what would her game be like?
What would her game be like?
An artsy little mutlitasking game about taking care of the lumas and the Observatory
She has to run away from Pauline, Peach and Daisy trying to pounce and tickle her! And if one grabs her, she has to wriggle free before the others also join in! If all three have grabbed her, it's tickle time!
Eating wings
where you have to make food for them
A quick fucking platformer of her storytime of her loaing her parents and becoming the cosmic queen of the cosmos.
A Pikmin style game with the lumas would be interesting since Pikmin 4 was cancelled apparently
This would be alright. If Nintendo were to make a Misadventures of Tron Bonne clone, I'd rather they do so for Tetra and her pirates, but a game with Rosalina where she actually acts like the caring den mother she is, instead of a doofy Lanky-Kong Peach, would be almost as novel.
>Pikmin 4 was cancelled apparently
no way
is there a single game about being a mother? something like a pet sim, but with a kid, and having you do daily tasks, i think no one did this before because most mothers don't play games, but even if they did, why would they play a game about being one? i think the closest thing we will ever get is princess maker, but its a very different idea
It was announced as finished during the Wii U lifetime and since then we only got hey Pikmin but according to miyamoto that shit wasn't Pikmin 4
The only legit reason would be that this game was designed for the Wii U exclusive and after the flop and launch of the Switch they started everything again,maybe they got tired for that and no one wants to finish the game
Space based builder concept, involving cosmos creation and distribution. Galaxies must grow large and Luma education levels must be optimal.
so like subnautica in space with lumas micromanagement
Maybe? Haven't played it.
I always keep hearing the term "Chao Garden on steroids" in these threads. I'd imagine a game like that where the Lumas can become allies that you take with you on different levels, with each different Luma giving different special abilities like the different D-companions in MGSV.
it would have to be something about building a home for them, but they'd have to make something about exploring really far and getting lost
>The only legit reason would be that this game was designed for the Wii U exclusive and after the flop and launch of the Switch they started everything again
BotW was 100% a Wii U game in development before it was ported to the Switch. The Shieka Slate feels like it was designed specifically for the GamePad, but they had to cut out the GamePad-specific features because of the Switch port.
So it would be about finding a new Comet and creating a home? The different areas could be galaxies that you travel to via the comets.
but space should be really big and quiet to contrast with the bright and lively base you're making full of lumas
The overworld could be like that, but just making ambient worlds to gather materials and supplies for your Lumas screams "GO" mobile game material to me.
i thought something more like exploring space to find lumas and new things, not supplies, the supplies you would make at home to aid you when exploring, so you wouldn't have to "mine" stuff
I imagine a lot like Gravity Rush but with weird space spells
Sounds extremely fun
It's just that you were mentioning exploring in space, and for whatever reason, the Pokemon GO formula came up in my head. I hope that nobody at DeNA or Ninantic actually reads this.
i don't think there are many rosalinafags at nintendo to be here
I was mentioning those companies specifically because those are the companies that work on Fire Emblem Heroes and Pokemon GO, respectively. I don't want a Rosalina mobile game, as those end up being lazy cash grabs with a minimal game loop designed only to keep players hooked on microtransactions.
i understand, but they wouldn't make a game about her, phone games are supposed to get as much players as possible so they would probably make a game with a more popular character, it wouldn't surprise me if they came up with a mushroom kingdom building game like that simpsons one
Tight and wet.
The mobile companies know how popular Rosalina is, though. They made her an SSR character in Mario Kart Tour, and they're adding her to Dr. Mario World too.
hopefully collecting different pairs of panties
is she that popular though? i never see people talking about her other than here
I can't gauge that for myself. She does have a lot of fans on Twitter, and they did add her do the decoration for the 2020 Olympics at Narita, so that must count for something.
>nowhere in odyssey, not even in the moon
To be fair, there was that pixel cameo on the Moon. But I guess you're right in that Nintendo has been relegating her to spin-offs for the last few games.
and she plays like shit in 3d world, being slow and heavy is not a good thing on a platformer game, she needs her own game already
I do agree with that, though. I just want her to have a real game, not some mobile spin-off garbage.
Overlord with little stars instead of goblins and Rosalina using star magic to solve puzzles.
I like the idea of a rosalina RPG where you can breed different Lumas to fight through a campaign.
Take the mii rpg games, they do generic psuedo-faceless characters in a way that's really fun and gives them individuality in gameplay and stats.
What a weird thing to request and draw
You should see her space station in the parking lot. It's diagonal across three handicapped spaced.
There's quite a bit of oddly specific Rosalina pictures out there.
>she's coming out of the Astro Mart carrying a box of cheap wine
>she's already drunk
Being capable of heart boners and regular boners opens up a lot of possibilities.
she already had two...? am i fucking misunderstand mario galaxy 1 and 2?
people want a game completely focused on her, with her as the main character and hopefully a unique plot and setting.
That is true.
Can you post that?
Taking Rosalina requests!
Drunk karaoke please.
She goes to visit the tree.
Rosaline and Luma (or multiple Lumas if you want too) wearing sunglasses while looking smug.
>tfw good artist has your waifu and your fetish
>but produces 2 pics a millennia
I know that feel.
*Rosalina, darn it.
harvest moon and the chao garden having an offspring born of one night of intense passion
Every Mario game is already set in her universe sized womb.
murder mystery where one of her stars dies and she has to assume the role of space detective in order to figure out whodunnit.
style of ace attorney but with no court scenes
Ideally, a grand space adventure type thing with plenty to find and do with some linear segments reserved for platforming challenges.
Grid-based strategy game where you use lumas as units
Waluigi main villain
Birdo is a shopkeeper
Three forgotten characters now all used