So I see that Yea Forums is pretty divided about Edelgard, so the question I have is...

So I see that Yea Forums is pretty divided about Edelgard, so the question I have is, how would you improve her character so that she is better, most preferably without changing anything about her backstory.
Bonus points if you keep her the same until the second act.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Show her actually needing the dubsteppers and making her route not a complete afterthought would be a good start.

There's nothing wrong with her character. Her route could use 2 more maps. That's about it.

by making her blonde otomebait that wants to shoot up garreg mach

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>So I see that Yea Forums is pretty divided about Edelgard

Yea Forums isn't at all divided about her. Consensus on here is that she's the worst, most unlikable, unsympathetic, repulsive, and irredeemable monster to ever grace Fire Emblem. All of her ideals are complete lies and the crest problem she's addressing isn't a crises at all, but simply a fabricated excuse to cover her own self delusion, egotism, victim complexes, and murderous impulses. The game would have been better off if her route was removed and she was made a strictly unplayable villain character. /feg/ in comparison tends to be far more divided on this topic.

You are a fucking moron.

She's a pretty good villain. Made me really dislike her.

And you are blind.

It's a fucking atrocity that we don't get to shanking the slitherers in their sleep
the moment of the FE reveal could have been done better
Are you kind of like sperging out about her in every thread right now?

Which students work really well in other houses?
I want to keep recruiting to a minimum.

Remove BE/Church in the development process. Put the time freed up from that polishing and adding more content to Blue Lions.

speak for yourself user

just pick ones that have supports with characters in your house

V didnt play the game wtf are you on?

particularly the ones that have supports with your lord because you obviously won't see those in the other routes

I pretty much only plan on poaching Caspar, lysithea and Lorenz from now on.

how's the eye dimitri?

she's not a bad character, she's just a psychopathic bitch in a game with 2 much better lords that waifufags leech onto because they're waifufags

This. Waifus are shit. I ignore the dumbass romance and just play the game.

Do characters like Felix and Dorothea have special dialogue when fighting The Boar and The Whore?

As if Dimitri could have typed all that without mentioning stab your chest break your neck smash your head

I think Edelgard is written as well as she needs to be. The only thing that really needed tweaking were a couple of small plot points (particularly her acts as the FE, some of them do not really make sense even with the full context) as well as maybe extending and rewriting some of her post-timeskip route.

The very nature of her being a morally gray character means angry internet people are going to sperg about her no matter how much you try to improve her character. I think the abundance of black in white morality in society is fucking with people and getting them stirred up more easily about things.

>Villain route bad
Faggot. Her route needed some more maps to tie up the loose ends and actual cutscenes but it doesn't have many flaws that are actually unique to it and not the whole game.

> Convenient timeskip until all the girls are safely above 18 before they start asking you to fuck them raw
fucking COWARDS

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Marianne on Lions, Felix in Deer I would say.

After playing this game for awhile I think that if more effort was put into it it could have been a fantastic game instead of just being good like it is now.

>better animations
>props during support conversations
>more classes to support various progression paths through every rank
>give main character slightly more personality
>more user friendly inventory management
>have plot progression feel more authentic by having more communication between characters

Those are just the things I could think of.
By themselves I dont think any one of these things would necessarily be hard to implement, although all of them together probably would be.

Felix yes, Felix unironically becomes a psychopath if he joins Edelgard since most of the characters that join her act super out of character.

I'd want a full on villain route. Most of BE's problems can be traced to Edelgard. What I'd do is make it so she's as much of a cunt in that route as she is in every other. I'd write out all the nonsensical waifu shit (you have other girls for that) and make it clear by the time you A supported her that she doesn't love you; she can't because she's a sociopath. She just puts on an act for you to manipulate you. All of her supposed ideals are just a mask to hide her lust for power. She knows she's wrong, but she doesn't care as it gets the rubes to die for her. Basically, she's pick related and (you) are her Selvaria bitch boy who she'll use and throw away for power. At some point, you'll have the opportunity to betray her and become emperor yourself so long as you have a high enough support level with her retainers. So at the end of the route, you'll have conquered everything and bent the continent to your evil will. You may even be the new leader of the Slitheres. It would have been a full on evil route; not this lame antihero bullshit.

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Typically commoners or nobles without any strong ties to their house or heritage seem to fit in wherever. But when you have the first son of the important high ranking official of the empire helping you fight the empire things start to feel wonky especially when you never get an actuall explanation as to why they join you instead of just returning home during the time skip.
Its easier to explain away those without inheritance, the depressed, and commoners sticking with their classmates when the world around them goes to shit

This, she's fine as she is, other than the rushed part near the end.
Then again, Golden Deer also felt rushed to me, even with the longer route.

I also agree about the sperging over her being due more to outrage culture than any legitimate problems with her characterization.

Better in what way though? I think the problem is that she works great as an antagonist but terrible as a actual character you might want to join. The thing though is I don't know how they would be able to balance, the reasons I enjoy her as a villain are the reasons I would never seriously join her.

You do know that in the end she gives the throne away after a while, right?

Removing the Flame Emperor bit or at least explain exactly why she went about doing that (there are a lot of plot holes there explicitly tied to FE being Edelgard) and have the dubstep clan appear on-camera, maybe even having one or two of them as playable characters. Have Edelgard realize that Arundel is Thales and say explicitly that she knows this and fully intends to get rid of all the slitherers (Byleth can talk her out of this to spare their recruits) as soon as the war with Faerghus and the church is over, perhaps having the slithermen go and betray her shortly before or during the final battle so that can be sorted out in-game.

Edelgard being a well-intentioned villain is workable and can make an engaging story, but hers in particular was handled poorly, going well off the handle at some points and beating way too much around the bush in others.

This but without asking the player to pick his house without a proper chance to figure out what he's getting himself into. Maybe add an orientation month where the professor has time to get introduced to the students more than a brief conversation during their first day. Let the house leaders bicker and fight over your allegiance and use this to show just how underhanded and ruthless Edlgard can be before the player is stuck with her until the Church route can bail him out. Then just pick your house at the end of the month when you take them to go fight the bandits.

You forgot to include the part of her A-Rank where she says Ferdinand and Ferdinand alone shall be the sire of her children because:

A) he has a Crest she doesn't already have
B) he is of noble birth and the rightful prime minister
C) his natural virility and girth far exceeds your autistic limp dick

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But Chadinand is for Dorothea and Sensei is for Lysithea, Edelgard can be a spinster.

A lot of the aspects of her "Flame Emperor" persona throughout part 1 nullify her personality as a character and make her ideals fall flat.
Edel vs Dimitri could have been a lot more impactful, given their past with one another.
Edel's entire worldview is shaped by the Slitherers, despite her blatant distrust of them throughout the route. This again, makes her feel like a less genuine character.
Edel never really has a concrete plan and never really shows any hints at a political map for what she would do AFTER essentially usurping and destroying every government structure in Fodlan. This makes he seem incompetent compared to characters like Claude, leaving Fodlan in a worse state than it was in before her crusade.

that is the exact opposite of their a rank support

Would Yea Forums like her if she was more of a semen demon instead of an awkward and evil womanlet?

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cool story bro

Ferdinand is for Bernie and Bernie alone

Yea Forums would hate her no matter what as long as she remains the most popular route.


The most ironic thing is Edelgard ranting on about how the evil Seiros has been holding humanity back when Seiros watched humanity kill itself off and Sothis had to fix the world so humanity could live again. And then her pro-human speeches as well when all the problems in Fodlan were pretty much caused by humans.

They needed to give the player an actually good reason to side with her. She shows up to rob the crypt with her evil lackeys, you kick her shit in and kill all her minions, and then you're given the option to spare and join her because... you went to her coronation, a few months ago?

She should've made good on that flame emperor promise, come before you beforehand unmasked, explain her motivations and goals, and ask you to join in on her scheme.

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>"I got btfo from /feg/ now I shitpost about my husbando's ex on Yea Forums

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it doesnt help she attacks the crypt with one of the most blatant evil looking lackeys ever, hell the Death knight looks less derranged that the mushrom hair looking faggot that she brings in that fight

God, her romance was so terrible I wish she was a sociopath so you couldn't S-rank her.

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she's misguided because literally everyone is in 3h, but she's not psychopathic at all, unless you think literally everyone who's started a war is a psychopath. In which case, Claude is the only lord in this game who isn't a psycho.

Why are you creating fapfiction for your waifu about shit that already happens in church route?

Well I think the story leaves the truth about what Seiros did the the slitherers, (and what Nemesis did to her) intentionally ambiguous. There's a real possibility that Seiros was full of shit and her recounting was completely biased, though I trust her more than Edelgard given the fact that Edel never even becomes aware of the truth behind Crests and the Relic weapons.

>In which case, Claude is the only lord in this game who isn't a psycho.
He explicitly wants to brown Fodlan, he might be the most evil one

clearly show her distancing herself from twsitd
show a conflict of interest and infighting with twsitd
make sure the flame emperor goes out of their way to avoid hurting non church/kniights of seiros members, including students
show her despising and avoid associating with monica and tomas

that's it nigga why this shit so hard to be consistent

>Claude is the only lord in this game who isn't a psycho.
>wants you to be the fucking god king which he can influence and control

he's called a schemer for a reason. Don't be fooled by his calm demeanor

this might be the biggest issue with edelgard ever being sympathetic.

she assists and stays in contact with people who claims to hate, but willingly uses and benefits from they're services, it tells me she has no principles

>tfw playing radiant dawn feels like im playing 3H without the casual enemy range and preditcion lines

>. There's a real possibility that Seiros was full of shit and her recounting was completely biased
Both Serios and the slithers have a good reason to lie about what happened, I don't trust either to not rewrite history to serve their own interests.

I've only played BE route, and in that claude was just literally the only person who actually seemed like he didn't want a war.

the fact that even the little shit Cryl hates Almyrs should tell you everything

Those prediction lines really are too much.

Edelgard is the only person who actually wants war. Dimitri and rhea just want to end it fast.

Pacifists aren't good people in Fire Emblem.

The only King I serve under

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She really doesn't have much of a choice, or at least that's what they tell you in the BE story. That evil cult basically runs the empire, they were powerful enough to kidnap all the emperors children and do horrible experiments on them though, so it is likely it's not as easy as just saying "no way fag, i'll defeat the church dragons without you".

If Dmitri wanted to end the war all he had to do was not shelter Rhea. Edelgard's only target was the church of seiros. If Dmitri hadn't sided with Rhea the Kingdom could've stayed out of the war.

Don't forget that they literally nuked a town just because they thought she was trying to oppose them by killing that one bitch

He doesn't shelter her in any route except BE.

>first Gfield fight
>Claude: man that was rough good that was just a fake fight
>Dimitri: hope we never have to actually fight for real
>Edelgard: Wouldnt be funny if i started war for real and killed you all? just kidding haha

i can believe that, more so since in GD, route, they have fuckin Missles.

still what we end up getting is kinda an Conquest story of "i can't oppose my masters so i'll do they're bidding until the very end where it'll work out this time." which opens up another can of worms in regards to the BE's storytelling

Sylvain joining Black Eagles would make sense since he hates being born with a crest and what the Church and his family did to his brother.

>first grondor battle
>claude:"Teach, what if we lit the ballista platform on fire when the enemies try to take the high ground."
>Edelgard:"haha that idea is retarded Claude, no way it would work haha."
*looks at bernie*

She’s intentionally supposed to be somewhat despicable. That’s why you directly fight her on all three routes

Lysithea fits really well in with the BEs. she even has an Edelgard support.
Lindhardt probably fits in pretty well with just about any house, as would Dorothea.
really you should just look at each characters support list and see who has enough supports for your chosen house to not feel left out.

>in his paralogue he says how shitty Almyrans are
>end with him going 'but you know it wasn't so bad'
Once and Almyran always an Almyran I guess.

Anyone you don't recruit dies horribly. Choose the ones you wish to save.

>BL route
>my nigga Dimitri unintentionally kills most of the key slitherers without even knowing
>even offers to let Edel live if she just chill out
>instead she tries to stab him

Why didn't she just give up?

Pride is one hell of a drug

I just reached the time skip today and right before I just casually recruited Caspar because he deserves it.

Hilda for that delicious armpit.

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It surprises me how much dissatisfied everyone is about Edelgard's romance bits. To me it sounded pretty fine for a woman who has difficulties exposing her emotions and coming out of her hard shell. She emphasizes this very same point multiple times, about how much difficult it is for her to be emotional while in the position of Emperor.

Her route definitely needed a bit more of refining, feels like they've decided to add it in the last moment. Two more maps and some backstory about how she obtained Aymr (her special axe) would be good. She got that stuff offscreen and it's lame

You know what would be cool, if (you) convinced her to reveal her plan to the entire class and depending on who (if any) you recruited, certain students will snitch and cause the battle of the crypt anyway and join the battle against (you). But if there are no recruited students that will snitch then just have a nameless nobody be the snitch.

How do you fags feel about this?

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mitsuru confessing to you got me off

That it's a NEVER EVER since both sides are too pig headed.

i feel bad for them, the prime example of "people who should be able to get along, but can't because they're beliefs"


All they had to do was make it so they don't show up until after you've committed to a move (at that point it's just the game showing you a battle forecast, which is fine), because then you at least have to burn a divine pulse as punishment for not examining the enemy ranges more closely. I don't know why they didn't.

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Fire emblem finally gave a decent ending

Do you guys think limiting what students you can recruit would be cool or intrude gameplay too much? Things like Leonie joining you on the BE route feels like utter bullshit.

No, if we're talking BE route here, Archbishop "Catherine, burn the city to the ground" Rhea wants a little more than just to see the war ended quickly.

>every other girl gets some heartfelt smile or hug after the S support scene
>Hilda starts posing like she wants you to fuck her immediately
Is there a sluttier student?

i'd appreciate it honestly, some students have much better reasons for house hoping, others have no good excuse to do so.

Make her batshit insane. She'd be more likeable if she weren't lying and conniving bitch all the time.

Either that, or make a more in-depth reason as to why they are joining you with a special scene or something. The fact that almost everyone that isn't part of the starting class shows up post-timeskip with no explanation is a waste.

>how she got her axe
Slitherers made it for her, you can infer as much by the fact that they made the original crest weapons and this is a new one made to her specifications. There’s not a super exciting story behind this.

Realistically how long will it be before Edeltards get tired of ruining every single thread on Yea Forums and fuck off?


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Also the fact that it's the only crest weapon that requires agarthium to repair instead of umbral steel.

Hitlergard did nothing wrong

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imagine the sex

literally keep her exactly the same, but on her route add like 4 or so extra chapters after the end where You and Edelgard track down and dismantle the slithers and she faces one last round of doubt and reflection as she deals with hard realities of the consequences her path carries.

I assume a regular Sylvain is supposed to be faster and not as tanky, right?

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I have no problem with the romance part. But yeah, it does feel like she's intented to be the villain but they decided to add her route the last minute since she's the poster girl of the game and some people would sperg if you can't side with her. They didn't even bother explaining how she got her relic as you said, while they' ve shown how Claude and Dimitri got their own relics in their respective routes. I feel like they should've focused on polishing the BL route a bit more but I guess that would be unfair since there'd literally no reason to play the other routes if they add the Red Canyos, Seiros, Sothis and other stuff in it considering majority of the villains and side characters you meet in the pre-timeskip are heavily connected with the BL members.

I wouldn't have a problem with her if she wasn't a militant atheist's wet dream. She's every fucking JRPG trope condensed into a single characters.
>religion is the bad guy

>Golden Deer
>Gronder Field 2.0
>Getting absolutely BODIED by Ingrid
What the FUCK bros this is a legit difficulty jump, not only do you get gangbanged by Sylvain's cock on turn 2 from behind but every general/character unit is so fucking good and easily outclasses anyone besides Lysthea/Byleth

All the horse classes come with a -10% speed growth, and all the cav wannabes are already pretty slow. You need to get creative if you want to keep them useful (brave lance for Lorenz, Lance of Ruin tends to keep Sylvain fine, and Ferdinand becomes useable again once he gets Swift Strikes at A lances).

I want to hatefuck her so bad.

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After all the shit they went through......the bitch still couldn't say he was the better man.


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That map is going to be legit unfair on lunatic mode if Sylvain moves the turn he shows up. Like, he brings anyone he attacks down to less than 25% HP, and then his two buddies can just easily finish them off. And he shows up on turn 2 from your starting point. How are you supposed to deal with that?

People seethe because Edelgard plays the real deal politics (that is backstabbing, allying yourself with unsavory parties, leading side-effects so it doesn't blow in your face, playing your own allies, etc). Politics is never the "hero who will save the world" bullshit. To me she's pretty fine as an extremist, slightly sociopathic REAL politician

They are on completely different wavelengths. Dimitri is on a personal journey of vengeance/justice. Edelgard is very political minded in comparison.

The issue is always that she doesn't punish the people who actually abused and tortured her in the game. She goes for the target her abusers want to destroy and then we're given a "THEN SHE TOOK OUT THE BAD GUYS NO SERIOUSLY BELIEVE US"

It feels like a wet fart and it paints all her actions as questionable or questionably motivated

Is this fujo posting in my Yea Forums?

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I think the point is that she has a few screws loose from her time in Tron, but that she keeps a stoic face about it.

>push Edelgard harder than the other lords
>BE play the biggest role in the plot out of the three
>campaign ends before anything actually happens with the final conflict being teased as taking place later like some shitty dlc
>get 1 (one) cutscene

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Hahaha, the most accurate post in this thread. Basically Yea Forums in a nutshell. Contrarian for life.

Found the fujo

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She was always the shoehorned in villain route. BL was likely the intended original route. Marketers thought that the cute girl was more marketable though.

>this is the man that Yea Forums jacks off to

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Finally finished Blue Lions after nearly 140 hours, I attribute most of this playtime to a lot of unnecessary monastery exploration, not turning of battle animations, all text on auto-play, recruiting nearly everyone and training them evenly, as well as unlocking and watching as many supports as I possibly could.
>Alois, Petra, Lorenz, Ignatz, Raphael, Hilda, and Gilbert all alone.
>Manuela and Dorothea lez it up
>Lysithea is cured and succeeds Hanneman
>Seteth and Leonie go fishing
>Annette and Mercedes are super gay
>Linhardt "studies" Marianne
>Cyril becomes Lord Ashe's retainer
>Felix and Bernie get married
>Dragon loli gets Duscur'd and becomes a master chef
>Sylvain and Ingrid have many babies
>Dimitri cucks Rhea with Catherine
>Byleth and Shamir have not quite as many babies as Sylvain and Ingrid

I have a save from right before selecting who to marry, should I try to blitz through the last two maps 20+ times to get all of the S supports or should I wait until I have an overpowered NG+ team? Are certain routes better for grinding S supports?

A lot of the people playing BL (most of the people on Yea Forums) aren't playing it for romances though.

>it's another "people who clearly haven't played Crimson Flower give their lukewarm Edelgard takes" thread

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This so much
It's absolutely retarded how dumb her route is map wise.
>Hey teach you're back now were going to invade the Alliance"
>"Think to myself Oh man this is going to be pretty fucking difficult and atleast be 3-4 maps long because we are LITERALLY taking over a fucking country"
>Take the Bridge in literally 3 turns because of how bad it is
>Think whatever as long as we have to take another keep or two then the capital it'll be fine
>"We now have a direct route to the capital thanks to this one bridge and we can invade without a doubt!
>Next map take over the entirety of the Alliance and kill Claude
>The Alliance has crumbled and now serves the Empire entirely
The same fucking things happen with the fucking Holy Kingdom
Its literally then defend Garrach Monastery and then spend 2 maps going to the Holy Kingdom killing Dimitri and then Rhea.
The maps in that Route are just so fucking bad
The maps aren't the worst in the series like Echoes but they are pretty bad, and the variation are just the fucking worst.

Who wouldn't want to put their penis in a villainess? If Edelgard was not joinable, Yea Forums would be complaining about how you couldn't indulge her obvious obsessions in you.

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I'm having trouble having Ingrid not BUTTFUCK me SILLY with her fucking relic lance and 30% crit rate from 20 fucking tiles of move per turn and running straight for you as soon as you cross that niggering bridge while the Two Men™ slowly walk their way to you afterwards.

>Very polite
>Actually mentally unhinged
>Wants to fuck the first person who's nice to him with big tits
>Hates womanlets
Literally us

You know what would be cool, if we could recruit people from the Imperial Army like Randolph or Fleche

>how would you improve her character so that she is better,
Have her be not retarded for starters

There's no way I can play the BE route. I like Dimitri too much.

Guess I'll wait for the Sothis DLC route where you can save everyone.

These stupid fucking gigantic robots that are impervious to magic are giving me an aneurysm on BE route. These things ruin late game for me every single time. They're tedious, not fun to take on, and they're basically Divinity Pulse instigators 99% of the time. Considering most of BE uses magic, the last fucking map was just an holy abomination of design.

Ingrid was easy, she doesn't have the bullshit counterattack skill, so just highlight her range and stay outside of it until she moves close enough to shoot her down with an archer or just hit her with the Sublime Creator Sword to chip her. Then you just hit her with anyone else. Her high movement will work against her in this case, because the Two Men should still be too far away to be a threat.

Howabout Ladislava?

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Probably, but it caught me off guard that a FE game wouldn't dump it's budget into the mascot waifu and instead invested in the character development of the lads. Playing through BL right now and I'm not even mad I wasted my first playthrough with the BE anymore

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Byleth is also a womanlet though

Taller than edgytits.

>Mommy issues
>No sense of taste
>Immediately jumps on the chance for violent forms of murder when he feels justified
>Awkward as fuck in all social situations
>Blonde hair blue eye
>Is a slave to the milkies of the women he loves

of fucking course Yea Forums loves him

Yeah but more importantly bustier
Dimitri obviously likes short busty women, which are the objective most attractive kind of women, making him peak patrician.

But user, I thought you wanted a challenge

I'm going to need that card

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Yeah sure, why not

See, I knew about the ballista trap, so I strided straight towards the center, only to get absolutely pounded silly by that fuckboy Sylvain and sandwiched on three sides by the Faerghus army, Petra, and Hubert with his fucking 40+ damage tomes.

People who were saying hard mode is a cakewalk must have either been doing exploits, or dropped the game before timeskip.

>she says it with a smile on her face
Is Edelgard rubbing off on her?

>Yea Forums totally obliterated the otomeshit
you guys are alright sometimes

>Ladislava...has also...passed...

What a great sendoff.

She cute.

>commoner elevated to noble
>liked by citizens for being nice
>also called beautiful
>tallest girl in cast
Not fair.

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hard mode was hard for me because everyone that wasn't dimitri, byleth, or ingrid got speed screwed.

everyone else (including swordmaster felix!) was below 30 speed and i hated it.

This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say "Yup, that's me". I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It's really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?

>character dies in casual mode pre time skip
>they just retreat and are still wandering around NotHogwarts. You just can't interact with them ever again
Classic mode is retarded and not immersive at all. Going to do Normal/Casual next run and not feel an ounce of shame about it. What a shoddy fucking mode.

Context? I don't recognize this scene.

>BL was likely the intended original route
Have to agree with this even though I did the Edelgard route and it's my favorite ending. Holy fuck BL has so much more content compared to the other houses

>making a piss easy game even easier

>favorite ending

*tips fedora*
You my man...are epic

Sylvain support

What are the dragon signs for?

It's her support with Sylvain, he finds on her her stories and she has a meltdown (even though he thinks it's great)

Just finished Lions as well.
>Cyril, Caspar, Hanneman, Alois forever alone
>Lorenz fucking Leonie's commoner pussy
>Linhardt curing Lysithea and marrying her
>Seteth taking the christmas cake before it expires
>Gilbert finally going home with Annette and being a family man again
>Ferdinand slaying the dragon loli pussy every night and in public
>Ashe marries Catherine after she killed his brother and father
>Felix marries Bernie
>Dedue gives Mercedes the Duscur cock and they singlehandedly preserve the Duscur race
>Sylvain and Ingrid fuck a lot and don't give a shit about Crests
>Dimitri and Marianne actually have a pretty touching support and ending for two emolords
>Byleth playing with Hilda's lewd body until the end of time

My Felix has 37@ Lv 38, but holy fuck she just hits so hard with that relic weapon, and I don't have Dimitri to just throw into a crowd to tank blows. Claude is okay, but doesn't have the raw STR/SPD/DEF to take out half the map.

They give you a Crest if you have it in your inventory.

See, the trick here is priority-setting. You can't possibly take all of the enemies at once, so you need to look at who NEEDS to go, and who can wait (ie units with ranges you can stay out of). Sylvain and his goons will probably be your first priority, then those two swordmasters from Dimitri's troops, then Ingrid and her Peg Knights, then the imperial armour knights moving to take the hill, then Hubert, then the Two Men. Then you can relax. I literally just did this map earlier today.

It helps if you have a 10-move falcon knight Leonie and a shit-ton of wyvern lords.

They even have the traditional goodguy colors (whereas Edelgard has the badguy colors)

Dimitri interactions are on another level.

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Yeah, I figured I'd just slow down and stridekreig on turn 2 instead after blasting Sylvain. Though my Leonie is kind of shit, I have her as a Peg trying to get to master flying classes.

Lv 40
Str 27
Ma 13
Dex 34
Spd 30
Luk 27
Def 27
Res 13
Cha 34

I feel she got STR screwed HARD despite staying cavalier/pall most of her levels.

Dimitri is obviously more into mommy types than flat womanlets

what's a good build that can take advantage of Felix's relic shield?

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I was hoping to get Dimitri and Marianne paired up, but I think me stealing Shamir along with Dimtri+Falcon Knight Catherine tearing through the final maps probably screwed me.

>Literally begs Catherine to come back
maybe you are onto something

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Heres my issue with the game.

>def screwed
Just throw a heavy armor battalion and a shield on that shit, easy +15 defense
>res screwed
White mages and hexlock shield
>might screwed
Heavy lances battalion, forged weapons, and combat skills
>dex screwed
Snipers and a ring for 40 hit chance
>luck screwed
No worries, half the shit in the game, even weapon mastery, gives crit avoid
>all at once?
Pegasus knights battallion, +7 to might, +5 to both defenses, great avoid
>speed screwed
lol u fukd kid

>implying Catherine isn't a mommy type

The only division is Yea Forums is a bunch of sensitive faggots that melt down when a character turns out to be a villain. All Yea Forums cares about is waifus, and even then they must be 100% pure or they'll burn them at a stake.

Edel is a good antagonist and being able to join her is really clever from a gameplay standpoint. Design wise her route just needed a little more work put in to it, but considering it's split into two different routes it's not surprising it didn't get as much attention as the others. That's all.

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>speed screwed
literally my run, Hard actually felt hard because of this and i'm not sure if i wanna try lunatic.

Mine's lvl 39 with:

HP 48
Str 26
Mag 18
Dex 36
Spd 40
Lck 25
Def 24
Res 22
Cha 25

Seems like your's got speed-screwed, but the fact that your's has been a paladin (-10% spd growth) while mine was a peg knight (+10%) makes that check out. Strength seems fine though.

Mating press with my Dancer Flayn, every night!

this is it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>epstien shit has me freaking out
>just lost 3k in stocks
>family wants to kill me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked or some shit. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.

stream URL and quick rundown:

See you all soon.

I wonder how long it will take people to realize how bad most maps are. Not only are some reused, some are so badly planned that they can be abused or cheesed.

thats what i mean, Dimitri was actually the one begging her to comeback, meanwhile Ingrid is opening her legs for him and he is like, haha chill girl maybe later, Dimitri clearly likes older woman

If you're talking Felix specifically, just train his Heavy Armor to C for the Weight -3 ability and he should still be fine with any of his melee builds. If you really don't want swords weighing him down, you could go Brawler Felix so that you always double-tap on his personal skill, then make sure to max out Brigand for Death Blow so that he has an effective +22 attack whenever he initiates combat.

fuck off

Of course everything can be abused. This isnt like RD where 70% of the maps hard limit you to no more than X horse, Y staff, and Z flyer by preventing you from using two thirds of the roster at any given time. If you care about map autism I recommend you play a balanced game like advance wars where that shit actually matters; you even get bonus maps for completing things under certain conditions.

>pick Claude to do the bow tournament because I figured he was gonna dismount the wyvern for it anyway
Well I feel stupid

This was my first fire emblem and I have done two routes and wanna play one of the older ones. Which would you recommend? I heard Fates was dogshit but I would rather play a 3ds version than download an emulator.

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War with Edelgard>>>>>Sex with Edelgard

Brawler or swordmaster give him enough speed growths that you can just carry the weight and still double. Dont make him a mortal savant unless you want to cap his speed at its current value for the rest of the game.

I was actually surprised by the Dimitri and Marianne support. Almost all her other ones are like "Marianne, you gotta be happy and smile more", then Dimitri is just "yeah, you can keep being depressed if you want". Best pair.

That's why I said he's more into mommy types. He openly flirts with Byleth in front of other people and wants to fuck her and he courts Catherine in his support with her. Meanwhile his support with Flayn is rather hilarious and it felt like he and Ingrid just got together out of obligation. Ingrid's supports with most of her childhood friends are rather underwhelming except maybe with Sylvain's. She unironically works better with Claude.

You can also reclass him real quick from the inventory menus.

There's two ways to look at that. Me, I find it really satisfying to one-turn maps. There's just something really satisfying about it, especially when you can find a way to get all the treasure on them anyway.

Also, the map objective defeat all enemy commanders is legitimately really good and I have no idea why it's taken so long for IS to come up with it.

Dorothea just catfishes. Hilda's the legit slut. Manualla didn't do anything when she was hot and popular until she started aging past a cake where no one would take her advances.

Hilda would probably be too lazy to actually do anything once you get her in bed though. Dead fish sex.

make the actual game part of the game she's in not garbage.

Blyat, Caspar, Ferdinand, Petra, Edelgard, Bernie. How are you lacking physical damage?

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Just spam gambit, break their shields and stun

Fates' story is what sucks ass, the gameplay (esp. conquest) is solid. Awakening is about the same deal. For older games, Sacred Stones is one of the easier older games.

Conquest is alright if you skip all of the dialogue, the rest of the 3ds games aren't very good. The GBA ones are easy as shit to emulate and you don't even need a translation patch for 7 and 8, so I'd say just do one of those.

How to improve Edelgard? Improve Edelgard? Edelgard is the absolute worst. Whoever likes her must be blind. They have no taste for villains. My only wish thorough the entire game is to smash her skull and break her bones. I want to inflict so much pain in Edelgard she will cry more tears than all victims she has made. Then I will hang her corpse from the tallest tower so everyone can see what happens when some dumb woman with too much political power decides to do a revolution. Now that would be nice. That's how I would improve Edelgard. What do you think, OP? Doesn't she look much better now?

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Her story should have actually focused on ends justifying the means instead of just telling us that it does, as it stands she's objectively wrong since there are no major differences in the end state of the world depending on whether she wins or not making her whole crusade against the church look completely useless.

is war master the only good master class for him? I can only see him staying with swordmaster or assassin if he's using swords


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i got a question, if a play in casual, can i savescum levels? my autism is driving me crazy with the 2 stats level ups, i already did 2 routes in hard classic but i wanna know how is it in casual

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>bernie rolling despite dancer

The algorithm has spoken I guess, Bernie's my next dancer.

Go to sleep, Dimitri.

It's the same as classic

The game doesn't lock in random numbers for hit calculation, so if you divine pulse, do something else, then try the hit again, you should get a different result. It DOES lock in level-ups, however. Even level-ups for battalions.

He's squishy even with free Aegis/Pavise, so at least the sword classes give him decent avoid, plus there's like four maps where steal can come in handy. Brawler Felix is too busy killing everything to care.

Just make her for female Byleth only. It's all she needs to be perfect.

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Do I suck or are flying units useless in this game?
Every single map has balistas covering the entirety of the map. And even if there aren't, my peg knight Ingrid just gets killed by all enemies despite having more levels than them and top gear.

so even if i save in casual and return it would still give the bad level up? shame

If you support this bitch you're are an SJW, end of story kike.


Should reset the level if you reset the entire map (like, L+R+++-). They lock in once they happen for the first time.


this but unironically
I only see reddit and tumblr unironically liking edgelord because >yazz queen!
She is an awful character. Maybe a memorable villain, but definitely not a good one. Ocelot from MGS3 is a good villain, and he manages to be so without being annoying. In fact he is more likable than all other characters and that's saying something because MGS3 is godly written. Edgetard on the other hand is plain unlikable. Even if you like edgy characters you'd prefer Dimitri and Felix over her.

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Should I make my wife, Catherine, into a Gremory since she had maxed out Savant and I've been focusing on getting her magic skills up? She looks good in a dress.

That is definitely a problem with the game in general.
But is it actually a problem with Edelgard, or is it that the other routes contrive good endings that strain credulity?

Claude just fucking off the continent is hilarious.

What sexual favors would Edelgard give Byleth to get her on her side?

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You have 6 mov on the peg knight, 7 on wyvern rider, and 8 on falcon knight and wyvern lord. You also have the march ring from the second Death Knight map. You also have stride, which boosts movement for up to 12 units by 5 for one turn. You also have a dancer (probably), allowing you to make use of the extra movement twice in one turn on a single unit. Your fliers also get to exhaust the rest of their movement after attacking. I think you might be bad.

I mean you become the pope in blue lions after rhea didn't show up at all in the second half so probably

Wyvern Lord is probably the best class in the game and Falcon Knight isn't far behind. Just Stride/Warp/Dance/whatever your flier and take out the balista before it has a chance to fire, or just avoid tank the balista with Alert Stance until you are in range, or just regularly tank the balista with an Aurora Shield.

if she has the magic to pull it off yeah, and slap her swords to see the different animations, personally swordmaster animations are kinda boring, i like more the assassins one

Why change her?

Edelgard being basically a Nazi is what makes her interesting, why do you want another boring moe blob waifu?

Terrible spell choice.
She was tricked. Flat out. She was tricked and she is evil.

>The game doesn't lock in random numbers for hit calculation, so if you divine pulse, do something else, then try the hit again, you should get a different result.
I have consistently seem the opposite. If a character misses, divine pulsing will never make them hit. I've had characters taking a critical that had a 4% chance of hitting, and despite two or three divine pulses they'd still get the crit, which is for me concrete evidence the game locks random numbers.
With that said I have also had SOME instances where a character misses an attack that was landed in a previous divine pulse. It is very confusing but it seems like if you change the order of your moves (as in use different characters), the algorithm will change and allow new outcomes.

>next else thing kill byleth

Make her more unambiguously evil. Make siding with her straight up the chaotic evil path rather than "ends justifies the means" bullshit.

That's my thing with the game too, like yeah, every problem with the world just sort of magically solves itself for Dimitri and Claude, but I don't think that actually changes the fact that Edelgard was the only one who actually had concrete plans for fixing them in the first place.

I'd argue the divide it inflicts on people and how passionate they get about arguing if she was justified or not is the hallmark of a well-done character who cannot be constrained to the extremes of good or evil.

Lesbians can only do ~3 things sexually, so I guess one of those?
Black and white are the only colors that exist. Prove me wrong.

You can rewind and level them up on the next map to get around the locked-in level up.

You need to burn that RN first. If you divine pulse and then just try again, you'll get the same result. What you need to do is divine pulse, have one of your other units make an attack to burn that random number, and THEN try again.

Honestly it probably is more a problem with the other routes since it's clear they want every route to have a happy ending. This has always been a pet peeve of mine but Fire Emblem games almost never really cover what happens after the big war, it's just we killed the dragon and now everything is ok.

Is Byleth immortal? The crest stone isn't in him anymore. Plus he ages or else he would still be a baby.

It's lame that the outcome can change, I thought nips were serious about fate.

She had good intentions but most evil people do. Her first choice is to slaughter everyone.
Her good intentions are meaningless anyway because she was tricked.

She can start by putting sensei's goddess futa cock in her imperial pussy

Content was probably cut from each route either due to time constraints or to avoid making the routes too similar.

Do I have to A rank Rhea pre timeskip to marry her or is there a route where she's more available?

lesbians can do AT LEAST four things

The number gets pretty high for all orientations depending on how depraved you're willing to get. The question is what is Byleth into?

I just sided with Edelgard so I could kill Rhea.
Didn't really agree with her method of conquest over everything, but had to beat the crazy scheming dragon.

Haven't played the other routes so I don't know the full story, but from what the game did let me in on, there was no way I could side with the Church.

I A ranked her pre timeskip by throwing gifts at her.

Byleth is into helping Dimitri kill Edelgard. She is into crushing Edelgard's bones and severing her skull. Yes, I wonder how Edelgard could help with that!

The epilogue for her route feels shoehorned in. I feel like originally it was meant to be a lot darker like her route is instead of "and then everything was magically resolved and tied up with a neat little bow and no dubstep missiles" it was supposed to be less "feel-good" to make you feel bad for picking the evil route. Most likely the epilogue was changed at the last second after marketing decided to push Edelgard as the main route even though she was clearly designed to be the delusional villain route

>sensei I must put an end to the constant war
>but Edelgard there wasn't been a war in 300 yea-
>I said I will put an end to the war

B-rank before Jeralt's death. A-rank before timeskip. Church only.

You were brainwashed by Edelgard. Hope the Blue Lions killed you more than a few times during that run.

This, the only people who can defend her are just retards who like their stronk independant woman.

But Edlegard is Rhea 2.0 except with an even worse reason.

How to join church?

explicit lesbian sex scene w/ byleth

You can't trick me, I've seen all the pornographies on the subject.
They never manage to do more than 3 things before--out comes the strap-on, which doesn't count.

Edeltard is much worse than Rhea
Holy shit it's not even a comparison. At least Rhea is not delusional.

The fourth is feet

>siding with the edgy atheist over God literally talking inside your skull

Yeah, but one isn't scheming over using my soul while screaming about her mom. I at least knew Edelgard won't kill me.

I don't really understand the problem with Rhea. She gave humans a good life and there's been peace for hundreds of years.

Join the Black Eagle house and obey Rhea.

Did I miss the part where Sothis particularly liked or even trusted Rhea?

if the church did anything to stop the mole people instead of creating a power vacuum to rule over fodlan, maybe they could have stopped them from mind raping edelgard and many others

the church only job was to "protect the people" and they totally failed at doing that

>I at least knew Edelgard won't kill me.
You are retarded if you trusted Edeltard over Rhea
Edeltard could sacrifice you for the greater cause at any moment. Rhea wouldn't because you are the greater cause for her.

The other routes just ignore the problem and it magically goes away.
Except the Church route, obviously, but that's a reskin of Golden Deer from what I've heard so I don't plan on seeing it.

Skills that depend on HP values only matter at the start of combat, right? Like, Bernie doesn't get extra damage unless she is already missing health at the start of combat. Is this the same for all similar skills, so Ferdinand won't lose Hit/Avo and Petra won't gain crit in the middle of combat?

In complete honesty, Rhea just regards you as a puppet vessel to rebirth her mom. If weren't for Sothis' own decision, Byleth would have lost their personality as well and Sothis would have fully reincarnated. I wished this was more explored into Edelgard's route, it's the perfect argument she could bring to Sensei and get him as ally

For once, that's wrong. It's because she is a cunt and her route, and by extension people who played her route first/only and therefore think she's justified in her bullshit and hypocrisy are objectively wrong about her morality as shown by all 3 other routes.

Who wouldn't help Rhea though? She has a very fucking good motive to do what she is doing, and the eggs she breaks are peanuts compared to the bullshit Edeltard is pulling to bring some shitty utopia

Lawfag rule number 1: what the Church does is Good because the Church does it.
There's no use debating them, user.

>supporting a crazy psycho bitch who holds the continent in an iron grip, created a system in which the classes are enforced, and created a system where she can't be criticized(cause if you do, she has you executed for heresy[heresy against her false religion])
>supporting a childish nazi hellbent on destroying the church and killing Rhea, and will kill anyone that stands with the church, uses dubious dark magic and assassinations of peaceful people to achieve this goal
Hoooo boi I just wanna pork Lysithea not get caught up in this

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It seems Marianne has something to say.

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I know WHO the Death Knight is, but WHAT is he? Did he get experiment on or anything or is he just a regular dude with edgy armor?


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Welcome to the winning team.

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What the fuck are some of Felix's lines? He can be quite savage
Here are some of his B-Support with Ingrid (which is by far one of his most tame supports):
>Felix: Stop bothering with all this. You're not meant to be a knight. Go find a husband.
>Ingrid: Excuse me?
>Felix: You heard me.
>Ingrid: You don't value chivalry or loyalty. You have no right to criticize me for my ideals.
>Felix: Perhaps not. At least I know not to heedlessly obey orders. I know not to romanticize blind obedience. My brother taught me to think for myself.
>Ingrid fucking runs away crying

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Pretty sure he is an experiment.


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Felix is a good guy. He is trying to make it so his friends don't die needlessly and understand what they're getting themselves into.
Kind of like Seteth only more of a dick.

Well he is not one to talk, the madman keeps throwing himself in large groups of enemies and relying on his 60% chance of dodging their attacks

At least in GD route, she tells you all this and does feel somewhat apologetic. And even fucking dies to save all your lives. In BL route, she even just fucks off into solitude after being rescued.

60% is practically 80%
And if it ever is actually 80%, then it's damn near zero.

Go train, Felix

Felix is a beat that never dies.
I really enjoyed his A support with Dimitri. I don't want to murder Felix in my next playthrough.

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Rhea is bad but honestly Edelgard is just evil. I wish you could take down both but hey, in BL they at least both are gone even if it wasn't you for Rhea.

Thank you kind user.

Well let's have a strawpoll to see. Was Edelgard in the right?

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I've been playing GD as my second route after BE, and my only complaint is that I wish I had the option to not be quite as REVERENT to Rhea as the game forces me to be. I'm fine with taking down Edelgard, I just don't want to have to like Rhea in the process.

And then in the A support she acts like she figured it out but learns nothing.
>Oh I see, I'm supposed to "follow my heart" and "be true to myself," like Glenn did.
>I hereby dedicate myself to mindlessly following his example of following my heart.

Then play BL. Rhea doesn't even show up in BL post timeskip, with the implication that Edelgard managed to fucking kill her

Some supports really felt like they needed an extra level.

In BL you can remain pretty neutral on it and the nmatter kind of settles itself. In BL I think so much was going on already that they decided to kind of just her out of the picture. It's a bit of an asspull, but I understand why they did it.

>all evens


What? BL epilogue clearly states that they find Rhea just fine and then she immediately just leaves after putting you in charge.

Was planning on it. I'm looking forward to it too, because Yea Forums has built it up quite a bit. Would've done it second, but I'd heard GD would give me lore. After BL I'm going to do the church route with a class of my choice by buying their support right off the bat with renown points. Then I'm shelving the game until lunatic.

She is fine as she is.

Has anyone sped through a playthrough skipping all non forced exploration segments? How is it?

People disliking Felix seems very odd to me.


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Have her realize the mole people were fabricating lies and using her. Repent with the church, and team up to take them down. Her and Rhea agree to work together to fix things and end the war. Edelgard or Rhea dies in the battle.

Nice model swap.

Why does Yea Forums hate Eldegard again? I thought Yea Forums loved the Hitler archetype.

they love punished archetypes even more
and are also gay

>model swap
She appears in the holy tomb in NG+ after Chapter 10.

>my own clone

Unironically, how can people not like Felix?
What are their complaints?

Of course not. Almyra is simply no match against the empire so Claude was just trying to play neutral with the Alliance to act as a buffer for Almyra. In the end, Claude's loyalty is to Almyra first, Fodlan second.

Yea Forums will deny it but it's literally just because she's a non-straight woman. Pre-release people thought Dimitri would turn out to be how Edelgard did and he was called based.

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>he didn't spare claude

>sensei Seiros once destroyed the world, she might do it again
>turns out it was the molemen that destroyed the world
Is Edelgard ever right about anything?

Of course not. To her, sensei will always be the better man/woman. She can't possibly lie about that.

Except everyone was cheering for Dimitri to take revenge for his country, not to massacre the Church and invade other people's countries. I still don't know why you Edel apologists always go WAR GOOD REVENGE BAD.

Ladislava / Fleche really look like they should've filled in for Seteth and Flayn in the BE route

On my run the only characters that got spared were Claude and Lysithea.
Is there some sort of condition I met for Lysithea that I failed on everyone else, or is Lysithea a special case?

>thales can teleport at will
>edelgard can teleport
>death knight can as well
>they only use these powers to make cartoonish getaways
You guys said the writing was good...

Anyone got the post timeskip heights chart?

Why does female Byleth look like a frog?

Edelgard and Claude are both victims of those who slither in the dark being god awful antagonists while Rhea is boring as shit too. The only great route is almost completely about the character growth of dimitri(and the other lions) and his tragic relationship with his personal villain. Edelgard and Claude cant be fixed if they're still fighting the boring ass evil guys and church with stories that are glorified lore dumps

I'm conflicted, on one hand we get Edelgard lesbian porn but on the other we get a really shitty S-rank for male Byleth because they were too lazy to make it different from the lesbian option. So that means no children and not getting to be a consort.

>can teleport at will
heh, little you know

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literally all appreciation for edgelard i've ever seen came from a romantic standpoint. Yuri fags are braindead

Is he autistic?

Conquest has the best gameplay in the series.

>Eldegard best

They don't actually assist her in any meaningful way though, and she is openly hostile with them even pre-timeskip in saying there would be no salvation for their people. Like fuck, she even gives them Death Knight, she's not receiving any benefits whatsoever.

And her ultimate plan is BE route, where fighting the evil cult is done in the epilogue over the course of years after she establishes herself as the only target opposing them. She had no new intel to accomplish this that she could only have gotten from doing the rest of the BE route.

Which makes the fact that over the course of the Slitherers being killed in the shadows for years, they wouldn't have just nuked the city she was in. Like that's just her plan, that they wouldn't do that and that they would be easy to wipe out if they have a decade to do it without any outside help without raising the public's attention or using their full army.

You see what you want to see.

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Claude knows the Alliance would get steamrolled if they get involved so he wants to stay out of it. Also Almyra apparently doesn't have crests so history has shown every time they tried to invade Fodlan they just get btfo.

I really like the enlightened one outfit. And the way he holds the sword.

>this person is bad because she wants yo bring back Ultimate Good. If Ultimate Good werent so Good it might have harmed you!

Maybe she just trusts her to do the right thing.

Shame their hair becomes that sick green.

Well, homosexuality is immoral so this is a perfectly valid reason to hate Edelgard.

Idk man, that collar might be a bit too high for my liking

The only legitimately evil thing she does in her route is hiring the bandits to kill Dimka and Claude. Pretty much everything else is Slitherer's doing. Honestly, even if it wasn't her doing, assassinating Byleth's father is kind of understandable from the perspective of fighting Rhea too, the guy did not age and is probably like 200 years old at that point, it was easy to assume he was in cahoots with dragons.
However, another questionable thing is how her objective is supposedly destruction of church and crest system, but Empire accidentaly ends up conquering the entire continent along the way, which is never properly adressed.
I mean, Edelgard has probably the most reasons out of the enitre cast to personally hate the slitherers yet she decides to work with them, because she believes freeing the continent of dragon illuminati is more important and, let's be honest here, church is clearly portrayed to be morally dubious at best in the shared story section.

>everyone hates Edelgard
>can finally love Peri without being shit on constantly cause they're too busy shitting on someone else

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Sothis is truly the wingman of goddesses.

I'll still shit on you, peri's even worse.

holy worked, how does a teenager with lofty ideals live this far in your head?

Name one flaw.

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>all this unbridled hate for Edelgard
What you don't realize is she's led to the most consistent actual vidya discussion on Yea Forums in ages. APOLOGIZE.

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But ok. Keep thinking that.

Why does Edelgard simply make Byleth noble to marry him? Yes, I know, is the problem of being bisexual and giving him a similar ending, but it is still a very poor ending.

I'll never know what her sweat tastes like

Weakest part of the story is the timeskip.
Like the whole war gets put on pause for 5 entire years, because Byleth got hit by a rock and magic revived him in some nearby river way later?

Welcome to Jrpgs.

Having played through both BE routes, I can say that both chiloices have their good and bad aspects. Neither is exactly "better", though I preferred Edelgards route myself.
Basically, pick your poison.

So did you guys pick stormcloaks or empire?

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I wish I was dead.

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Can someone explain to me how Rhea is not considered the evil one?

>Puts crest in a random nun in an attempt to wipe that nun from existence so her mother can be revived.
>Nun decides to get banged by Jeralt instead.
>Nun's child is born stillborn. Begs Rhea to put the crest in the dead baby instead.
>Rhea agrees since she thinks the dead baby would be a better host fully knowing she will kill the nun as a result.
>Later on, that baby comes back. As soon as Sothis merges with the baby Rhea is overjoyed and immediately decides they need to have a "revelation" and "ritual" to wipe out Byleth from existence so Sothis can take their place.
>Indiscriminatly executes people whenever she feels like it.
>True form is literally a demonic dragon.
>In one path she flat out admits she tried to wipe out humanity at one point.

To be fair to Ferdie he basically says that Edelgard is too full of herself and basically striped his family from their title and land so he's rebelling. Likewise for Bernie.
Felix makes sense in the Alliance as a final fuck you dad/BOAR.

>stop depending on me
>proceeds to get crits on enemies on a consistent basis

Her lazy ass needs to stay on the battlefield.

This is why I sided with Edelgard.
Not so much because I supported Edelgard, but because I was pretty sure at the time that Rhea was trying to kill sacrifice me for some ritual.

The nun wasnt a normal human but an experiment created by her from the very beginning and even if she was dissapointed she was fine with byleth after all.
She never tried to wipe out humanity, just the agarthians.

Hilda's brother Holst is apparently equal to Nader the top dog Almyran. Add Freikufel on there and it makes sense. Also the Almyrans don't really want to invade just raid a bit then go back home and brag

This is all it would take to make me happy, instead of resolving everything cool that happens offscreen like everything else in the Beagles route.

Play all the routes

Edelgard is love
Edelgard is life

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DLC where we play as Hildas bro going on weird adventures when?

Is it explained how the death knight can just sense the dubstep nukes? In claude route after you beat him at Merceus he tells you to gtfo just before the nuke level the place

I have played 3 of them except Blue Lions. The Church route in particular really makes Rhea look even more evil then Edelgard's route.

Golden Deer just made everyone look fucked up.

>In one path she flat out admits she tried to wipe out humanity at one point.
And in another path, she fucking sacrifices herself to save you guys from getting smoked.

I just assumed he knew the slitherers were pretty sore losers

Bernie is for Byleth, Felix or Raphael.

Goddess empress of mankind Bernie shouldn't settle for less.

>improve her character without changing her backstory
Easy, she's yandere for me (and I'm yandere for her).

Someone explain to me why:

She killed her own mother and Dimitri’s step mother.

Killed Dimitri’s entire family.

Tried to kill Claude’s entire family.

Hired bandits to kill Claude and Dimitri. Like what does this gain in her fight against the church and slithers? The church seems to be just trying it’s best to keep the 3 nations from killing each other anyways. She knows that most of the assassinations which lead to these wars were the work of the slithers and not the church right?

>G...guys, she loves us so I'm sure she isn't evil, r.... right?
Whoops, you sounds exactly like an Edeltard user.

Guys stop comparing garbage(Edelgard) to fucking garbage(Rhea).

>My ferdie can double Pegasus knights with no issue and is an evade tank paladin
I don't know what the fuck happened.

I did it for the skills.

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Just have her refuse the Slitherers help if you're on her route. Make it so that Byleth's help is all she needs to tip the scales in the war without resorting to accepting help from the actual true villains. What seriously drags her down is the fact that she relies on them even when you're helping her, but you don't actually get to see the benefits of their assistance. You also don't get to fight them at the end. Really puzzling that the only route where it actually made sense to fight them is the one where you don't actually get to do so.

Its really weird. And given her route's shorter length, you think they could just tack on an epilogue chapter of taking those guys out - even if it isn't as climactic as killing a dragon.

Also one of the best bits of her route is when the Death Knight shows up to help in the first route split chapter....and then you hear nothing about him ever again.

Almost Optimal. Real optimal would be Ferdinand for highest dodge tanking.

To be fair pretty much all the character ending slides for her right talk about Edelgard going full purge mode on those who slither in the dark.

Alois solo slide and Manuela married to Byleth's slide in particular talk about it.

That'll be all.

>Also one of the best bits of her route is when the Death Knight shows up to help in the first route split chapter....and then you hear nothing about him ever again.
Manuela says she confronted him about stabbing her and spent over an hour apologizing to her.

>>Can someone explain to me how Rhea is not considered the evil one?
Because Rheafags, it's also a backlash against Edelgardfags. Edlegardfags rationalize what she does as well
>>Puts crest in a random nun in an attempt to wipe that nun from existence so her mother can be revived.
The nun was an attempt to resurrect Sothis in a new body, the crest stone Sothis' heart was there from the start.
>>Nun decides to get banged by Jeralt instead.
If she's so evil why didn't she just kill the nun and try again
>>Nun's child is born stillborn. Begs Rhea to put the crest in the dead baby instead.
>>Rhea agrees since she thinks the dead baby would be a better host fully knowing she will kill the nun as a result.
That's your headcanon, Rhea claimed Momleth knew she'd die if the crest stone was taken out but insisted it happen to save her kid
>>Later on, that baby comes back. As soon as Sothis merges with the baby Rhea is overjoyed and immediately decides they need to have a "revelation" and "ritual" to wipe out Byleth from existence so Sothis can take their place
That's true
>>Indiscriminatly executes people whenever she feels like it.
She executes people after they try to kill her or try to wage war on her
>>True form is literally a demonic dragon.
What? It's just a normal dragon, it doesn't look like Grima or Dragaron
>>In one path she flat out admits she tried to wipe out humanity at one point.
Need the screens of that, it sounds like your headcanon twisting what she actually said

iirc, the sword avo is equippable even after changing classes

Yeah, but in GD and Church routes you actually do it. BE ending makes it sound like it would have been some huge shadow war filled with intrigue and espionage but in reality it's just a matter of finding Shambhala, which Hubert manages to do after just a single nuke is launched, all while dealing with the actual war itself. It's utterly bizarre that you don't go there in BE route. I played BE first so when the Slitherers didn't get dealt with by the end I assumed it was because it would be DLC or they just ran out of time and/or resources or something like that. But then in Church and GD you literally go right there and kill everyone. Why wasn't that exact same mission part of the BE route, where it would have been the most logical and thematically appropriate?

Yeah, but it almost seems like the epilogue brushes it off as something Edelgard effortlessly does - when the earlier chapter hyped them up as these dudes with kill sat laser beams that destroyed an entire city.

>the powers that be
>one that pulls the strings
>the church
>after one defeat
>leader captured and tortured, probably fucked by orca
>vice president literally left barely able to fend off any bandits and would have died if you didn’t show up
Somehow I don’t think the church is all that powerful. Like you killed Edelgard only because Claude drew them off allowing you to sneak in and kill her. Somehow if the church is so powerful wouldn’t their armies eclipsed that of the empire?

>sothis had to heal fodlan after the war against the agarthans
>this took so much energy that she went to sleep for 1000 years
>shambala looks like a fallout shelter
>thales nukes himself to try and take you down with him
Slithercuck ancestors got btfo so hard that they tried to destroy the world, imagine actually believing their history or trying to say they're actually in the right.

I want to start a Ranceleth playthrough where I kill off the men in my house and steal all the women from the other houses.

I just assume its to avoid too much redundancy with having three routes deal with the same faction at or near the end of them

They should have explained better how much she needed the power of the dubsteps, as it stands she just claims it without sufficient proof or reasoning

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Hubert's paralogue also hints that he's studying the TWSITD and their methods, in order to wipe them out in the future

The church is "powerful" in that it has a bunch of powerful humans defending it. They key part of edelgards campaign is that you fracture the knights with nearly half of them joining your side.

>after thousands of years of fixing the world
>try your best to keep the three idiot factions from fucking up Fodlan again
>in comes the emperor cunt
>those evil dragons needs to pay

ferdinand also says that he wanted to depose his father himself and that he deserved it, he is just pissed edelgard beat him to it, in the end he just wants hatesex with her

Anyone has that comic of the death knight being afraid of lysithea?

Honestly don't get why she didn't just kill her uncle then and there when he shows up for the last battle and both sides just have a brief back and forth of "Yes, we're helping each other....for now." What further purpose did he serve at that point, especially when he just comes around to practically brag about betraying her in the future?

She killed their king and slaughtered his family before that’s clueing her own mother. She uses his thirst for revenge to lure him in and kill him. I don’t see how the knights would be cool with her methods but I guess lolwriting.

Kind of a lame excuse when GD gets to deal with the true villains but BE doesn't.

his passive is broken, give him the goddess thingie that recovers HP and he can 1vs20 a map

Is it ever explained how Dimitri lost his eye?
Also Felix and Annette's A+ support is the best support in the game and you cant prove otherwise

BE has by far the worst writing out of the four, which is saying a lot since the Rhea route is fucking stupid as well. Especially the final battle where Rhea just goes berserk for no reason. Overall Dimitri is best, he finally got revenge for his family but overall he developed as a character and finds out there are more to life than revenge.

>4th thread today about Edelgard

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The ghosts told him that carving out his eye was the only way to kill Edelgard.

>Hired bandits to kill Claude and Dimitri.
I still don't get why she did that. To cause chaos in the other kingdoms I guess? But I'm still not sure why she wants to wage war with the Kingdom and the Alliance when she can't even deal with the dubstep molemen herself - waging a lengthy war in a wider area just gives them more places to hide out and plot more evil shit while exhausting her own troops.

commissioner corbin was a mistake

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I wanted to side with the slithers because humanity is dumb. They should have just had Edelgarde be all in with them.

god damn this game keeps reminding me how clueless of girls I was at 14 and how many wanted to squish my penis with their vaginas but I was too fucking clueless to get the hint

She's a /pol/tard who thinks more land = more power.

>get to the battle of the eagle and lion
>Claude says "let's see how strong the sword of the creator really is"
>don't even have it equipped, ORKO his ass
>win the battle
>Edelgard says "wow Dimitri your tactics were great, I would've though you'd just charge right in"
>my strategy was to just charge right in and it worked
>Sothis is all "I see you are using my power well"
>didn't use Divine Pulse even once

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True. Bartender Corbin who uses his Deep Sixon chicks however is dimes.

I love her as a villain, she's genuinely one of the best antagonists in a long time.

based user burying this babby-level game

L-l-lunatic mode will fix everything.

Because the Kingdom and Alliance was actually prosperous. The empire was in shambles because of mismanagement and corruption. Some say it was because of the church but you can tell that the former emperor was only a puppet to a corrupt PM(Ferdi’s dad). She should fix her kingdom first instead of invading the neighboring kingdom.

I mean invading another nation is quite prosperous, like Germany after WWI was in terrible shape because of the debt. And it quickly turned around the moment Hitler invaded Poland.

t. Thales

All of the lords are fucking faggots give me a dubstep route where I btfo all of them and cum inside krynia until I mind break her into serving only me as a sex slave for eternity for killing my father

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>She executes people after they try to kill her or try to wage war on her
Wrong, she set a city with civilians on fire and prevented them from escaping because she was butthurt about Byleth preventing her from ressurrecting her mommy.

she doesn't even say "I love you" how fucking stupid, she is getting axed

I don't think anyone even brings up Dimitri's eyepatch one time in the entire game, save Dimitri himself maybe mentioning it once during teatime. I personally subscribe to the "gouged it out himself to stop seeing the ghosts" theory.

Why are we still arguing if she is the villain or not?

>game has 4 route
>3 of them she is either a mid boss or the final boss

She’s the villain a poorly written one at that.


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The fact that there's no level cap in 3H makes me feel like Lunatic is still going to boil down to Byleth + Lord + dancer. Just feeding all the exp to a handful of units just feels really optimal no matter what.

She's an insane cunt and it was satisfying killing her, all I really need out of a villain really.

Do Felix or any of the other Blue Lions have special dialogue with Dimitri when you fight him? My Byleth accidentally critted him and I don't want to play the map again.

>What? It's just a normal dragon

yeah cute lizard with blank white eyes definitely not demonic

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I know Felix does, not sure on the others.

You forgot a Warper, was gonna say a Stride user but you can just slap that shit on the Lord.

I had Felix and Sylvain, Felix had unique dialogue, Sylvain did not.

Honestly I would tap that lizard.

>game uses dastards at every opportunity
>uses bastard once and then never again

>i wanted to walk with you...
>doesn't tell you about her plans
>attacks you and the other students
>has a literal cannibal that wants to cook you
Why is she so obsessed?

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How do I get new spells on my mages? I assumed they would either have got them via level up or buy them from a store.

Either way there's just too much of a snowball effect because getting a character to be able to oneshot is so much easier in this game than previous installments.

Dastard is more offensive in medieval times

Level the magic school. It's fucking dumb.

she's cute in the other 3/4 routes

Worst timeline confirmed. I can relate.

Magic school? Sorry but I'm retarded and genuinely don't recall anything about a magic school.

Reason or Faith

Rank up the magic skills to a higher letter to get more spells.

Fuck, sorry I thought you meant like an actual location for a second.

Its a bit annoying that you got no idea who learns what magic without looking it up.

>Yea Forums hates Edelgard
>resetera loves her

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yeah awakening was weird like that too

>resetera loves her
They actually have good taste for once.

Except this was a legitimately good thread with interesting discussion peppered throughout. Doesn't really feel like Yea Forums, honestly.

>4 dark seals in the whole game
>2/3 of the units who learn dark magic can't be dark mages
>everyone just gets reskinned fire and that's it
>poison strike and heartseeker aren't very good skills on a mage and have anti-synergy with each other, units that want these skills don't want to have to spend time as a dark mage
>at least dark bishop gets lifetaker
>still have to master regular mage if you want fiendish blow as a dark knight
What the hell were they thinking?

But I love Edelgard

She is a fine character but I do not wish to fuck her over the other albino brat and liked the relationships between the BLs a lot more than her house, so BE just sort of hits the bottom of the list next to the Church. It's hard to beat the archetype of a depressed berserker, especially when the fucker has the actual in game str growths to match his legend.

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The goal was to scare off their previous professor (which succeeded) in order to get Jeritza, her subordinate, put in charge of the Black Eagle house (which failed, because she didn't predict that the one of the mercenaries she was counting on to bail them out was also Rhea's long-lost science project). If she'd wanted Claude and Dimitri killed, she would have gotten the Slitherers to do it, and Claude and Dimitri would have died, rather than hiring the dumbest bandit on the face of the earth.

That's because Edelgard is the canon route. It's like how the Avengers only beat Thanos in 1 out of 14 million futures, the only route where good triumphs is hers.

I swear to GOD his redemption arc was the best arc of any FE game I ever played. Certainly helps that his voice actor was fucking god-tier.

This game isn't that easy desu. First FE game and I barely one shot or double most of my enemies. Beasts are a fucking nightmare to fight too. I've been distributing kills between all of my students and Byleth because I hate leaving party members behind in levels (looking at you xenoblade X)

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Grinding classes for skills is somehow even more annoying in this game.

resetera will love any strong dominant woman no matter how retarded their motives/goals are

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Weird, I used to think it was some weird way to dodge using the word bastard for whatever reason.

This is explained in the other routes, whenever she gets pissed she hulks out and her violent dragon instincts take over
She apologises and regrets it and that's why she steps down as archbishop
Play the other routes user, BE sucks in comparison to BL and GD

>Beagles have the worst route
>But they also have the best supports between the members of their house
Why do you do this to me, ISIS?

>anyone who isn't magic inclined, you are now a wyvern rider

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The game as a whole was obviously very rushed. Hopefully they'll make another Fire Emblem like Three Houses but actually good.

BL route is fucking god-tier for character development alone, but you're missing out on a lot of shit if you dont play GD.

Bastard was originally a word with a very specific meaning (illegitimate child). Dastard was essentially just calling someone an asshole.

Then you doing something wrong. Early on your characters won’t be brain dead broken but u I’d say by chapter 6/7 you should already have an idea on your strongest units.

Beasts are pants on head retarded too. Gambit>Gambit>break shields>have all characters hit where shield is broken for a dumb amount of damage. Some of my characters literally 1 shot beasts once shields are down its dumb

>tfw my Byleth and Dimitri looked super out of place in my Blue Lions playthrough because everyone else was on a horse or wyvern

Lore is for faggots

That's you recruit them to your house user. Cucking Edelgard out of her own students is great.

Fuck you I like fortress and punching, especially if the fortress is doing the punching.

If the next FE follows up on this class system, I hope it lets you stack certifications to create your own classes. Instead of having to wait until 30 to be a dark knight, you can just combine a mage and cavalier certification to be a baby dark knight at level 15 or whatever.

Honestly playing BL and GD back to back was fucking kino. BE soured the experience but now that I got it out of the way I can enjoy the other routes again.

>It's okay because it's dragon instinct
When Rhea is that dangerous it almost makes what Edelgard did seem right.

Someone said Dedue coming back is dependent on not only completing his paralogue but also how many soiliers you saved, is that true? I completed the paralogue but I didn't keep track of the soliders I saved and now scared I killed best bro for real.

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Why is punching shit so much fun?

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Why is Edelgard so obsessed and seething about Fodlan running fine without her empire enslaving everyone?

If they seriously didn't have time to finish the route, they should have just taken the development time for Crimson Flower and given it to the church route so it wasn't a carbon copy of the Golden Deer route, and then released the Edelgard route, finished, as DLC later. It would have been scummy, sure, but it would have given us a FINISHED GAME.

Edelgard literally sent innocent people like Lonato to die against the church to make the church look bad.

Multiole hits are satisfying and each have different animations.

Turns out having ultra-light brave weapons available at the start of the game is pretty good, especially when flat damage buffs are so easy to come by. Who knew?

Eh, BL and GD are good enough to have been a game alone, I just take the BE/Church as a nice extra.

Swap Church and Edelgard's route. Church makes more sense as added content than one of the, you know, Three Houses™.

BE needs a complete overhaul, it's not only unfinished, it's badly written. I recruited a bunch of Lions and Deers over and the retarded shit they spouted during the route was amazing. Leonie accused the Church of being Slitherer allies and Felix went from man who hates war to literal warmonger.

You needed the Black Eagles as an option at the beginning of the game though, or the Flame Emperor twist would be even more obvious.

So is this one of those rare Rheafags? Rhea burned down the fucking capital city. Saying sorry I'm an autistic dragon doesn't excuse her.

I'm not saying the BE route shouldn't exist, just that I'm happy the BL and GD routes are as good as they are making me more forgiving of the other two. I think what would have been best though.

Because watching Caspar become The World's Greatest Manlet is fun.

IS realized how retarded Edelgard was and didn't think anyone beside waifufags would seriously pick it.

>Edelgard becomes a literal monster, burns Bernie alive and uses her citizens as shields
Those in glass houses. The only sane choice is Claude anyway.

>Felix basically takes 3 chance to hit from any enemy
>Crits every time on return with his Wo Dao+
I love this guy

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Claude can't tell the difference between blue and red, how is he the sane choice?

>Talk about how bad Rhea is
>But what about Edelgard
Pray tell, Rheafag, do you know what the word almost means?

I think my biggest problem with the BE route is how bizarre it makes othee characters to justify them joining you. Characters like Leonie joining you on BE make no fucking sense and they knew this but decided asspulls were better then limiting what characters you can recruit. Hell, Byleth joining with the faction that killed his father itself is stupid.

Why stop there when you can have Gauntlet Bernie double-tapping on her Paranoia or Gauntlet Petra fishing for crits?

She's female griffith but no lez
she sucks

>Rhea is a literal monster, tried to wipe you out of existence, burned down a city, a pulled strings to start wars as well
Why do you have to bring up Edelgard to defend her?

Why does his crest proc five times more than everyone else's?

>Hell, Byleth joining with the faction that killed his father itself is stupid.
In this case Hubert clarifies those were the slithers and promises they'll go fuck them up after the war. And the epilogue basically says they did do that, they were just too lazy to make it playable.

>Rhea is conveniently hostile in one route
>when Edelgard is the same in 3 routes
Don't tell me, DA CHURCH EVIL right?

Felix and Lysithea have major crests. Flayn and Seteth too. Most others have minor crests.

He isn't a Rheafag, I am. It is perfectly within Rhea's rights to kill who she wants, when she wants and anybody who questions her should be executed on the spot. Mommy knows best.

Recruiting from other houses shouldn't have been possible save for one or two characters with little at stake per house, and joining the Church should've locked you to characters working for the monastery. There's a lot of things they fucked up.

>Rhea becomes the insane FE dragon
>Edelgard becomes a Persona boss
>Dimitri becomes Vlad-tier torturer
>Claude becomes colorblind and sends his allies to the slaughter
All the characters are retards in the routes you don't choose them, why do people keep using what they did in one route to shit on their character when they're fine when you do choose them?

1. Major Crest
2. Far less situational than other Crests
3. Felix attacks a lot, more opportunities for it to proc

Dumb bitch

I genuinely can't tell if we have unironic edeltards here. All I see is "Well Rhea was also shitty so clearly Edelgard being shitty is okay".

This is why BL is best route. Rhea fucks off or dies, you kill the gorilla, the boar is redeemed, and Claude gets to do whatever. Everyone that matters lives.

The same reason that there are console war threads constantly, because it's not enough that I chose a route and had fun, everyone who chose a different route could not have had fun and if they did, I need to tell them that they're wrong.

>all of the students you trained for the first half of the game are gone
>only allowed to use catherine, shamir, flayn, seteth, alois, byleth
Great game design user.

Where's the new thread?

Claude sent his soldiers to die because he needs an excuse to bring immigrants into Fodlan.

imagine if you're forced to use cyril

Calm her characterization down in each route and don't make her the lead bad guy, the same way that Dimitri and Claude never take over. Move Rhea and the Slither group to being the main villains.

If she needs to act the same way, have her die from her crest surgeries, the same way that Lysithea does in the epilogues, but have her revived by Hubert and the Slithers as a berserk zombie amalgamation. That way, when you see her going completely nutshit, you know it's because they literally hijacked her body and put a fucking demon in it.

Have her have more complications with the Slither group, especially later on when shit gets real. She joined them because she needs them, and in her own route it's perfectly clear that the two hate each other. have her break away earlier, or fail to do so, once their evil becomes more candid and the depth of their problems starts to show its head; It was an alliance of convenience that they didn't recognize how far the rabbit hole went, and Edelgard can reflect that, in the end, she was exactly like all the other nobles who made deals with the Slither group not realizing the same thing. She was only allowed to pretend she was in charge.

In all fairness I understand why they did it, gameplay before story (which is right of them), but it is a shame just how much the writing quality has to suffer for it. Honestly I would have taken actual brainwashing over some of tbe asspulls they give you.

Then maybe they could have put any amount of thought into reasoning out why those characters would stay around instead of just completely changing who they are. I LIKED Crimson Flower, and even I will admit that Leonie has absolutely no business being there (luckily I just used my house plus Sylvain, Shamir, and Hanneman, most of whom made some amount of sense, but the descriptions I've heard of what happens to some characters are appalling).

You still have Cyril, probably could've excused Hanneman and Manuela if they played cards right too. And if they didn't half ass the game you would've had Rhea. Also generally that's happens when you turn your back on your old allies.

>All the characters are retards in the routes you don't choose them
Classic protag power.
I went Black Eagles first, and when Edelgard started going on about how if she didn't have Byleth by her side that she might have lost sight, it was just a big sign telling me that she must do some horrendous things in the other routes.
But here she is totally composed and cool.

did I fuck myself by doing a BL run first? Because the consensus seems to be that it's the best route, I don't wanna be underwhelmed by the other routes

Nah, maybe NG+ the BE/Church rpute I guess. GD is worth doing another vanilla run for, BE/Church are nice but they feel lacking in comparison.

Edelgard is retarded even in her own route.

guaran-fucking-teed the DLC will be an extra route where everyone teams up against the dubsteps

Im so bad at fire emblem, Im playing on hard classic and am having so much trouble beating chapter 6 I think, the one with 2 paths and the tellaport panels to the dark knight

So 1/3 of Yea Forums is made of edgetards and waifufags.

GD are fine too in terms of lore and dabbing on dubstep wizards.

where did this "Claude's Minecraft Server" meme come from

>Trust nobody, not even yourself

>What happened to Dorcas?

isn't byleth technically considered a noble, seeing as how they bear a crest? only nobles get crests, right?

It's not okay, she admits it and the game makes it pretty clear. That's why she steps down the moment it starts to get out of control