"play" koikatsu

Attached: CharaStudio-2019-07-30-12-36-23-Render.png (1920x1080, 2.3M)

Other urls found in this thread:

illusioncards.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=koikatsu mordred
illusioncards.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=Koikatsu male&pid=0

I want to fuck that crab.

Attached: 1560714788806.webm (640x640, 492K)

ok, will do. Any suggestions for mods or anything, or are they largely unnecessary? Is there steam workshop for it, and is there anything worthwhile on there or should I just pirate it? Teach me senpai.


I really want to, but only have a Mac.

Attached: 1546624925322.gif (300x200, 1.07M)

>want to play it because it looks fun
>but I'm worried that it's going to have a super autistic character maker with way too many options for every tiny part of the body and face
>pirate it
>I was right
I just messed around in the character creator, is the main game any different? Does it have pre-made girls at all or do you gotta make your own? I just want to fap I don't want to spend 100 hours making tons of girls.

Consider suicide.
Sheit that's a good waifu right there

I already have HS, I don't wanna have to curate another 100 gigs of mods

well, I can even play it on linux which Wine, which I assume you could on mac as well because you got Wine as well.

>Implying I'm not playing this very moment.


where can i just fucking download the dlc updates instead of downloading the whole damn game again, fuck.

make them redo the fucking vr menu. That shit is retarded and annoying

Lazy fuck here, any1 got a link to a version with mods and cards?

>are they largely unnecessary?
They are absolutely necessary if you want to uncensor the game, have more clothing options, have the game translated to english and some other things.
Go to /h/ for more info

this is all you need, just download and unzip wherever you want.
also, run Koikatu_Registry_Fixer,bat first if is your first time playing the game in your PC
also i can give you my personal backup for koikatsu card

Attached: CharaStudio-2019-08-17-12-40-25-Render.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)


Attached: 1559266547826.webm (800x450, 2.89M)

>tfw no deserted island and girl who smiles kindly
thank you Japan for giving me a reason to live

you can check in /h/ for the dlc links

Where can I get it from for free?



has anyone made my wife Tenko in it?

Attached: 1564723103868.png (728x850, 547K)

Retarded Yea Forums continues to be retarded


Attached: CharaStudio-2019-08-17-12-43-03-Render.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

Is there a vr version that doesn't use that stupid menu that is on your hands?

sadly no, but at least you can use the POV mod


The ones that have question marks in the title are the ones with cards

Attached: illust_76042547_20190818_193832.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)

if you downloaded koikatsu from the sukebei repack, you should already have it installed , press 0 from your numeric keypad for check it

these are without a doubt the best koikatsu cards ever made



Attached: Koikatsu-2019-08-14-14-19-17.png (1920x1080, 2.46M)

thanks, been meaning to try this game out and was too lazy to research

Post some webms of fucking and I'll decide.


Card for the girl on the left?

I would if the graphics weren't shit. Literal polygons. Why does it look so ugly?

Is this just a waifu/sex sim game or is there actual gameplay? downloading regardless

I don't know but I just use it to take a load off after work with my vr set.
Looks fine to me. I jump between this yiffalicious honey select and cm2 just a ok.


is it true the writer dieded during writing so they never finished the story?

Rosario Vampire manga had an actual ending though

wasnt the ending just moka's dad says "yeah sure whatever you can bang my daughter when she has pink hair"

with mods, you can.

Thank you for saving me $60 user

Here's a dumb question: how do the cards work?

Attached: 1425702567983.jpg (550x550, 47K)

put card in user / character / respective gender.

start game or you can google it for extra explanation

Thanks user!

I kinda like COM3D2 more. Koikatsu is okay though.

Thos silky smooth 8 fps


the game reads embedded data from a png file

Attached: k28.png (1366x768, 1.64M)


Good thing all the girls are 18 years of age right

kindly put your hands up as I'm sending the party van right now

of coursh

can you share the scene file, please?

I don't know how. I created the classroom roster but the whole game seems to complicated for me to even begin. Having the choose the correct dialogue based on their personality, time management, etc.

post the card

Cute and funny.

Damn I wanna live on an abandoned island.

requirements in the card folder
it only works properly with some of my cards and completely breaks if if you replace the card

There's entire boorus of girls for this game. It has the same data card system that Honey Select has so you can easily get whatever anime girl you want into your game with zero effort. It does come with a few generic girls also though


I'm a big fan of your cards. Thanks for sharing.

Attached: 1456794850161.png (1200x1000, 46K)

it's fine she's totally 1k years old magic girl

Attached: k30.png (1366x768, 1.41M)

That'll be 10000 years in space prison lad.

1k years in magical girl is 7 years in human years son.

How come no one ever posts adults in these threads?

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-04-16-20-14-50.png (1920x1080, 2.14M)

Did you just hit end and start shitposting or something?

it's just that the lolis look much better in this game

Subjective. I like everything else. I downloaded that bunny from mario odyssey and it has been making me diamonds

no idea user

Attached: 1564621031871.png (1920x1080, 1.62M)

wish that were me desu


Attached: 1564621330175.jpg (1024x625, 53K)

It's actually a great character creator, my little sister loves playing it with me

Is it free?

Good shit my dude. Same here.

I am, I'm fucking Megumin and filling her with semen after every class, every single day and even after school

Attached: 1565476130176.png (1080x1256, 533K)

Consider the following:

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-06-17-05-20-46b.png (1080x1920, 1001K)


post the card of your sister i know you've made

Your little sister must be CUte and fuNNY

i think something's wrong with your shift key user

>get Koikatsu
>Become super autistic about downloading a card/making a card for every girl from every game I've played
>end up with like 200 of them
>Open free H
>fap and cum in 5 minutes
Anyone else do this?

I aint falling for your trojan bruh

What kind of titty monsters can you make?


Attached: 1536762178301.jpg (624x657, 66K)

all kinds

Attached: 1560021511929.png (1366x768, 538K)

to be fair, the game is about schoolgirls, mostly.


artificial academy > Honey Select > koikatsu > Playhome

If they can expand on the simulation aspect of AA while maintaining the customization from koikatsu then it'd be the perfect game.

aa looked boring and I skipped it. I'd rather play the three to the right of it on your list and replace AA with CM2. These shitty games always have horrible translations.

Based anime user

What if I accidentally forgot to run the registry fixer before running KK?

Oh fuck, now you've really done it

maybe your cardd will not show up in the game menu and the shadow options can be disabled

something tells me it's gonna be the usual unpolished shit

This is both hilarious and sad.

Okay I downloaded the game, how do I fuck girls?

with pp

u downloaded the wrong game if you wanted to fuck the girls, its more a pose machine

speak for yourself, I get enough fun out of the vr mode's free stuff

fuck noooooooooooooo

What do I look up to fuck the girls?

just tell me how do i start fucking her or any other girl.

Attached: 1561696717771.png (1366x705, 820K)

is this the steam version?

Artificial Academy 2, artstyle isn't as cute and puffy but plenty of sex with lots of customizable girls in a school setting

Attached: 1564620482475.jpg (1500x2369, 614K)

nobody plays steamcuck version

Literally counting the days until we get that Character creator bros

Attached: SOUL.jpg (1280x720, 572K)


I do

Attached: TallRunnerGF2.png (808x829, 205K)

i can't stand illusion's "realistic" round potato mutt faces

Attached: 1562922946818.jpg (128x128, 4K)

Sexy Beach?

so far i know, steam version doesn't have charastudio, so no
talk to her, give headpads, touch boobs, fill that meters and you ready to fuck her

I can't stand moe faces. Guess that's why they cater to different crowds by making different styles of games.
I just wish they'd make a super studio without losing every cool function/animation/map every time they make a new game.

Ah the man himself, your monaca card is the only thing that makes me hard lately, keep up the good work.

Wait, how did you get 3 girls at once?

why I don't have this poses?

how do i use cheats, i just wanna fuck a girl

holy brainlet

Illusion has made some great ass improvements with their character creation systems to where you can get and create chicks that look like they came straight out of a Gravure,JAV or Instagram page so that's your problem to fix user or you just don't like 3D 1000% and in that case have sex

Attached: realiz.jpg (252x352, 28K)

What is it, Playhome?

Any femdom or girl on man rape yet?
Or even bullying?

I do that

Attached: CharaStudio-2019-08-19-00-25-50-Render.png (1920x1080, 2.84M)

Does it have more than two positions yet?

I think their realistic games would be better off without character customization. A few hand-sculpted faces will turn out better than thousands of slider goblins. With anime faces it's easier to make something decent with sliders and there's no risk of dipping into uncanny valley.

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-08-11-14-06-54.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

My only gripe with honey select being a realistic render 3d is that the boob physics aren't as good as they should be.

Does Koikatsu have a girl POV mod like honey select?

Attached: fingers.gif (354x534, 208K)

is a mod called kplug, is a mod who add a tons of things like multiples girs in h-scene, force sex and some "new" sex positions. the only bad thing is sometimes this mod broke other mods like overlay mod

you can't make sharp facial lines without making the face look weird and that's the biggest problem for me, i'm not into chinks at all

hey user how can i install mods and plugins?

Attached: 1561452419775.jpg (789x450, 58K)

There are mods for it, yeah.

any hardcore sex?

>Been banging Ryza like crazy in all sorts of ways
>Want to fuck her thighs
>No thighjob position

Attached: ryzaa.png (392x720, 178K)

yes, see
depends, dll plugins files usually are put in BepInEx folder and zip or .zipmod files in mods folder

Unf post card please


I got it here.

Attached: CharaStudio-2019-07-29-01-45-32-Render.png (1280x720, 628K)

>koikatsu general

>Spending $59.99 on porn.
But why?

don't buy it
go here

Why not?

Attached: 1528897185588.png (1920x1080, 953K)


Attached: 1429488811613.gif (250x250, 993K)

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-04-02-23-12-58.png (1920x1080, 1.4M)

Anybody have any muscle girl cards?


I like honey select more because it's easier to make a decent-looking fat bald bastard that can fuck my girls without clipping all over the place

>Recent Illusion games
>No male height customization
I just want to fill a tall girl with manlet cum

Attached: 1549657559575.jpg (900x800, 198K)

Does anyone have experience ripping models from Koikatsu for use in VRChat? Or is that not a thing?

Attached: VRChat_1920x1080_2019-06-24_00-29-49.097.png (1920x1080, 1.74M)

Ok how do I import girls?


you buy em online and pay for their plane ticket


Wait you can't do that in koikatsu? Are there any games where you can do that?

Koikatsu and other illusion gamss have height editor mods.

my man
yes but doesn't it fuck the animations up?

Attached: 1561414025084.png (600x550, 124K)

God I hope I can create a big fat balding ugly old man that I can play with the smiling kindly girl with.

Attached: old bald fat virile men.png (380x629, 174K)

Depends of game/mod and how fucked is the slider.

Post Ilya/Kuro stuff

its premium resort all over

I know this image, but these weren't the characters...

you can change the characters if you have the source scene

f-...f-fucking troll...
i-it'll be better this t-t-time!


Attached: SWING TECHNOLOGY.webm (1270x716, 2.97M)

how are you getting the camera to move like that in pov mode?

>semi open world aesthetic.
I guess Todd Howard did rubbed a bit on Illusion.

Attached: 1562152846800.gif (360x360, 3.37M)

I'm new this this card thing for koikatsu do I just download the card like I would an image?

that's the POV mode from kplug mod, so works diferent than the original POV mod

Great character creator, too bad it's really only good for posing

Attached: CharaStudio-2019-08-19-01-38-27-Render.png (1920x1080, 2.13M)


>still "playing" Honey Select
Fuck you I love HS

Attached: 20190804193527783.jpg (1080x1920, 1.09M)

i love it too, but i had to stop when i realized my HS folder was almost 300gb

i tried installing some new mod and it corrupted my whole install somehow and i lost everything. i've been too sad to masturbate ever since.

Attached: 1564164003442.jpg (251x251, 5K)

Does it have vr that isn't retarded like koi's?
Just sort by date and remove it.

I can't. It was one of those giant lighting overhaul mods that changes a million different files and overwrites a bunch of shit. I don't know why I even did it.

Oh, well you know what you could do? Just delete it and copy all your other shit over again. Or you could just try out yiffalicious and judge for yourself

are there cheats for this game like maxing everybody out, so you can just fuck everyone?

back up abdate/userdate/plugin etc and reinstall


I dunno what that is but yeah I just need to get off my ass and find a repack. It's not like that game was hard to mod or anything and I still have all my cards. I dunno what yiffalicious is though...

Attached: D_C6pJX4AAQXd3.jpg (850x1200, 194K)


tells me an error has occurred? it's happening on all member profiles.

this has some insane potential to be comfy as hell

The unofficial plugin works with the "full game" but it' similar when you are at it. It's an old game so no body interaction with hands on VR at least that I know of.
What day? I will need it to support honey select cards. I promised my waifu I was taking her on vacation last year (when the other game was supposed to come out)

Goes beyond that. These are pedophile threads that are allowed to exist on blue boards. Best thing you can do is start sending emails to the obviously promoted content providers on the board such as nintendo explaining that they are doing business with a place that condones child pornography. These aren't games they are child abuse simulators and have no place here or anywhere.

Girl on the right is cute
Got a card?

It looks like AG2 reskin and will end up SBPR2

I don't care about hands on vr. I just want the view port(3d stereo) and my head-tracking. Most of these companies overdo this vr shit and forget some people just want legacy controls and choice of animation. They had no idea how to properly implement this stuff and it's hilarious

>tfw no kuma card

I was usually at least moderately hype for a new illusion game every time, even while aware of the grief cycle.
However, I'm so uninterested in this one, it's not even funny. With koikatsu (and with the work of the awesome modders) I have received perfection that it simply cannot hope to match, so why even bother?

I thought emotion creators was going to be basically that, a supercharged koikatsu studio. Imagine my disappointment.
Then again, it's illusion so why was I even surprised...

>child abuse simulators

Attached: 1555984970204.jpg (462x421, 48K)


Attached: 1485892831655.png (1800x1578, 199K)

god I love bushy eyebrows

I deliberatley replied to a post that I do not like, and now I am mad. How could this be happening to me??

>discord dilating subhumans and retardera lobotomites showed up

Only if someone gives me an Edelgard card

At least you don't spend 2 hours autistically making lewd scenarios in the studio while edging the whole time each time you start the game up

Attached: Screenshot_214.jpg (600x583, 50K)

Sorry you're threatened because you're lower than anything you just named. Imagine what it must be like being lower on the food chain than a tranny.



That... sounds like the intended experience actually.


thats one hot potato

enjoying your first day?

You will die in one week.

H..hot scout voice

you're not making this any better for yourself

After spending 7 months using this program I can say that it is, whithout a doubt, pretty fun to mess around with.

Attached: Anne_GX.png (1920x1080, 397K)

pretty based desu

Fucking Slifer Slacker

>These are pedophile threads that are allowed to exist on blue boards
first time on the internet sonny?

Attached: 1559186022207.jpg (500x893, 267K)

>Just because it's here constantly it's right
Sorry incels these aren't games and fucking kids in a simulator is not content that belongs here

you wanna talk some shit?
call me.

Actually it's YOU who doesn't belong here.

Dont reply to bait/retards

nice zoomer voice lol

Does anyone have a collection of 2hu cards?

But without (You)'s the baitposters will die!

Post those cards then if you're so great.

Attached: Mako fucking dies.gif (234x280, 1.03M)

he made a thread on /qa/ to cry about it too

Work safe board about video games, posting videos of kids getting fucked and obviously underage fantasies is neither. You don't belong here or anywhere.

what a loser

Attached: 1547504669235.jpg (960x960, 514K)

>mfw I played Artificial Girl 2 & 3 more for exploring the bizarre virtual world with my waifus more than fucking them.

It's like they're making this game just for me.

Attached: pantyfu.png (585x583, 213K)

Post bunny please.

Seethe more incel

do you think that when the pedos itt go to prison that the other prisoners will totally understand that it was just drawn depictions of child porn at that makes it completely different and ok? because why would someone who likes cartoon cp even like the real the real stuff amirite guyz???

>there's only a single person in the world that doesn't like CP

Shockingly low standards.

holy fuck he was serious how pathetic can you be
also to be on topic, wasnt there a booru for cards for this game? Ive never actually played anything like this before want to take full advantage

Attached: 1535673139772.jpg (720x884, 64K)

>He saw a thread on /qa/ that hit close to home so he has to defend child fuckers and degenerates

You don't belong here.

I went to have a wank real quick and what the fuck happened to this thread

This soccer mom is talking about sending a strongly worded email just like in this post

meant to quote

You don't deserve oxygen yet here we are

shit wait nevermind

Yeah, just go to general on /vg/, they have all the links you need in the OP.

who tf is this goofball

Hey salt-kun did you know loli content has been around for decades, hasn't had any affect on child abuse, and you're butthurt over literally nothing?

Can't into life in general it seems.

mods refuse to delete discussions of loli porn so obviously people are getting upset about it

AA2 has the better style, but the customization is more limiting. The gameplay shits all over Koikatsu.

>still thinks it's only a single person
i haven't even spoken in the thread until just that moment.

Why do all these loli mods have potato faces?

The """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""gameplay"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" in koikatsu is absolute dogshit and gets old after 2 minutes. Why the fuck can't they just make a decent Sims clone but with this anime aesthetic?

Attached: hips don't lie.jpg (538x496, 48K)

Is there a way to report threads to the FBI? I'm taking screenshots of all the paedophile posts now for Facebook but what can I be doing?

Last I checked the servers aren't in Japan and simulated content with minors is just as bad as the real thing. These aren't games, they are fetish simulators and have no place here. You're worse cancer than the smash fags or anything else here. There's no lower form of life on this website than seething incels who get off on cartoon children.

Attached: 1566159234685.png (745x595, 499K)

>open world game by illusion
>only one girl
There's no way this could go horribly.

>unironically posting spic fuentes
Off to >>>/muttpol/ with you.

I wish they'd port some more of the animations from HS. Give me back footjobs and fingering damnit

Attached: 1566103167458.png (592x583, 308K)

who are you fooling with this bait

>but what can I be doing?
Start by being more subtle. You'll never become the youmaster this way.

Good to see you were just baiting, user. Even fresh off the boat redditors aren't this stupid.

Share it on tumblr/discord/reddit. The screenshots I've posted of this place help get rid of pedophiles and even earned me reddit gold!

I want to bake that potato.


Attached: 1565570366590.jpg (2140x1816, 440K)


Attached: 1562238223126.jpg (767x1024, 151K)

>hasn't had any affect on child abuse
This is where you're wrong.
It lowers sexual abuse. Anyone who claims it's harmful is either a pedo in disguise, wanking over morality, or simply retarded.

Illusion is a lazy greedy company. They should've made an entire town you could explore, your own house/apartment to decorate (not just the boring one), visiting the girls houses and meeting their moms and stuff, ETC.

horns and hair buns

what study said that it lowers abuse?

Get ICED motherfucker.

99% of the time the people crying about these threads and some of the content in them or games are actually coping and will end up on the news eventually. It's a diversion tactic that always fails

what does that have to do with what i asked

Studies. Numerous, long term, and in multiple countries. It doesn't really get any more definitive than this and it's an obvious outcome to anyone who isn't trying to deflect about being a pedo or jerking themselves off over how righteous they are.

What are the best lightning / shadow settings?

after you amigo

Attached: 1559024747009.png (484x439, 290K)

Not him, but there have been multiples studies done that have made connections between lower rates of sex crime and the availability of porn.

archive.fo/awDjP is another one I think

>one girl


Attached: movie190726.mp4_snapshot_00.14_[2019.08.19_01.03.34].jpg (1280x720, 688K)

I want to have sex with an anime gorl !

Attached: 5937088D-8C75-415B-9F3B-E26A400359FA.jpg (771x547, 107K)

>That mod that added cameras with adjacent screens

Attached: 1563318174780.jpg (971x1215, 68K)

Attached: 0lBTOQrg.jpg (728x2620, 315K)

i'm not seeing any mention of child pornography here. you can try to relate the cases, but this is only going to reinforce it for yourself and not prove anything to others. i've seen the study that suggests males have some pedophilic desires, but i haven't seen any studies on the effects of lolicon and/or child porn.

is this the link you meant to send? doesn't seem to relate to porn, men, or children at all.

Why did they have to make him so sexy?

Attached: Gorl.png (1432x1079, 1.47M)

I love this game

Attached: crop.png (682x662, 459K)

>i'm not seeing any mention of child pornography here
You obviously did not read beyond the headline.

is this image for ants?


Attached: 1554931089250.jpg (1920x1080, 1.15M)

Card please



fuck off back to ,reddit normalfag

How long do we have to wait for next Illusion game that will surpass HS in terms of mods? Because that's the only thing that makes them worthwhile in long term.

Hey, only about 30% of my cards are underage, don't be a prude.



buy hikari/dawn's upcoming figure
it's her first figure in a decade!

Attached: 1491483561063.jpg (2000x289, 575K)


Hmm, would be cool if you could choose what gender your protag was, which would change the social dynamic and what H options you have

Attached: k06.png (1366x768, 397K)

Because if they make it more complex they lose sales because of bored idiots who just want to fap.
I agree with you, though. I wish it were closer to a true full-scale sim than an h-anime sim.

>No rape
>No crying
>No forced impregnation


Attached: vinesauce.jpg (1024x812, 85K)

no retard
you posted a thumbnail

Attached: k2.png (1366x768, 1.35M)

>>he doesn't know about the darkness dlc

Janitor rape was added months ago.


Hit "1" to turn off the camera crosshairs.

That looks like a girl Da Hootch would draw

It's Studio, not the game itself.

Attached: Mikanonleash.png (1920x1080, 1.83M)

Attached: 1558265724933.png (651x585, 1.03M)

>porn doesn't cause suicide
checkmate cocaine fags

>Hajime with painted nails

Attached: 1515825903883.png (419x398, 191K)

>stop porn culture
>fight the new drug
Nice prude propaganda

Literally have to use both hands in VR to control the sex scenes, you had 1 job Illusion, how could you possibly fuck it up


On second thought, don't play Koikatsu. 'Tis a silly game.

Attached: CharaStudio-2019-08-19-04-27-36-Render.jpg (2560x1440, 1.41M)


>forgotten ruins and a girl who smells kinky
wtf did i just read?


Can't they copy the Custom Order Maid and DETACH the fucking control screen from one of the hands? Maybe some modder can implement this?

Sex with anime gorl =P

Can't remember where I got it.

nuh uh
not sex


That's what the free-h mode is for. People who actually play the game don't care about waiting for the H scenes because the wait enhances the payoff for these people. Koikatsu fails at this though because the game part is the most minimum effort dating sim they can possibly create

she looks great on screenshots but her model is absolute garbage in editor and free fuck
nice photoshop, faggots
you cant even trust 3d models on photos
fuck this gay earth

how do you scan the cards. I just pirated the game

You just put them in the card folder dumpass

she look exactly the same you fucking retard what repack and material editor are you on and what shadow settings

The guy that makes Kplug finally started doing that.

Attached: Koikatu-2019-07-17-16-04-10-Render.jpg (2560x1440, 1.17M)

I am not a smart man
Thank you anyway

>violence against women
Sounds to me like porn is based and redpilled since women need to be put back in their place desu

yes and i hate it everytime
i cant see those 5 same poses anymore
the chara maker is so good but the sex is super garbage
especially the asking if you should ask her or not before penetration every single time

I want sex >:[

Card me

play the story mode for 3 hours and make a girl fall for you
repeat for every girl you want to bang

>she looks great on screenshots but her model is absolute garbage in editor and free fuck
theres literaly a fucking video next post

Attached: 1532460494272.png (374x347, 128K)


Attached: 1565850318665.png (1024x557, 815K)

Attached: 1559775511446.png (1500x1950, 937K)

i need to edit those sticc thighs

I just wanted an excuse to post this but couldn't think of how to make it relevant.

Attached: CharaStudio-2019-07-15-18-58-45-Render.jpg (2560x1440, 1.07M)

they all look alike

>"play" koikatsu
>only MC height is manlet

no thanks

Please gib waifu card.

Attached: 4laifu.png (1438x801, 711K)

Better correct and an 'incel' than 40%
I get tons of gay sex just fine though, thanks for asking!

Attached: honkhonk.gif (180x180, 2.7M)


You can adjust the height using ABMX, but it'll fuck up the animations if there's too much of a height disparity between the girl and boy.

Attached: Koikatu-2019-07-10-19-04-44-UI.png (1910x1070, 1.11M)

>load game up with a ton of girls I like from the booru yesterday
>do normal things and try to progress in the school mode
>talk to Booette a total of 2 times and shes already slobbering all over my dick
I love Yandere but I thought it'd be a little harder than this.

Attached: 1563118521723.gif (346x449, 121K)

>still no story mod where you can force impregnate a character

who is this?



card me baby

Thanks mein nigger

show a screenshot you baiting fuck

Anyone have any idea why my game is stuck in this weird pseudo full screen? It's set on exclusive full screen but it's displayed like borderless fullscreen except it's slightly offset even though it matches my display resolution I can stretch the window like a windowed screen also. This shit was working perfectly fine for months and it somehow ended up like this and the problem persists through full reinstalls

i am at work right now
if the thread is up for 9 hours i will you baiting fuck

Oh shit, what do I do?

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-06-18-19-13-26.png (1910x1070, 2.32M)

post r63 anons


>talk to her, give headpads, touch boobs, fill that meters and you ready to fuck her
does it work like this IRL?

you give me her card because she is cute

thx mate

This thread sure is full of begging.

Attached: 1562795530891.png (1920x1080, 807K)

She's my favorite girl.

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-04-19-04-34-44.jpg (2560x1440, 1.6M)

People just make these threads in the first place so people will beg them for cards.

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-03-13-00-02-09.jpg (1920x1080, 620K)

How many animations we got so far and how frequently is it updated? This is a great development.

Attached: 1565240544398.jpg (960x540, 82K)

>load pregnant girl in cause muh fetish
>she's a virgin

Attached: 1539197183734.png (1280x720, 852K)

How could mom say she loves her daughter if she can't give her her virginity?


wait you can make trannies now?

nep is so cute it's criminal
also fuck fireden's owner, fucking faggot

Attached: file.png (1257x2021, 2.35M)

There's something like three footjob positions, one grinding, I think three oral service positions including mouth fucking and the girl performing a rim job. There's a few intercourse positions too, but I don't remember how many. Kplug isn't very stable and can break some other mods since the creator is up his own ass and doesn't play nice with the other modders, and the latest versions are locked behind Patreon. Still, there's enough there that I keep using it.

Any Mordred from Fate cards?

pregnacy mod when?



Attached: Koikatsu-2019-06-13-19-29-00.jpg (2560x1440, 1.28M)

Eleven that I could find on the booru alone. Take your fucking pick.

illusioncards.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=koikatsu mordred

There's 20+ new animations in the newest version and it's updated weekly but it's behind a patreon pay wall

ufff this please

You're a good friend, I like that.

thanks she's really cute!

hell no fuck you, i wont let you take out hte most fun part of the games just because you're trash at character creation

you mean this arent balls?

Attached: pv.jpg (622x521, 63K)

excellent taste

Just puffy.
files.catbox.moe/bfopc7.png (NSFW)

you know pussies have some volume right, its not even that puffy

Where did you get the beach setting? All I have are a bedroom and a million school rooms

studio item

>Reading up on it
>Says it doesn't work in studio (or something along those lines) but also a few lines of code can fix it
>People pay money for this
Why do porn games bring in the biggest fags?

Attached: 1542914988010.png (302x414, 208K)

The character studio has it, but it might be in the Sideloader modpack. Kplug lets you go there in Free H, but otherwise it's not in the main game.

Patreon was a mistake

where is the benis?

thanks user, she's beautiful


in the begina




Can you play as a male monster like a Lizardman or a Minotaur?

it is

Attached: k11.png (1366x768, 992K)

I don't know, user. It was right here a second ago.

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-06-13-19-20-55.jpg (2560x1440, 957K)

>All this wasted potential because of lazy illusion


ehh i mean actually ride, not in a sexual way

I too would like the answer to both, sexual and non-sexual as honestly I fucking love sci-fi.

I've seen people make monsters- pig men in particular are pretty easy to make. But I've never saved any of those cards.

>look in folder
>koikatsu and all my cards are missing

There's a lot of weird male cards just gotta look for them
illusioncards.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=Koikatsu male&pid=0

it can only be used in the studio and there's no animation for it, only posing and you have to manually set it on all four
if you are not good with the studio then don't even bother to download
card is here
in a male folder

>someone made a bondrewd card
Fucking based I'm gonna have best dad in all my shit now

Attached: h11.png (870x1233, 1005K)

Honestly I'm surprised I am disappointed at all.



>Finish game
>Download cards of my party members
>Fuck them in celebration

All the more satisfying.

Attached: CharaStudio-2019-08-19-05-31-00-Render.jpg (2560x1440, 1.34M)

Why would an update do that?

how the fuck is that even happened?

Attached: 1531551750962.jpg (724x620, 76K)

>Windows 10
you did this to yourself

I need to know now.

this is hilarious

>Windows 10

>Windows 10 knows KK is generally used by cringy weeb pedophiles
>deletes the offending program and all content and notifies the authorities
Enjoy prison you pedo piece of shit

>I fucking love sci-fi
well you can make pretty much anything in the studio, including androids and mechs

Attached: overwriting.png (1100x2473, 2.82M)

Based mircosoft making ***brains seethe

Attached: 1565723076788.gif (400x400, 1.64M)

Do these work in studio?

Attached: 1535124643801.png (460x460, 429K)

I am aware, downloading as we speak.
I was also curious if there were scenes with the animation frame for bestialshit as it would raise questions.

post more anytime

you still here? isn't it time to dilate?

how do i get this in my game

the update fucking made my games have frame drops while i have chrome open great

I read something about intel fixing something that drops performance, maybe that was it

There's old versions of kplug around just look for it. Good lick getting the newest version without paying because the cunt started putting identifier code into the plugin for he can instantly ban whoever shares

Did you name her Mary?

Install gentoo.

Attached: file.png (1500x844, 1.41M)

>not only paywalled but also has anti-leak code
Why do Illusion games always attract these primadonna modder faggots

>fuck all sorts of girls
>always end up coming back to mommy sensei
When the fuck are they gonna let me date her?

cm3d2 is even worse with privatefagging

GNOO plus Gentoo Leenucks, idiot


figure i give this a go
what folder do you put scenes and stuff in

No, but you could make something better in Studio anyway. The modder doesn't seem to know how to add anything to the in-game menus, so he just adds his own menus instead. It's weird.

For studio scenes it's UserData -> Studio -> scene. For cards it's UserData ->chara -> female (or male, it it's a dude)

i wish i had the privacy to play games like these. i'd just make a waifu and do waifu things with her all day.

don't buy steam version go to koikatsu general on h and download better repack r9

>Finally getting that puff-puff after all these years


Attached: 1551919685945.png (532x488, 511K)


Attached: learn to parry human.png (1279x631, 1.16M)

Does this game have any system requirements? I only have access to a thinkpad right now

Attached: 5a812ce11fc270ed0bb8e22d045efdd6-700.jpg (1120x700, 58K)

a friend of mine got me the steam version sometime ago haven't really touched it but i just downloaded the one from the general since it has mods and what not included with it


That's a really cute nep card, where did you find it?

its on steam sweetie, you better boycott gabe newell or youre supporting pizza gate


I found it on Pixiv. There's tons of Nep cards, but this one's my favorite.


What's the point of doing all that if you're not going to make it work in studio as well? People legit pay money for this shit?

Attached: 1559374851974.jpg (600x703, 27K)

So I must ask
are there any good fur-cards yet or nah

Except trannies would love this game because it can have traps. What buzzword will you use now?

Not really
they're mostly all shit

>be virgin
>go to sperm bank
>get pregnant
>virgin and pregnant

its 2019 bud.

The game comes with a number of girls to use and also has a few main character story girls on top of that so you're good. You can also get more online if you don't want to make more yourself.


Attached: Sweet Bear.jpg (1972x2101, 606K)