So now instead of posting thier flash games on Newgrounds they just charge for them on this platform...

So now instead of posting thier flash games on Newgrounds they just charge for them on this platform ? Why is this accepted and how do we go back ?

Attached: Steam.jpg (225x225, 7K)

What is the problem exactly?

Good games will sell, bad games won't

People looking for exposure will continue making free games

>how do we go back?
you don't. its either a store or patreon paywalling.
the days of making any game for free for fun are over when you have so many avenues to charge money for it now.

Epic Game Store isn't flooded with shitty indy games, unlike Steam

Why does it matter? Flash games were never good, just a time waster.

for now. only a matter of time before history repeats itself.

>bad games won't
no but they'll still pollute the list when people are searching the store.

You didn't have to pay to play them

>Good games will sell, bad games won't
this is patently false

You didn't have to play them either, there's hundreds of carefully crafted games and you are bitching about paid flash games?

This is a problem that occurs everywhere. 95% of everything is shit

Does it really matter at this point?
I think the last time I looked through the steam store unironically, was in 2012.

how the fuck do you ironically browse a store?

That's over half of their catalog, and it isn't a very big one either.

I don't usually have steam open, so when I come online and steam updates my games, given the download will take only a couple mins, why not look at something you already know you're not really going to gain anything out of? There's a tiny miniscule chance, that something actually interesting could be in that pile of shit.

>wasting money just because you have nothing else to do
You are not exploring a new planet user, you are just shifting through the bargain bin hoping to waste the 5 bucks your grandma gave you. Grow some self control.

Nice interpretation
Thanks for worrying about me like that, user.

let's be honest, steam is dead.
It's only good for buying strategy games and these are not really popular even though i like them personally. Oh and also decent indie games like kerbal space program, games from introversion, stuff like that.
All the large companies have their own digital stores now. If valve wants to stay in business they need to start making games again.

>What is a random game key
>What is fake shilling
>What is likebots
>What is trying out games for the sake of finding something new

I usually browse piratesites for games im going to buy, just because they have better search options and prohibit shovelwareshit

How is it dead exactly? Or is it just your own restrictive tastes that are dead. Just because there aren't several strategy games released regularly doesn't mean everyone else is sick of what else is there.