimized to handle whatever load
can you not handle that without attempting to assert your profound logic

but did they not add dynamic respawns why are you lying?

put a triangular bicycle in to your ass haha kiddo

Raids have low clear rates compared to the population in general, it was just very obvious with Naxx. The reasons you listed correlate pretty strongly with the long patch cycles and mountains of catchup gear that wow is infamous for post vanilla.

Yeah dude 1,2,3 chains are very deep and meaningful

It's robotic as fuck and completely static. It also has massive room for error given buff durations. All at a grossly long CGD even with Sam buffs up

The perspective where I see MMORPGs as just always being large ridiculous grinds trying to get players constantly playing for retention.

If it's trash for dungeons I normally just open with hakaze, shifu, meikyo shisui, jinpu, oka, mangetsu, kaiten goken and then into the typical rotation.
Dunno if I'm being wasteful with my cooldowns but it just gets into the rhythym faster and easier so I prefer it.

I mean they stopped active development when they sold off the company years ago. They are effectively in maintenance mode now and mostly leach off community efforts while still charging premium prices when it was an actively developed game. They would be laughed out of the market if it wasn't for the fact no one has the balls to develop a similar MMO.

So you unironically think wow does it better via the one button spam?

>hakaze, shifu, meikyo shisui, jinpu, oka, mangetsu, kaiten goken
why don't they bother translating this shit into english?

youre heaven's only angel. god has graced you with all the intelligence this world could offer, and it is an insult to your exponential greatness, oh keeper of petty information.

It's not really worth it unless the mobs are going to take ages to die

Are you comparing vanilla to xiv?
You dumb fuck...

How do you "waste" a 1 minute cooldown? You can use it several times on trash before getting to the boss

His game does absolutely nothing of the sort. You can gear up for endgame content fairly quick and after that you're set, there's no titanforge lottery and no AP grinds. Gearing is deterministic so you can plan out and know when you'll get upgrades as long as you put in the effort to get it.
Nothing in the game is designed with retention in mind with the exception of holding your fucking house hostage if you bought a plot. Aside from that they just try to make the game fun and provide new content to retain people.

>criticizing a class for having meaningless moves and combos when arcane mage is literally just arcane blast/missle/barrage

for the same reason you don't translate names
it looks retarded

>classic thread
>FF trannies start to spam their shit when the entire game only has like 20k players

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I haven't played retail, how do you aoe now?

I want to level a warlock or druid to craft my own potions and have something else to play if I get camped or something but I've learned my lesson and I'm not leveling more than 1 alter

Here's hoping for TBC servers, I've already raided up until BWL and I don't care for AQ40/Naxx if the consumable farming is as bad as I'm told it is, but I haven't raided TBC at all, my guild disbanded a couple months in and I switched to PvP instead

>B-but muh counters
The hunter plinking at me would break frost nova in no time, at least say a real counter like death coil or iceblock.
I spent a lot of my time in vanilla BGs charging enemy camps outnumbered, most of the time I managed to at least take down 1 of them with me unless there was a paladin paying attention in the mix but most were lolret and didn't even bother to stun me and my gear wasn't even that good

Using MS on shifu and jinpu is a potency loss but like I said I just do it to get them out of the way so I can forget about casting kasha/gekko at all in my aoe rotation.

You mean putting up buffs at all? It's totally worth it in dungeons because you can easily maintain them over multiple pulls and even into the boss fights if your tank doesn't hang around.

Hellfire balances health and damage output, which requires more thought than looping the same combos over and over. So yes, it is. XIV is filled with mindless action loops that expand out a filler into 3 different abilities but without any additional thought involved

That's stupid as fuck.
Do you play the rest of the game in Japanese too?

>Hellfire requires thought because it costs HP
>Even though my healer just pops renew on my and solves the issue

>Renew pushes your flask off the buff table

Is it really a dps loss in aoe though? There has to be a point where the gcds you save add up to more damage.

>Steam version
>Going through unnecessary 3rd party software
Only a small handful of retards play the steam version.

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That's why I didn't say DPS loss, I said potency loss. I haven't mathed it so I have no idea what the difference is but I just prefer this because it's easier and faster to get into your rotation. Obviously if you go 55 seconds and Meikyo comes up again you just use it on oka and mangetsu and make sure you keep maintaining your buffs.

>Hellfire balances health and damage output, which requires more thought than looping the same combos over and over
>having to stop a channeled cast before your hp reaching 0 requires more thought
>implying it requires any though

I could see either being optimal depending on how long the enemies live but that's not really something you can control most of the time. Then again I'm just a lowly DNC main so don't take anything I say about SAM too seriously.

Classic should have Timewalking

It's the samurai job. Those are the skill names. They're pretty much impossible to translate by nature unless you just change them to something else similar.

The Sam's signature skill is called "Midare Setsugekka" which translates roughly into "Snow, moon and flowers. By my command fly into chaos!" which is a bit long for a spell name.

Hellfire is the title of both a peninsula and a citadel containing several dungeons. It's not a balance patch. You should probably lay off the... whatever kids do these days

To be honest. What if you could go to caverns of time and temporarily walk into retail? You can't obtain anything or surpass level 60 but you can do pretty much whatever else with your bfa buddies on your classic character.

gay as fuck and highly exploitable

So just like the classic playerbase then

>a bit long for a spell name.
a bit retarded* for a spell name
how about not being fucking weirdoes and using something people can understand

stalagg and grobbulus... home...

Weeb classes having weeb names for their skills is part of their class fantasy. Other jobs have exciting names like "Fire IV" and "Rampart" that are a bit easier to understand for most people

No it fucking wasnt. What is this fucking meme?

It carried the same cancer it had since Cataclysm.

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not a bad zinger but retarded ideas still need to be called out for what they are

Oh hello there trannyfreaks!
It’s me!
Ropey wokey for your neckies!

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Yeah I know, I thought it was stupid too. I just couldn't help myself

Did BfA and other late expansions kill all challenge and fun for the casual player? I think so.
>dungeons are braindead unlike stuff like TBC heroics, which were fun to fight through in pugs
>raid finder is also braindead unlike the easy raids that used to be pugged, like wotlk naxx
>because of raid finder people don't pug raids at normal / heroic or whatever the casual difficulty level is now
>leveling provides no challenge and is therefore unsatisfying, this hasn't been changed since wotlk
It's like all these quality of life updates that casuals wanted killed the fun for casual players. Only raiding guilds are allowed to have fun and be challenged in PvE now.
Does BfA have raiding guilds for casuals who only do raids on heroic or whatever the difficulty under the top tier is?

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>Fire IV
>not Firaja

That's what it's called in Japanese, shame that the English translators thought we needed numbered spells instead

Actually brain dead

>because of raid finder people don't pug raids at normal / heroic
Blatantly wrong and false, sorry you are bad.
Don’t reply to me if you have less than 1.8k or can prove you cleared Naxx40 in retail before the prepatch.

I liked the Mage Tower challenges, but it pisses me off that if you weren't there when they were relevant it kinda doesn't matter

Anyone that says Legion was good guaranteed started playing in Cataclysm or later. You unironically hear people say MoP was the pinnacle of class design nowadays

They're trying to avoid what happened with retail, abandoned servers which can only be fixed with cross-realm, which then fucks server integrity even more

In all honesty, Wrath started that.
Sure, casuals liked it playing with the big boys for a bit, but they got hit pretty hard with you think you do but you don’t.
Sounds great to show up, grab ICC level loot in a heroic and save badges for tier sets, but once you’ve got the damn things you suddenly realise you’ve got jack shit to do, and you don’t have the time or attention span to do the actual end game content.
The reason sub counts started haemorrhaging after Wrath is because casuals got increasingly bored of it and they weren’t getting replaced W quickly enough.

In MoP you had more than one button to press in your "rotation" for the first time, I'm not surprised people like it. Symbiosis was a really cool idea as well, shame they got rid of it going forward.

Just play on ArcheRage pserver guys.

MoP was the most fun I ever had playing a Warlock in WoW

>for the first time
zoomer detected, plenty of classes had multi-button rotations as far back as BC

Not if you macroed all your skills to one button which a lot of people did. Casting soulshatter in between shadow bolts is not a rotation

I'm gonna keep playing vanilla until it gets boring, but since they're probably not going to announce TBC: Classic until Naxx is done, that might happen at the same time as the TBC announcement anyway.

Fuck TBC though. Releasing any of the expansions is the real slippery slope.

What if they went the OSRS route and used player polls to create new content in the spirit of classic? I don't trust modern blizzard to pull this off well though.

I mean the best would be classic+ but the problem is Blizzard needs to make content that does not negate all the other classic content we have this would mean no retail dev. are allowed to work on classic+

That's why they didn't translate it, the Japanese name sounds fine and it sounds normal even in Japanese. It only becomes awkward in translation.

I dunno about that, vanilla WoW fanboys are a lot more puritanical than RS dweebs. Plus the content would take a lot longer to develop than it would with RS, so imagine Blizz taking it to a poll and being denied -- they wouldn't be too happy.

He hasn't played past Cata, none of them have, go easy on them, they don't know any better.

>Wearing starter clothes
>Has a sprout next to his name
>Likely needs a quest in the area
>Even more likely has no aethernet unlocks across the map

Brainlet poster

Why the everliving fuck would i play somebarchaic spaceship game where ships are like 3 grand

Players are the reason for it going to shit though. Or more accurately, new generations of players.
Each new generation demands their own QoL “improvements” and by Wrath it had got completely out of control. Polls would only work if they laid out a few things that would under no circumstances never be implemented.

Oh fuck off, try playing prot warrior with all your skills macroed to one button

I just want them to add cut content to vanilla. You could also do an entire raid tier or two with just sidegrades and items for specs that suffer from poor itemization.

well you just have to hope that there isnt a warlock or a mage casting a spell at you while you're killing that clothie or he'll oneshot you right back. I'd rather have pvp where what you do changes the outcome rather than people just oneshotting each other because everyone does a shitton of damage.

i thought phase 2 was 6 months from release? i was originally going to not play since i'd really like a pvp incentive in my game but this could change things

>xivtranny calling someone a manchild

What a fucking clown world

As far as I'm aware they've just outlined what the phases are and haven't given any indication of when they'll release

What class is best at taking on multiple opponents? Like say i get ganked by two nigs, what class wpuld have the bear chance of winning or at least escaping?

>payoff to the scythe of elune quest
>payoff to the emerald nightmare
>payoff to Darion forging a new ashbringer in Outland
>never ever

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Paladin. Bubblehearth is a meme but it's very effective

rogue so you can vanish, if both players are even remotely skilled you don't really stand a chance

hunter can infinitely kite everything, unless it's a mage.

>Month 2 of WoW Classic
>Everyone quits
>Patch 5.1 for Shadowbringers comes right in

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It's 1.13

>Nier Automata raid
I'm ready

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What class do i pick that is easy mode and shits on kids in pvp? Never played WoW but did try a private server once and there was way too many skills, i just wanna spam the same 5-7 spells and shit on people, which class is easy mode for shitters in pvp? which class causes the most seethe?

its 1.12 tard, 1.13 is their stamp on nu-vanilla


Mage and Rogue

didnt say it wasnt going to be shit

>After Stress Test 2, we were as concerned as many of you were about the inability to find enough spawns in the starting zones, so we double-checked our spawn logic, and it turns out there was a bug.

>In the original 1.12 data, different spawn regions have different thresholds at which automatic respawning is triggered, but the bug was causing it to ignore these population thresholds. This affects the starting zones more than other zones because they have very aggressive thresholds for triggering respawns, to make sure that you can always progress through your first introduction to the game.

>As you level up throughout the later zones, the respawn thresholds aren’t as aggressive, and you start having to compete more in higher level zones. We have verified that we’ve correctly reproduced the 1.12 spawn rates and thresholds throughout the game now, and while the respawn rates you see in Northshire aren’t the same as they are in Un’Goro, they will both be accurate to patch 1.12.

>Thanks so much for your feedback, and for helping us find and fix this bug!

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But you did say it was going to be 1.12


I'm gonna be the first one on classic waiting asmongoloid to log while watching his stream and gonna give him all my lot so he will say my name on stream

fuck fuck fuck you stop hating things that I ENJOYYYYYY.

Based blizzard I would pay 2000 USD for WOW if they demand it.

yes, 1.12 as it was plus changes for nu-vanilla, why are you being autistic about this

I was gonna ask you the same question.

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Reminder that those were always supposed to be in the game.

to make things worse, they're actually having an event where retail gets the early vanilla AV during the wow anniversary.

It was always in the code guyz, we promise.
>weeks before release

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Yes, indeed it was. If a direct confirmation by the lead producer of the game isn't enough for you, there's no shortage of anecdotes of the fact that it's impossible to kill all of the wolves in Northshire, for instance. Anyone who actually played the game back then will know this.

That is a past dev that is known for sucking the current teams dick. I don't think he has ever said anything negative about blizz. Probably does not want to risk that pension.

>reeeee why doesn't this guy make himself look like a complete retard in public for my amusement
you're a complete bellend m8

No it's not, it's using the 1.12 client

Keep sucking that blizzcock.

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>Dumbass refugee streamer to dumb to teleport.
Meh bots are rampant on almost ervery mmo. And even then It's not like their a problem beyond ARR. They only seem to infest new servers for the most part.

It never used the 1.12 client through out the classic development. They have a separate 1.12 client in house that they use for reference, but they are porting old databases on to modern clients. They had a panel that was about this alone at blizzcon.

The Carebears and blue donut won.

>what, you don't agree with me? shill!
faggot you are

I can't wait until Activision adds a cash shop like they did with Crash Team Racing!
You know you can always trust Activision to go back on their word about preserving the product, and implement ways to shekel and dime the consumer out of their money!
Good ol' Activision :)

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>Meh bots are rampant on almost ervery mmo.
Yet they're most rampant in MMOs that do absolutely jack shit about them, such as FFXIV. Square Enix is too incompetent to write any sort of anticheat, so their solution to the botting problem is to just make everything the bots could possibly do as worthless as possible.

This is done by locking all the meaningful crafting shit behind daily lockouts, and balancing the game so that the average player doesn't actually need to care about anything except the carefully controlled trickle of welfare gear funneled to them through duty finder and daily quest rewards.

I played since early wotlk on and off and while Legion wasn't really good it was a decent experience. Most of raids were good, sure it had it problems (rng legendary items, AP grind, titanforging) but it also added cool things like mythic + that desu activated communities on a server since you couldn't just queue for that and actually had to find good people if you wanted to do high m+

>how can someone not be a GREEDY MONEYGRABBING BASTARD?! Blizzard always shits down my mouth so Yoshi-p must do so as well.
Yeah it's really unbelievable.
Pathetic. Can't of reminds me of those threads shitting on the free login campaign a while back. Those were a gold mine as well. Seeing all the wowtards gawk in disbelief a company could be good towards their customers was just beautiful.

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What part of crafting is locked?

I'm a neutral shitposter user. I check these threads even though I don't play MMORPGs (did try a few but genre flaws and nothing kept me attached) because it's funny to see the complaints people already have about WoW classic.

Blizzard will find a way to fuck it up. They always do.

>design a game with no content
>push this as a good thing
>your retarded weeb fanbase laps it up
Yoshi-p might be a genius but that unfortunately doesn't make his game any better.

>design a game with no content
Haha we are blatantly lying now I see. Just because you boosted to shb and skipped all the content doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Sorry Yoshi-p doesn't feel the need to timegate and nickel and dime the shit the of his game's players.
I'll see you back in a month unfortunately when your nostalgia fever runs out. Fucking imagine rereleasing a botched port of a decades old game because your current one is so shit.

>Just because you boosted to shb and skipped all the content doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I haven't even played SHB, because you'd have to be a moron to pay expansion box price + $15 for the roughly 6 hours of singleplayer content that's added every patch. And that's all there is to the game, literally all the other content in it is completely and utterly pointless and/or easier than WoW LFR.
>Sorry Yoshi-p doesn't feel the need to timegate and nickel and dime the shit the of his game's players.
Funny considering the game is more heavily timegated than even nu-WoW. Anyway I won't keep you any longer, it's probably about time for you to do your daily expert roulette.

How would anyone gank me on a PVE-Server?

>Don't play the game
>There is no conent.
And into the trash it goes. Imagine being literally unable to play old content unless they allow it on a weekend. Get fucked Blizzard could literally shit in your mouth and you'd ask for seconds.
And they will so when they do shit in your mouth again and the nostalgia dream of going "home" is shattered, I'll see you back in eorzea.

Resource nodes that have the materials you need to actually make worthwhile shit like crafted gear

Just because your favorite streamer say it was doesn't mean it's actually good.

You mean the ones that spawn like once an hour? That's kinda far from a daily lockout my dude

>how can someone not be a GREEDY MONEYGRABBING BASTARD?!

Imagine trying to spin the fucking shit game design as philanthropy. Fucking kill yourself tranny, maybe after your weekly lockout you can buy from the egregious cash shop and rub axewounds together with your fellow chatroom erp faggots you fucking nigger

>Imagine giving FREE gametime! They really must be bleeding subs right?!
Oh wait I forgot blizzard did it too right? Like 3 fucking days lmao.

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>Once an hour

You dont get this disingenuous without practice. Dude seriously? Don't be such a fucking fag, there are multiple resources that are up for literally 2 hours a day

Any fag can look this shit up, why even try blowing smoke up my asshole? how can this guy be so based?

I didnt even mention WoW and you already try and blast me with this left-field obsessed-tier retardation. Yeah both games have given free gametime but that has nothing to do with what im talking about you fucking nigger


Good thing eorzea time and real world time aren't the same then eh

>New WoW
>WoW Classic
>WoW Zero

>Crystal WoW

You're right but 2 hours ingame is approximately 40 minutes, which is the time you have to gather that shit, it's still gay as fuck and an arbitrary lockout

Man you're just keep getting more pathetic by the second. Like even thinking wow does free game time on the same tier as xiv. Say it correctly so all lurkers will understand: 3 days for wow and a fucking WEEK for XIV. But yeah you sure showed me. I guess I'll uninstall now and kill myself after being called a nigger by some delusional wowtard yeah no.
Keep seething. When classic turns out to be the the disgusting greed filled nostalgia pandering cashgrab it is, I'll see you back in eorzea and in xiv threads complaining about why xiv isn't like wow, and then I'll laugh and shit on you again.

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Nostalgia cant help a shit game period.

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It takes less than a minute to gather once every hour, you get plenty of materials per gather and there's a ton of shit to do while you're waiting for the next spawn. Your retainers can bring back HQ versions of the items for free as well if you're lucky. There's no problem with the system. Just take the L and move on dude.

all thats left is verycoolguy vids

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>it'll probably still be their main focus
That's a good thing, though. It means a smaller, generally less retarded (and probably more traditional) team will be on Classic. I'd say the reigns are very slack on the Classic team. If the team has the right people in it, that means we get a good game. At the very least, it means they aren't limited by suits.


>I guess I'll uninstall now and kill myself after being called a nigger

Stopped reading there, all i needed to hear. Make sure to do a flip, tranny

It's funny to me that you have this absolute zoomer craving to "deliver the L" even though no one in their right mind would agree with this arbitrary lockout bullshit

>B-but it only takes a minute..!

Like that fucking excuses it. Holy shit

Compare the amount of time it takes to make raid food in FFXIV to Classic. By the time you've arrived to start farming chimera chops I've already gathered enough mats to make raid food for a month. Take the L and shove it up your ass

I'm surprised a wowtard like you can read at all, much less reply to an almost an hour old post. I'd tell you to kill yourself but considering you're a delusional wowtard you're probably dead inside already anyway with blizzard raping you all these years and whatnot.

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So what's good about Classic that isn't in retail? Never played WoW before.

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It's nostalgia pandering. If you haven't played vanilla you won't get it.