Yea Forumsros... we're almost.... home....
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh man it's so good. I hope they don't fuck it up.
ff14 trannys at it again i see
>whitemane - horde
>no discord, no guild forums, no bullshit
>guild leader is too old to care about your problems
>will update who to message when i get around to actually making a character
>8pm to ??pm raidtimes
>griefing and general assholery is a key part of the guild experience
>dont ask to join if youre a retard, so take an IQ test now
>recruiting everything
Why are the jannies deleting every thread?
they dont want classic to succeed.
Good days are almost here. Almost...
I'm rolling alliance and want to pvp, which realm will alliance be strongest on EU realms? I am looking for a place where alliance will either be majority, the best ally pvp guilds play, or at the very least the pop will be equal to horde. I am trying to balance the horde racial bias for pvp. Plz respond.
if you dont roll on whitemane as a white man i dont know what to say
Riding home
Dying hope
Hold onto hope... Ohhh...
Keep doing gods work.
One brings shadow, one brings light
One more chapter we've yet to write
Want for nothing, nothing denied
Wand'ring ended, futures aligned
tranny detected
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
8 more days bros!
tranny scum deserve death
All this Home posting just got me thinking about home.
The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow
One brings shadow, one brings light
To this riddle all souls are tied
Brief our moments, brazen and bright
> t. final fantasy 14 tranny defense force
>when someone says they are rolling alliance and are not a child.
>I’m defending anything
It’s just a song bro
Guess all the wow kiddos went to sleep.
I don't get why people keep bitching about layering. Vanilla zones were not meant to handle large amounts of people, and vanilla servers with around 10k population would still result in people having to camp quest mobs during peak hours. Like you'd have to camp a single peon to complete the lazy peon quest, etc.
God I hope this game dies on arrival. Wow fags will be quiet once this game is dead after a month. Final Fantasy is a way better MMO compared to this old piece of shit
We're coming home boys.
All the horde chads are going on shazz so your best bet is one of the other ones
>knows his shitty game is dead in 9 days
thanks i'll avoid that one, maybe the rppvp one will have some balance?
Blizzard never has done anything to help encourage faction balance. You must be having a laugh. You won't know what faction balance looks like until things have settled a bit.
How can you avoid the game logging you off? Can I just autorun into a corner? What's the default time before you get kicked for AFK?
I plan on playing all day, but I'll need to stop a few times to shit
Vanilla Servers actually had the population of ~2500
And layering sucks.
>guy uses layering to stop getting ganked
There was also a past WoW dev talking about layering and how it took away the integrity of the game, but I cant find the damn thing.
I don't play MMOs but have been enjoying the ff14 vs wow schitzos freaking the fuck out for the past year
Fucking found it
BASED and layerpilled
Shitting should not take 10+ minutes. If it does, seek medical help.
Post pictures of your future mains Yea Forums, let's see em
Get an autoclicker that makes you spacebar every sixty seconds and let it be your bio key.
>suddenly can't decide between the three healing classes for horde
Fml the closer to release the more trouble I have deciding
is it worth rolling dwarf for pvp racials on alliance if i'll be playing with my pali slut full time? Or would gnome be better? If none of those matter I might consider human too. Thanks senpai
Anyone have any other info on servers? Like are veteran ally players going to a specific pvp server, etc?
Shaman are true patrician unless you're in a group that needs dispels
sup yall im rolling Alliance but ive never actually played WoW before and am being forced to by family
whats the easist/funnest thing to be? im not trying to have a hard time
human makes you a rogue killer
i have never played WOW.
Would a new person to the MMO genre have fun with this "reboot" or would i just get left in the dust because every one else is going to be flying through the quests?
You are a nigger.
Go fuck yourself.
I am the dude who is going to be silversteining your ass.
Fucking based
Satania posters are godtier
First two phases are the same raids so you have plenty of time to get to 60. Once phase two starts another five man dungeon comes out to make getting into raiding easier.
would having escape artist or stone form help out my paladin or it's pretty redundant with pali support around? I'd like to option not to be pigeonholed into dwarf/gnome, but i still might pick them even over human i'd just like to know how it will effect pvp later on. Thanks
Dwarf is probably best for any class pvp wise, but it won't make that much of a difference if you Paladin is quick on dispelling blind off you and giving you freedoms.
>Would a new person to the MMO genre have fun with this "reboot"
During the leveling part - yes.
>would i just get left in the dust because every one else is going to be flying through the quests
Yes, but that's not the biggest concern. When Phase 2 starts, that means honor gear will be available, but there won't be any battlegrounds. That means there will be thirsty people running around and looking for an easy prey like you. Your life will be hell.
would it make a diff when pali is getting cc'd, if that even happens in vanilla
humans have stealth detection and increased rep gains
stoneform gets rid of a bleed. has its uses
gnome has escape artist and engy spec, which iirc opens up a 'shortcut' to engineering leveling which save a ton of materials and money
nelf has shadowmeld, which should never be underestimated.
what class you playing as?
Yes because Stoneform clears blind and crippling
i'll be warrior with a pali sidekick
wtf am I supposed to name him. I'm on HEROD
>I'm on HEROD
name him herod, and play with herods shoulder, kek,
you're not going to do shit, faggot
Server locked in. Faction locked in. Class/race not so much
Paladin or Rogue?
Human or Gnome?
I'd be a gnome priest if Cata races were available
>no discord
I'm in.
Gonna roll a dickass undead rogue and one shot low health alliance in STV
>mfw they take out their frustration on me
>not being a cuteass gnome rogue and one shotting horde
I played a very small amount of WOW, did a private server but played with nobody.
I want to play, this would be a good time to start? Give me some tips dudes. I feel like I'm gonna fuck everything up and have to reroll a character 30 levels in.
Yeah, it's a great time to start. Watch videos on all the classes to see which one you'd like to play.
i'm thinking on rollin on rppvp, any advice if this is a good idea? Who plays there?
night elf females with huge dicks
rp servers are autism incarnate
1 more fucking week bros...i didnt think id live to see this
stoneform also removes blinds
if you're a min-maxing pvp autist then dwarf is the best race for paladin because of that alone, if you BOP yourself any good rogue will blind you and run away to both reset the fight and make you waste BOP stoneform counters that
i might want that honestly, i already did vanilla raiding, if i do this im not going to give a fuck about end game
I'm making a Big Titty Goth Undead Chick. My character will let you fuck her ribcage.
what do you mean by that? Is it less try hard pvp? Might be fun not getting swamped by pvp guilds. Also i'm concerned about world pvp imbalance because of horde racials are too op.
So is it worth it to try and craft the gear from your profession or are dungeon drops every 10 levels literally better than anything you can make
correct way to play the game
pali going human, my warr prolly going dwarf for the stoneform since it seems like it will make a substantial difference compared to being human or gnome
might be worth it for casters since you can craft +x gear early on
There are multiple crafting pieces at 60 that are BiS
Horde racials are strong but balanced out by Paladins being stronger than Shamans
All my friends want to go alliance so they are forcing me to go with them.
I want to make a hunter because it was my first char back in 2005 even though I abandoned him because I was like 15 and didn't know what I was doing and for some god-forsaken reason I leveled a warrior to 60 and raided with it.
So I have to decide between the superior looks of female NE hunter and the superior racial for PvP being stoneform to cuck rogues even more but I don't know what to do.
Help me decide.
you're a hunter, you already cuck rogues. Shadowmeld is by far the superior racial
know what?
Shadowmeld is arguably the stronger racial because you should already shit on Rogues without needing Stoneform.
Both NE and Dwarf are very solid Hunters though. Either choice will do well.
yea, but im asking if ye olde warrior should bother making his bronze weapon and armor, or rogue make deviate scale gear, since its a time investment, or just get quest chain/dungeon gear
but in 1.12 Shadowmeld is already nerfed and you get revealed the moment you start casting your Aimed Shot instead of when you finish it.
Who /fairbanks/ here?
I give it two months before zoomers move onto the next fad and Classic servers are merged.
its still superior to Stoneform even in the nerfed state. Being the +1 stealther on D is far more valuable, and you have tools to get away from rogues already
It still has plenty of other uses besides just ganking, especially when combined with feign death.
You can drop target with it and effectively cancel someone's cast, or do other silly shit.
I can't wait for the race for world firsts. They were actually hype back in vanilla when everyone was figuring out all the cool strats.
Why the fuck are there so many people in Herod? I thought all the stream fags were going to Faerlina. FUCK
RPPVP Will be the best choice, dont listen to these fags. The RP is more world pvp focused and I find these servers have the most fun community.
Because they gave people a 1 hour heads up on the opening of Stalagg, so nobody switched over.
pretty sure the spammer is a janny
i'd believe it if the orc racial was not so gg
>what do you mean by that?
think erp in random city corners and gnomes being born in inns
People are going to swap once there is a 20k quere on Herod at launch. The server has been filling up more and more each day anyway.
People will gladly sit out a few days just to keep their names.
The only way people are moving off Herod is if they announce a new server this week a few days ahead of time.
Wait what's wrong with Herod. I don't know anything about the realms
Orc rogue or undead rogue?
Darkshore or Westfall
SPF or Barrens?
>shit or garbage
If all you care about is leveling up as fast as possible then its probably not worth it. If you want to world pvp and dump on under geared guys then it could be worth it.
Play eve online
female undead for the flippy attack and best stealth movement
>we wont even have peak performance arcanite reaper
Just how fucked will Whitemane be on launch day?
most of these neets dont even have one job let a lone the willpower for two
Well, which one is it?
Not very, It's the least populated of the bunch (Faerlina and Herod). Hell, i can see Stalagg getting a lot of last minute inserts
they should have sex
Good point, that 1h special animation is pretty cool looking.
whats wrong with whitemane?
Layering is cancer and I hope they stick to their guns and remove it in about a month's time, but I fucking know Blizzard. They're gonna come up with some bullshit.
>"We know we said we'd try to get layering down before Phase 2, but turns out layering has actually improved community interaction and is keeping down queue times. If we remove layering now you'll be facing 4 hour queue times and we want you to have fun playing the game with your friends! Blizzard cares about the community! Community first! Layering helps build a better community."
he didnt get phased or the silithid would have disappeared
When Whitemane spawns, there's a bug where the party can kill her too quickly while she's resurrecting Mograine, meaning you can't complete the quest to clean up the Monastery and you don't get any sick loot.
he did get phased because the node was there. thorium veins don't respawn that quickly
Who is this girl and why does she keep btfoing classicucks?
lmao, what a cuck server
nvm, didnt watch the rest, I thought the node disappeared in front of him
>poop or pee
so this is why xiv servers are full
I just hope that in 1-2 years, they announce TBC servers. Leave Classic servers but give us the option to migrate into TBC content. I just want to experience those kino long questlines and some comfy corridor dungeons.
according to census data, the queue will be about 35% shorter than Herod's
this is actually false, in terms of population on the NA pvp realms it goes Herod > Whitemane > Thalnos > Faerlina > Fairbanks
I admire your dedication if nothing else.
INV .. *cough* .. to the ... *cough* .. soda layer ... *cough* ...
So what are some accurate faction stereotypes? I've been told alliance usually has more kids, casuals and spergs, while horde gets stoners, tryhards and edgelords. How true is this?
I don't think any of the stereotypes are true honestly. Both factions will have a decent spread of players, good and bad.
>t. didn't get invite to asmon layer
Horde: Runescape players.
Alliance: Warcraft players.
This, but horde has more bad players than good.
>all the streamers are contained on one server
Its gonna be based bros
Ahh *cough* ... one last time *cough* .. to revive my past ... *cough* ... friends ... why can't I *cough* see you ... *cough* ... different layer? ... *cough* *cough* ....... not like ... this .... *dies*
>dude wow classic we're going home bros
Can someone do a summary for my lazy ass, I can't stand mongoloids who stream but like the mindless drone I am I want to be angry with everyone else
>alliance: asmongoloid zoomers, ERP trannies
>horde: old school playerbase, chads
you want a summary of a 10 second clip? I mean come on user. There's having a short attention span and then there's casting genuine doubt on your ability to survive in life
>people fighting while i'm gonna play both Classic WoW and XIV
Who else here have no life?
Sorry I'm not a zoomer who unironically watches anything streamer related.
Wonder how blizzard will fuck it up
Dude gets layered/sharted mid-fight as he and his buddies are fighting troggs. He’s left alone with differently-layered troggs (DO NOT discriminate against and minimize other layers) and has to run away
In the other video a guy gets layered when he accepts a group invite outside DM while mining and doesn’t get the ore
stoneform is really good for leveling as well since diseases are fucking annoying. and you can get rid of that shitty rogue quest poison off with a click of a button as well.
Didn't know it was 10sec, just saw it was streamer shit and refused to click on it.
it's live footage of layering ruining wow classic
hey is this the xiv thread
what snacks do i stock up on for launch
Honest question, though I feel I’m gonna touch a sensitive part for the no changes puritans, I need to ask
What’s wrong with taking the osrs route and add new content post nax? We could get hyjal, kara or other places.
Sure if you leave it to public polls we will end up with dungeon finder and raid finder again, so leave it to the devs
If they instead release tbc, the old world will die, and we will eventually get to wrath and cata so what’s the point
no you took a wrong turn bro
this is the thread were we laugh at classicucks
Carrots, tea, Mountain Dew, pop tarts, your favorite fruits together with mint chocolate ice cream and caramel filled Oreos covered with chocolate
no, you should go dilate elsewhere
hot pockets and rockstar
no thanks im gonna dilate here with my sisters
Hunter, warlock, mage or rogue
Maybe Druid but I’m not quite sure
There are so few servers that pop is spread pretty even, worst case scenario 4:6 against you but that’s nothing compared original servers had shit like 2:8 ratios
Is the osrs route entirely new content that was never a thing back then? I wouldn't be entirely opposed to that as long as it was good, but then you kinda blur the line on what WoW classic was meant to be.
Plus I can't imagine blizzard being bothered to shit out new content and not either keeping it static or rehashing tbc.
4str 4 stam leatherbelt? AUHGGHH UGGHHH
No change faggots are retarded. Why do you care what they think?
This is sad, specially since it’s gonna take em 3 months to get rid of it
Also, all those rare spawns won’t be so rare anymore
This is my current Shopping List:
>8 pc Dark meat Chicken Meal at local deli
>Gallon of water
>12 pack of Sprite
>Jazz Apples
>Goldfish crackers, either original or Parmesan
Don't know what else to add, but this should get me throughout the day.
mounts and pets not being items
cataclysm race/job combos
barber shop
how cancerous am i?
what is this supposed to mean?
Dwarf, hands down
Not only do they have the looks and beards but you won’t look like a long lanky ass motherfucker, unless you play female NE but that’s for fags
Almond milk yogurt
coconut water
Id rather play retail than xiv
It’s overcrowded since everyone who reserved names went there to avoid streamers and br’s
They opened a new pvp server but I think that’s going to be filled by people who start playing on launch and didn’t reserve shit
>changing the gif
You were doing so well tranny
bros if I want to try and get a week 2 or 3 clear of molten core should I be looking for a guild now? or should I level to 60 first
what server will have the least amount of streamer nu internet trash on it?
Old, issue was fixed. I know you're out of content in FFXIV so make an effort to keep up with classic news.
Probably because you're not on Faerlina, cuck
I played original WoW and never got past level 30. Generally found it kinda boring, but it was entertaining for a short while. I figure there's no chance it will be any different a second time around, but should I just give it a try anyway?
I remember not really liking the scenery of the Barrens and the other low level areas I was in. Would I perhaps enjoy the Alliance side of things more? Thinking about either Undead or Gnome Mage.
Osrs route was new content but it was decided by community on public polls, which ended up adding stuff similar to the modern game
And yeah, I agree, though I’m open to new content, the moment it is added it kills vanilla and changes balance since nax won’t be the ultimate raid
I know what you mean, Ive been racking my brain trying to figure out my priest name.
Get to 60 first bro, most guilds will be formed as the game goes and doing mc only takes 40 retards
Barber shop is the only aceptable one
Maybe the mount tabs but that’s stretching it too far
only 8 days bros
>mounts and pets not being items
Minimal provided you don't also want achievements to incentivise autism collecting. Nobody is going to mind more bag space.
>cataclysm race/job combos
As long as no dwarf shammys or tauren pallys I wouldn't mind. The faction specific classes were a big part of vanilla.
>barber shop
As long as they don't add pic related.
I don't see any of it actually happening though, which is likely for the best.
>cataclysm race/job combos
>barber shop
Literally who cares
>mounts and pets not being items
I generally agree with you here, but pets, christ who gives a shit.
>tfw you like FFXIV and are very excited to play Classic
You're exactly who we're talking about when we say "more than 50% of the playerbase will drop off within a month".
If the first 30 levels don't hook you in to the game, then WoW is just not for you.
> want to take my sweet little time getting to 60, leveling professions and alts together
> every week I’m not 60 it’s a week of lost loot
Fuck autism
ah fuck bros i don't know what to do until then so im watching love live
Would you be ok with dual talent specialisation being added after phase 6 if it had some absurd cost like 2000 gold?
IMO this is the only quality of life change I'd be ok with as long as it was extremely expensive or required a rare raid drop to unlock.
μ's or Shitquors?
I also enjoy video games.
i just finished the second episode so i've got some way to go before i can make that decision
Even at 2k you're only looking at 40 respecs before you break even and everything after that is gravy. I don't like sodapoppin but he probably put forth what I consider the strongest argument against dual spec and that's that the prohibitive cost meant most PvE focused players just stayed in their PvE specs. This leads to dedicated PvPers feeling/being stronger because they are making that trade off.
Unless the guild is a long established private server guild. don't bother joining any as you have no idea how they'll turn out. Get 60 and see which are going strong and fast and get in one of those.
I haven't touched XIV since Stormblood and probably will never go back but it's not as idort of an opinion as many seem to think. XIV is so firmly entrenched in modern MMO design of queueing for everything and everything being instant that it might as well be a different game.
why did the avoid streamers crowd go to herod but not fairbanks?
I'm on fairbanks with my gang to hopefully avoid queues.
Theres nothing wrong with that, it's the best route they can take. But they won't do it as it means hiring new artists and game designers, making new music and assets etc. Blizz is too incompetent for that and they'll see the easy money from rereleasing TBC and go with that.
Shhhhhh. Stop talking about best server
Fairbanks is West coast, Herod is East. Both servers are going to have players from every time zone presumably with a bias towards ones closer to their actual server location. For players in Central/Eastern time a standard 8-11 raid schedule would be 10-1 or 11-2 which is much harder to do for people with jobs compared to a east coast server where that same 8-11 schedule would be 5-8 and 6-9 for Pacific/Mountain time.
Herod is literally the pleb tier server, just allow idiots to go to it.
That's a fair point.
What if you had to use an expensive reagent to swap talent specs? Something that costs about 100g to make.
That way respeccing at town is still the cheaper option, but if you really want to switch specs on demand you can do so but it incurs a higher gold cost.
Yum a guild that won't make it past 20
play eve online
>guy uses layering to stop getting ganked
Are you retarded? he doesn't even phase, see how the mob he initially targets is still there when he resses? there's also the fact that richturpin kills him again in a few minutes if you watch the vod
I tried it once. It sucked.
ffxi trannies on suicide watch
when u are unironically a autistic weeb
I have, it's not as complex as you think, it's fairly fucking brandead.
vanilla wow is more brain dead tho
>kill 20 troggs
>spam shadowbolt/frostbolt/tranqshot/mindblast/heal
>go stand at farm/stables
>go kill efc
just the worst of the lowest scum hang in there
its like a bronie club simulator
>every streamer except for asmon, including the biggest streamer soda playing horde
dont forget to give them your twitch prime
Oh of course, in terms of D&D RPG, it's a fucking joke.
I think the only hardcare MMO's are probably found in MUDs and such.
Why are XIV trannies get so desperate this close to launch? cant you just fill up the empty space of your server with more bots?
LF a discord/IRC/anything where ppl don't care if you say nigger or faggot, and also without any homosexuals/trannies. thank you
these early wow videos were some of the cringest content to ever grace internet
Noob here: Mage or Priest? I prefer the idea of Mage but will it be oversaturated and would I be better off being a healfag?
*Pulls the rope while the repugnant tranny freak shits himself and screams as he chokes*
Oh? What's that?
mhm tranny freak? What are you sayiiiing~?
Mhm? I think your just fucking dead you tranny freak subhuman, oh well why not make that 40% a 100%?
Remember mein brudders, the tranny dies, the kike burns, the negro is lynched, the white race will rise again, classic comes our fuhrer rises!
Heil Hitler.
99% of games are braindead
prob dwarf fortress is brain dead too.
Any game that requires less than 110 IQ is a braindead game.
>classicfag is also a SEETHING /pol/schizo
color me surprised!
oh and thanks for financing my next expansion, cuck :^)
Based tranny hunter-killer.
14//88 mein brudder!
I can't wait to redpill millions of zoomers, classic is a hot breeding grounds for proud national socialism.
based classichad
>Muh next expansions!11
Lol seething and deranged XIV trannoid!
Zandalar Tribes....
Layer #14....
put me in the screenshot for the clickbait article about how wow classic players are alt-right incels
Looooool you need 130+ IQ for wow vanilla pvp lmao how much of a fucking brain damaged carebear you can be?
This thread proves that the main playerbase of wow is filled with nothing but incels, quite sad but hey, you get to play classic!
>oh and thanks for financing my next expansion
Use this, it'll help with all the expansion you'll be needing faggot
>giving blizzard money
>to play "vanilla" wow on a new engine
>that has fucked up servers with layering and sharding
>full of streaming faggots, zoomers and trannies
Yeah we are going home HAHAHAHA
/pol/chads are the highest IQ posters on Yea Forums AND 4channel.
8ch posters are basically gods compared to the average lefty tranny subhuman lmao...
what im trying to tell you is that vanilla/classic WoW is boring as shit that consists of nothing more than button mashing and mindless grinding
it was a different time
do not listen to Hunters will be absolute donkey shit in pvp, google the leeway and how it works in classic.
Then watch some vods from the dueling tournament the beta streamerniggers had
Every melee class absolutely poopee'd on hunters with 100% uptime. If u roll one for pvp u will be disappointed
>TBC image
private servers offer a more legit vanilla experience than this blizzard shit will and they are also free
fuck off blizzard shills go post about overwatch or something
>private servers offer a more legit vanilla experience
wtf user did hitler wash ur brain or wtf?
Dude, most ppl of POL literally ARE NEETS that didnt even manage to get a decent work or study at the college, they are literally worse than subhumans thinking that "skin color" makes u superior to others OMEGALUL, they are worse than an incel or wojak poster
At least based muslims are killing them ,thanks Allah
This shit reminds me of how Wildstar tried to recreate original WoW and how much of a massive failure it was, how long until players realize that beyond their nostalgia filled goggles, trying to recreate the magic of playing wow for the first time by playing classic isn't going to cut it, and half the playerbase quitting after a month?
Nice falseflag /pol/turd...
Nice self portrait.
Not him, but you're laughing at him without any insight. Some private servers aimed to recreate a true vanilla WoW experience (nostalrius), while blizzard classic wow may have a TON of things that are not true to the original vanilla WoW.
The most obvious example of this is the layering. Vanilla WoW had NO layering yet this layering bullshit is going to fuck the experience up.
>layering and sharding still exist
yeah no thanks when i get the urge to play vanilla wow I will play on a private server good try blizzard drones
>seething pserver slav realises his cross faction mafia will be less profitable when everyone leaves
pservers were always overtuned because the scripting was bad. They also had fucked up mob spawns
Classic WoW may have bad scripting. We'll see what its like at endgame. For all we know MC/Ony/BWL might be TOTALLY FUCKED UP.
based, chinese/BRs/slavs should all stay on pservers
And yet private servers are on the original engine and allow you to see every single player on the server with no sharting bullshit. Amazing huh. Nice self portrait by the way.
For rogue, is riposte worth picking up while leveling or spend the points else where in the combat tree?
Everyone with their easy heals, pets, range, and stealth. Except for one.
Is warrior THE most Chad class for leveling?
i dont get this picture, someone explain
you know that chinese/BRs/Slavs are going to ALL be on the north american servers right?? all they have to do is turn on their VPNs and wala
>only wojak shitters reply to the truth
It hurts that bad huh.
stop coping
>thinking any of these demographics can play on servers where they cant bribe GM's or abuse ToS
>it's on the bfa engine
its a modified legion engine to behave more like the vanilla engine
How fat are you? Are you missing your penis?
>he thinks blizzard employees are infallible
>he thinks blizzard GMs wont be a bunch of corrupt immigrants who will do anything for $$$
I swear they will be giving Nelfarion tears & ashkandis out for like $400 bucks and plenty of people will pay the price. After all blizzard and molten/warmane WoW private servers had an agreement with blizzard and blizzard got 50% of the donation revenue.
Alliance will likely have more of the casual players, and probably the worst kind of faggot that streamers bring it.
Horde will have guide readers and coattail riders that fall apart the second they have to think independently.
>he thinks that makes it better
one classic+ please
and a six piece chicken nugget with buffalo sauce
well, yes it does make it better than 'bfa engine'
sounds comfy
Legion is just as shit you fucking zoomer bet you weren't even alive when wow came out.
>blizzard employees will be acting like chinese private server owners
we've reached peak delusion, do you remember GM's selling gold at any point on blizzard servers?
you seem quite angry, I never said that
>you're fat and have no pee pee
Ladies and gentleman your average private server user
>every classic thread someone posts this tranny looking character
I didnt know of this shit
DO u know if warmane actually shut down their own servers?(back in 2014)
absolutely and undoubtedly based
>After all blizzard and molten/warmane WoW private servers had an agreement with blizzard and blizzard got 50% of the donation revenue
Any proof of this?
Transgender here cannot wait for classic wow already ordered the 6 month bundle from blizzard that company can do no wrong!
It's crazy to think that in just 1 week FFXIV will only be full of the transvestite community. My FC is moving to Classic as are all my friends.
Classic will be so fucking huge
>will only be full of the transvestite community
Uhmm, don't forget the bots sweety
Yes. My cousin's uncle's friend was a GM and I gave him $900 for 30,000 gold and a full BIS rogue back in 2005.
>retailfags and XIV trannies blew their shitposting on the beta and now it’s completely ineffective
Congratulations, you played yourself
there is inevitably going to be a "the wow classic community is toxic, and that's a problem" article
The uncle of the bull who was dating my sister had a similar experience around then
real niggers play osrs
osrs isnt an mmo
>dude lets make an mmo you play by yourself 99.99% of the time lmao
Alliance = superior Catholics
Horde = inferior mudslimes
based boomer guild... no thanks
Black Aryan Bvlls
cuck virgin ger***oids
I've never played wow before. I first tried to play alpha wow RIGHT after Blizzard took down the fan servers. Do you guys recommend it? Should I be concerned about the phasing?
>Should I be concerned about the phasing?
You sound like a casual so it's no concern at all, you need to be a turbo autist for it to matter. Also it's temporary.
If you're interested then give it a try. How the fuck would I know if you'd like it or not. It's been out for 15 years, just look up some info about the game and decide if it's what you're looking for.
Maybe watch this review
you already know what it is
>he thinks aryans were white
>Druidic animalists
>he thinks arabs were black
>stoneform gets rid of a bleed
All bleeds, all poisons (including Blind) and all diseases, plus it makes you immune to these for 10 seconds. It's the best PvP racial Alliance has, excluding Escape Artist on Warriors since they benefit tremendously from it. Even then, the ability to purge certain debuffs on a Warrior can be invaluable.
I did that last year, the only thing left to do on my account is autistically farm bosses for money to skill and buy BiS. I don't quite hate myself enough to ever attempt ironman.
Best profs for human rogue?
Not at all since they will remove it and it is a good thing when we have 30k players trying to play at the same time.
I'd say this is the second best time in history to play WoW. You don't get chances like this very often.
Can't go wrong with engineering for PVP
I did and then I realized the game was being ruined by all the "QoL" garbage and all the RS3 style art.
>people are seriously going to give blizzard 15 bux a month to play a shitty remake of a 15 year old game that isn't even identical to the original
>not dwarf master race
Engi+Mining is good if you plan to do BRD pickpocket runs since there's some stuff you can mine in there, if not Engi+Herbalism.
>people actually join threads for games they dont play or intend on playing
not sure which is worse
how do you level up engi without mining materials on a new server though?
I played vanilla back when I was 15 while you were still in your dads balls. Have fun playing my leftover inferior shit zoomer.
you buy mining materials off the AH
That doesn't invalidate anything user said, though.
go dwarf pally, way better in pvp so u can get around blind and save bubble for a reset
Why herbalism?
I played vanilla at the exact same age, but thats completely irrelevant to what I wrote and just confirms that you're a low iq mongoloid, enjoy dilating in XIV
You just buy them, mining will be acceptable gold income the first month or so and then it will fall off really hard but if you plan to make all your money from doing BRD pick pocket runs it's worth having. Otherwise go herbalism since that will make a lot more money in the long run, especially if you ever plan to make money from fishing since there are some fishing spots next to black lotus spawns you can camp.
Very strong money maker in the long run, herbs will always be in demand.
Thread Theme forever and always
>real niggers
try turbo zoomers
I assume you're talking about lvling engi later on, not at launch, since I cant imagine engi mats will be cheap on launch, scarcity and the lack of actual gold in the economy and what not
Yeah with all that money you don't have because there's no currency circulating on your fresh server right? Idiot.
There's not going to be any money for anyone until people start getting high enough level to AoE farm vendor trash or Heavy Leather in large quantities.
you're chasing a feeling that you won't ever experience again -- move on
New servers are filled with mats because 1) there is a large leveling population and 2) a very large number of the people leveling have gathering profs. As a result, AH is filled with cheap mats.
This is the difference between a fresh private server and one that has been around for a while. The cheaper one is obviously fresh.
>Yeah with all that money you don't have because there's no currency circulating on your fresh server right? Idiot.
that's when I buy gold from the chinese because I have a job unlike you NEETs
>bbbbut there wont be enough gold in circulation for people to buy it !!!
The chinese always find a gold duping exploit.
classic is for mentally ill brainlets
no i just want to play an MMO that isn't corrupted with cash shop bullshit and hand holding features around every corner. is that so hard to understand retard?
Any mages know what they're doing with profs? going to be doing a good mix of PVP and PVE so I want engi and tailoring, but lvling with two fuckers who will both have mining.
thinking of starting with skinning/tailoring (skinning for vendoring cash) tailoring for the robes. dropping skinning at some point and picking up engi when the mats are bit cheaper on the AH, anyone know if this sounds retarded or not?
I played wow for the first time a month ago on a vanilla private server, I loved it. Gonna enjoy classic.
Also no cash shop makes it the best mmo on the market currently.
There will be a lot considering that """"exploits""" for gold that were patched on nost/elysium core will be in.
How can people have this bad a grasp of economy?
[citation needed]
How long will I have to wait to be able to buy a wand off the auction house?
>accepts party invite
>complains about getting phased
did he not read how it works or what
shiiit I wonder if the lesser magic wands will be in the AH cheap shortly after launch so I can get one on my priest
About 25 minutes considering you can make them yourself by the time you hit level 5.
Why does your dumb ass think a citation is needed when we know classic will be blizz like and won't have all the pserver patches that nerfed gold.
How the fuck am I going to get 60 linen in 25 minutes on launch day?
I can't wait to play an MMORPG that doesn't have auto group making features. Imagine actually being social in an MMO. I can't wait for every piece of gear that's green or higher is exciting while leveling. I can't wait to have a BiS list I can actually work towards and know that once I have nothing better can randomly generate. There are so many littles things that vanilla WoW is great for. My main hope is that Classic does amazing and developers realize that this is what players want. Not these modern garbage MMOs like retail, ESO and FFXIV
You realize we've done this on pservers before right. Engineering doesn't actually require that many materials to level and is fairly cheap to max.
I literally just experienced the exact same on a private server. Especially people not finding where to spawn the white lion in barrens and asking for help in chat was nostalgic as fuck. "People know everything it wont be the same" my ass.
>Especially people not finding where to spawn the white lion in barrens
>"im too stupid to read the quest or just fucking google it"
after an hour there will be about 300 on the AH for 5g each and not a single one will sell, from there on over the next few hours smarter people will undercut them to a more realistic price
Realistically you need about 50-60 linen cloth to start crafting them. This takes at least 2 hours solo, though if someone starts buying linen cloth from others, you can cut it down to less than two hours. Really depends on whether there's some autistic guy on the server, but I'd expect 2-3 hours.
The very first ones might be somewhat expensive, but they should become cheap enough even within the first day.
Just drop tailoring once you craft your robes, mages don't use 3piece zg set so you don't need it.
I had no idea how to spawn that centaur in the Barrens so I had to ask in chat. I killed centaurs for over and hour before he showed up.
I've came back from FFXIV for a while to check 8.2 and while leveling my priest in BfA I was phased 4 times yesterday while questing. I just love burning all my AoEs and CDs to clean up a camp of mobs just to be phased mid-fight to a fresh camp and die.
Thanks, Ion.
>Zandalar Tribe RP PvP
>Was set to playing Orc Hunter
>Remember no shoes, desert niggerland, squatting in Ogrimmar for the rest of my life
>Remember Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, Redridge Mountains
>Suddenly want to go with Dwarf Hunter again
>But I want a Shaman alt
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck send help
Is getting the lvl 5 wand super important for a mage? I know its a game changer for the priest, but if its too much trouble will I suffer just waiting for the lvl 13 one?
>used to be able to hop onto BfA at least for an hour or so to dick around while bored
>play stress tests
>can't even stay logged into BfA for more than 5 minutes any more
I'm all in at this point. I can't even stomach BFA right now. I've always hated it, but I was at least able to get some things done. Now I can't even leave the inn because I'm just thinking about classic.
That's what I've been saying, unlike the people I quoted.
>mining will be acceptable gold income the first month or so and then it will fall off really hard
Mining income is at its worst at launch. See >since I cant imagine engi mats will be cheap on launch, scarcity
Explains why you play XIV lmao
Imagine un-ironically questing in wow
I bet you still do WQs daily in hopes of a titan forge, don't you?
I last played Retail mid-Legion and enjoyed myself, DH was surprisingly fun and I don't really recall having any issues. BfA still sounds like a trainwreck many months later though, glad I decided against buying it at launch.
But that's what I enjoy about playing an MMO. Having an active chat and helping people. Going off the game to a 3rd party website is boring compared to quickly writing in chat and getting directions or a group invite from someone in the area. It's the social aspect of it.
>5g each
>after an hour
>2-3 hours
If I ignore the wand couldn't I just outlevel it in 2-3 hours? This is why I'm more interested in buying one, I don't mind waiting to start my leveling if it means I can buy one, I'm just curious about how long it will take from server launch to reasonably priced wands.
>start as human
>level to 5 at northshire
>run to the fucking shadowglen
>do all shit here and in dolanaar
>continue to quest in all nelf areas
>at 60 buy cool tiger and not stupid horse
Why don't you just pick up enchanting and make it yourself you autist? Why are you obsessing over such a trivial thing?
Questing with +25% exp bonus from warmode is twice as fast as spamming dungeons, you fucking retard.
>Having an active chat
Yeah i remember this shit on pservers.
The wand is a huge deal for priests, lvling without one is painful, for warlocks and mages it definitely speeds things up but you can do perfectly fine without, maybe just hang out for the greater wand
I want a wand to make my questing experience not shit but I don't want to spend 3 hours farming materials for a wand when I can just buy one for cheap if I wait a short while. It's not trivial, the wand makes a world of difference for a level 7 priest.
I'm rolling a male undead warr specifically for this. Grobbulus Brill will be Moonguard's Goldshire.
>Mining income is at its worst at launch. See
You realize there's more to mining then copper bars right?
Mining thorium (arcane crystals/blue sapphires) is insanely profitable on launch
I'll make one myself if I have to but I think I'll start to level my priest after a day so hopefully I can just buy one by then.
Is there a dungeon finder in this or do you have to manually find groups and walk there?
vanilla WoW had dungeon finder and you never had to run to instances really. One person got to the meeting stone and summoned everyone
i plan to make a shitton and sell them for 1g each for the first week or 2, i plan to earn a couple of 1000 for my epic mount and other stuff this way
its mainly because there's less currency in circulation so is therefore worth more
Oh right I forgot that US servers aren't the same as the serious and mature EU servers.
the wands will be everywhere after a day, on pserver resets its usually only 4-5 hours and there are dozens of them in the AH for a fairly affordable price
meeting stones didn't summon in vanilla, that was added in 2.0
You either need to run there or have a warlock + two people summon you
If you are autistic/socially anxious just roll a class that will be in demand and you'll have no problem getting groups
don't meeting stones do literally nothing in vanilla
Mages don't really need to wand unless they're unexpectedly OoM. You have free infinite water you can just frostbolt until you need to drink.
you'll need a constant stream of new caster characters to really make a killing with lesser wands, the demand will diminish quite fast
Manually find groups (spam trade in main city, whisper people in the right level range) and walk over there unless you have a warlock then everyone will wait for a summon leaving the warlock alone at the instance entrance.
Alright now you are just fucking with me lmao
>+25% warmode XP
Ah explains it perfectly you play alliance carry on.
I just read a bunch of pserver autism about mp5 and front loading spells / finishing off with the wand so you have to drink significantly less
They had a basic lfg function where it put you together with other players who also clicked on the stone but it ignored classes/specs so you just got 5 dps classes randomly put together in a group.
1. Meeting stones do nothing in vanilla
2. You need 2-3 players to summon people
3. Way to oust yourself xiv trannyfreak
What will be in demand? I never played vanilla, don't know shit about what the game was like back then.
Yeah do this. The mage water always lags behind your manapool so it takes ages to drink.
No summoning stones in vanilla. The stones were added shortly after launch to try to ease finding other people interested in running an instance.
Everyone quickly realized having to gather at the instance before you could use them, or getting dropped at random into a group after already making your way to the instance was usually a waste of time.
>masterpiece from the golden age of video games
>modern weeb trash
i meant the greater ones, those ones are bis all the way up to 30 i think, either way its enough that i autisticaly grind for the first week to earn enough for at least an epic mount, playing horde so priests will be abundant as they are the best healer and they will buy that shit like hotcakes
>Meeting stones do nothing in vanilla
Then why were they there? lmfao you outed yourself retard
Why would blizzard add a big huge intractable object for nothing?
This does not change things.
On a fresh server, you run into a couple issues.
1) You lack good ways to farm gold either because the gear level is bad or because content has not been released
2) Partially stemming from 1, there is a lack of gold in the economy
1 results in more people using mining as a way to farm gold (on top of there already being more people being in the world due to a bunch of levelers). 2 results in people being less willing to spend a large amount of money on the items. As the server economy matures, people become less willing to go out of their way to farm the ore. They have better ways to farm gold, and they might as well use the gold to buy the mats someone else is farming. And so the price increases.
Greater Magic Wands are only good for 7 levels, they get replaced by the wand from BFD which is BiS from 20 to 35.
are you confusing meeting stones of vanilla with summoning stones of retail, idiot?
I don't take 20s to BFD.
>Why would blizzard do something stupid????
Lmao way to oust yourself trannY, go snag a rope
won't pugs that aren't being carried need to be like lvl 28 to run bfd?
>Meeting stones do nothing in vanilla
Pretty sure that's wrong, they always worked like they work now where one person clicks it to open a portal and another person clicks the portal to summon the party member targeted by the first guy.
whats the difference idiot?
listen negr, I played the real vanilla unlike your babby ass playing it over 10 years later on some shit russian kronos private server so dont act like you know ANYTHING
Tanks but if you don't like tanking mage is really easy to get into groups since you have AoE and can make free water/food.
Besides that healers (aside from druids as they don't get a rez) or warlock.
They don't need you, literally every Priest, Mage and Warlock in the game will be wanting to do BFD ASAP because that Wand is OP as shit.
No, you just need a level 24 Warrior.
>In patch 2.0.1, Meeting Stones were reworked with the implementation of the new LFG system. They now are used to summon party members to the stone near an instance.
No, that was added in 2.0.1.
>sry too low level
Expect to see that 10 times when you try to get a group at 20.
>, literally every Priest, Mage and Warlock in the game will be wanting to do BFD ASAP because that Wand is OP as shit.
>spending hours grinding for some shit wand that will be replaced on the way to 60
That got introduced in TBC. Before that they just put you in a proto LFG system where it grouped you with other players who had also run to the instance and clicked on the stone.
I hope you know that I'm not a tranny and you're actually making another MAN giggle behind a cumputer screen right? thanks for that!
Was Paladin tanking a thing in vanilla or nah? I hate warriors.
So why does anyone do dungeons pre 60 then? remind me again
>1) You lack good ways to farm gold either because the gear level is bad or because content has not been released
As a rogue you can solo farm BFD or BRD for 50g+ raw gold an hour at 60 in shit gear.
Hunters and locks can solo most stuff in pre-raid bis.
Everyone else can duo farm mara.
Low level ore will be worthless but high level mining materials will be quite valuable the first couple weeks and then fall off. I'd also like to point out that I was suggesting mining to the guy playing Rogue, a class that can solo pickpocket farm BRD which has mining nodes in it for increased profit.
So like the quests in BFD?
might be true, but its absolutely necessary unless you want your 15-25 to be a nightmare as a priest, i think thats enough to warrant 1g price
put on the dress, user
fuck bfd
takes an hour just to kill the trash on the way to the dungeon entrance
god, I hope weebs so much
funserver xp rates in the beta, unlikely to be changed
Are there any dungeon packs you can farm as a mage before DM comes out? I hate that im going to end up having grinded my epic before it comes out at 10x the effort
While evelling instances just because we couldn't get a warrior sure.
Ah, makes sense since I didn't really play the game in earnest until TBC. All I did in Vanilla was level a hunter to 60 in the first month.
Big tiddy undead girls?
People will meme that they can't tank but they're actually fine for 5-mans. They are the only ones who can effectively AoE tank with consecrate.
They have to drink between every pull, but the pulls themselves tend to be easier because you can just do huge AoE pulls, so it's a trade off.
You have no taunt though so the DPS has to be disciplined about waiting for you to establish threat on everything before they start AoE.
It has pros and cons but it absolutely works just fine for dungeons.
Raids, however, no. Taunt is critical for several fights in raids, you go oom too fast, you have no real damage cooldowns, and you can never reach the uncrushable defense cap, meaning you take more take more damage from raid bosses than warriors.
You can tank fine in 5 mans, not raids. AoE leveling as prot is actually somewhat viable if you prefer grinding to questing.
>they always worked like they work now
Retail babies are fucking trash.
Pickpocketing is worse in classic than on private servers.
Duo farm mara is a maximum of 20g/h
>high level mining materials will be quite valuable the first couple weeks and then fall off
Still doesn't happen.
I remember their threat tools being very poor before TBC.
in dungeons yes, in raids no
your biggest obstacle will be bias from other players who think you can't
all UD female tits are droopy as fuck
Did you not read how you should kill yourself for posting bullshit here? Just do it.
Big tittie UD girls only instead of complaining about back pain they're complaining about keeping them stitched on without falling off
>They are the only ones who can effectively AoE tank
Warriors are actually more effective AoE tanks once consumables become readily available (about a week or two after launch). Not relying on mana means they can chain pull AND do better AoE threat than Paladins.
A good Prot Paladin will be better than a bad Prot Warrior, but the *best* Prot Paladin will still be inferior to a good Prot Warrior.
Thankfully you can switch to heals after you stop memeing.
Only dungeons
I don't play paladin dude I'm just letting the poor guy know that paladins can tank 5-mans without issue, because they can.
Is there any viable way of farming gold as a mage before DM release? or am I shit out of luck
>Pickpocketing is worse in classic than on private servers.
Why are you making shit up? People tested pick pocketing on the beta and it's as good as ever.
RFD is 45g+ an hour easily and once you have some gear you can make bank farming LBRS.
>Still doesn't happen.
You'll be proved wrong in two weeks.
Sit at kargath and sell portals.
>Fairbanks and Whitemane are pacific so I will get shit ping
>Faerlina is the streamer memer server so fuck that obviously
>Herod is full so the queues will be abysmal
Thalnos it is.
How is being overtuned a bad thing? Making the game harder but still beatable is great, stops all the casuals from getting good gear.
Literally no one is going to buy a bunch of consumables so they can run dungeons faster "a week or two after launch"
>no discord
You kinda might want one when we get around to aq40 tho, just for coordination.
On pservers rogue's diaries would vendor for 45s
In classic they go for 2.5s
>he wont complain about ping from european private servers
>but will bitch about ping from NA servers only a few states away
get a load of this KEKOLD
I want to join from the beginning. What do I need to read/do first? I’ve only leveled a mage on legion to 35. Only did one dungeon ever
who are you quoting?
All you need to do is download the client and have an active sub.
>hurr durr no ones going to play the game the right way
Retail baby or are you memeing? People are absolutely going to have consumables for dungeon farming. Maybe not at the level you're at, but high IQ players will get shit done.
Mounts should have a 10 second cast time.
It would improve the world pvp and overall feel of locomotion.
Prove me wrong.
And how does one item with a 1% droprate per lockbox make pickpocketing bad?
RFD runs give you about 20g in vendor loot from bosses and about 25g from pickpocketing. People on the beta tested SM to be 19g~ an hour, so RFD being 25g seems about right. Which is the 45g an hour I was saying.
>we're going home bros
Mounts should exist and if you die via PVP you can be skinned and hence permakilled and your hide and be exposed for everyone to see.
and remove addons boom slow an steady game
7 days bros......7 fucking days
Why does Classic piss trannies off so much?
whats wrong with autism collecting? No ones forcing you to go after the achievements.
I just want my seal of blood Paladin back
There's nothing wrong to playing until lvl 30 and quitting. The first zones are the best. It does get diluted later on and then pick up near the end if you're willing to work through it.
But if you don't theres no harm done. The leveling experience of vanilla is desolation after lvl 30. Few continue after that. It separates the weak.
>RFD runs give you about 20g in vendor loot from bosses
It's actually about half that. Average drop values from the boses are 1g, 90s and 50s. If you manage to do your runs in 12m or less, that's 12g/h.
>People on the beta tested SM to be 19g~ an hour
No, they didn't. The guy got 8g worth of junk in an hour, with other, very overpriced, items bringing the number up. Many items on the beta were extremely overpriced because 1) people were farming level 40 bis and 2) quests done at 40 would give you a massive amount of gold, leading to gold inflation.
agree. the 45-55 grind was quite unbearable.
i mean once you get into desolace is all easy questing around but then once you need to push 50s , the grinding in the felwood and other similar shit regions is quite tiring.
check /vg/ and you'll find classic is full of trannies. But more of the STEM autistic tranny and not the uwu final fantasy kind
I want to say takis because I fucking love takis, but that shit gets all over your fingers.
what do you mean by "trannies" ?
Old problematic tropes, typical "Mary Sue" white male power Fantasy setting, etc.
The future of Fantasy is brown, and female.
They already said they wouldn't go past wrath because they don't want the world to go away
Yeah classic servers have a lot.
But who cares? Why would you want to join a Yea Forums guild anyway? I say this as a former Yea Forums guild member. Of The Vidya and Dindu's.
Supposedly human hunters were gonna be a thing in vanilla but there was a class limit for races back then that a race couldn't have too many classes available.
BEcause it doesn’t have le epic stress free dress up cutie pie and collecting and it’s actually high T SKILL BASED pvp gameplay.
45-50 is by far the worst, there's not many quests and the quests you do get send you all over 50+ when you hit the cauldron quest chain and things speed up for a bit it's not that bad, I find 53-60 to not really feel like a grind since you can start spamming dungeons for pre-raid bis.
Its unironically a good time with friends (you can meet more through playing) and if you have free time to invest
Yeah, this.
As long as they aren't the ERP kind of tranny I don't have a problem.
bros i have no idea how im gonna make the money for my mount ive always sucked at earning, im playing a mage but on a pvp server so aoe farming wont work, and DM wont be out for 3+ months. should I just go double gathering or something?
Like any sensible white person with disposable income, you buy gold from the Chinese.
Become a portal taximan.
I want to make a fem undead rogue just for the flip animation. I don't actually remember this being a thing at all.
Are there any other cool animations that I missed somehow?
wouldn't 1000g cost like $400 in the first few months?
Yes, is that a problem, Paco?
how could any self respecting hwhite man give that much money to an insect race for a pixel horse?
Tell you what, I'll ask my dad to let you clean our pool and garden for $3 an hour, that way, you get to buy your wow gold, lmao.
>paying someone else to play a video game for you
>being sensible
enjoy being a dumb cheating scumbag
I hope you get a hangnail right before the game releases
>Buying from the insects
>Not botting
Imagine not being a botchad...
ahh yes
wow classic
*walks for 50 minutes with shitty ambiet music in the background*
>paying cash for someone else to play the game for you
Do you also pay tyrone to fuck your girlfriend?
Most of the posters on Yea Forums are Brazillian niggers, or some other variant of brown, so it's par for the course they'd be upset by others with wealth.
Not that $400 to blow on dumb shit is considered wealth, lmao, fucking third worlders.
Brazilian niggers, slavs and chinese are the only demographics stupid enough to spend $400 on e-gold for a video game. It's not a sign of wealth, but retarded frivolous spending like a nigger with a gold chain
>dude wow classic
>we're going home bros
>getting to 60 is SO difficult I can't even
>collecting 50 bear asses is full of SOUL
>holy shit you can WALK to dungeons
A transgender person but in this case specifically transwomen.
classicucks BTFO
why are you assuming there are transwomen on wow tho?
Why not?
there's absolutely no way you're going to be exalted at 60 lol, have fun grinding hours of runecloth
How will we ever recover classic bros
>getting to 60 is SO difficult I can't even
kek it's going to be pretty difficult when broken layering spawns quest mobs on top of you every 10 seconds
This. Private servers used TBC rep values for quests and never fixed them. Quests in classic give roughly HALF the rep compared to private servers.
Drop by /vg/ anytime
I don't have to assume when I'm already one
Yes but they fear the leaky titty
It's still 4.5k~ rep going there level 1 which is equal to 1800 runecloth
What about diplomacy bonus?
Alliance: Illididnu fans, normalfags and pedos
Horde: WC1-3 fans
10% rep won't save you. People in the beta who leveled to 40 while doing all the darnassus quests got a bit into revered at 40, with only feralas left. You'll still need to grind something like 10k rep with something.
Undead or troll priest? Male or female?
female UD models are really fugly in vanilla/classic
pvp ud
pve troll
They can be perfectly cute in the face, it's always just been the gross bone overrides on their armor that make them look like shit.
are you retarded thats going to make it easier if anything
“Who’s talking on discord?! We need the channel clear for tank calls!”
Euros are literally anti-social autists. Who wants to take wow so seriously that you have to behave like you’re at work?